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Request for Proposals Consulting Services




Request for Proposals

Consulting Services
Procurement of:
Timor-Leste Branch Roads Project

RFP No: RFP/115/MOP-2022

Consulting Services for: Design Review and Construction Supervision

and Preparation of Bidding Documents for
Upgrading and Maintenance of Jct. Letefoho-
Gleno Road Section (30+230-54+370 Km)-

Client: Ministry of Public Works (MPW)

Country: Timor-Leste

Issued on: January 2023

Section 7. Terms of Reference


Preparation of the Final Engineering Design and Preparation of Bidding

(By reviewing & updating of previous design prepared by others)
 Upgrading and Maintenance of Gleno - Letefoho Road Section (25.80
km) Contract Package 3 (CP-3), Km 30+320 to Km 54+370


Construction Supervision of:

 Upgrading and Maintenance of Gleno - Letefoho Road Section (25.80
km) Contract Package 3 (CP-3), Km 30+320 to Km 54+370

Section 7. Terms of Reference


1. Definition

a. Project

The project means; i) Preparation of the Final Engineering Design and Bidding
Documents and ii) Consultant Supervision for Upgrading and Maintenance.

b. Service

The Service means i) Preparation of the Final Engineering Design and Bidding
Documents and ii) Consultant Supervision for Upgrading and Maintenance.

c. The Employer

The Employer is the Owner of this Project which is the Ministry of Public Works
(MPW) of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. The Project is administered by
Project Management Unit (PMU) and under supervision by Directorate of Roads,
Bridges, and Flood Control (DRBFC) and Directorate General of Public Works

d. Management of Activities

The overall Management of Activities means to be led by a Project Manager

appointed by the DRBFC under the guidance from the Employer and Project
Steering Committee (PSC). PSC will consist of the representatives from the
Commission against Corruption (CAC), the Agency of National Development
(ADN), MPW, and the Ministry of Finance (MOF).

e. Procurement Commission

Procurement of the Consultant will be carried out by the National Procurement

Commission (NPC). NPC will arrange pre-bid meeting, receive the proposals,
evaluate the proposals and propose the winner.

f. Consultant

The Consultant means any consulting company which is the winner of the
procurement process and who will sign the contract together with the Employer.

2. Background

a. The Government of Timor-Leste (GoTL) received a credit from the World Bank;
the World Bank is financing the Timor-Leste Branch Roads Project (TLBRP) to
improve the Gleno - Maubisse corridor. TLBRP, funded by IDA Credit Number
6488-TL, became effective on 26 January 2021, and will continue until the end of

Section 7. Terms of Reference

b. GoTL will select a firm of consultants following Quality and Cost-Based Selection
process in accordance with the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF
Borrowers, July 2016 as amended from time to time.

c. GoTL expects to promote technology transfer either through joint venture between
expatriate and local companies or by local companies with international and local

d. The Terms of Reference (TOR) should be used for reference for the consulting
services in order to achieve the Detailed Engineering Design Update and
Construction Supervision Services in conformance to the required standards.

3. Objectives

a. These TOR are intended for the consulting services such as: i) Preparation of the
Final Engineering Design and Bidding Documents (to review & update previous
design by Katahira and Engineers International – Upgrading and Maintenance of
Gleno to Letefoho Road Section, 25.80 km). ii) Construction Supervision for
Upgrading and Maintenance of Gleno to Letefoho Road Section, 25.8km.

b. The objective of this assignment is:

Phase 1, Consultant Design Team will carry out a design review of the previous
detailed engineering design by Katahira and update previous detailed engineering
design and bidding documents by Katahira for Contract Package 3 (CP-3) from km
30+320 to km 54+370 (Upgrading and Maintenance of Letefoho to Gleno road
section). This must include re-visiting the design of the Letefoho Junction (STA 29 –
30) in view of minimizing resettlement impacts.

Phase 2, Consultant Supervision Team in the line with the phase 1 will perform
construction supervision to Contract Package 3 (CP-3) from km 30+320 to km
54+370 (Upgrading and Maintenance of Gleno to Letefoho Road Section).

c. These TOR should be used for guidance for the satisfactory and timely completion
of the project. These TOR set out the output, principles, criteria, process and input.

d. In this task, the Consultant will implement the duties in a professional manner so as
to deliver the outputs in accordance with the technical specifications and standards
stated in these TOR.

e. The objective of these TOR is to provide technical guidance and instructions to

interested consulting companies so that they can fulfil the technical specifications in
terms of structural, architectural, and functional aspects.

4. Location

The branch roads play an important role for central Timor-Leste, linking its East to its West,
while also serving transit traffic along the project road and on connections to the Dili–Ainaro
(improved under the ongoing World Bank-funded Timor-Leste Road Climate Resilience
Project) and the Gleno–Tibar corridors. The Gleno–Maubisse corridor starts at the city of
Gleno, passes through the towns of Ermera, Letefoho, Hatubuilico, and Aituto and ends at the

Section 7. Terms of Reference

town of Maubisse. Gleno is a city 30 km to the southwest of Dili and is the capital of the
municipality of Ermera. Maubisse is a historic town in the hills 70 km south of Dili, in
Ainaro District. It is a popular tourist destination and a weekend visiting spot for people from
the capital. Agricultural activities are evident along the corridor. The Ermera district
concentrates particularly coffee producers. The Hatubuilico town is on the route to Timor-
Leste top tourist destination, Mount Ramelau. GoTL anticipates that in addition to the main
goal of enhancing connectivity in the project areas, the project would help develop the
agricultural and tourism sectors by improving road access specifically to the country highest
coffee producing areas and tourist destinations.

Mapping to the road section is shown at following pages:

Section 7. Terms of Reference

Final Engineering Design & Construction supervision - Letefoho to Gleno road section.

Section 7. Terms of Reference


The Consultant shall perform all works necessary to achieve the objectives set out in the
TOR. The Scope of Works (SOW) includes preparation of the final engineering design by
reviewing and updating the design prepared by previous design consultants M/s Katahira and
Construction Supervision services for the Gleno – Letefoho road section. The SOW shall
include, but not be limited to, the following items:

Phase 1, the scope of services for the Consultant is as follows:

1. Preparation of the final engineering design and bidding documents for the
Upgrading and maintenance of Gleno–Letefoho Road Section (25.80 km) after
reviewing and updating the existing Detailed Engineering Design prepared by
Katahira during project preparation. This includes re-visiting the design of the
Letefoho Junction (STA 29 – 30) in view of minimizing resettlement impacts.
2. Site Observation and data collections to relevant aspect respectively as described
below, included benchmark checking and new control points installation (as
3. Topographical survey of actual site (shall be approved by Client).
4. Hydrological survey and Drainage Analysis and updating of design.
5. Geological and Geotechnical survey (investigation shall be approved by Client) and
updating of design.
6. Observation to existing Roadway surface and testing (as requested).
7. Introduce modern products to prevent landslide, settlement, etc… to design
(recommendation by Client to use Geo-Grid or Geo Cell in whole project sections
or only in required section).
8. Updated and corrected plan and profile as well as cross-section design.
9. Preparing updated bill of quantity and Bidding Documents.
10. Updating of Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and relevant
documents as required in the TLBRP’s environmental and social management
11. Updating of the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan (LARAP) for the
Branch Roads for Gleno-Letefoho Road Section, particularly on compensation
valuation for impacts on private land (beyond the Right of Way/RoW boundaries)
for the purpose of road re-alignment. This must include Letefoho Junction (STA 29
– 30) and any major impacts related to land taking on private properties, including
agricultural land.
12. Preparing construction methods and schedule due to implementation.
13. Identification of land claims and ownership if alternative routes and/or re-alignment
are envisaged.
14. Updated ESMP and RAP, including a tracer assessment and remedial measure for
Gleno and Letefoho road corridor, with a projected cost.
15. Tender Phase Input.

Phase 2, the scope of consultant supervision team is as follows:

1. Provision of construction supervision services for Section Gleno – Letefoho (25.80


a. To carry out construction supervision for Uprading and Maintenance of Gleno –

Letefoho Road Section.

Section 7. Terms of Reference

b. The project will include other complementary facilities, utilities and landscaping
and bioengineering for slope control as its integral and inseparable part.
c. Issuance of Taking Over Certificate (TOC) after the completion of civil works,
issuing punch lists and checking of As-Built Drawings.
d. Issuance of Project completion Reports after issuance of TOC.
e. Issuance of Performance Certificate at the end of DNP.
f. Issuance of Final Statement of Account and close-out the project.

2. Physical upgrading works (which shall be supervised by consultants) will include:

a. Introduce modern products to prevent landslide, settlement, etc… to design

(recommendation by Client to use Geo-Grid or Geo Cell in whole project
sections or only in required section)
b. Construction of reinforcement and slope stabilization structures and
bioengineering for slope control
c. Improvement of drainage structure to meet forecast rainfall volumes and
d. Pavement upgrading with selective widening.

3. Responsible for providing technical input and supervising any emergency works
during the whole duration of contract.

4. The Consultant’s Engineer or his delegate shall conduct an inspection of the works,
preferably four (4) weeks in the start, two (2) weeks in the middle and two (2)
weeks before expiry of the DNP, in order to identify all possible problems that need
to be fixed by the Contractor during such period. The Consultant will provide a
report outlining any problem and the necessary corrective actions to be taken
pursuant to the construction contract, will supervise the implementation of the
corrective actions and will issue such notices as may be necessary. The Consultant
shall issue all the reports and certificates as required under FIDIC 2010 but not
limited to what has been mentioned in Item No.2 above.

5. The Consultant will train staff from PMU or On the Job Training (OJT as requested
by PMU) and the DRBFC in road maintenance works supervision. While this
trained staff from the PMU (including OJT) and the DRBFC, eventually with the
assistance of individual consultants, will be responsible for the supervision of the
maintenance activities during the DNP, the Consultant will provide general
guidance and supervision support to the PMU/DRBFC supervision team during the

6. The Consultant will gather such data as may be needed to agree on the Contractor’s
final statement and to process the final payment certificate.

