AW Thunderbolt Advanced Naval System Charts and Table PAC - April 2024

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Advanced Naval System

Charts & Tables PAC
April 2024


Port Squadron Capacity Adjusted DR Effect
Carthage (Cr-3028) 18 to 22 0* - 7 No Effect
Ostia (It-3715) 5 to 20 8 - 10 Scattered
Massilia (It-1629) 10 11 -13 Blown Off Course
14+ Blown Off Course and lose 25% of Fleet
Neapolis (It-4512) 5 to 10
* = On a natural 0, roll again for a Major Disaster. Fleets using the
Tarentum (It-5405) 12
Corvus check for Major Disaster on a natural die roll of 0 or 9.
Syracusa (It-6419) 10
Lilybaeum (It-5526) 15 +1 for every 10 Distance Points (DP) accumulated during the move
Drepanum (It-5326) 12 (round down)
All other Secondary Ports 4 • Each Coastal Sea Hex is worth 1 DP
All Minor Ports 2 • Each All-Sea Hex is worth 5 DP
No Effect: The player is free to continue operations or complete any
desired actions with the Fleet.
Scattered: The Fleet has fallen apart and landed in various locations
Interception Roll …. Result along the shore. Place a SCATTERED marker on top of it. The player
DR <= Admiral/Duumvir Conduct Naval cannot perform any action with the Fleet until he successfully
Campaign Rating Combat completes Reform Scattered Units operation (AW 5.3/I) to return the
affected units back to normal status.
DR > Admiral/Duumvir No Interception
Campaign Rating Blown Off Course: The owning player places the Fleet in any non-
Port coastal hex at least 3 hexes but no more than 5 hexes from the
hex where the Stop occurred. The Fleet is Scattered in this hex.
DRMs (all cumulative):
+2 if intercepting Fleet is In Port. Blown Off Course and Lose 25 % of Fleet: Eliminate 25% of
+3 if attempt is into an adjacent hex. Squadrons (and SP if present) in the Fleet with a minimum of 1
Squadron and/or 1 SP lost. Any Admirals with the Fleet must roll for
Conditions: a Leader Casualty (AW 8.6). The Fleet is Blown Off Course as above.
− enemy begins Force Movement in Fleet’s hex.
− enemy uses Reform Scattered Units in Fleet’s hex. Major Disaster: Roll two dice, one before the other, reading the
result as a number between 0 and 99. If that dice roll is lower than the
− enemy enters Fleet’s hex and does not Attack.
number of DP Accumulated for that move, the entire Fleet has been
− enemy enters a hex adjacent to the Fleet’s hex. sunk by a storm and is eliminated.
One attempt per Operations unless enemy moves 2
hexes away or reenters the Fleet’s hex.
Avoidance Roll …. Result SEQUENCE
DR <= Admiral/Duumvir Avoidance succeeds. Fleet may 1. Determine all DRMs (8.44)
Campaign Rating Retreat up to 2 Coastal hexes. Fleet
must leave the hex unless it enters a 2. Each Player rolls one die, applying DRMs, and
friendly Port in that hex. notes
3. Eliminate squadrons to reflect Losses and check
DR > Admiral/Duumvir Conduct Naval Combat for Leader Casualties (8.45)
Campaign Rating
4. Conduct Retreats, if desired or mandated (8.47)
-1 for each Guile Point expended (Naval-Only leaders only)


8.5 RAID
Adjusted DR Result Adjusted DR Percentage Loss
5 or less Raid Fails -1 or lower 0
6+ Raid Succeeds. Place a raid marker in 0, 1 5 down
the hex.
2 10 down
DRMs (all cumulative): 3, 4 10 up
+1 for each Squadron in the Fleet 5 20 down*
-1 for each enemy SP present in the hex 6 20 up
7, 8 25 down*
9 25 up
− Fleet must have 2 or less squadrons.
10 33 up
− Target must be a Flat hex in an enemy Home province.
11 50 up
12 and higher 66 up
8.45 NAVAL COMBAT RATIO CHART * But always at least 1 squadron lost
Combat Ratio* DRM All results are expressed in terms of percentage of
Squadrons lost, and whether to round any fractional
1-4 or worse +4
losses up or down. If the result is an up, any fractional
1-3 +3 loss is treated as loss of 1 Squadron. Thus, a “10 up”
1-2 +2 result for a Fleet with 10 or less Squadrons would cause
1-1.5 +1 a 1 Squadron loss.
1-1 0 If a Fleet has lost Squadrons, the player must roll for a
1.5-1 -1 Leader Casualty (AW 8.6) if an Admiral is present.
2-1 -2 DRMs (all cumulative):
3-1 -3
− Strength Ratio Adjustment: Each DR is adjusted
4-1 or better -4 as per the Naval Combat Ratio Chart.
* Each player determines the comparative strength Ratio − Tactical Superiority
(Combat Odds) of his Fleet vs. that of his opponent Roman Tactical Superiority: -1 to his DR; +1 to
his opponent's
Carthaginian Tactical Superiority: -2 to his DR;
+3 to his opponent's
− Corvus: +2 to the opponent's DR
− Crew Superiority: The difference between the
higher Crew Rating and lower Crew Rating is
applied the side with the lower Crew Rating

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