An Unsteady Wake Model For A Hingeless Rotor-Ormiston

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758 J. AIRCRAFT VOL. 10, NO.


Engineering notes
ENGINEERING NOTES are short manuscripts describing new developments or important results of a preliminary nature. These Notes cannot exceed 6 manuscript pages and 3 figures;
a page of text may be substituted for a figure and vice versa. After informal review by the editors, they may be published within a few months of the date of receipt. Style requirements are
the same as for regular contributions (see inside back cover).

An Unsteady Wake Model for a of radius R and height h. For an impermeable axially
accelerated circular disk the theoretical value of the
Hingeless Rotor height of the participating air volume is h/R = 0.85, and
this value was found to be approximately valid for rotors
subject to collective pitch ramp inputs.6 For our present
S. T. Crews,* K. H. Hohenemserf problem of dynamic cyclic pitch inputs the flow of the
Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. participating air volume will be nonuniform and described
and by a harmonic function of azimuth angle. The height h of
the participating air volume will be left open and deter-
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R. A. Ormistont mined from test results.

U.S. Army Air Mobility R&D Laboratory, Moffett Field,
Three or More Bladed Rotor Analysis
Nomenclature For a three or more bladed rotor operating at zero ad-
A = aerodynamic blade constant vance ratio, assuming straight blades flexibly hinged at
B = tiploss factor the rotor center, the multiblade equations in a nonrotat-
L = inflow gain ing reference system are7
R = rotor radius
t = nondimensional time with unit 1/12 ft + Aft + (c^2 - l)ft + 2/3n + A/3n = A(6U + A:) (1)
ft = blade flapping angle, positive up
7 = blade lock number -2ft -Aft + ft! + Aft x + K2 - l)ft! = A(-Ol + X n )
A = inflow angle, constant over radius (2)
6 — blade pitch angle, positive nose-up
ft = rotor angular speed Terms with the factor A = B4 7/8 represent aerodynamic
or = nondimensional frequency in rotating frame with unit 12 hub moments. The multiblade variables with the sub-
&f - nondimensional frequency in fixed frame scripts I and II are related to the single blade variables
coi = nondimensional blade natural frequency used in a rotating frame of reference by
r - inflow time constant
0 = phase angle difference between ft and 6 = A) + ft : (3)
\f/ - blade azimuth angle 6>n (4)
Superscript Xk = A0 An (5)
- time derivative One finds from the unsteady moment of momentum
* = equivalent quantity including inflow equations about pitching and rolling axes through the
Subscripts rotor center (See Appendix A)
1,11 = multiblade variable + TAi = -L [& + (o)t2 - l)ft + 2/§n] (6)
k - variables for kih blade
o = time average An + TAn = -L[$u + (w t 2 - l)ftj - 2ft] (7)

Introduction The inflow gain factor L is proportional to l/Ao7, the time

constant r is proportional to Lh/R. The terms in brackets
PREVIOUS studies of steady state hingeless rotor condi- in Eqs. (6) and (7) are equal to the aerodynamic pitching
tions have shown large reductions in cyclic control hub and rolling moments about the rotor center, as can be
moments from wake effects.1"3 In nonsteady rotor condi- seen from Eqs. (1) and (2).
tions the steady state rotor wake, for reasons of numerical Performing the Fourier transforms of Eqs. (6) and (7)
stability, has been filtered with arbitrary first order lags.4 and inserting the transformed AI and AH into the Fourier
Here a simple nonsteady wake model derived from the transformed Eqs. (1) and (2), one finds that the effect of
unsteady moment of momentum equation for zero ad- the dynamic inflow is equivalent to replacing in the equa-
vance ratio will be correlated with cyclic pitch frequency tions without inflow the parameter I/A by
response tests conducted with a small hingeless rotor
model.5 The unsteady wake is based on the concept of a I/A* = (I/A) + L/(l + iWfT) (8)
participating air mass included in the cylindrical volume or equivalent to replacing the Lock number 7 by
so that Eqs. (1) and (2) become
Received May 29, 1973; revision received September 13, 1973.
The work at Washington University was sponsored by AAMRDL,
Ames Directorate, under Contract NAS2-4151. ft (-co/ + A*iuf + - 1) + fti(2tco / 4- A*) = A*6>n
Index category: Rotary Wing Aerodynamics. (10)
*Graduate Research Assistant.
tProfessor of Aerospace Engineering, Department of Mechani-
cal and Aerospace Engineering. Associate Fellow, AIAA. ft (-2^0), -A*) + + A*iwf + * - 1) = -A*0l
JResearch Scientist, Ames Directorate. Member AIAA. (ID




0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
0 .2 A .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Fig. 2 Phase difference vs frequency, 00 = 2°.

