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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 7

Prepared by: Rezel O. Eslit BSED Mathematics-IV

I.) Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. identify dividend, divisor, quotient in dividing polynomials;
b. perform the activity in dividing polynomials using long division; and
c. reflect the importance of polynomials in real-life situation.
II.) Subject Matter
a. Topic: Division of Polynomials using Long Division
b. References:
c. Materials: cartolina, manila paper, marker, chalk board

III.) Procedure (Inductive Method)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparation
1. Prayer

All right! Before we begin with our

discussion, may I request everybody to
please stand for a short prayer. Ivan, kindly
Students are praying.
lead the prayer.

Kindly pick up the pieces of paper under

your seats and arrange your chairs properly. Students do the task.

Okay, you may take your seats.

2. Greetings/ Checking of Attendance

Good afternoon class!

Good afternoon ma’am!

How are you today? We’re doing great Ma’am.

It’s good to hear that. Are you excited for

today’s lesson? Yes ma’am!
Secretary, kindly check the attendance of
The secretary will be checking their
your classmates.

3. Agreement

Before we begin with our lesson, let me

remind you our classroom agreement or
classroom rules. 1. Sit properly.

2. Listen attentively.

3. Raise your hand if you

want to answer.

4. Cooperate in every

Can I expect that to you class?

Yes ma’am.

B. Priming
I. Review/Apperception

Class, what was our previous topic

that we had discuss?
Our previous topic ma’am is all about
polynomial expressions.

What is polynomial expression?

Polynomial expression is an expression
consisting of variables and coefficients that
involves only the operations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication and non-
negative integer exponents of variables.

Since you already know our previous topic.

Let us now proceed to our new lesson.
II. Motivation
Now, before we proceed to our new lesson let
us have first a short activity.

This activity is called “Scavengers Hunt”. I

want you to group into 4. Okay start counting. (The students do as told.)

I will give you 5 minutes to do the task. After

the allotted time, finish or unfinished post the
missing term and the definition on the board.
Are we clear class? Yes ma’am.

Okay let’s start!

Activity: Scavengers Hunt

1. The number being divided is called the?

2. The number that you are dividing is called


3. The answer to a division polynomial is
called the?
4. If the divisor doesn’t go onto the dividend
evenly, the left-over piece is called the?

Well done class!

C. Presentation of Topic

Now, from the activity that you have done. What (Students answer may vary.)
have you observed?
Okay. So what do you think is our possible for Our possible topic for today ma’am is all
today? about dividing polynomials by another

Very good!

Before we will go to our lesson proper, let us have

first our objectives.

Kindly read. a. identify the dividend, divisor,

quotient in dividing polynomials;
b. perform the activity in dividing
polynomials using long division;
c. reflect the importance of
polynomials in real-life setting.

Can I expect that from you class?

Yes ma’am.

Class, what is your insight about polynomial long
(Students raises their hands and give their
insight about polynomial long division.)

Kindly read the definition of polynomial long

Polynomial long division is a method for
division, Princess Carmie.
dividing a polynomial by another
polynomials of a lower degree.
Arithmetic long division Polynomial long division
Long division of polynomials is similar to long
division of whole numbers.

Example 1:
Divide using long division.
(-y2+2y3+25) ÷ (y-3)
We need to follow the four steps. Will you please
read the first one? (name of the student)
Step 1. Write the dividend in standard form,
including terms with a coefficient of 0.

When can you say that the polynomial expression The exponent of the dividend is written in
is written in standard form? descending order.

Will you please write the given in standard form.
(name of the student)
2y3 – y2 + 0y + 25

Thank you. How about the next step?

Step 2. Write division in the same way you
would when you divide numbers.

y-3 ) 2y3 – y2 + 0y + 25

Step 3. We need to divide as if we are

dividing a whole number.

Step 4. Write the final answer.

Good job!

Let’s try another example.

Example 2: (15x3 + 8x – 12) ÷ (x-3)

Very good!