7. Provide supervision of possible emergency works during the whole duration of

contract, if any.

8. The Consultants will be responsible for overall supervision of environmental and

social management of road works. These include contractors’ adherence to the
Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan (C-ESMP) and any
associated plans, including structural safety, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS),
Community Health and Safety (CHS), including prevention of Sexual Exploitation

Section 7. Terms of Reference

and Harassment/Sexual Abuse (SEA/SH) and Violence against Children (VAC),

stakeholder engagement, grievance handling, etc.

9. The Consultants will train relevant officers from the PMU, DRBFC and civil work
contractor in environmental and social management supervision. These includes: i)
review of environmental and management plans, including adjustment based on
emerging risks, ii) budget allocation and staffing, iii) stakeholder engagement,
including consultations, iv) documentation, etc.

10. The Consultants will ensure Project’s affected stakeholders have access to channel
their grievances. A tailored arrangement is warranted from SEA/SH and VAC
related grievance handling and relevant documentation where the consultant should
collaborate and correspond directly with the PMU’s Gender Specialist/Focal Point
and a service provider (to be identified) for awareness training on GBV, SEA/SH
and VAC related matters.

Services to be provided during the construction phase include but are not necessarily
limited to the following:

1. Represent the interest of the Government vis-à-vis the Contractor in any matter related to
the construction contract and the proper execution thereof.

2. Fulfill the role and responsibilities of ‘The Engineer’ as per FIDIC 2010 during the
whole duration of the contract.

3. Establish contract management system to administer the contract and to maintain records
of all contractual correspondence, quantity measurement and quality control test.

4. Establish organization that shall meet Employer’s approval for proper execution of the

5. Organize the supervision of the works with the proper allocation of responsibilities to the
individual Inspectors and supervise their work in order to ensure that it is effectively

6. Maintain a representative at the site at all times while the Contractor is working to
supervise the work and to issue instructions as required.

7. Issue the Notice of Commencement of the Work and give approval to the Contractor for
his superintendent and his key personnel, construction program and every site activity as
well as construction method during execution of the construction works.

8. Perform value engineering during supervision stage in order to assure that approved
plans are rapidly and properly translated into action, and recommend necessary project
improvements to achieve savings.

9. Inform of problems to PMU under the DRBFC potential problems which may arise in
connection with any construction contract and make recommendations for possible

Section 7. Terms of Reference

10. Prepare and submit reports to the PMU under the DRBFC periodically as required on the
progress of work, the Contractor’s performance, quality of works and the project’s
financial status and forecasts;

11. Examine and make recommendations to the PMU under the DRBFC on all claims from
the Contractor for time extension, extra compensation, work or expenses for other
matters related to the project;

12. Compute quantities of approved and accepted work and materials and check, certify and
make recommendations to the PMU under the DRBFC on the Contractor’s monthly and
final payment certificate;

13. Propose and present to the PMU under the DRBFC for approval, any changes in the
plans it may deem necessary for the completion of works including information or any
effect the changes may have on the contract amount and the time of completion of the
project and prepare all necessary change orders including altering plans and
specifications and other details.

14. Furnish timely assistance and direction to the Contractor in all matters related to the
interpretation of the contract documents, ground survey controls, quality control testing,
and other matters relating to the contract compliance and progress to the project;

15. Furnish for the use of the Contractor all necessary ground and topographic data for the
establishment of road alignment and grades;

16. Review and recommend for approval the Contractor’s work schedule and any such plans
of programs that the Contractor is obliged to furnish for the Engineer’s approval. Prepare
and submit to the PMU under the DRBFC a disbursement schedule.

17. Perform verification surveys of the Contractor’s stake-out surveys for centerline
alignment, structure’s location surveys, and vertical control Bench Marks and prior to
cutting agree with PMU the exact extent of trees to be cut and compensation to be paid
for cutting as specified in the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and

18. Perform initial cross-section, periodic and final survey measurements of completed and
accepted works or partial works to determine quantities;

19. Review and approve the Contractor’s working drawings, shop drawings, erection
drawings, and drawings for temporary works.

20. Asses the adequacy of all inputs such as materials and labor provided by the Contractor
and his methods of work in relation to the required rate of progress including
implementation of construction environmental and social mitigation measures (C-ESMP)
by the Contractor and when required (in case of delays) recommend appropriate
corrective actions in order to expedite progress.

21. Keep and regularly update a list of the Contractor’s equipment and its condition to
ensure compliance with the list of equipment which the Contractor provided in his bid;

Section 7. Terms of Reference

22. Inspect and evaluate all Contractor’s installations, housing, shops, and other
accommodations to ensure compliance with the terms and condition of contract

23. Prepare and maintain inspection and engineering reports and records to adequately
document the progress and performance of the work.

24. Assure the receipts of and maintain as permanent records, all warrants required under the
terms of the contract document for materials and equipment accepted and incorporated in
the Project.

25. Organize and operate materials laboratory on the basis of the provisions in the
construction contract and perform all laboratory and field testing of materials and
products needed to assure that the quality as required by the plans and specifications is

26. To assess the adequacy of the material testing laboratory provided by Contractor, order
necessary testing on material and the completed works and instruct removal and
substitution of improper works, structures and/or material as required.

27. To control and appraise the progress of works, order suspension of the works as
required, and evaluate time extension of the period for completion of the work with
authorization by Employer’s approval.

28. Inspect the occupational and community health and safety aspects of construction and
improvement works and methods to ensure that every reasonable measure has been taken
to protect life and property.

29. Examine and make recommendations for the PMU’s approval with regards to the
proposed siting and environmental and social requirements for quarries and other
associated facilities, including workers’ camps, waste and spoil disposal sites, crushers,
asphalt and batching plants, etc. Siting will need to consider potential environmental and
social risks and impacts, particularly Community Health and Safety (CHS) of the
proposed facilities and their siting.

30. Provide timely assistance and direction to the contractor in matters related to the
interpretation and implementation of environmental and social management measures to
ensure compliance with the project’s ESMP.

31. Monitor use of labour by the contractor and sub-contractors and any risks associated
with such labour use, including OHS, labour rights, employment of underaged
individuals, SEA/SH etc.

32. Furnish the PMU a monthly report on the overall implementation of environmental and
social measures, including any actions and impacts that constitute non-compliance to the
project’s ESMP and in particular, Contractors ESMP (C-ESMP) and recommend gap
filling measures agreed with the Contractor.

33. Report any OHS and CHS-related incidents/accidents, including major injuries,
fatalities, landslides, etc. as required in the project’s ESMP. Specific for SEA/SH and
VAC, any incidence and/or allegation is reported directly to the PMU’s Gender

Section 7. Terms of Reference

Specialist/Focal Point and a service provider (to be identified) within 24 hours of receipt
of information. Frequency of reporting is specified in Section V on the output.

34. Before the issuance of the Certificate of Completion, the Consultant shall carry out the
necessary inspection, specify and supervise any remedial works to be carried out and
when completed, recommend to the PMU under the DRBFC the final inspection and
acceptance of the Project;

35. Perform any and all other items of works not specifically mentioned above but which are
necessary and essential to successfully supervise and control the construction activities
in accordance with the plans, specifications and terms of contract. The Consultant’s
responsibility for the works shall continue until the Certificate of Completion has been
issued by the PMU under the DRBFC.

36. Traffic management and re-routing plans during construction stage, the Consultant shall
perform the following:

1) Assess the effectiveness and suitability of the recommended traffic management

requirements during the actual construction and recommend necessary adjustment
to suit actual conditions
2) The disturbance to traffic flow during construction will likely cause a public
protest unless steps are taken explaining the situation through public information
and campaign.
3) Warning should be made in advance through newspaper, radio and television that
particular sections/segments will be partially closed, restricted or closed at certain
times and provide guidance in the use of possible detour roads and the use of
possible one-way system of parallel roads.

37. The implementation of the traffic management scheme shall pay special attention to the

1) Protection to the needs of the affected local residents and business;

2) Access for emergency vehicles must be guaranteed; and
3) Minimize disruption to the pedestrians and public transport users.

38. Provide guidance to the Contractor and monitor and report on the environmental impacts
and the implementation of environmental mitigation measures by the Contractor
throughout the Project. Monitor and report on the environmental impacts and the
implementation of environmental mitigation measures by the Contractor during the
construction and indicate measures to improve compliance with the ESMP. To conduct
environmental monitoring on a weekly basis throughout the project duration.

39. Introduce advance technology on construction, management system and operation and
maintenance to the counterpart and local engineers and arrange training for Counterparts
and the local engineers. To train the counterpart and local engineers on the job by
assigning them to get involved in the implementation process of the consulting services.
To instruct the Employer’s staff at the project site about the construction management,
quality control and international contract administration.

40. The Consultant will gather such data and supervise the Contractor as may be needed to
ensure that the Contractor implements all requirements of the Environmental and Social

Section 7. Terms of Reference

Management and Monitoring Plan and the Consultant shall refer to the ESHS policies as
stated in Appendix “B” of the General Conditions of Contract and also the
Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP):
and-Social-Management-Plan.pdf and the Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA):
and-Social-Impact-Assessment.pdf as accepted by World Bank and disclosed on the
World Bank website (1 May 2019) and shall comply with the Contract Specifications of
which the Environmental, Social, Health and Safety provisions are a part. The Contractor
shall include all necessary resources in the Tender/Bid to carry out all social and
environmental mitigation measures as required in the above stated documents as
approved by World Bank.

41. Assist and make recommendations to the Employer for setting up an actual operation and
maintenance scheme for the Project after completion.

Preparation of Updated Bidding Documents: The consultant shall update the bidding
documents for the proposed works (including a sub-component for road maintenance in
accordance with Section IV below), using the World Bank’s Standard Procurement
Documents (SPD) for Procurement of Works for International international competition
procurement using Request for Bids (RFB) under the the World Bank Procurement
Regulations dated July 2016 latest edition (4th) as of November 2020.The updated
documents shall include: (i) General; (ii) Specifications; (iii) Drawings; (iv) Bill of
Quantity; (v) Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP). As part of the
assignment, the Consultant shall propose and document appropriate specifications to be
used on the project. These shall be appropriate for the specific conditions in Timor Leste
in general, and the Maubisse - Gleno road in particular. The specifications shall be
submitted to the MPW and World Bank for clearance within six weeks of commencing
the assignment The PMU will assemble the final ICB document, ensuring that all
relevant country-specific information is included and will forward the final draft to the
World Bank for issue of ‘no objection’.

