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Moowe= 4 RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES MODULE 4. OCEAN THERMAL ENERGY CONVERSION (OTEC) Ocean thermal conversion is a method for generating electricity which uses the temperature difference that exist between deep and shallow water. * Byuuse this difference a heat engine can be run * The Ranking cycle is suitable for OTEC using low pressure turbine Cos Sen forest} Sa Itis first designed by Gebrges Claude in 1930 (22kw) in Cuba and then Abidjan in 1956 GMW) i in France” 1011962 F.Hfilbert Anderson and James H Anderson designed more efficient cycle “USinvolved OTIEC research in 1974 Tokyo Flesitie power company in Japan successfully built a 100kw closed cycle OTEC Slant in Nowra METHODS OF POWER GENERATION METHODS OF POWER GENERATION * OPEN CYCLE OR CLAUDE CYCLE * CLOSED CYCLE OR ANDERSON CYCLE @ scanned with OKEN Scanner MODUL» RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES OPEN CYCLE OR CLAUDE CYCLE POWER GENERATION Vecuumpump Exhaust Compressor Electricity Non-Condensible Gases Low Pressure Steam owe | > furbine Flash Lo Evapore-| . . tor Direct 1 Contact [Fa * * | y Condensor, | Warm | ‘Water Warm Ocean Outlet "Gold Water oe Discharge co Water, @1to 300) ee non-condensable gases. + Then the water is fe tof aster which produce low pressure steam PN: nag "sent to Turbine + This low rede steain, + ‘Then heat energy "is om Yn to mechanical energy + The-efecrical generatOr coupled to this turbine convert mechanical energy fo fl trical enerEy/ é ‘The outputs steam from the turbine is condensed by condenser and sent the cold water ocean nitself + TheGondenser uses the cold water from deep ocean. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES MODULE S CLOSED CYCLE OR ANDERSON CYCLE Warm Ocean : — Surface Vapour—¥ _|| Turbine ae "| Evapurator — or Surface (21 to 30°) | Boller or £ condensor Heat Exchanger om Primary Secondary @® Fluid —> Pump Fluid Water Warm Dish Water Coo! Deep ae Out Water ~ ~ + Inclosed cycle a working fluid is used|which has Tow boiling point + Like Ammonia, Freon, propane.etc\ ' + Itmainly consist an evaporator, tae = generator , condenser and pumps + The warm water (0 to 30 dégree Celsit8) is pumped to evaporator or heat exchanger + The working fluid is vaporised in the’évaporator by the warm water | + Then heat energyisiconverted in to mechanical energy + ‘The electrical generatof\couped to this turbine convert mechanical energy to electrical energy jy» + The upitspour from the turbine is condensed by condenser and the working fluid ate th A is again sent to, évaporator *% The condengér uses the cold water from deep ocean Advantages of OTEC syster + Power developed is continuouis and itis independent of weather. © There is a small variation in power output from season to scason . + The system uses conventional power plants needing only small changes in design. + Itcan produce simultaneously the desalinated water and nutrients for agriculture. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES MODULE4— [Disadvantages of OTEC svst + Capital cost is very high + Efficiency of energy conversion is very low. + Needs very large sized turbines due to use of low pressure of steam having high specific volume in case of open eycle. + Ituses exnensive power working fluids in case of closed cycle. + Cost of electric power veneration per kWh is very high. TIDAL ENERGY Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun, and the rotation of the Earth, sublunar Low tile —»| Earth + Tidal energy is a form of ocean energy + When the tide comes to the shore, they can be trapped in a reservoir behind the dams. + When the tide drops the water behind the dath can let out just like in a hydroelectric power plant + Tidal energy has been used since about /1 century (water wheel to mill grains) + Inoorder for tid energy work well , ninimum 5 meter exist between high and low tide + There are only a few pface in e-tth where this tide change is occurred © 1966 + Tidal power pants are worline si @ scanned with OKEN Scanner RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES pe TYPES BASIN ARRANGEMENTS, «Single basin arrangement . Double basin arrangement SINGLE BASIN ARRANGMENT In this arrangement only one basin is provided Sea and basin are seperated by dam MODU. The flow between dam and sea is through sluice ways Potential head is created with the dam The dam consist number of sluice ways and turbines \“ (@) Tidal Region Before Power Plant Coristruction (b) sluice Land or Shore Dyke (Wall) or Draw Basin (or Estuary) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES MODULE High Tide lah Tide Basin Filling (c) Sluices Open, Turbine Off a Ebb Tide Basin Emptying . eS — . Single tide cycle system=powekgenefation during tide Double cycle systempower generation during both tide and ebb When the water flows throughithe turbine the tidal energy is converted to mechanical energy ~ ty is This mechanical energy is then converted to electrical enerey by the generator coupled with the turbine DOUBLE BASIN ARRANGMENT This arrangement consist two-basins Upper basin and lower basin Upper basin is filled by flood Lower basin is drained by ebb ‘Turbine is placed between upper basin and lower basin @ scanned with OKEN Scanner RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES When the water flows through the