Did you understand our lesson for today? Yes ma’am.

Since you already learned and understand our

lesson, let us have an activity.

C1. Activity
Class, let us have an activity. The same group will
do and each group should choose a representative
to explain their work and don’t forget to write your
names in a ¼ sheet of paper. Afterwards, each
group will have to cooperate to the said activity
which is “Divide the polynomial by using long

Are you all ready?

Yes ma’am!
This will be the rubric on how to grade your work.
Everyone please read.

I will give you 5 minutes to do the task. After the

allotted time, finish or unfinished post your work
on the board.
(The students do as told.)
You may start now.

Learner’s Activity: Divide the polynomial by

using long division.
1. (8x3 + 6x2 + 7) ÷ (x+2)

2. (4x+2x3-1) ÷ (2x-2)
3. (x2-5x+6) ÷ (x-2)

4. (6x3-8x+5) ÷ (2x-4)

5. (x+x3) ÷ (x-1)

C2. Analysis
Let’s analyse the work of each group. Yes ma’am.
Are the works of group 1 correct?
Yes ma’am.
How about the work of group 2?
Yes ma’am.
Are the works of group 3 correct?
Yes ma’am.
How about the work of group 4? Are they correct?

C3. Abstraction
Based on your activity, what is polynomial long Polynomial long division is a method for
division? dividing a polynomial by another
polynomials of a lower degree.

There are four (4) steps, ma’am.
How many steps are there in dividing polynomials
using long division?
Step 1. Write the dividend in standard form,
including terms with a coefficient of 0.
What are the four steps?
Step 2. Write division in the same way you
would when dividing numbers.
Step 3. Divide.
Step 4. Write the final answer.

Very good!

A polynomial isn’t as complicated as its sounds,

because it’s just an algebraic expression with
several terms.
How would you reflect the importance of (Students answer may vary.)
polynomials in real-life setting?

A taxi driver can benefit from the use of

That’s right! polynomial. Suppose a driver wants to
know how many miles he has to drive to
earn 100 pesos.

C4. Application
Now, let’s apply what you have learned about
polynomial function. In the same group, let us
have another activity.
I will provide each group with this illustration
board. Each group must perform and follow my
instruction with regards to this activity. I will give
you 1minute to do the task and after the allotted Yes ma’am.
time finish or unfinished raise your answers.
Is that clear?

1. (x3+2x2-x-2) ÷ (x+2)

2. (x2-2x+3) ÷ (x+5)

3. (27x3+9x2-3x-9) ÷ (3x-2)

4. (2x3+7x2-13x-3) ÷ (2x-3)

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
1. It is a method for dividing a polynomial by another polynomial of a lower degree.
a. polynomial long division c. multiplying polynomial
b. polynomial synthetic division d. subtracting polynomial
2. How many steps are there in polynomial long division?
a. 3 steps c. 4 steps
b. 5 steps d. 2 steps
3. What is the first step in polynomial long division?
a. Write division in the same way you would when multiplying numbers.
b. Write the dividend in standard form, including terms with a coefficient of 0.
c. Divide the given polynomial expression.
d. Write the final answer.
4. The number being divided is called .
a. divisor c. dividend
b. quotient d. remainder
5. If the divisor doesn’t go onto the dividend evenly, the left-over piece is called .
a. remainder c. divisor
b. dividend d. quotient
6. The answer to a division problem is called .
a. quotient c. dividend
b. divisor d. remainder
7-10. Using the long division, divide 10x2+53x-37 by 10x-7. Write what is divisor,
dividend, quotient and the remainder.

Answer key:
1. a 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. a

7.) divisor: 10x-7

8. dividend: 10x2+53x-37
9. quotient: x+6
10. remainder: 5 _

V. Assignment
Directions: Divide by using long division. Show the solution.
1. (20x3-13x+2) ÷ (4x-1)
2. (x2-2x+3) ÷ (x+5)

Cooperating Teacher

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