Designing Performance Based Road Maintenance: A performance-based contract

(PBC) shall be developed by the Consultant after the road condition survey is completed.
The PBC needs to be included in the ICB bidding documents: The civil works
Contractor should be encouraged to subcontract the routine maintenance works to local
communities where sufficient population density exists to allow for labor-based
maintenance to occur; and to small local contractors where sufficient population density
does not support labor-based community contracting. Lessons learned from the ADB,
EU and ILO projects involved in road maintenance in Timor Leste, as well as
international best practice, should be reflected in the PBC design.

Tender Phase Input: The consultant shall assist the MPW/PMU/NPC (if required) in
responding to the tender queries during the procurement of the contractor.

Section 7. Terms of Reference


1. The Consultant shall provide two teams (Design Team and Supervision Team)
comprising qualified specialists (not necessarily limited to those listed below) with
duties and responsibilities described in these TOR and with satisfactory experience in
implementing projects of similar nature and size. The Consultant should have extensive
experience in road design, construction supervision, construction specifications, quality
control, contract management and dispute resolution of similar size international

2. The Consultant's team must comprise specialists that have appropriate experience and
education, including on aspects related to the engineering requirements, environmental
and social management, land acquisition, community engagement, etc. Relevant
experience in road construction works in Timor-Leste and/or in Asia Pacific Region is

3. The Consultant is responsible professionally for updating the design and construction
supervision services to conform to the regulations and in accordance with ethical code
of professionalism.

4. The Consultant will ensure that the Contractor implements all requirements of the
Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) under the Contract and the
Consultant shall refer to the ESHS policies as stated in Appendix “B” of the General

5. The consultant shall possess extensive experience and expertise in environmental and
social management for road construction, preferably in Timor-Leste. The consultant
shall provide additional resources to address the requirements in the scope of work,
particularly with regards to community engagement and SEA/SH and VAC risk

6. Adhere to relevant codes of conduct on SEA/SH/VAC, signed prior to deployment.

7. The Consultant shall provide the resources to fulfill the general requirements described
in these Terms of Reference.

8. The Consultant will ensure that the Contractor implements all requirements of the
Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan and the Consultant shall
refer to the ESHS policies as stated in Appendix “B” of the General Conditions for the
Contractor’s contract

9. In general, the responsibility of the Consultant covers the following:

a. Review of detailed engineering design for the essential works as defined above,
including recommendations on amendments and revisions.
b. Update / upgrade of the detailed engineering design as per the approved
recommendations and revisions.
c. The result of construction supervision works should fulfill supervision
qualification standards.

Section 7. Terms of Reference

d. The result of construction supervision works should accommodate the limitations

expressed by the Employer including through these TOR such as in the aspect of
payment, work schedule and the quality of constructions to be supervised.
e. The result of construction supervision works should fulfill the regulations,
standards and technical guidance of construction supervision that are generally in

Section 7. Terms of Reference


1. Phase 1: The Design Services will be paid on a lump sum-based form of contract. The
total services are expected to be completed within Four (4) months.

2. Phase 2: Construction Supervision Services, to be paid on a time-based form of

contract, comprises the following:

 Total duration of Services (40 months)

 Supervision of Works (28 months)
 Supervision of the 1-year Defects Liability Period (12 months)

3. Upon signing of contract, there will not be any additional cost unless as subsequently
agreed between the Consultant and the Employer, and incorporated in a written contract

Section 7. Terms of Reference



Updating of Detailed Engineering Design Reports

The output of activities shall result by the Consultant is a production of report that is
presented in a systematic and good format as follows:

1. Inception Report –Design Review Report

The report shall include initial findings, detailed work program, staffing and methodology for
the following outputs:

1. Reviewing of Design Concept covering number and qualification of team members

and their responsibilities, methodology of implementation, and duration of time
2. Updated Design concept covering structure program, various kind of structures, and
organization of structure connections.
3. Updated scope of services report on validation of existing site data and information
covering geotechnical studies, topographical surveys, hydrological and hydraulic
investigations and other purposes needed.
4. Indentifying de-facto land tenure claims, including their legal status as well as
presence of overlapping claims, conflicts and disputes and actual land use (i.e.,
agriculture, residential, barren land forests etc.)
5. Assessment of potential environmental and social impacts and corresponding risk and
impact mitigation measures, including alternative siting and/or recommended design
options in line with the projects environmental and social management frameworks as
contained in the project’s ESMP. Update the project’s ESMP to factor in additional
assessments and community engagement particularly for Gleno-Letefoho road
6. Update the land acquisition and resettlement plan (LARAP) for Gleno-Letefoho
section, covering the Letefoho Junction STA 29-30 based on the revised design.

These documents should be submitted in one (1) original and five (5) copies and (1)
electronic copy in CD and/or other form of electronic copy.

This updated Design concept should be approved by the Owner in the first month of
assignment, before proceeding to the updating of Design stage.

Comments on the Inception Report will be prepared and discussed between the Design
Consultant and the Owner together with other relevant institution and an agreed Design
Concept will be approved by the Owner enabling the Design Consultant to continue his work
with minimal delay.

2. Updated Detailed Engineering Design (Draft Final Report)

This report shall include a description of considered possible technical solutions and
justification of selected technical solutions, with special elaboration of treatment of activities
along the road in settlements and out of settlements, choice of measures for improving traffic
safety, as well as all other important aspects mentioned in the ToR.

Section 7. Terms of Reference

Updated Detailed Engineering Design will consist of the following:

1. Updated Detailed Engineering Design drawings of Road design for construction

2. Updated LARAP
3. Updated ESMP
4. Updated Technical Specifications
5. Updated Bill of Quantities
6. Updated Unit Price Analysis
7. Updated Cost Estimates
8. Updated Construction Schedule and “S” Curve
9. Updated Final Design report covering all engineering disciplines
10. Draft Bidding Documents
These documents should be submitted in one (1) original and five (5) copies and (1)
electronic copy in CD and/or other forms of electronic copy.

This Draft Final Report should be submitted to the Owner in the third month of assignment.

Comments on the Draft Final Report will be prepared and discussed between the Design
consultant and the project Manager together with the PSC and an agreed Technical Design
concept will be approved by the Owner enabling the Design Consultant to continue his work
with minimal delay

3. Final Updated Detailed Engineering Design Report Package

The final design report package shall present the previous reports incorporating all revisions
deemed necessary arising from comments received from the Client. In addition, the final
design report package shall present a Pavement Design Report, Specifications, Summaries,
Explanatory Notes, Bill of Quantities, updated ESMPs and RAPs and
consultation/stakeholder engagement plans, including tracer assessment and remedial
measures, alternative engineering design and suggested measures to minimize the land
takings and resettlement along the project corridor and juntions, Cost Estimates, Google
Maps, Performance Specifications as well as minutes of consultation meetings with village’s
representatives. The updated Final Design report should have at least the following contents:

1. Introduction
2. Description of Project Road
3. Road Surveys, Investigations and Instrumental Testing
4. Climate
5. Traffic
6. Pavement Study and Design
7. Road Safety
8. Drainage
9. Bridges and Structures
10. Standard Specification
11. Design of Performance Based Contract (PBC) Template for Routine Base
12. Construction Cost Estimates
13. Construction Method and Schedules

Section 7. Terms of Reference

14. Updated Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and ESMP for Gleno –
Letefoho road section, covering the Letefoho junction.
15. Updated LARAP, covering a tracer assessment identifying impacts of the previous
GoTL’s emergency road works.
16. Summary of recommended rehabilitation project-alternative
17. Bidding Documents and Tender Phase Input.

These documents should be submitted in one (1) original and five (5) copies and (1)
electronic copy in CD and/or other forms of electronic copy.

This Final Report should be submitted to the Owner in the 4th month of assignment

The consultant is obliged to comply with remarks of the client in reference to technical
documents which are subject to final control, if such remarks exist. For every particular
remark, the Consultant shall indicate the request for correction, as well as description of
manner in which the remark was corrected with appropriate justification.


The output of activities shall result by the Consultant in the production of report that is
presented in a systematic and good format as follows:

4. Inception Report

Inception Report and presentation for the Project Steering Committee will consist of the
following contents not limited to:
a. Concept of construction supervision works covering the number and qualification of
team members and its responsibilities and methodology of implementation,
including outlining the scheduling, personnel and technology/equipment
mobilization and capacity building etc.
b. Understanding of the Scope of works, report of existing site data and information,
and other purposes needed.

The Inception Report will be submitted within one month of mobilization of the Consultant in
six (6) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of CD or other agreed form of electronic copy.

Comments on the Inception Report will be prepared and discussed between the Consultant
and the Project Manager together with the PSC and an agreed technical construction
supervision concept will be approved by the Employer enabling the Consultant to continue
his work with minimal delay.

5. Daily Record

The Daily Record contains all events in the field, instructions and guidance from the Project
Manager and the Consultant to the Site Engineers of Contractor.

6. Daily Report (to be compiled for weekly and monthly reports)

The Daily Report contains information indicating the Consultant discussed with the
Contractor regarding as follows:

Section 7. Terms of Reference

a. Labours working in the site.

b. Materials dropped in the site accepted and or rejected.
c. Equipment to be used for construction.
d. Physical progress of construction works those are being implemented by the
e. Time for implementing the construction work.
f. Implementation by the Contractor of environmental social, health and safety
mitigation measures as required in the Environmental and Social Management Plan
(ESMP) under the Contract
g. Implementation of the LARAP
h. Grievance logs
i. Incidence/accidents
j. Environmental and social non-compliance issues

7. Weekly Report

Weekly Report contains the resume of Daily Report.

