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NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Course Name: Ethics in Engineering Practice

Assignment - Week 4

Number of questions: 10 Total marks: 10 X 1 = 10



Which of the following works are protected under The Berne Convention, adopted in 1886?

a) Geographical indications
b) Service marks
c) Trade names
d) None of the above

Correct Answer: d

Detailed Answer: The Berne Convention, adopted in 1886, deals with the protection of works and
the rights of their authors. It provides creators such as authors, musicians, poets, painters etc. with
the means to control how their works are used, by whom, and on what terms. So the answer is
none of the above.

Mary has recently had her debut novel published in her own nation. She hopes to sell her book
internationally after having it translated into many languages. Without registering her copyright in
each country individually, Mary can acquire protection for her book in other nations according to
which point of the Berne Convention, 1971?

a) The principle of automatic protection

b) The principle of national treatment
c) The principle of right of reproduction
d) The principle of minimum standards of protection

Correct Answer: a
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Detailed Answer: The Berne Convention provides for automatic protection of copyright in the
countries that are members of the Convention, without the need for registration or other
formalities. This means that Mary’s book will be protected in foreign countries that are members
of the Berne Convention as soon as it is published in her home country.


S1-Under Paris convention, Date of filing and priority date are always same for multiple patent
application (same invention).
S2- Under Paris convention, Date of filing and priority date are same for single patent application.

a) S1-True, S2- False

b) S1-False, S2-True
c) Both the statements are True
d) Both the statements are False

Correct Answer: b

Detailed Answer: Under Paris convention, Date of filing and priority date are not the same for
multiple patent application (same invention). priority date is the date in which you claim to have
filed the first application. Date of filing and priority date are same for single patent application.
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


The new program will store and handle the company's clients' personal information, including their
financial details. Strict access restrictions and a highly secure system ensured that the clients'
privacy was protected by the program. Unfortunately, the business discovered one day that an
unauthorized user had obtained access to the system and was using it to steal customer data. The
event was promptly reported to the authorities and a cybersecurity specialist was recruited to
examine the situation by the corporation. In the given case study, what form of computer crime
was committed?

a) Data recording errors

b) Inappropriate access
c) Software piracy
d) Hacking

Correct Answer: d

Detailed Answer:
In the given case study, the hacker gained unauthorized access to the company's software and stole
the clients' personal information, which is an example of hacking.


As per the duration of the protection under the Berne Contract, 1971; the term of protection of
unidentified work expires

a) 51 years after the work has been lawfully made available to the public
b) 25 years from the creation of the work
c) Until the expiration of the 52nd year after the work became globally recognized
d) 50 years after the work has been lawfully made available to the public

Correct Answer: d

Detailed Answer:
Please refer week 4, slide no. 28
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur



Which of the following statements does not comply with the Code of Ethics for those employed
by nuclear agencies?

i. Take responsibility for own and other’s safety.

ii. Safety and Commercial Gain would be equally important.
iii. Maintain a “blame-free” reporting culture.
iv. Openly share operating experience information with other industry operating
v. Radical Decision making

Choose the correct answer:

a) i, ii, iii
b) ii, iii, iv
c) i, iii
d) ii, v
Correct Answer: d
Detailed Answer:
Always place safety before commercial gain. Adopt a conservative, risk-based approach to
decision making.



Kalam is an American author whose work has appeared in print in his own country. He is keen on
making sure his book is similarly protected in other nations. Which Berne Convention, 1971
principle guarantees that other nations will provide the same degree of protection to Kalam's book
as the United States does?

a) The principle of national treatment

b) The principle of moral rights
c) The principle of independence of protection
d) The principle of right of reproduction
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Correct Answer: c

Detailed Answer:
The principle of independence of protection is one of the key principles of the Berne Convention,
1971, which provides that the protection and enjoyment of copyright should not depend on the
existence of protection in the country of origin of the work. In other words, the level of protection
granted to a work should be the same in all countries that are members of the Berne Convention,
regardless of where the work was first published or created.


Assertion (A): The granting of a patent in one Contracting State obliges other Contracting States
to grant a patent.
Reason (R): Patents granted in different Contracting States for the same invention are independent
of each other.

a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A

b) Both A and R are individually true and R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true

Correct Answer: d

Detailed Answer: Please refer week 4, slide 12

Patents granted in different Contracting States for the same invention are independent of each
other. The granting of a patent in one Contracting State does not oblige other Contracting States
to grant a patent.
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


As per the Automatic Protection of Berne Contract, 1971, which of the following condition is
a) Protection must be conditional upon compliance; Copyright protection exists automatically
from the time a qualifying work is fixed in an intangible medium.
b) Protection must not be conditional upon compliance; Copyright protection exists automatically
from the time a qualifying work is fixed in a tangible medium.
c) Protection must be conditional upon compliance; Copyright protection exists automatically
from the time a qualifying work is fixed in a tangible medium.
d) Protection must not be conditional upon compliance; Copyright protection exists automatically
from the time a qualifying work is fixed in an intangible medium.

Correct Answer: b
Detailed Answer:
Please refer week 4, slide no. 23



Rose 1-2-3, created by Rose Development Corporation, was a widely used spreadsheet calculating
program. Rose 1-2-3 was not the only program of its like; Papersoft International also developed
a program with comparable features and an interface: Paper Rose. Legal action was taken by Rose
Development Corporation against Papersoft International.

In the given case study, what is the main issue regarding intellectual property rights?

a) Patentability of software code

b) Copyright protection for software
c) Reverse engineering of software
d) Trademark infringement

Correct Answer: b
Detailed Answer:
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

In the given case study, the main issue is copyright infringement. Rose Development Corporation
claimed that PaperSoft International copied their software program, Rose 1-2-3, which is a written
work and subject to copyright protection. Copyright law protects original works of authorship,
including software code, from being copied without permission.


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