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37th HAGI Annual Convention & Exhibition

Palembang, 10-13 September 2012

Improvement of SRME Multiple Model Using CRS Gather

Ichwan Satrio, 2Amri Widyatmoko, 2Bambang Avianthara, 1Supriyanto
Geophysical Modeling Lab.,Department of Physics, University of Indonesia
Geophysical Data Processing, PT. Elnusa Tbk.

Abstract seismic data (Verschuur et al., 1992). SRME method works

optimally on the seismic data with a quality image or clean
Multiple identification and attenuation are old processing reflector.
problem, but still be one of the most challenging tasks in
the seismic data processing chain. Many methods have CRS Method has a signal to noise ratio of seismic data
actually been to suppress multiples but sometimes very better than the original CMP gather (Baykulov and
difficult to discriminate from primaries, especially in case Gajewski, 2009), that makes it easier to identification of
of deep water. reflection events, both primaries and multiples.
Surface related multiple elimination (SRME) is one of the The advantage of the CRS method is utilized in this study
multiple attenuation method to predict the multiple. To was to modeling the multiple that contained in the seismic
obtain an accurate prediction of multiples, the seismic data data are used, so the existence of multiple on seismic data
should be free of noise and has clean reflector continuity. can be clearly identified. The right combination of CRS and
One of method to improve imaging seismic data is common SRME method is expected to be the solution to produce
reflection surface (CRS) method. In this case, CRS gather multiple models are more accurate so as to suppress the
which generated from CRS method that used to make multiple on marine seismic data.
SRME multiple models. CRS gather can help to identify
multiple, because primaries and multiples become more
pronounced. Data and Method
In final result, CRS gather could make multiples model in Input data used in this study is a real marine seismic data
more accurate and be easily identified than previous 2D. Multicovered data which is input data in this study has
multiple model of prior method. Combination CRS method been in the sorting based on the CMP gather.
and SRME was very useful to suppress multiples especially
in the deep water area.

The presence of multiple noise is still a major problem in
marine seismic data processing stage, because multiple
energy causes the energy of the primary wave becomes the
focus, so it is difficult to distinguish between the multiple
primary wave. Though the basic model in the processing of
seismic data assume that the data reflect only contains the
primary signal (Hill et al., 1999). Therefore, it takes the
right method to suppress the presence of multiple noise.
One of the methods used to suppress and to the existence of
multiple attenuation method is SRME.

SRME is an algorithm that predicts all surface multiples by

a convolution process applied to seismic field data. Unlike
other methods of multiple attenuation, SRME does not rely
on assumption about the subsurface, nor does it use event
properties to discriminate between multiples and primaries.

SRME method is an effective method to perform multiple Figure 1: Flow chart attenuation multiple using CRS
suppression in marine seismic data because it predicts the gather
existence of multiple to create multiple models from
37th HAGI Annual Convention & Exhibition
Palembang, 10-13 September 2012

Flow chart this study can be seen in figure 1. The main The results obtained in this study based on the comparison
workflow of SRME method consists of three parts, offset between the seismic stack sections illustrates that multiple
reconstruction, surface-related multiple prediction, and attenuation process that uses multiple models of the CRS
adaptive subtraction. This process requires a run for each gather and conventional processes that use multiple models
order of multiple to be predicted. Preprocessing of the input from the CMP gather was clearly different. Seismic stack
data is necessary. Although the algorithm used surface section is generated by multiple models of CRS gather very
related multiple prediction does not require any information well be reduced, as shown in Figure 3. In addition the
relating to the multiples, the 2-D algorithm does have resulting of seismic stack section also has a signal to noise
specific requirements for the input data. Input data used to ratio is higher. Parameters used when making multiple
create multiple models is gather the data that has been done attenuation method using SRME of both processes are
the CRS method. CRS calculates a stacking surface around similar, differing only multiple models of both processes. It
a specified point defined by its offset and traveltime is clear that CRS gather multiple models has a more
coordinates in a chosen CMP location, and performs the accurate prediction for modeling the multiple.
summation of data along that surface.

The data should have exact geometry, so in this case CRS

method makes the geometry of the data to be not exact.
Therefore, it is necessary to process regeometry the CRS
gather input on the process of making the model has the
same geometry information with the CMP gather.
Regeometry process is done by equating the value of offset
and shot point to CRS gather. Moreover, the data should be
noise free. Noise may create artificial multiples in the
predicted model, which are not actually in the data. CRS
method makes the data becomes more clean and free of

Surface related multiple elimination is a powerful multiple

attenuation technique used in the suppression of surface
related multiple in a marine seismic data because this
technique doesn’t require any information about the
subsurface but predicts the multiple from the data itself.
Multiples are predicted by a convolution like iterative
process which exploits the physical relationship between
primary and multiple reflections. After done the predicted
multiple process, do the least square adaptive subtraction
process. Adaptive subtraction is designed to match and
subtract the multiples from the input data by an adaptive
least squares matching method. In adaptive subtraction
process, CDP gather become input data to be subtracted (a) (b) (c)
with multiple model from CRS gather and it means that the
data is preserved.
Figure 2: (a) Input data CMP gather, (b) SRME multiple
Result and Discussion model from CRS gather, (c) Output data after applied
SRME Method
In the figure 2 (b) shows that the method can model
multiple SRME well in time from 1800 to 2500 ms, which
is the water bottom multiple as it is a repetition of
reflection on the reflector that is on time 900 ms. Output In order to clarify the discussion about the advantages of
SRME in Figure 2 (c) is the result of the reduction between the CRS gather multiple models, can be seen in Figure 4.
the input CMP gather and the CRS multiple model , so it is The picture looks different on multiple models of both the
relatively clean of noise, especially multiple water bottom same of CMP is located in the zone of multiple targets that
multiple which is widely available in the near offset. should be eliminated. At the time 1600 to 2000 ms, the
conventional process cannot predict multiple clearly when
compared with multiple models are made of CRS gather.
37th HAGI Annual Convention & Exhibition
Palembang, 10-13 September 2012

It is very influential at the time of the adaptive subtraction

or subtraction between the input data with multiple models.
Multiple models are more accurate will cause more
multiple is subtracted so that the output of data leaving only
the primary reflector only on the data.


Figure 3: The result of seismic stack section (a) input

stack, (b) multiple attenuation conventional, (c) multiple
attenuation using CRS multiple model

(b) Figure 4: Comparison of SRME multiple models

37th HAGI Annual Convention & Exhibition
Palembang, 10-13 September 2012

From this study, it can be concluded that multiple models
generated from multiple CRS gather to predict more
accurately than the multiple models generated from the
CMP gather, especially in the case of the deep water.
Multiple models generated from the CRS gather to look
more effective in eliminating the multiple components of
the seismic data. The results of the seismic stack section
explain that multiple attenuation is performed using a
model of multiple CRS, looks cleaner than noise and keep
the content of signal to noise ratio is much better.
Therefore, this method can be an alternative to suppress
multiples in the marine seismic data.


Baykulov, M. and Gajewski, D., 2009, Geophysics. Vol.

74, No.3, 49-58.

Hill, Stephen J., Dragoset, and B., Weglein, 1999,. The

Leading Edge, 18.

Jager, Rainer, 1999, Master Thesis, Geophysical Institute,

University of Karlsruhe.

Verschuur, D.J., Berkhout, A.J., and Wapenaar, C.P.A.

,1992, Geophysics, Vol.57. No.9, 1586-1595.

Yilmaz, Ozdogan, 1987, Society of Exploration

Geophysicist, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

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