Heat Transfer Process-Ppt3

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PTL0504-Petroleum Process Unit Operations
Presentation On
Heat transfer process
Lecture No.-3
Presented By
Sateesh Kumar
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering Department
School Of Engineering And Technology
• Prerequisite of topic
• Real life examples
• Introduction of heat transfer process.
• Reason of heat transfer
• Laws related to heat transfer
• Exercise 1
• Student Effective Learning Outcomes
• References
• Temperature
• Energy
• System, boundary
• Potential
• Knowledge of integration and differentiation
Introduction of Heat Transfer

• Heat transfer take palace from high temperature to low temperature

without any external work .
• Heat energy created by movement of particle
• It is a unit operation it accompanied by another devices like
Refrigerator, evaporator, condenser and distillation.
Reason of heat transfer
• Temperature difference is the main potential for heat transfer.
• If both the end of system have same temperature heat transfer
• If the temperature of body increase than heat content also increase
because with temperature particles moves faster.
• Mainly heat transfer by a radiation, convection and conduction.
Laws Related to Heat Transfer
• Fourier’s law of conduction : According to this law heat transfer rate
is directly proportional to temperature gradient.
• Newton’s law of cooling: According to this law the heat transfer rate is
directly proportional to temperature difference.
• Stefan Boltzmann's law: this law state that the heat transfer rate is
directly proportional to fourth power of temperature.
Exercise- 1

• Discuss five example of heat transfer in industry and in our daily life.
• Why heat is transfer from higher temperature to lower temperature.
• What is the overall impact of heat on human life.
• Why impossible to achieve zero absolute temperature.
Student Effective Learning Outcomes

• Ability to lifelong self learner

• Ability to observe develop sense making, logical skill for abstract
• Critical and innovative thinking

• www.mechanicaleducation.com
• Heat and Mass Transfer by R.K. Rajput, S
Chand publications

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