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Sub: MG8091 Entrepreneurship Development
1. Entrepreneurship is a process of giving birth to an enterprise”. Discuss.
2. Give a brief note on Fabian Entrepreneur.
3. Narrate the concept of Intrapreneurship.
4. Outline the differences between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur.
5. Explain the characteristics of an Entrepreneur.
6. Write an account on barriers to Entrepreneurship.
7. What are the Entrepreneurial Traits?
8. List out the skills required for an entrepreneur.
9. Describe Social Entrepreneur.
10. Write a short note on Entrepreneurship as a career.
11. State the barriers to Entrepreneurship.
12. Identify the role of Government in promoting entrepreneurs.
13. What are the factors affecting business environment?
14. State the need for Entrepreneurship Development.
15. Write about Drone Entrepreneurs.
16. Differentiate Innovator and Imitator.
17. Give an outline on Serial Entrepreneurs.
18. What are the various types of Entrepreneurs?
19. Explain the importance of innovation in Entrepreneurship.
20. What are the risks involved in Entrepreneurship?
1. Explain the concept of Entrepreneurship and Discuss the role of Entrepreneurs in the development of
the economy.
2. Write a detailed note on the characteristics of an Entrepreneur.
3. Elaborate the importance of Science and technology in Entrepreneurship.
4. Compare and contrast Entrepreneur Vs Manager.
5. Evaluate the various factors affecting entrepreneurial growth.
6. Discuss the various entrepreneurial traits.
7. Write a detailed note on the classification of entrepreneurs.
8. Explain the stages in Entrepreneurial Process.
9. Elaborate the barriers in Entrepreneurial Development.
10. Analyse the competencies required for an Entrepreneur.
11. a. What is a Business Environment? How is it important for a Business?
b. Discuss how businesses are affected due to changes in the environment?
12. Narrate the skills required for an Entrepreneur.
13. “Role of an Entrepreneur is Dynamic” – Discuss.
14. Analyse the role of Entrepreneurs in nation building.
1. What are the cultural, social, economic and personality factors that affect the entrepreneurial growth?
2. In your opinion is the current economic scenario more conducive for young entrepreneurs? Substantiate
your views.
3. What advice would you give to young aspirants towards Entrepreneurship as a career option?
1. List the motives influencing an Entrepreneur.
2. Give a brief of achievement motivation.
3. State the required competencies for an entrepreneur.
4. Briefly explain Thematic Apperception test.
5. How would you manage Stress?
6. Outline the causes for stress.
7. What is the purpose of business games?
8. Discuss the importance of Self Rating.
9. Suggest few measures to boost achievement motivation.
10. Briefly explain the concept of Stress Management.
11. State the objectives of Entrepreneurship Development Programs.
12. Narrate government role in promoting entrepreneurs.
13. Discuss the concept of EDP.
14. Outline the role of family and society in entrepreneurship development.
15. State few methods of delivering Entrepreneurship Development Training.
16. How to support services assist in ED?
17. Write about the need for entrepreneurship training.
18. State few organizations that work for entrepreneurship development.
19. What is meant by Tax Holiday?
20. What is the role of Entrepreneurial Support Organization?

1. a. Explain the concept of Entrepreneurial Motivation also discuss the major motives influencing an
2. Critically evaluate the role of support institutions to promote entrepreneurs.
3. a. Discuss the concept of Power Motivation and also discuss the concept of Affiliation Motivation.
4. a. Explain the concept of Self Rating.
b. Explain how does it help in Entrepreneurship Aspirations.
5. ‘Entrepreneurship as a Career Option’ – Discuss.
6. What is meant by Thematic Apperception Test? Explain the procedure for conducting TAT.
7. a. State and explain the causes for Stress.
b. Suggest few measures to overcome Stress.
8. Elaborate the objectives of conducting Entrepreneurship Development Programs.
9. Write a detailed note on methods of conducting EDP.
10. Discuss the various schemes by Govt. of India to promote entrepreneurs.
11. “In the current scenario Entrepreneurship development is the need of the hour” – Give your views.
12. State the various types of assistance provided by Organization Support Services for Entrepreneurs.
13. Discuss the industrial policies and regulation for Entrepreneurship Development.
14. Give a critical analysis on Government measures to promote and support young entrepreneurs.
1. “Entrepreneurship is metamorphosis process” – Discuss.
2. Narrate the various promotional schemes in effect in order to support entrepreneurs in India.
3. Discuss the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in India.
1. Define a Small-Scale Enterprise.
2. How would you classify Small-Scale Industries?
3. Briefly explain Partnership Organization.
4. Differentiate between Sole proprietorship and Partnership Organization.
5. Write down the features of a Company.
6. State the advantages and disadvantages of a Co-Operative Society.
7. What is a meant by a Project report?
8. How would you define a project?
9. Write down the stage in Project formulation.
10. State the legal definition of a Company.
11. Why is a Project report important?
12. State few measures in selecting projects.
13. What is meant by Feasibility Analysis?
14. Briefly explain market research.
15. Discuss Techno Economic Feasibility.
16. Briefly explain Project Appraisal.
17. List the contents of a Project Report.
18. State few techniques in Idea Generation.
19. Write down the steps in starting a business.
20. What is meant by Techno Economic Analysis?

