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Statement of the Problem

This study was designed to evaluate the performance of security operations in Negros

Oriental Detention and Rehabilitation Center.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex;

1.2 Civil status;

1.3 Religion; and

1.3 Educational Attainment?

2. What is the level of performance of jail personnel in terms of?

2.1 inmate discipline;

2.1 safety of inmates;

2.1 jail personnel security;

2.3 visiting procedures; and

2.4 transfer /movements of inmates?

3. Based on the findings of the study, what recommendations may be proposed?

A Survey Questionnaire on the
Security Operations

Part 1. Profile of Respondents

Name : ________________________ (Optional)

Age : ________________________
Civil Status :
Educational Attainment: __________________

Part 2. Level of Effectiveness on Security operations

Instruction: Please put a check mark on the chosen item. Rate your score from four to one, four
id the highest (Excellent) and one is the lowest (Poor).

4 Excellent

3 Very Good

2 Good

1 Poor

Security Operations 4 3 2 1

I. Inmate’s Discipline

1. Counting of inmates in time.

2. Positive verification of inmates

3. Search to inmate’s cell and frisking

4. Recount when the total jail count does not tally the total jail

5. Ceasing of all movements from inmates

II. Safety of Inmates

1. Regular briefing for every shift before any member of the

custodial force assumes their duty.

2. The 24 –hour supervision of inmates

3. Maintaining strict supervision of tools and other potentially

dangerous articles

4. Strict supervision in key control

5. The presence of walls and fences of NODRC in determining

inmates from escaping.

III. Jail Personnel Security

1. The surprise search of contrabands to inmates.

2. The surprise search of cells

3. The penalty given to inmates

4. Letting inmates go out in the cell during the search

5. The search by not violating the rights of the inmates

IV. Visiting Procedures

1. The thorough inspection done by jail officer

2. The search for contrabands form the visitor

3. The giving of visitors passes to the visitors

4. The visiting schedule

5. In controlling the number of visitors allowed inside the jail.

V. Transfer/Movements of Inmates

1. In treating inmates confidentially

2. The giving of detailed instruction to the jail officer prior to


3. The putting if handcuffed to the inmate being transferred

4. The searched being employed to inmate before transfer

5. Having jail officer always closed enough to the inmate.

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