8. Monthly Report

Monthly Report based on the input of regular Site Meetings, Daily Record, Weekly Report,
and Monthly Report of construction works provided by the Contractor.

These documents should be submitted in six (6) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of
CD and/or other agreed form of electronic copy.

Monthly Environmental and Social Monitoring Report on the Contractor’s implementation of

all requirements of the Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan
including but not limited to environmental licensing, mineral licensing, checklists, status of
spoil disposal, borrow pits, stockpile areas, grievance logs, incidents and accidents,
environmental and social non-compliance issues and implementation of all mitigation
measures required by World Bank and the Employer.

These documents should be submitted in two (2) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of
CD and/or other agreed form of electronic copy.

9. Construction Supervision Completion Report

The Construction Supervision Completion Report will include the following:

a. Daily Report
b. Document of Design Changes
c. Document of Quality Control
d. Document of Extra Claims
e. Minutes of Site Meetings
f. Photographs
g. As-built Drawings
h. Taking Over Certificate (TOC).
i. Approval of Contractor’s Final Account
j. Manuals
k. Record of Commissioning
l. Videos

Section 7. Terms of Reference

m. Geo-tagged photographs
n. Final Environmental and Social Monitoring Report
o. LARAP monitoring report

These documents should be submitted in six (6) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of
CD and/or other agreed form of electronic copy.

Within two weeks of completion of the construction works submit Final Environmental and
Social Monitoring Report on the Contractor’s implementation of all requirements of the
Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan summarising for the whole
project duration all results of environmental licensing and monitoring of mineral licensing,
checklists, status of spoil disposal, borrow pits, stockpile areas and implementation of all
mitigation measures required by World Bank and the Employer.

This document should be submitted in two (2) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of CD
and/or other agreed form of electronic copy.

10. Time Schedule

Time Schedule of construction works those are prepared for/by the Contractor.

11. Construction Progress Reports

Construction Progress Reports and Environmental and Social Monitoring Reports will be
prepared on a monthly basis by the Consultant and will be necessary to support the payment
of invoices submitted by the Contractor to the Government of Timor-Leste.

12. Shop Drawings

Shop Drawings are to be prepared by the Contractor and reviewed & approved by the

13. Document of Design Changes

Documentation containing construction phase design changes, additional or deduction works

will be provided by the Consultant to the Project Manager. In particular, the Consultant will
provide a detailed report on the priorities for repair and improvement of the works together
with detailed itemised cost estimates such that the Project Manager can prepare instructions
to the Contractor on the scope and the content of these works within the available budget.

14. Document of Quality Control

Document containing all results of quality control testing and measurements for payment to
the Contractor taken in the site during construction.

15. Document of Extra Claims

Document containing extra items claimed by the Contractor that were approved by the
Project Manager.

Section 7. Terms of Reference

16. Minutes of Site Meetings

Minutes of Site Meetings and physical progress meetings as signed and agreed between the
Project Manager, the Consultant and the Contractor.
17. Photographs

Photographs showing the sequence of construction progress and progress implementation by

the Contractor of environmental health and safety mitigation measures as required in the

18. As-built Drawings

As-built Drawing if any changes on the construction works.

19. Manuals

Manuals of equipment prepared by the Contractor.

20. Record of Commissioning

Record of commissioning that is covering structures/equipment with standalone Site Clean

Up and Rehabilitation Plan (SCURP) and report showing progress with all Corrective and
Preventative Action Requests covering implementation by the Contractor of environmental
health and safety mitigation measures as required in the ESMP.

Section 7. Terms of Reference



The Consultant shall conduct post upgrading economic analysis and all related survey for the
entire Maubisse – Gleno Road and compare the results with the ex-ante surveys and
economic analysis.

Services to be provided during the post upgrading phase must use methodologies comparable
with the ex-ante services and include but are not necessarily limited to the following:

1. Based on the economic analysis, estimation of the distribution of project net benefits
among freight transport users, passenger transport users, labour, the government and the
economy in general;
2. Social analysis of the Project area of influence to determine numbers of beneficiaries
and socio-economic profiles;
3. Undertaking of traffic surveys, comparable with the 2018 baseline, taking into account
the developments in the project area of influence;
4. Preparation of an economic evaluation of the upgraded road project; and
5. Conduct the roughness survey of the upgraded road project of Maubisse – Gleno Road.
6. Any unresolved issues at the community level, including any residual grievances and


The Consultant in the implementation of his tasks should take notice of the principles as

1. The Consultant shall function on behalf of the Government as the “Engineer” of the
Project. The Consultant shall perform his duties in accordance with acceptable criteria
and shall exercise the powers vested in him as the “Engineer” under the Government’s
contract with the Contractor awarded with the construction/rehabilitation of the road
2. The terms “Engineer’s Representative” shall mean any Resident Engineer, Assistant
Resident Engineer, or any responsible Engineer appointed from time to time by the
Engineer to perform the duties and whose authority shall be notified in writing to the
Contractor by the Engineer. In general, the duties of the Engineer’s Representative are
to inspect, observe and supervise the works and to test and examine any materials to be
used or workmanship employed in connection with the works to ensure that the
construction is carried out in accordance with the plans and specifications.
3. The Consultant shall establish an appropriate organization that shall meet the Project
requirements for the different phases of implementation.
4. The Consultant in his capacity as Engineer shall report directly to PMU under the
DRBFC in accordance with the Time Schedule, Reports and Documents of this Terms
of Reference which will issue from time-to-time guidelines for the purpose of
establishing uniformity in the administrative as well as the technical working
5. Within reasonable limits implementation of the works should causing minimal
disturbance to the activities in the locality of the works.
6. The construction works should be completed in minimum time without compromising
quality such the improved facilities are available for use as soon as possible.

Section 7. Terms of Reference

7. The facilities constructed should increase the quality of environment.

8. The Consultant will supervise the Contractor as needed to ensure that the Contractor
uses all resources included in the Tender/Bid to carry out all social and environmental
mitigation measures as required in the above stated documents as approved by World
Bank and the Contractor shall implement all requirements of the Environmental and
Social Management and Monitoring Plan and the Consultant shall refer to the ESHS
policies as stated in Appendix “B” of the General Conditions of Contract and also

i. the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP):
mental-and-Social-Management-Plan.pdf, and

ii. the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

Environmental-and-Social-Impact-Assessment.pdf as accepted by World Bank
and disclosed on the World Bank website (1 May 2019) to ensure that the
Contractor complies with the Contract Specifications of which the Environmental,
Social, Health and Safety provisions are a part”.

Section 7. Terms of Reference



1. General Criteria

The Design Consultant should take notice of the general criteria of the Intersection to
conform to its functionality and complexity, and are as follows:

a. Conditions of allotment and intensity:

1. To ensure that the Intersection is constructed based on the regulation of spatial

plan determined by the local authority.
2. To ensure that the Intersection will be used to conform to its functions.
3. To ensure the safety of the users, community and environment.
4. To conform to the state budget principles:
a. Economical, not luxurious, efficient and conforms to the technical purposes
b. To be focused and controlled to conform to the plan, program and its
c. To utilize local products and resources as much as possible to promote
national prosperity.

b. Condition of environment and architecture:

1. To ensure that the intersections are constructed based on the environment

characteristics, traditional architecture, determinations of the nature of local
culture, in order to obtain balance, harmony and compatibility with the
2. To ensure the creation of Green Space that is balanced and in harmony with the
3. To ensure that the intersection is constructed and utilized with no negative impacts
to the environment.

c. Conditions of Intersection Structure:

1. To ensure the structure stability of the Intersection to support the rising loads as
the result of its utilization to conform to its functions, and as the result of the
natural and human behavior.
2. To ensure the safety of the people from possible accidents or injury due to the
failure of the Intersection structure.
3. To ensure the welfare of the people from damages of their properties due to the
failure of the Intersection structure.
4. To ensure the protection for the other properties from physical damages due to the
failure of the Intersection structure.

d. Conditions of drainage:

1. To ensure the provision of drainage canals could retain the rain water before
discharging to the city drainage canals.

Section 7. Terms of Reference

2. To ensure the provision of drainage canals could manage the flood that has
historically occurred.

e. Condition of electrical installation and lighting rod:

1. To ensure that the installation of electrical facilities adequately and safety support
the activities on the intersection to conform to its functions
2. To ensure the safety of the Intersection and its users from the danger of lighting.

f. Conditions of lighting:

1. To ensure the fulfillment of lighting needed adequately, either natural or man-

made to support the activities in the Intersections to conform to its functions.
2. To ensure that lighting facilities are in good running condition during testing and

g. Condition of noises and trembles:

1. To ensure the creation of comfortable situation from unexpected noises and

trembles disturbance.
2. To ensure the users to evacuate easily and safety in emergency situations.

2. Specific Criteria

The specific criteria relate to the construction of intersection to be designed, either from the
aspect of special functions or other technical aspects are as follows:

a. Ensure serviceability of the roads;

b. Ensure stabilized slopes
c. Ensure road safety;
d. Ensure riding surface;
e. Ensure optimum travel speeds;
f. Ensure roundabouts are built in an easily maintainable condition.
g. The drainage improvement works should have increased service life of the road
pavement and ensure serviceability of the roads during/after heavy rains;
h. Effort of conservation for the existing building, if any.
i. The unity of designing the Intersection with its façade, aesthetics, and the scope of
services in the surroundings, such as the frameworks of environment.
j. Solution and contextual limitations, such as aspects of local social culture, geography,
climate and others.


3. General Criteria

Any construction supervision works should be accomplished properly until giving result
as required and well accepted by the Project Manager.

4. Objective Criteria

Section 7. Terms of Reference

The implementation of construction supervision works relating to the type, quantity and
quality of works should be accomplished to meet the supervision standard.

5. Functional Criteria

The implementation of construction supervision works should be accomplished in a

professional way in order to increase the project performance.

6. Procedure Criteria

The administrative procedure of the works on site should be in accordance with the
regulation to be applied.

7. Technical Criteria

The construction supervision works should use the standard and technical guides.