Fig. 1 Amplitude ratio vs frequency, 0o == 2°.

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Comparison with Test Results

Progressing and regressing unit excitation is given re- For the two bladed rotor model5 the parameters were o>i
spectively by = 1.21, A = 0.44. The inflow gain L and time constant r
were selected by trial and error to obtain a reasonable fit
6l — expzo).^, Bit = T expfcoyif (12) of Eq. (19) to the test results.
For a different inflow distribution over the radius the Figures 1-4 show amplitude ratio \ft/B\ and phase dif-
same equations would be obtained with different inflow ference 0 = <0 - <ft for collective pitch angles of 2° and
gain L. Since gain and time constant are to be determined 8°. The cyclic pitch amplitude was ±1.5°. Each diagram
experimentally the actual inflow distribution is properly represents test results and analytical results with and with-
taken care of. out dynamic wake. The measured amplitude ratios agree
quite well with the analytical ratios, using L - 4, r = 8
for 2° collective pitch, and L = 2, r = 4 for 8° collective
pitch. The phase angles show less agreement, particularly
Two Bladed Rotor Analysis at 8° collective pitch. A possible explanation for the latter
case is the angular deflection of the steady wake which may
It can be shown that Eqs. (1) and (2) are equivalent in produce an inplane wake component not considered in the
a rotating frame to the single blade equation7 analysis. The tests were conducted with a ground pi-ate
3 4- A/3+ 0^/3= A(6 + X) (13) varying in distance from the rotor center between 0.5-R arid
1.5-R and without ground plate. No substantial differences
where at t = 0 the blade is located aft. We use the same in test results were found.
inflow model defined by the left hand sides of Eqs. (6)
and (7) but replace the right hand sides by the proper Four bladed hingeless rotor models with the capability
pitching and rolling moments for a two-bladed rotor of exciting progressing and regressing flapping motions
will be tested both at AAMRDL (7.5 ft D) and at Wash-
cost (14) ington University (1.5 ft D) and may shed some further
light on the problems of unsteady wake effects.
3) sin* (15)
Eqs. (14) and (15) can be transformed into a rotating Appendix A: Derivation of Eq. (7)
frame of reference by introducing the auxiliary variable § We assume that the flow through the rotor disk consists
77 = -xn cos* + sin* (16) of a uniform constant velocity VQ positive up and a har-
monic time variable velocity v sin^. In the fully developed
By multiplying Eqs. (14) and (15) by cost and sin t re-
spectively and adding them one obtains with Eq. (5) for X

TX + X + TT? = -2L(J3 + co^jS) (17)

By using the factors sin£ and -cost and adding i.o
TX - 777-77 = 0 (18)
The Fourier transforms of Eqs. (13, 17, 18) give
2L(1 + r2 +

-co 2 )(r 2 - T2co2 -

4co2r2}]-1 (19)

§R. A. Ormiston suggested the use of Eqs. (13) to (15) and

solved them by the harmonic balance method. S. K. Yin suggest- 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
ed the transformation Eq. (16) and derived Eqs. (17) to (19) with
a formally different but numerically identical result. Fig. 3 Amplitude ratio vs frequency, 0o = 8°.
760 J. AIRCRAFT VOL. 10, NO. 12

Dynamics of Slung Bodies Utilizing

a Rotating Wheel for Stability

Edward C. Micale* and Corrado Polit

•3 90 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass.