1. a. Explain the concept of Small-Scale Enterprise and its role in Indian Economy.
b. Discuss in detail the various types of SSI.
2. Give a detailed analysis on the characteristics of SSI.
3. a. What is meant by Ownership Structure?
b. Explain the various types of Ownership.
4. a. How would you define a company? Explain its features.
b. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of setting up a company.
5. Differentiate between company and cooperative society.
6. How would you choose the right ownership structure for your business?
7. a. Explain the term Project Formulation.
b. Discuss the stages in Project Formulation.
8. Give a detailed explanation on the content in writing a Project Report.
9. Discuss in detail the various methods in Project Appraisal and the various sources of information.
10. Elaborate the steps involved in starting a business.
11. Narrate the process involved in identifying and selecting a good project.
12. a. How would you explain a Market Research?
b. Examine the importance of market survey and research before finalizing a project.
13. Compare and Contrast Sole Proprietorship and Partnership firm.
14. Discuss about Cooperative Organization Structure in detail.
1. Prepare a detailed project report for any Cottage Industry.
2. How would you evaluate a project report on starting a specialty restaurant?
3. Give a Techno Economic Feasibility analysis for an auto ancillary unit.
1. What is meant by Financial planning?
2. State few examples of Fixed Assets and Current Assets.
3. How would you define Working Capital?
4. Differentiate between long term and Short-term capital.
5. State few sources of internal finance.
6. Identify the sources of Long-Term Loans.
7. What do you mean by Capital Structure?
8. Briefly explain factoring.
9. State the factors in determining the Capital Structure.
10. Discuss the significance of Working Capital management.
11. Explain the concept of Break Even Analysis?
12. Differentiate Fixed Cost and Variable Cost.
13. List down few institutions in entrepreneurial finance.
14. State the role of SIDBI.
15. Explain the need for Tax Benefits to SSI.
16. Highlight the need for institutional support to SSI.
17. What do you mean by Excise Duty?
18. Explain the concept of Hire Purchase.
19. Differentiate between Capital Lease and Operational Lease.
20. Explain the concept of Sales Tax.

1. Explain the need for financial planning. Discuss in detail the classification of Financial Needs.
2. Identify the various source of finance.
3. a. State the features of an Optimum Capital Structure.
b. Explain Capital Structure and its components.
4. Give a detailed analysis on factors determining Capital Structure.
5. How would you explain the concept of Operating Cycle?
6. Write down a critical evaluation on Break Even Analysis.
7. Comment on institutional support for entrepreneurs
8. What is meant by Hire Purchase and narrate the procedure for Hire Purchase.
9. Elucidate the various types of Lease Agreements.
10. State the role of financial institutions in Entrepreneurial Financing.
11. a. How would you explain Working Capital? b. Explain the management of Working Capital.
12. Discuss Government Tax Policy towards SSI.
13. Elaborate the role of Industrial Financing Companies in India towards Entrepreneurial Development.
14. ‘Entrepreneurial Financing needs greater support’ – Comment.
1. Draft an optimum Financial Plan for a new project.
2. Narrate the sources of Entrepreneurial Financing.
3. Give an outline on the role of Tax in Entrepreneurial Development.
4. Discuss the need and importance of Working Capital management.
1. How would you define a Sick Unit?
2. Give a brief on Exogenous cause.
3. State the consequences of industrial Sickness.
4. Outline the stages of growth in SSI.
5. Briefly explain the term Strategy.
6. In your view what growth strategy are available for SSI?
7. What do you mean by Diversification Strategy?
8. List out the advantages of Expansion Strategy.
9. Describe the term Conglomerate Diversification.
10. Identify the advantages of Diversification Strategy.
11. State the Pros and Cons of Merger.
12. Write short note on Amalgamation.
13. Differentiate between Concentric Vs Conglomerate Merger.
14. State the advantages of Subcontracting.
15. Discuss Franchising.
16. Outline Pros and Cons of Franchising.
17. Identify the consequences of industrial Sickness.
18. Differentiate between Joint Venture and Merger.
19. What are the objectives of Business Incubators?
20. What is meant by a Business Incubator?
1. Discuss the concept and magnitude of industrial Sickness in India.
2. a. How would you define a Sick Unit?
b. Discuss the consequences of Sick Unit.
3. Give a detailed note on the various stages of growth in SSI.
4. a. What do you mean by Growth Strategy?
b. Outline the various growth strategies.
5. a. Discuss Expansion Strategy and its types.
b. State the Pros and Cons of Expansion Strategy.
6. a. Discuss the means for revival of Sick Units.
b. Briefly explain the corrective measures towards Sick Units.
7. Discuss the role of Business Incubators in Entrepreneurial Development in India.
8. Comment on the various government policies towards SSI.
9. a. Explain Diversification Strategy.
b. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of diversification strategy.
10. a. Write a detailed note on Joint Ventures.
b. Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Ventures.
11. a. Outline Mergers and its types.
b. Discuss the pros and cons of mergers.
12. a. Explain the concept of Subcontracting.
b. How does it suit for small scale entrepreneurs?
13. a. Elaborate on the concept of Franchising.
b. State the Advantages and Disadvantages of Franchising.
14. Compare and contrast Merger and Joint Venture.
1. Write a detailed essay on industrial sickness in India.
2. Draft a suitable expansion strategy for Automobile Ancillary Unit.
3. Give your suggestion for the revival of Handloom Sector in Tamilnadu.
4. ‘The Small Scale Industries contribute to the economic development of the country’ - Defend this

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