8. Environmental and Social Criteria

The construction supervision works will refer to the Environmental, Social, Health and
Safety provisions of the Contract Specifications.

Section 7. Terms of Reference



1. In the process of design services

To produce the outputs required, the Design Consultant should prepare a schedule of periodic
meetings with the Owner.

2. In the periodic meetings

It should be determined which inception products, intermediate products, and main products
shall be provided by the Design Consultant to conform to output plan determined in the ToR.

3. In the implementation of the tasks

The Design Consultant should always consider that the work time schedule is fixed.

4. The work time schedule

Phase 1
Four (4) Months from the date of signing of the contract.


The Consultant should prepare description of activities in detail of every part of construction
supervision work in the site as follows:

5. Preparation

a. Formulation of work program, allocation of personnel, and the concept of technical

construction supervision work.
b. Check the Time Schedule, Bar-Chart, “S” Curve, Network Planning prepared by the
Contractor and forwarded to the Project Manager for approval.
c. Check Environmental, Social, Health and Safety provisions of the Contract

6. Implementation

a. Implement construction supervision in general, site supervision, coordination, and

inspection continuously.
b. Supervise the accuracy of measurement, quantity and quantity of material, equipment,
working method in the site.
c. Supervise the physical progress and take action properly and fast in order to ensure
the implementation time to meet the schedule.
d. Give input of additional or deduction works that could affect the cost and time for
approval by the Project Manager.
e. Give instruction to the Contractor with no deviation against the contract and make
report of it to the Project Manager.

7. Consultation

Section 7. Terms of Reference

a. Meet the Project Manager to discuss any issues which arise during construction.
b. Hold regular site meetings at least twice a month with the Project Manager,
Consultant and Contractor to discuss issues which arise during construction. Then,
make minutes of meeting and send to all parties related, and expected to be received
within one week.
c. Hold meeting out of regular schedule as required.
d. Meet with the relevant stakeholders to resolve any matters included in the Grievance
Redress Mechanism regarding Environmental, Social, Health and Safety provisions of
the Contract Specifications.

8. Reports

a. Prepare reports in administrative and technical aspects to the Project Manager

regarding the quantity, percentage and value of part or whole works constructed by
the Contractor.
b. Report the materials, labours and equipment to be used.
c. Report the real work progress and compare with the schedule approved.
d. Check the additional drawings prepared by the Contractor particularly that resulting in
additional or deduction work, and the shop drawings.
e. Report the Contractors compliance with the Environmental, Social, Health and Safety
provisions of the Contract Specifications.
f. Reports on environmental and social compliance with the project’s ESMP and C-
g. Reports of LARAP implementation
h. Grievance logs

9. Document

a. Prepare document of physical progress for payment.

b. Check and prepare document of quantity, percentage and value of physical progress
and additional or deduction works for payment.
c. Prepare forms of daily report, weekly report and monthly report, document of work
progress, environmental management, handing over and acceptance of completed

10. Work Time Schedule

Phase 2 – Contract Package 3

The work time schedule for this construction supervision services will last a total of 40
months covering the Upgrading of Section 3 which will take 28 months and Defect
Notification Period (DNP) 12 months.

Section 7. Terms of Reference



1. Information

b. To implement the task, the Design Consultant should collect additional

information/data apart from the information provided by the Owner, including
screening and scoping of social impacts and provide identification of vulnerable
households/individuals potentially impacted by the project.

c. Systematically document all the consultations and engagement made with relevant
stakeholders, including affected communities.

d. Prepare a TOR for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and RAP.
Such ESIA and RAP shall be prepared in line with the DED.

e. The Design Consultant should check the validity of information to be used in the
implementation of his tasks. The faults of design work as the result of lack of
information shall be the responsibility of the Design Consultant.

f. The information required that should be obtained for the design regarding the land

1. Physical condition of the location, such as the extend of the area, boundaries, and
2. Soil conditions as the result of soil tests
3. Condition of ground water
4. Allotment of land use
5. Break down of land use, pavement, green land and others
6. Water source and its capacity
7. Rainfall and drainage:
a. Location of drainage
b. Discharging to outlet of the site.

2. Detailed Design Engineering Team for Phase 1

The Design Team for updating of the existing design shall comprise as a minimum a Team
Leader/Resident Engineer, Pavement/Highway Engineer, Structural Engineer,
Drainage/Hydrological Specialist, Geotechnical Specialist, Materials Engineer, Senior
Contract/Quantity Engineer, Environmental Specialist, Social Safeguards & GBV Specialist,
and other specialists and support and administrative staff as necessary to fulfill the
requirements of the TOR.

a. International Experts

1. Team Leader/Resident Engineer:

The Team Leader/Resident Engineer should have a Master Degree in Civil

Engineering graduated from internationally recognized University and relevant
minimum 15 years total experience in design and construction supervision of road

Section 7. Terms of Reference

projects with a proven record of 10 years of relevant experience in projects of similar

nature and magnitude, preferably with financing by international institution, and
registered in an internationally recognized professional engineering body.
The Team Leader/Resident Engineer will have at least minimum 5 years’ experience
as Team Leader/Resident Engineer and responsible for administering projects
governed by FIDIC Condition of Contract is essential and demonstrated ability to
manage interdisciplinary team, cultural empathy, and strong organizational,
communication and reporting skill. The Team Leader/Resident Engineer will have to
submit a Certificate of Expertise issued by a professional institution. The Team
Leader/Resident Engineer must have expertise in contract management for
construction supervision works and thoroughly familiar with international
standardized Contract Document. 5 years previous work experience in Asia Pacific or
in Timor-Leste and proficiency in Tetum or Bahasa Indonesia or Portuguese will be
an added advantage.
The Team leader/Resident Engineer will:

(i) Direct the design team in all matters relating to provision of the services
(ii) Review available engineering data. Identify potential climate change
impacts that should be catered for design of the roads and evaluate
associated costs.
(iii) Ensure that the Project is designed to be implemented in accordance with
these TOR including the Environmental and Social Management Plan
(ESMP) and Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan (LARAP);
(iv) Lead the team on preparation of bidding documents and assessment of
bids including advising the IA on all matters relating to procurement of
the civil works;
(v) Lead the team in conducting any specific consultations with affected
landowners, leaseholders and other stakeholders;
(vi) Ensure all reporting required by the MPW is fully and punctually
(vii) Undertake all tasks consistent with leading a team in fulfilling the TOR
for the design phase of the assignment.

2. Pavement/Highway Engineer:

The Pavement/Highway Engineer shall be a graduate senior Civil/Transport Engineer

with at least 10 years of total experience, including at least 5 years of relevant
experience in roads design assignments. Experience with automated drafting software
(i.e., AutoCAD or similar software) and training of counterpart personnel in their use
will be an advantage. 5 years previous work experience in Asia Pacific or Timor-
Leste will be an added advantage. The Pavement/Highway Engineer will:

(i) Prepare detailed pavement design, plans and drawings for the road
rehabilitation and upgrading works;
(ii) Estimate work quantities, aligned with a standard method of
measurement for the purposes of bidding and payment of the contractor
during construction;
(iii) Incorporate appropriate road safety features, including amending
drawings in response to comments or requirements from independent
design reviews;

Section 7. Terms of Reference

(iv) Assisted by MPW/PMU staff, conduct consultations with affected

persons along the road, ensuring that the proposed designs appropriately
reflect the needs of the community and avoiding disruption to the extent

3. Structural Engineer:

The Structural Engineer shall be a professionally qualified civil/structural engineer

with at least ten (10) years professional experience with at least eight (8) years
relevant experience in projects of a similar nature and magnitude. 5 years previous
work experience in Asia Pacific or Timor-Leste will be an added advantage.
The Struct1ral Engineer shall indicatively:

(i) Assess existing structures and bridges along the route and recommend
retention or otherwise.
(ii) Assess the need for new bridges and large drainage structures, where the
existing structure is inadequate, or realignment requiring new structures
is proposed and prepare preliminary designs and cost estimates,
(iii) Study the existing hydrological regime based on an analysis of rainfall,
flood records and local inquiry. Estimate the required hydraulic capacity
of bridge structures, including an estimate of the incremental capacity
needed to cater for climate change considerations.
(iv) Prepare a program of geotechnical investigation needed for the design of
drainage structures and bridges. Estimate the cost of the proposed
geotechnical investigations.
(v) Establish parameters for bridge design, taking into account climate
change forecasts over the design life of the roads and component parts;
(vi) Prepare full designs for all bridge structures and large drainage
(vii) Design all erosion protection measures associated with the major
(viii) Prepare specifications, quantity calculations and drawings.

4. Drainage/Hydrological Specialist:

The Drainage/Hydrological Specialist shall be a graduate civil/drainage engineer or

hydrologist with at least 10 years of professional experience, including at least 5 years
of relevant experience in hydrological studies of roads in mountainous regions. 5
years previous work experience in Asia Pacific or Timor-Leste will be an added
advantage. The Drainage/Hydrological Specialist will
(i) Undertake detailed hydrological modeling/analyses along the corridor to
confirm the appropriate hydrological analyses to ensure that the civil
works are appropriately designed for current and anticipated future
rainfall volumes and intensities.
(ii) Ensure that all side drains, culverts, and other drainage structures are
appropriately designed;
(iii) Provide recommendations on bio-engineering and other solutions to help
reduce the impact of rainfall on the road infrastructure.