mechanical energy + This mechanical energy is coupled with the turbiné, MODUL. a SINGLE BASIN DOUBLE BASIN +, (Systein Has only one basin + Power house is the mouth of single basin Hydraulic turbine only operates during the high and low tide. Therefore no permanent head for turbine + Power generation is intermittent, System has two basins at two different levels, Upper basin is filled during high tide and lower basin is emptied during low tide. Therefore, it creates a permanent head for turbine Power generation is continuous, The peak power demands can be met @ scanned with OKEN Scanner wer RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES MODULE h- + Tt cannot meet peak power demands , Because it only depends the tide by pumping water by other means from lower basin to upper basin. MAGNETO HYDRODYNAMIC (MHD)POWER PLANT be of high efficiency and low MHD power generation is a new system of electric power generation whi @ x %, a When an conductor moves across a magnetic fi 1, Roltage is induced. This is the 1 Ga INSULATING = ANODE (TOP SURFACE) LoaD CATHODE (BOTTOM SURFACE) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES MObe WORKING * The fuel (coal, oil or natural gas) is burnt in the combustor or combustion chamber. * The hot gases from combustor are then seeded with a small amount of ionized alkali metal (cesium or potassium) to increase the electrical conductivity of the gas. The seed material, generally potassium carbonate is injected into the combustion chamber; the potassium is then ionized by the hot combustion gases at temperature of roughly 2300’ c to 2700°e, * Then it get converted into plasma or ionized gas Then the plasma or ionized gas is passes through the magnet velocity, Then fonised gas link with magnetic field and an Emfitiducds, in the working fluid (ionized gas or plasma) . . SX & Tons are produced and which is collected byt thelfespective electrodes. ~~ ele This direct current (flow of ions) can be converted tovac bylusing external inverter, ADVANTAGES OF MHD * High efficiency about 60%is * costly copper is nit ne DIS-ADVANTAGES OF MHD DIs-ADVANTAGES OF MHD Conducting fluid (gas) should be heated to high temperature, ‘Seed material like Potassium reduces the insulation. + High capital cost, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Maapnetis “bydeo Ayer Pearce planks Block Biogen + Eleck To | L =e Lg oropresion exces Fact the Gia \s Coropressed aod breaded Woe ithe Consbustion cloaroloea * To Wwavase the velouty , sas at's Sent through the rozzle to the MHO Grwenaten * Desig toe rection ob qe Ve aod —ve tons nooves ts the clectroda to Produce, Curent Ce Cenont> % The echausted gests then cooled, Coropressed are| Supplied Lacks combustion drowober. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES, MODULE FUEL CELL A cell (or combination of cells) capable of generating an electric current by converting the chemical energy of a fuel directly into clectrical energy. It consists of positive and negative electrodes an electrolyte between them, Fuel in a suitable form is supplied to the postive electrode and oxygen, often from air, to the negative electrode. ‘When the cell operates, the fuel is oxidised and the chemical reaction ffOvides the energy that is converted into electricity. + The active materials are not contained within the cell but axe Applied fromoutside. TYPES OF FUEL CELL + The frst practical fuel cells was demonstrated by Franci8yT. Bacin and J.C. Frost of Hydrogen (H) fuel cell, . Hydrazine (NH) fuel cell, . Hydrocarbon fuel cell, and“ }. Alcohol (Methanol) fuel call - . Fossil fuel cell In most fuel cell Ryden (Sh ire or impure) is the active material at the positive electrode (Anode) and Sigtei(iom the oxygen or air) is active at the negative electrodé (Cathode), | — @ scanned with OKEN Scanner RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES . MODULE I HYDROGEN -OXYGEN FUEL CELL WITH ION EXCHANGE MEMBRANE + This cell consist ion exchange membrane as electrolyte. + Itisa solid electrolyte * This membrane is non-permeable to reactant gas, hence hydrogen and oxygen never comes to contact each other. EIECTRODE, EIECTRODE AIR The desired properties ¢ of anion exchange membrane ar; > High ionic conductivity) > Zero elestrdtic conductivity * 2 telnet of fuel and oxygen >\High mechanical stability > High’rsistance to oxidation and hydrolysis > Now inter polymers of polyflurocarbon and polystyrene sulfonic acid are used as ionic membrane > Ithas about 0.076 cm thickness a limited quantity of water and reject excess of water. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES MODULE Chemical reaction at Anode * Oxidation take place at anode Hydrogen become hydrogen ions (H+) by giving two electrons The free electrons moves to cathode through the external circuit + The hydrogen ions (H+) moves to cathode through the ion exchange membrane w— WAT Ae Chemical reaction at cathode Reduction process take place in cathode . ( : + The oxygen (02) receive the free electrons from anode become oxygen atom. + Then this oxygen atoms react with hydrogen fons (H+) 0 form water (1120) QA 489 OH0 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner “Stationary -+Telecommunication «» Wastewater Treatment Plants *Transport Portable power “Micro Power @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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