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Power System Analysis Projects


The objective of these projects is to acquaint students with numerical and

computer simulation methods to solve problems encountered analyzing electric
power flow analysis and design.

1. You required to assemble all of the information into tables, both in actual values as well
as in per unit on a common base, before beginning the analysis.
2. Manually calculate Ybus and/or Zbus or any other parameters required and compare your
results with computer.
3. A Figure showing the diagram of the system chosen for the project will be given, together
with the parameters and other system modeling information for the system.
4. The system data may be in a variety of forms; i.e., some of the data are in actual values,
some in per-unit, and some in ohms/km. Therefore, you are required to create data tables
in actual and per unit format for each device and line.
5. You are required to:
i) Perform load analysis using appropriate algorithm, (Gauss-Seidel or Newton-
Raphson) and determine all unknown data e.g. voltages (magnitude and angle), real
power, reactive power …. etc.
ii) Verify the results to see results obtained in i) above are within the given specified
iii) Make corrective action for any deficiencies (due to some elements exceeding
given specified limits (if given).
iv)Find fault current due to the specified type and location of the fault, hand calculations
may be required to verify results obtained by the computer program used.
v) Write-up a comprehensive Final Report giving details of your project starting from
specifications, Requirements, Results, analysis and Conclusion, appendices …. Etc.,
according to the format provided.

Format for Final Report
Prepare a formal, final report for the power system analysis. It should incorporate
all steps taken during the whole period of the project. All figures should have
figure numbers and captions and tables should have table numbers and captions.
The report should be organized as follows:
Describe the system being studied (with the given diagram) and the studies that
were to be performed using MATLAB and/or PowerWorld Simulator.
Describe what you did for the power flow study and how you prepared your data
for entry into PowerWorld, or the MATLAM m-file and include your data tables.
Provide results from the power flow study of the base system with figures and
tables. Provide results of the fault studies. Include a table of fault currents showing
the fault current for each type of fault at the specified bus, some of the short-circuit
analysis results may be as an appendix to your report.
Analysis and Recommendations:
Describe deficiencies noted from the original power flow and your suggestions to
correct them. Show the results of your corrected system. Include appropriate
figures and tables.
Calculations and Verification:
Include your sequence diagrams for the system and show the comparison of your
manually-calculated Ybus values to those obtained from the computer
deficiencies noted from the original power flow and your suggestions to correct
Summary and Conclusions
Describe your confidence in your simulation of the power system; e.g., would you
go to your boss and present a case for installing of the Simulation
package/Program or upgrading the circuit breakers, ect. According to the results
you obtained.
List of References.

Power System Analysis Project-C

Section A: Power Flow Analysis

1. For the single-line diagram shown in Fig. 1 convert all positive-sequence
impedance, load, and voltage data to per unit using the given system base
2. Use the PowerWorld Simulator, to create three input data files: bus input
data, line input data, and transformer input data. Note that bus 1 is the swing
bus. Your output for this assignment consists of three power-flow input data
This part of the project requires a knowledge of the per-unit system, which
was covered in Chapter 3 but may need review.
3. Case 1. Run the power flow program and obtain the bus, line, and
transformer input/output data files that you prepared in Assignment 1.
4. Case 2. Suggest one method of increasing the voltage magnitude at bus 4 by
5% . Demonstrate the effectiveness of your method by making appropriate
changes to the input data of case 1 and by running the power flow program.
Your output for this assignment consists of 12 data files, 3 input, and 3
output data files for each case, along with a one-paragraph explanation of
your method for increasing the voltage at bus 4 by 5% .
During this assignment, course material contains voltage control methods,
including use of generator excitation control, tap changing and regulating
transformers, static capacitors, static var systems, and parallel transmission

Section B: Symmetrical Short Circuits

1. For the single-line diagram of Fig. 1, convert the positive-sequence reactance
data to per unit using the given base quantities. For synchronous machines,
use subtransient reactance.
2. using PowerWorld Simulator, create the machine, transmission line, and
transformer input data files. Next, run the program to compute subtransient
fault currents for a bolted three-phase-to-ground fault at bus 1, then at bus

2, then at bus 3, and so on. Also, compute bus voltages during the faults and
the positive-sequence bus impedance matrix. Assume 1.0 per-unit prefault
voltage. Neglect prefault load currents and all losses.
Your output for this assignment consists of three input data files and three
output data (fault currents, bus voltages, and the bus impedance matrix)


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