Section 7. Terms of Reference

5. Geotechnical Specialist:

The Geotechnical Specialist shall be a graduate civil/geotechnical engineer or

geologist with at least 10 years of total experience and minimum 7 years’ experience
in site investigation and evaluation of materials for road construction projects, with
particular experience in soil bioengineering in mountainous regions. 5 years previous
work experience in Asia Pacific or Timor-Leste will be an added advantage.
The Geotechnical Specialist will:

(i) Identify potential geotechnical constraints on the proposed road

upgrading, particularly identifying specific locations where mitigation
measures will be required.
(ii) Guide site specific surveys as required for preliminary assessment and
design of mitigation measures for geotechnical instabilities. Prepare
preliminary designs in sufficient detail for assessment of cost, and social
and environmental impacts, particularly resettlement impacts.
(iii) Assess bio-engineering as a means of mitigating slope instability and
recommend incorporation of measures in the project design as
(iv) Assess potential sources of materials, particularly pavement materials
required for the works, along with processing requirements and oversee
preliminary laboratory testing.
(v) Prepare a detailed program, implementation schedule and budget for
geotechnical investigations necessary for the design of the works.
(vi) Interpret the results of geotechnical investigations and prepare
appropriate designs, in conjunction with the structural and drainage
(vii) Design slope stabilization measures primarily using bio-engineering
methods and prepare drawings and specifications as appropriate for
consideration by the MPW so that the most appropriate solutions are

6. Materials Engineer:

The Materials Engineer shall be a professionally qualified engineer with at least ten
(10) years of experience and minimum 7 years’ experience in the evaluation of
materials for road construction projects. 5 years previous work experience in Asia
Pacific or Timor-Leste will be an added advantage. The Materials Engineer shall

(i) In conjunction with the Geotechnical Specialist, undertake detailed

investigations of material sources (including road cuts) for construction
of embankments and pavement layers;
(ii) Conduct an assessment of the pavement subgrade for the whole length of
the roads;
(iii) Prepare factual report on all materials testing carried out for the purpose
of designing the works;
(iv) Prepare specifications for materials quality and construction quality.
Specify the appropriate testing regimen necessary to undertake routine
quality control testing during construction.

Section 7. Terms of Reference

7. Senior Contract/Quantity Engineer:

The Senior Contract/Quantity Engineer shall be a professionally qualified engineer

with at least ten (10) years of professional experience, including at least five (5) years
of relevant experience in road design projects. 5 years previous work experience in
Asia Pacific or Timor-Leste will be an added advantage.
The Senior Contract/Quantity Engineer shall indicatively:

(i) Prepare cost and quantity estimates of all work items;

(ii) Prepare bidding documents incorporating specifications for one-year
defects liability period and two-year performance-based maintenance;
(iii) Assist in the preparation of reports.

8. Environmental Specialist:

The Environmental Specialist shall be a graduate environmental engineer or scientist

with at least ten (10) years of professional experience, including at least five (5) years
of relevant experience in the transport sector with an emphasis on roads in
mountainous terrain. 5 years previous work experience in Asia Pacific or Timor-Leste
will be an added advantage. The Environmental Specialist shall indicatively:

(i) Update the project’s Environmental and Social Management Plan for
approval by the MPW to reflect the design and construction techniques
to be adopted;
(ii) Assess the potential environmental impacts of the project. Update the
project’s initial environmental examination (IEE) taking into
consideration direct and indirect impacts during pre-construction,
construction and operation, and identifying costs of mitigation measures
and implementation of a monitoring plan;
(iii) Work with the Social Safeguards/Resettlement Specialist in
incorporating additional impact assessments for road re-alignment and
additional links, particularly Hatubuilico, Ermera and Ainaro and South
(iv) Ensure that any base-line data is collected and recorded, identify
potential impacts of the road on the surrounding vulnerability;
(v) Prepare recommendations for integrating climate change considerations
into the design;
(vi) Ensure that the updated Environmental and Social Management Plan is
appropriately incorporated in the civil work bidding documents;
(vii) Undertake any task consistent with these TOR and associated with
environmental protection.
(viii) Assist the MPW in obtaining all necessary permits and licenses for
construction of works (but excluding those for borrow pits, work areas,
storage areas which will be the responsibility of the contractor);

9. Social Safeguards & GBV Specialist:

The Social Safeguards & GBV Specialist should have a Bachelor Degree preferably
master degree in Social Science, graduated from internationally recognized University
with at least ten (10) years of professional experience and relevant minimum 8 years
experience in social risk management. Experience working in World Bank or other

Section 7. Terms of Reference

MDB-funded projects is an advantage. Proficiency in Tetum and English. Familiarity

in issues related to gender, SEA/SH and VAC, community engagement, land
acquisition and resettlement, Computer literacy and experience in development of
electronic monitoring tool(s) is an advantage. 5 years previous work experience in
Asia Pacific or Timor-Leste will be an added advantage.
Relevant deliverables include:

i) Lead social impact assessments, including vulnerability analysis,

stakeholder engagement, and integration of environmental and social
measures into project design and planning processes.
ii) In collaboration with the environmental specialist and relevant technical
specialists, prepare and update ESMPs and RAPs, and associated
environmental and social instruments, following finalization of DEDs.
iii) Ensure inclusion of relevant measures regarding environment, social and
Gender based violence into the civil works bidding documents and other
relevant documents. These would also include OHS, CHS, covering
iv) Provide technical inputs on social aspects in the project’s IEE
v) Propose alternative alignment to minimize resettlement impacts, land
taking, and other livelihoods impacts.
vi) Prepare TORs for additional impact assessments as relevant.

10. Civil 3D Specialist shall be a professionally qualified civil/transport engineer with

not less than ten (10) years of experience in highway design and relevant minimum 8
years experience in automated drafting software (i.e., AutoCAD or similar software)
and training of counterpart personnel in their use will be an advantage. 5 years
previous work experience in Asia Pacific or Timor-Leste will be an added advantage.
The Civil 3D Specialist shall indicatively:

(i) Coordinate with surveyors ensuring accuracy and timeliness of outputs;

(ii) Process detailed topographic survey data of the road corridor, creating a
terrain model extending at least 25m either side of the existing road or
proposed realignment, and any area outside of this corridor that may be
required for slope stabilization works, erosion protection, stream flow
calculations etc;
(iii) Ensure that all significant topographical and physical features within the
surveyed areas, including dwellings, animal sheds, fences and trees of
more than 300mm diameter are in the survey;
(iv) Manage team of CAD engineers ensuring best practice and appropriate
(v) Responsible for the processing of all topographic data. Check survey
data sufficient for design work;
(vi) Perform road alignment design in coordination with the Sr. Highway
(vii) Coordinate with other design engineers timely and accurate design
(viii) Coordinate with other design engineers for quantity calculations.

Section 7. Terms of Reference

11. The Occupational (Community) Health and Safety (OHS) Specialist should be a
qualified engineer or have a certificate in Occupational Health and Safety and
participated in the OHS training programs with minimum 8 years’ experience in
protecting local communities from hazards caused and/or exacerbated by project
activities, disease, and the accidental collapse or failure of project structural elements
with minimum 5 years of relevant experience in the same nature of projects. Previous
5 years work experience in Asia Pacific or in Timor-Leste will be an added

The Occupational (Community) Health and Safety (OHS) Specialist is expected to

perform the following:

i. To anticipate and avoid adverse impacts on the health and safety of affected
communities during the project from both routine and non-routine circumstances.
ii. To ensure quality and safety in the design and construction of project-related
infrastructure, preventing and minimizing potential safety risks and accidents
iii. To avoid or minimize community exposure to disaster risks, diseases and hazardous
materials associated with project activities
iv. To ensure that the safeguarding of personnel and property minimizes risks to
communities and is carried out in accordance with international human rights
standards and principles
v. To have in place effective measures to address emergency events, whether human-
made or natural hazards
vi. Any other related tasks as may be needed.

Section 7. Terms of Reference


i. Information

a. To implement the tasks, the Consultant should collect information required, beside the
information provided by the Employer.

b. The Consultant should check the validity of information to be used in the

implementation of his tasks either the information provided by the Employer or
collected by himself.

c. The faults of supervision work as the result of faults of information will be the
responsibility of the Consultant.

d. The information required and should be obtained for supervision are as follows:
1) Shop drawings
2) Technical Specifications
3) Minutes of Pre-bid Meeting and Assignment of Contractor
4) Contract document of Contractor
5) Work Schedule, Bar-Chart, “S” Curve, and Network Planning prepared by the
6) Terms of Reference of Construction Supervision
7) Regulations, standards and manuals including technical guidance for quality
control testing.

ii. Personnel

The following are considered minimal qualification personnel to undertake this project.

The personnel required for this construction supervision works should consists of the

b. International Experts

1) Team Leader/Resident Engineer

The Team Leader/Resident Engineer should have a Master Degree in Civil

Engineering graduated from internationally recognized University and minimum 15
years international experience in construction supervision of road construction
projects with a proven record of 10 years of relevant managerial experience in
projects of similar nature and magnitude, preferably with financing by international
institution, and registered in an internationally recognized professional engineering
body. The Team Leader/Resident Engineer will have at least minimum 5 years’
experience as Team Leader/Resident Engineer and responsible for administering
projects governed by FIDIC Condition of Contract is essential and demonstrated
ability to manage interdisciplinary team, cultural empathy, and strong organizational,
communication and reporting skill. The Team Leader/Resident Engineer will have to
submit in this bid a Certificate of Expertise issued by a professional institution. The
Team Leader/Resident Engineer must have expertise in contract management for
construction supervision works and thoroughly familiar with international
standardized Contract Document. 5 years previous work experience in Asia Pacific or

Section 7. Terms of Reference

in Timor-Leste and proficiency in Tetum or Bahasa Indonesia or Portuguese will be

an added advantage.

The tasks of the Team Leader/Resident Engineer are the followings:

a) Establish systems within the site Consultant Team for supervising the works,
contract management, quality control, data collection, and certification of
Contractors accounts, etc.
b) Assume the role of Engineers as defined in the construction contract, ensuring
that all procedures for the administration of civil works contract are followed.
c) Ensure that all reporting including environmental monitoring is fully and
punctually provided to the MPW as required by the construction contract and
d) Supervise construction works, including drainage, box culvert and pipe culvert,
bio-engineering works and slope stabilization, among others, and test or order to
test and examine any material to be used or workmanship employed in
connection with the works.
e) Train MPW staff in contract administration, assigning roles and responsibilities
to such engineers as are attached to the Team from time to time.
f) Assure that the Supervision Team functions to ensure that the civil works
contracts are correctly and efficiently administered, and that the Employer’s
reporting requirements are met.
g) Ensure that the works are carried out under safe conditions for workers and road
h) Provide the assistance to the local Jr. Quantity Engineer.