a,h horizontal and vertical distances between attach-
180 horizontal and vertical distances from the center of
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
mass of the box to the cable attachment point
Fig. 4 Phase difference vs frequency, 0o = 8° along x, y, z
A,B,C moments of inertia of rectangular cargo container
about the x, y, z axes
moments of inertia of wheel about jci, yi, z\ axes
D/W drag-to-weight ratio
I cable length
wake the velocities are 2(vQ + i; sim//). The air, participat- L,M,N aerodynamic moments
Downloaded by MONASH UNIVERSITY on September 28, 2014 | | DOI: 10.2514/3.60302

ing in the acceleration v sini/' is assumed to be enclosed in m,T mass of towed system
mass of wheel
a cylinder with radius R and height h. The moment of wheel radius
momentum equation about the longitudinal axis contains vertical distance from c.m. box to c.m. wheel along
only terms with factor sin2^ and reads z
27T R steady-state cable force
- J J rdtydr-r sinipp^v^v sinip + hv sin$) = u,u,w linear perturbation velocities
o o UQ x component of steady state velocity
WQ z component of steady state velocity
C,(£1R)2P7LR2 (Al) Wi/ W wheel weight to system weight ratio
where Q is the aerodynamic hub rolling moment coeffi- coi wheel rotational speed
cient, positive to right. Performing the integrations and X, Y,Z aerodynamic forces
using nondimensional velocities \o = Vo/ttR, Xn = v/QR aircraft Euler angles
and the time unit 1/12, one obtains angle of attack
steady state angle of attack
= -3C Z /4A 0 (A2) side-slip angle
CD drag coefficient
where CL lift coefficient
Cy side -force coefficient
(A3) Ci roll moment coefficient
Performing the same analysis with a radially linear in- Cm pitch moment coefficient
flow velocity distribution assumed in Eqs. (1) and (2), one Cn yaw moment coefficient
obtains =

X n + TXn = -5C Z /16X 0 (A4)

where XU,XW, etc. changes in the aerodynamic forces and moments due.
(A5) to changes in velocities

In either case the expression Xn + r\u is proportional Introduction

to the left aerodynamic hub rolling moment, which is ex-
pressed in Eq. (7). Since r and L are determined by corre- IN the past few years airborne towing has proven to be
lation with testsj Eqs. (6) and (7) do not assume any spe- very useful for industrial and military transportation.
cific inflow distribution over the radius. Even though this means of transportation has demon-
strated its effectiveness, reports have revealed that quite
often serious instabilities have occurred. Asseo and Erick-
son1 mention the dangerous load oscillations experienced
filler, R. H., "Rotor Blade Harmonic Airloadings," AIAA while towing low density, high drag loads, which have re-
Journal, Vol. 2, No. 7, July 1964, p. 1260. sulted in emergency load jettison and some load/helicop-
Curtiss, H. C. Jr., "The Use of Complex Coordinates in the ter collisions. Similarly Etkin and Mackworth2 report of
study of Rotor Dynamics," Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 10, No. 5, serious instabilities which occurred while transporting
May 1973, pp. 285-295. loads of dense material in a specially designed bucket.
Ormiston, R; A. and Peters, D. A., "Hingeless Rotor Response Experimental investigations by Shanks3"5 showed that
with Non-Uniform Inflow and Elastic Blade Bending," Journal of
Aircraft, Vol. 9, No. 10, Oct. 1972, pp. 730-736. lateral instability may arise in towing parawing gliders
Kerr, A. W., Potthast, A. J., and Anderson, W. D., "An Inter- and half-cone re-entry vehicles. These problems have re-
disciplinary Approach to Integrated Rotor/Body Mathematical sulted in a number of investigations to determine the cri-
Modeling," Mideast Region Symposium, American Helicopter teria necessary to insure stability during airborne towing.
Society, 1972.
Hohenemser, K. H. and Crews, S. T., "Model Tests on Un-
steady Rotor Wake Effects," Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 10, No. 1, Received June 18, 1973. This work was supported by the U.S.
Jan. 1973, pp. 58-60. Army Research Office—Durham.
Carpenter, P. J. and Fridovich, B., "Effect of a Rapid Blade Index categories: Air Transportation Systems; VTOL Handling,
Pitch Increase on the Thrust and Induced Velocity Response of a Stability, and Control.
Full Scale Helicopter Rotor," TN 3044, Nov. 1953, NACA. *Graduate student, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Hohenemser, K. H. and Yin, S. K., "Some Applications of the Department.
Method of Miiltiblade Coordinates," Journal American Helicop- tProfessor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Depart-
ter Society, Vol. 17, No. 4, July 1972, pp. 3-12. ment.

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