Microbiology 2 Marks

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ORole of ag0 in aulture mecia

Aga is commanly used h th aborctoay to help leed and qrow

bocenia e cthen miacocqnis ms
IE ads as a aullue hal poudes nubents o plae for thuse
iems to qou

2 Inbahion cordibong fo l autue

Temperakur -31°C t 0sc
(Oibon DiOxide - 52
Humi cily

3) Cell Calkue.
Cell alture or Asue aulkure is h poocer by whith ella e aroun
under Conhalled cordiong. qeneraly osid cf this nahral enunment

O Tupes of Micosopy
hoce controst Microsopy
ouk feld

fiokanyoles Bukaryates
Smaller in Sze larga ins|e
Single tMiciosome Mote han 1 Micrascm
Nuctecl usg 0s Absent
Unicelllar Mul heellul
40s nibosom &. 8Os nhasom
6 PharrMoceuhical
us Medial
Stucy afMicobes selahd toMiirobiology
oduchicn Gf phormorexhtal pacdugs
Such as_Oohbicics Uacns et that cauISe cntaminchch k

Rengents (Kdsed or Arid fust stuning,

hubol fuchsin
Add Alchcl.

© Cosfy physaical mehods c skili2ahon


(9) lossify chemita mehoc Of stenzohe


(O Bioindiaors or themal sen'izhon

B atopho0 eua.

O (ke of biologjcal slealily irdicaBors,

Rouhi Monting
Buali ficahen k load monit inq of stam skalne
Eauipmenks fr bra Sale sloitl2chon, 4name of equpmenk tor
Autoclaue Seoilizchion
shom Stilbatan
Dry Heat Skal2ex
Hat aus Quen

Difirent Staining Tehnciut

"Sinple Slaining
DiRerenhol Staining
Gram Staining
Acicl fal shining,
Special stuhing

(9 Rodac Alabes
Rodac plakes stand for Replikate Qganism Qeteion 2 aunhnq
Plat that con be (ised tr NCobi Qlo_ical cntral of all &urta s.

(Defi Gode BRoom

Grade B- Azone fer osepic prepaahn Aling eCnpunding
Hs equivalen to ISo closs 5 at st e Is0 class 7 in gperahe

16 Defr
(6 Agepht Area
IK an area n whch asephc techniques dre eployead to
pauide poaketten to qphclmic 4 porental pnduds by paeUonthg
lenny cf micrcbial eputulck cnaminahion
Diferent Sources_ of conbminatch (n asepht area
Raw Matenal
onukachu ing pesi
(3Cean Area ClosiAcohan


9 DeAne Microbiol Assouy

|Mccbial aSsay is a tupe of bicosia assas pertostmed unth
mikroorgonltm eq backnal
s a techniquu to Osses a ampaunclk pokocs a Crentaba

Clasihy ctferent types o gpalag

Micrabial Sailag Non- Microbia! Spolas
fhyaa Spalaq
hemical Spaloq.
Dene Micabiod spilag.
This rekr, domog to food phormatauhal poducks that is
LCousRd by microagonkm Chackria, mowds yecat)

Boderal spalage
Boderal spailags elers to th degroclahcn of kod quality du
to qputh k actiuhy of bocena

2otors ofecting microbiàl oilag.

Nunhanal facte
oRecox fotnhcd

29 Defne Miarobo! Contomhatea

Micrcbi onominahoa nekrs to intocuchon o Micaonsonlam Auch
kingi or Prasits into an enutohment ar
pduct where they are not inkended to be present

Direct ross
Physical EPhyccal
Chemical Chemiaa
Aduontog of Chick -Mastin ouer Ridera walkes
Visucl Iodiaion

3 Media 6utobiltly test

A media Sutobility test is 0 pocedure (sec n macbickocs
to dekamine apSopmateness of a Darhaular qaowth mediu

8 6routh Pomoten test

T is a Quahty Control procedune perfamed to enau
that aulkure media Uset for meraba qroutn
th qrouth of
spaiked miaoagantm

futher of Micobialog4
Anonie on Leeutuenhoek

utue Medio
A tupe of medium of ikture of vanous Duients e
minercs renuited for grouth e mulipliaha
Mulplahan af vant
0 Types f Media usd for Cultivatien of fungi ?
There are 2 General types of Furgal Culture Meia
" Synthetic
O Dfeere bo Yeost ad Mouds
opnism. uhich
Soth betorg to the kigdom furgi. But yeost is Single Cd
QseIally (birary fission o budtia ), toheres Mouwd ae Mutielubr
repraduce er seally or osRaly
rinipe oF Sterriity Testrg
AViabe micooanism ohen provided oith faorable Cordition and nutrients Shous
fouh Indiating its presece in the product
us ofF bionsical Sterrility Irdiators
Bological Indicatos, or Spore testing, are the most oceptable mans
moni tonng Sterrilizotion becuSe tey asses he sterilizatin proes directty by
kilting kroon highly resistant micoorganisn
Oiferere bko Bocercstatic 4 actericial
Cocteristatic Goericita!
Trose antimicobial agents whidh Those antimicrobial cqents which are apmble
Inhibit tthe Grooth micobes Gf kitlirg mcobes (bocteria)
Teoyaines , Chbrampheicol eg dekabctam

Define Arntiseptie 4 akinfoctants oith example?

Infsctions they
Anticeptis and Disinfacants ae both widely Ugd to ortol
Chemias hlied
kill miCorganism Such as bocteria, viruses, ard furgi usig
biocides Disinfocants are used to kill erms gn rontiving Surface cE
Atco, formeteeycde Ho
" Anticeptic kils micootganism on our SEin.
povidore - Ioie, Iopop Aool

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