2) Senior Quality Assurance/Materials Engineer

The Senior Quality Assurance/Materials Engineer should have a Bachelor Degree in

Civil Engineering graduated from internationally recognized University and minimum
10 years international professional experience including at least 7 years’ relevant
experience in construction supervision of road projects. The Consultant should have
experience with the construction and testing of flexible pavements and bituminous
surface dressings and their constituent material in tropical countries. The Consultant
should be registered in an internationally recognized professional engineering body,
and will have to submit in this bid a Certificate of Expertise issued by a professional
institution. 5 years previous work experience in Asia Pacific or in Timor-Leste and
proficiency in Tetum or Bahasa Indonesia or Portuguese will be an added advantage.

The tasks of the Senior Quality Assurance/Materials Engineer are the followings:

a) Ensure that the Contractor establishes an appropriate laboratory for materials

testing during construction, and lead the Supervising Engineer’s Team in
carrying out independent testing using the shared facilities.
b) Undertaken routine and random quality assurance testing of materials and
construction quality, including signs, marking and road furniture.
c) Maintain systematic record of all testing performed.
d) Ensure that all sampling and testing is witnessed by the Project Implementation
and Supervision Consultant (PISC) staff.
e) Maintains logs of material submittals and status
f) Maintains log of contractor’s materials test results

Section 7. Terms of Reference

g) Review of contractor’s material submittals for compliance with the contract,

specifications and standards
h) Review of Contractor’s (CCs) test results
i) Inspection of materials delivered to site
j) Inspection and monitoring of batch plants
k) Review of Prequalification submittals of Suppliers/Vendors.

3) Senior Contract/Quantity Engineer

The Senior Contract/Quantity Engineer should have a Bachelor Degree or higher level
of education in Civil Engineering of minimum 10 years degree experience, with
minimum 5 years relevant international experience in preparation of civil engineering
contracts for highway and bridge projects. The Consultant must be familiar with
FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction. 5 years previous work experience in
Asia Pacific or Timor-Leste and proficiency in Tetum or Bahasa Indonesia or
Portuguese will be an added advantage.

The tasks of the Senior Contract/Quantity Engineer are the followings:

a) To plan and implement all activities covering technical specifications, bill of

quantities, and cost estimates;
b) To give input to other experts related to this design services.

4) Senior Planning Engineer

The Senior Planning Engineer should have a Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering
graduated from internationally recognized University and minimum 10 years
international professional experience including at least 5 years relevant experience in
construction supervision of road projects. The Consultant should be registered in an
internationally recognized professional engineering body, and will have to submit in
this bid a Certificate of Expertise issued by a professional institution. 5 years previous
work experience in Asia Pacific or in Timor-Leste and proficiency in Tetum or
Bahasa Indonesia or Portuguese will be an added advantage.

The tasks of the Senior Planning Engineer are the followings:

a) Planning Engineer to review and integration of the schedule into PMU database.
b) Guide the contractors in preparation of the schedule to be compatible with the
integration requirements.
c) Review contractor’s work program submissions including all narratives and
supporting information and provides analysis and findings.
d) Verify actual progress and compare actual performances to original plans.
e) Assist in preparation of mitigation plans.
f) Estimate time element of change orders and submit his analysis to CTA and
incorporate within the master schedule after authorization.
g) Evaluate Contractor’s Extension of Time requests and prepare recommendations.
h) Incorporate status of material & equipment procurement, drawings, submittals,
requests for inspection, requests for clarification, audit reports, change orders,
invoices, payment requisitions, daily reports, correspondences, transmittals,
minutes of meetings, bill of quantities, proposals and snag lists in Quarterly
Progress Reports.

Section 7. Terms of Reference

5) Senior Works Inspector/Maintenance Engineer

The Senior Works Inspector/Maintenance Engineer should have a Bachelor Degree in

Civil Engineering graduated from internationally recognized University and minimum
10 years international professional experience including 5 years relevant experience in
supervising construction and maintenance works of road pavement, slope stabilization
and associated drainage. The Consultant should be registered in an internationally
recognized professional engineering body, and will have to submit in this bid a
Certificate of Expertise issued by a professional institution. 5 years previous work
experience in Asia Pacific or in Timor-Leste and proficiency in Tetum or Bahasa
Indonesia or Portuguese will be an added advantage.

The tasks of the Senior Works Inspector/Maintenance Engineer are the followings:

a) Inspect all operations on the site, ensuring safe practices and good workmanship.
b) Maintain detailed record of daily activities on the site including equipment
working or broken down, weather conditions, labours, work stoppages and the
reason thereof.
c) Ensure routine operation maintenance is well implemented.
d) Carry out inspection and reporting during Defect Notification Period (DNP).

6) Environmental Specialist

The Environmental Specialist should have a Bachelor Degree in Environmental

Engineering / Science graduated from internationally recognized university and
minimum 8 years international experience with 7 years relevant experience in
environmental management and monitoring. The Consultant should be registered in
an internationally recognized professional engineering and/or environmental body,
and will have to submit in this bid a Certificate of Expertise issued by a professional
institution. 5 years previous work experience in Asia Pacific or in Timor-Leste and
proficiency in English is a requirement and in Tetum or Bahasa Indonesia or
Portuguese will be an added advantage.
The tasks of the Environmental Specialist are the following:

a) Have the overall responsibility for monitoring and ensuring the contractor
implements the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) including
health and safety and security, HIV-AIDS, COVID-19 and GBV prevention
b) Train the contractor and local environmental consulting staff to carry out
environmental supervision activities among others, and oversee his/her work
and/or reports.
c) Assist and guide the Contractor and ensure that the Contractor takes affirmative
actions to apply for and obtain all permits and licenses for all associated
facilities such as quarry, crushers, asphalt plants and batching plants.
d) Assess the proposed siting for quarries, and associated facilities such as
crushers, asphalt and batching plants, worker camps, waste and soil disposal
sites and corresponding risk and impact management plans. Recommend to the
PMU the viability of the proposed siting in view of environmental and social
risks and adequacy of management plans.
e) Any other related tasks as may be needed.

Section 7. Terms of Reference

In collaboration with the Team Leader/Resident Engineer, the Social Safeguards and
GBV Specialist, the OHS Specialist, and other technical engineers/specialists, the
Environmental Specialist is expected to perform the following:

f) Perform overall responsibility for monitoring of the implementation of the

project’s ESMP and C-ESMP, and any associated plans (e.g., SEA/SH and
VAC), OHS and CHS, traffic management, community engagement, grievance
handling, etc.
g) Develop an environmental and social monitoring tool and grievance logs,
incorporating relevant variables in the ESMP, C-ESMP and any associated plans
h) Train the responsible staff from the PMU, DRBFC, and the contractor on social
risk supervision, community engagement and oversee relevant reports and
documentation provided by the Contractor.
i) Report and document any grievances related to unsettled land acquisition and
resettlement, OHS, CHS, SEA/SH and VAC to the PMU. Specific reporting
protocol on SEA/SH and VAC will be agreed with the PMU Gender
Specialist/Focal Point
j) Assess the proposed siting for quarries, and associated facilities such as
crushers, asphalt and batching plants, worker camps, waste and soil disposal
sites and corresponding risk and impact management plans. Recommend to the
PMU the viability of the proposed siting in view of environmental and social
risks and adequacy of management plans.
k) Update the project’s Environmental and Social Management Plan for approval
by the MPW to reflect the design and construction techniques to be adopted;
l) Assess the potential environmental impacts of the project. Update the project’s
initial environmental examination (IEE) taking into consideration direct and
indirect impacts during pre-construction, construction and operation, and
identifying costs of mitigation measures and implementation of a monitoring
m) Work with the Social Safeguards & GBV Specialist in incorporating additional
impact assessments for road re-alignment and additional links, particularly
Hatubuilico, Ermera and Ainaro and South Casa;
n) Ensure that any base-line data is collected and recorded, identify potential
impacts of the road on the surrounding vulnerability;
o) Prepare recommendations for integrating climate change considerations into the
p) Ensure that the updated Environmental and Social Management Plan is
appropriately incorporated in the civil work bidding documents;
q) Undertake any task consistent with these TOR and associated with
environmental protection.
r) Assist the MPW in obtaining all necessary permits and licenses for construction
of works (but excluding those for borrow pits, work areas, storage areas which
will be the responsibility of the contractor);
s) Any other related tasks as may be needed.

7) Social Safeguards & GBV Specialist

Section 7. Terms of Reference

The Social Safeguards & GBV Specialist should have a Bachelor Degree in Social
Science graduated from internationally recognized University and relevant minimum
8 years in social risk management or a master’s degree with minimum 5 years of
relevant experience. Experience working in World Bank or other MDB-funded
projects is an advantage. Proficiency in English is a requirement and in Tetum or
Bahasa Indonesia or Portuguese will be an added advantage. The Consultant should
be familiar with issues related to gender, SEA/SH and VAC, community engagement,
land acquisition and resettlement.

Gender focal person to be assigned shall lead in mainstreaming gender perspectives in

the road sector such as development and implementation relevant to the project.
Moreover, he/she shall promote and actively pursue equal participation of men and
women in consultation meetings, employment in road construction and maintenance,
and transfer of technical knowledge.

The Consultant should be computer literate and experience in development of

electronic monitoring tool(s) is an advantage.

