Seed of Greatness

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Created By
John Emmanuel

Edited By
John Ayomide

A GoodnewsBroadcast publication
Ikorodu, Lagos.

Dedicated to all living ministers of the gospel who have
chosen to spend their lives serving Jesus. You are indeed
the seed of greatness.

Chapter One
That morning when FOLORUNSHO GILBERT stepped into
the elevator, he held his phone in his right hand and wasn't
sure if to click the send icon on his Gmail or to wait. Himself
and his wife had spent the whole night trusting the Holy
Spirit to help them. They knew they were making the right
decision but they needed the comfort of the Holy Spirit, the
type they read of in the Book of Acts, of how boldness came
to the disciples.

"Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants

that with all boldness they may speak Your word." Acts 4:29,

"Click on it." Gilbert looked around to be sure no one was in

the elevator with him. It was the Holy Spirit that had just
spoken to him. He knew it wasn't the elevator's button he
was to click on but the send icon for the mail he had spent
three hours to draft last night.

Gilbert obeyed the Holy Spirit. As he sent the mail, he said "I
choose Your will, Lord" under his breath. Then, he clicked on
the button for the fifteen floor. During the elevator ride,
several pictures flashed through his mind. He remembered
how he had entered this same building for the first time
about sixteen years ago. At twenty-nine, he was employed
as part of the Strategic Planning Team.

Gilbert had finished as the overall best during his

undergraduate. The Vice Chancellor of the school at that
time was the one who personally recommended him to Mr
Vic Ozekugbe, the then Team Leader for West Africa at

Smavic Global House. Smavic, though an indegenous firm,
had become one of the trusted brand across the globe. The
Strategic Planning arm of the organization had helped in
building a brand which is multiverse in nature. With a
presence in five continents and twenty-eight countries,
Smavic has positioned itself as a strong stakeholder in the
emerging economy of the world.

Gilbert had risen to the position of Team Lead of Strategic

Planning, Branding and Research (Nigeria). It was the sound
of the elevator that brought Gilbert back to the present. As
he walked into the Annual Review and Appraisal meeting of
the organization, he hoped everything would go as planned.
Once again, he uttered a silent prayer. "Lord give me the
wisdom and boldness for such a time as this."

Some of the other members of staff participating in the

meeting were walking in and Gilbert exchanged pleasantries
with a few of them. The next one hour and thirty minutes was
spent analysing the performance of Smavic in the past
quarter of the year.

After all deliberations related to that had been done, The

Head of Operations in Africa and the Caribbean, Mr Vic,
spoke. "You are all aware of our principle here at Smavic.
While we work on becoming better at what we do, we
believe in motivating talents who have shown the highest
degree of commitment and passion for what we represent.
We believe that one good turn deserves another. This
morning, we will be honoring a very strong key player whose
commitment to what we do here is unparalleled. We have
decided that Mr Folorunsho Gilbert will no longer be our
Team Lead for Strategic Planning, Research and Branding in
Nigeria, instead he is been promoted to the newly created
position of Team Lead Africa and East Asia."

Everyone present at the meeting knew that it wasn't
favoritism that opened this door for Gilbert, it was his
devotion to work complemented with his dedication to God
who had brought him this far. Those seating closest to him
shook his hands while others waved at him.

"Mr Gilbert, do you want to give an acceptance speech just

for formality or shall we proceed?" Mr Vic said. Gilbert knew
this was the perfect time to speak. However, he didn't know
if Shade, his wife of nine years, would want them to review
their plan. Even though they had both agreed that no matter
what the persuasion would be, they would stick to their

"Thank you sir for the privilege to serve this organization in

another capacity. However, I have decided that I can no
longer work here." His words brought confusion to all the
other faces in the room. "I had sent my resignation letter via
mail twice in the past three months but I didn't get any official
response. This morning, before entering into this boardroom,
I sent the third and final notification. I appreciate everything
the organization has done for me in the past sixteen years,
and it is my prayers that Smavic will continue to be an
enviable name in the global market."

"Gilbert, what else do you want?" Mr Vic queried. "We

received your mails and our response is offering you a better
position. You will be spending time in South Africa and our
East Asian headquarters. Your annual package is around
three hundred and fifty million naira when converted to the
local currency. Your new position also comes with several
other incentives. Please tell me, what else do you want?
Which of our competitors do you intend to join that would
give you the kind of leverage we are giving you? Young man,
what else do you want."

"Lord, I thought this would be easy. Give me wisdom to
respond with grace." Gilbert prayed silently. "Sir, please let it
be known that I am not accepting any offer from other
companies but the Lord has asked me to resign. I am glad
you also serve as the Continental Pastor of a denomination
in Africa, please, understand with me and accept my
resignation." Gilbert said and took his seat.

"What has the Christian faith got to do with what we do

here?" Mr Vic queried. "This meeting is hereby suspended.
Gilbert, please wait behind, so we can have some words..."

Chapter Two
SHADE had no other serious activity to carry out today.
Having resigned from her position as the Senior Medical
Consultant in the biggest hospital in the State two months
ago, she knew a day like today would come. She
remembered when Gilbert proposed to her at the "Rock
Experience" evening for passing out NCCF/NYSC members
serving in Dutse, the Lord had given her a word from Acts

"Now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and

teachers, Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of
Cyrene, Manaen a member of the court of Herod the
tetrarch, and Saul. While they were worshiping the Lord and
fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and
Saul for the work to which I have called them." Then after
fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent
them off."

