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​ eport writing

A report is a prepared talk or a written composition about a particular subject.
​1 FORMAT - Formal Report

From​ : ……………(Name of the sender)

To :​ ………….(Name/designation of the
​Date​ : …………………(13 July,2010)

​Heading​ (A suitable title)

Content : 100 to 150 words

Writer's name
and designation

Format - 2 Newspaper report

( Newspaper reports are objective description of events or thought provoking - essays )


​ y local correspondent / Name ( if name given in the question write the same name if not
given write either ' local correspondent' or name , you may also write designation if given in the

Place name,​ ( eg.Tikamgarh) ​month, Date​ :

( eg. Sept. 12)
​Content : 100 to 150 words.

Format - Diary Entry
( A diary entry is the record of a person's feelings or thoughts or activities during the course of a
particular day )

Month Date (​September 12)

Name of the day. ( ​Wednesday )

Time : (​ 12 . 30 pm)

Content - 100 to 150 words.


Format - Email Writing

From : ………….(​Sender's e-mail id)

To : ……………….(​Receiver's e-mail id)

Cc :​.....................(email id of that person to whom carbon copy is sent)

Subject :


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