In collaboration with the Team Leader/Resident Engineer, the Environmental

Specialist, the OHS Specialist, and other technical engineers/specialists, the Social
Safeguards & GBV Specialist is expected to perform the following:

i. Perform overall responsibility for monitoring of the implementation of the

project’s ESMP and C-ESMP, and any associated plans (e.g., SEA/SH and
VAC), OHS and CHS, traffic management, community engagement, grievance
handling, etc.
ii. Develop an environmental and social monitoring tool and grievance logs,
incorporating relevant variables in the ESMP, C-ESMP and any associated plans
iii. Train the responsible staff from the PMU, DRBFC, and the contractor on social
risk supervision, community engagement and oversee relevant reports and
documentation provided by the Contractor.
iv. Impart sensitivity training with the introduction of Grievance Mechanism at
different venues. Should plan to:
(a) Issuing guidelines on how to address sexual harassment,
(b) Assigning gender focal persons to project sites, and
(c) Organizing GAP Planning Workshop for the gender focal persons.

v. Report and document any grievances related to unsettled land acquisition and
resettlement, OHS, CHS, SEA/SH and VAC to the PMU. Specific reporting
protocol on SEA/SH and VAC will be agreed with the PMU Gender
Specialist/Focal Point.
vi. Any other related tasks as may be needed.
vii. Lead social impact assessments, including vulnerability analysis, stakeholder
engagement, and integration of environmental and social measures into project
design and planning processes.
viii. In collaboration with the environmental specialist and relevant technical
specialists, prepare and update ESMPs and RAPs, and associated environmental
and social instruments, following finalization of DEDs.
ix. Ensure inclusion of relevant environmental and social measures into the civil
works bidding documents and other relevant documents. These include OHS,
CHS, covering SEA/SH/VAC.

Section 7. Terms of Reference

x. Provide technical inputs on social aspects in the project’s IEE

xi. Propose alternative alignment to minimize resettlement impacts, land taking,
and other livelihoods impacts.
xii. Prepare TORs for additional impact assessments as relevant.

8) Occupational (Community) Health and Safety (OHS) Specialist

The Occupational (Community) Health and Safety (OHS) Specialist should be a

qualified engineer or have a certificate in Occupational Health and Safety and
participated in the OHS training programs with minimum 8 years’ experience in
protecting local communities from hazards caused and/or exacerbated by project
activities, disease, and the accidental collapse or failure of project structural elements
with minimum 5 years of relevant experience in the same nature of projects. Previous 5
years work experience in Asia Pacific or in Timor-Leste and proficiency in English is a
requirement and in Tetum or Bahasa Indonesia or Portuguese will be an added

The Occupational (Community) Health and Safety (OHS) Specialist is expected to

perform the following:

i. To anticipate and avoid adverse impacts on the health and safety of affected
communities during the project from both routine and non-routine circumstances.
ii. To ensure quality and safety in the construction of project-related infrastructure,
preventing and minimizing potential safety risks and accidents
iii. To avoid or minimize community exposure to disaster risks, diseases and hazardous
materials associated with project activities
iv. To ensure that the safeguarding of personnel and property minimizes risks to
communities and is carried out in accordance with international human rights
standards and principles
v. To have in place effective measures to address emergency events, whether human-
made or natural hazards
vi. Any other related tasks as may be needed.

9) Geodetic Engineer

The Geodetic Engineer should be a senior geodetic engineer with a Graduate Degree in
Civil/Geodetic/Surveying Engineering from a recognized university and minimum 10
years’ experience with minimum 7 years relevant experience in geodetic engineering of
road and bridge project and familiar with operating Topo survey equipment, geodetic
equipment, data processing, and reporting. 5 years previous work experience in Asia
Pacific or in Timor-Leste and proficiency in English is a requirement and in Tetum or
Bahasa Indonesia or Portuguese will be an added advantage.

Task of Geodetic Engineer are the following:

i. Provide technical management and supervision of all

Construction Works
ii. Manage and coordinate all works of other experts
iii. Undertake overall site management of each bridge
iv. Respond to all technical issues of Contractors
v. Supervise and guide the contractor

Section 7. Terms of Reference

vi. Carry out field design for un-designed portions

vii. Advice on work deviations (modifications and additional works)
viii. Advice on claims, disputes and contract interpretation
ix. Conduct joint measurement
x. Cross check and review progress monthly/quarterly reports
xi. Report to and take instructions from Team Leader/Resident Engineer, Senior Works
Inspector, Geotechnical Specialist, and Material Engineer
xii. Measure quantities of work, record measurements and verify BOQ items / Work
quantities executed in the contractors' monthly statement.
xiii. Verify and examine interim payment certificates received from contractors.
xiv. Maintain a permanent record of all measurement for the work quantities.
xv. Work in close coordination with the Senior Contract/Quantity Engineer transfer skill
and technology to the Jr. Quantity Engineer to perform each task as stated on above

10) Transport Economist

The Transport Economist will lead the post upgrading tasks and will have at least 10
years of experience in assessing the economic benefit of road upgrading projects, with
not less than 5 years of experience in similar country condition. The Transport
Economist will perform the following tasks:
(i) Lead the post upgrading task team. Ensure all deliverables are prepared in
accordance with quality and time constraints.
(ii) Plan, organize and lead the traffic, roughness and other necessary surveys.
(iii) Research and review data, including that associated with planned government
or private development in the area of influence of the road and incorporate in
the economic analysis as appropriate.
(iv) Determine financial and economic vehicle operating costs for representative
vehicle types.
(v) Prepare an economic evaluation of the upgraded road. Reduction in travel
time and transport costs, cost of accidents, increased agricultural production
and other net social benefits arising from the project are likely to be taken
into account. The results of the analysis need to be comparable with the ex-
ante analysis.
(vi) Identify the cost benefits of climate change adaptation.
(vii) Analyze how good access to transportation services contributes to poverty
reduction in the project area of influence.
(viii) Based on the economic analysis, estimate the expected distribution of project
net benefits among freight transport users, passenger transport users, vehicle
owners, labour and the government.
(ix) Prepare post upgrading economic evaluation reports for submission to the
MPW. The report should be prepared taking into account direct and indirect
impacts during pre-construction, and construction/operation

c. National Experts and support staff. The consulting firm shall provide all national
experts and support staff (at least 291 person-months of technically qualified national
personnel and 98 person-months of support staff) as follows;

Contract Package 3:

b. National Experts

Section 7. Terms of Reference

1) Jr. Quantity Engineer

The Jr. Quantity Engineer should have a Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering
graduated from recognized University with relevant minimum 7 years’ experience
in Design projects.

The tasks of the Jr. Quantity Engineer are the followings:

a) To report and assist to the Senior Contract/Quantity Engineer.

b) To be involved in the overall quantity calculation and relevant documents.
c) Site Observation.

2) Jr. Pavement/Highway Engineer/Earthwork and Pavement Inspector

Education : Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering

Experience : Minimum 5 years.
3) Jr. Structure Engineer

Education : Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering

Experience : Minimum 5 years.

4) Jr. Material Engineer

Education : Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering

Experience : Minimum 5 years.

5) Jr. Planning Engineer

Education : Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering

Experience : Minimum 5 years.

6) Jr. Social Safeguards/Resettlement Specialist

Education : Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering

Experience : Minimum 5 years.

7) Jr. Geodetic Engineer

Education : Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering

Experience : Minimum 5 years.

8) CAD Operator

Education : Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering

Experience : Minimum 5 years.

Including but not limited to an office administrator, a secretary/document controller, an office

boy/lady and assistants as may be needed to satisfactorily undertake the construction

Section 7. Terms of Reference


Personnel No. of Person Person Person Total

Positions Months Months Months Person
during during during Months
Design Construction Defects
Upgrade Notification
A. International Experts
1. Team Leader/Resident Engineer 1 4 28 3 35
2. Pavement/Highway Engineer 1 4 - - 4
3. Senior Quality 1 3 27 - 30
Assurance/Materials Engineer
4. Senior Contract/Quantity 1 3 28 3 34
5. Structural Engineer 1 1 - - 1
6. Drainage/Hydraulics Engineer 1 1 - - 1
7 Geotechnical Specialist 1 3 - - 3
8 Civil 3D Specialist 1 4 - - 4
9 Senior Planning Engineer 1 - 25 - 25
10 Senior Works Inspector 1 - 28 3 31
/Maintenance Engineer
11 Geodetic Engineer 1 - 7 - 7
12 Environmental Specialist 1 2 12 - 14
13 Social Safeguards & GBV 1 1 9 - 10
14 Occupational (Community) 1 1 5 - 6
Health & Safety (OHS)
15 Transport Economist 1 - 3 - 3
Total A 208
B. National Experts
1. Jr. Structure Engineer 1 2 - - 2
2. Structure Inspector 1 - 28 - 28
3. Jr. Pavement/Highway Engineer 1 2 - - 2
4. Earthwork and Pavement 1 - 28 3 31
5. Jr. Material Engineer 1 3 28 - 31
6. Jr. Quantity Engineer 1 4 28 3 35
7. Jr. Planning Engineer 1 - 25 - 25
8. CAD Operator 1 4 24 - 28
9. Jr. Geodetic Engineer 1 - 28 - 28
10. Environmental Specialist 1 4 28 2 34
11. Jr. Occupational (Community) 1 2 28 - 30
Health & Safety (OHS)
12. Jr. Social 1 4 12 1 17

Section 7. Terms of Reference

Personnel No. of Person Person Person Total

Positions Months Months Months Person
during during during Months
Design Construction Defects
Upgrade Notification
Total B 291
C. Support Staff
1. Office Administrator 1 28 2 30
2. Secretary / Document Controller 1 4 28 2 34
3. Office Boy / Lady 1 4 28 2 34
Total C 98

Section 7. Terms of Reference

1. Facilities Provided by the Government of Timor-Leste

The Government will provide the following:

a. Counterpart staff according to availability for assistance with surveys and progress
b. Existing Design and Drawings to be made available for reference.
c. Assistance and advice on the processing of visas and work permits for consultant
staff as requested.
d. Office facilities, supplies, furniture and equipment as required for efficient
execution of the project during the upgrading works period, including materials
laboratory facility, survey equipment, vehicles and hard furnished living
accommodation with utilities and maintenance shall be provided by the Contractor
under the Works Contract.

2. Facilities Provided by the Design and Supervision Consultant

The Design & Supervision Consultant will provide the following:

a. Office facilities and living accommodation in Dili during the design review and
updating phase with all soft and hard furnishings, including office equipment,
vehicles, survey equipment.
b. Transport and office facilities and living accommodation with furnishings during
the Defects Notification Period.
c. Salary costs for the replacement staff during leave period of the approved staff.
d. Travel costs to and from Timor-Leste and all visa fee and related costs.


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