Shade had always wondered what that meant, but her

discipler had told her the word was for an appointed time
and that when the season comes, the Holy Spirit would
remind both her and Gilbert. Then, they would be
commissioned for the work of God. Shade looked through
the window, and saw her husband alight from a chartered
car. 'What must have happened to the company car?' she

When Gilbert walked in, he entered into the open embrace of

his wife. "How did it go? What happened to the car?" Shade
enquired. "We have two weeks to leave for Ghana" he said
while removing his shoes. "I sent them the mail again" he

continued. Gilbert then went ahead to tell his wife what
transpired during the board meeting.

"After dispersing other Board members, Mr Vic and I spoke

for about 4 hours. He tried to persuade me to rescind my
decision. I never knew he had the contacts of leading
Church leaders in Africa, Europe and America. Four of them
also spoke with me. In fact, at a junction, Mr Vic offered to
build a church for me in Ghana and was willing to move the
South African Team to Ghana." Gilbert looked at wife who
was listening patiently.

"And what did you tell him?" Shade asked. "I told him 'God's
work must be done in God's way'. We do not even know
where in Ghana we are going and we aren't going there to
start a church first of all. I recommended three people who
can help Smavic do well without me. He asked if I was not
aware that one of the African political leader was a church
Pastor. I wasn't going to have an argument with him, so I
declined to comment. Presently, we have two weeks to leave
this place. I won't be getting any gratuity from them
according to Mr Vic".

Gilbert turned on the television and tuned in to a Christian

channel. The channel was sharing a scripture from Psalms,
so he read along.

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me

lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of
the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table
before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my
head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy
shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the
house of the LORD forever." Psalms 23, esv.

"Tomorrow, we will withdraw Andrew and Silas from school.
When we get to Ghana, they will get settled in another
school." Shade announced. "Did you get through to our
investment officer concerning our funds?" Shade asked.

"My Dear, it seems we have been called into a real journey

of faith. After all these weeks of trying to reach him, today I
read in the newspaper that he was arrested about a month
ago for fraud and moved to a jail in Abuja. I believe God
wants us to focus on Him for our supply. By the way, how
much cash do we have at home?" Gilbert asked his wife.

"Forty five thousand and five hundred naira." Shade replied.

"We won't be able to get to Ghana by flight, and I doubt if the
money can sustain us even if we go by road". She sighed.

Gilbert stood up, held his wife arms, "One of those whom Mr
Vic asked to speak with me even suggested that I should
consider working at Smavic for a few more years, then
retired and that I can spend my retirement doing whatever I
like. I immediately sensed head knowledge in his words.
What guarantees do I have of seeing tomorrow? Why delay
when God has spoken? What will happen to the harvest of
souls that is currently ripe? Should it get rotten because of
my pleasure? Look at something, before I got home I had
received six phone calls from across the globe saying that
they have learnt of my resignation. Two of them wanted to
know if I could recommend them. When I asked how they
got to know, I was told that an in house replacement memo
has been sent. Should I also wait for God to start searching
for my replacement before responding to Him?...

Chapter Three
Shade's father couldn't believe his ears. He gave the couple
a bit of his mind. "How can the two of you decide to ruin your
promising future for what? Youthful exuberance?" he
queried. "I haven't seen anything as reckless as this in all my
years of living. How can you just wake up and say the Lord
is calling you to go to Ghana and you have to abandon all
your economic security to venture into a risk? Gilbert, please
wake up from this dream."

He looked away from the couple and continued speaking.

"Even if the Lord is sending you to Ghana, can't you go
during your annual leave? Can't you apply wisdom? You can
do a short term mission and continue with your job."

Gilbert knew he mustn't speak rashly, his father in law was

speaking from a sincere concern for their well being. He
asked the Lord to give him wisdom and to help him respond
well. "Daddy, we aren't doing this out of youthful exuberance.
We are certain it is the Lord who has called us to this task.
We believe strongly that Ghana is where the Lord wants us
to be and not on a part time basis. We believe also that the
Lord will take care of us."

"But consider your children's education, they still have a long

way to go." Shade's Father replied. "I must be frank, I am not
pleased with you both and I want you to know that until you
repent from this folly, I won't be seeing your faces again.
Don't bother calling me for anything." He stood up and
walked out on the couple without a word.

Shade would have doubted their decision but her resolution
wasn't just from her husband's conviction, she was sure God
spoke to her too concerning the move. She remembered the
scriptures the Lord brought to her during her days of
personal praying and studying to seek His face regarding
this matter. Genesis 12:1-3 flooded her heart.

"Now the LORD said to Abram, "Go from your country and
your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will
show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will
bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a
blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who
dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the
earth shall be blessed.""

"I thought Daddy's coming would be the solution to our

transportation need. I was silently hoping he would gift us
some money to support us on our journey." She spoke for
the first time since her father walked out on them. Tears
flooded her eyes, she had never seen her loving father
speak in such a manner at any time in the past.

Then the scripture came to her mind, Psalm 27 verse 10,

"When my father and my mother forsake me, then the
LORD will take me up." She knew she need not worry, she
may not know how but God will work things out to His own

"God will come through Dear. He will work it out." Gilbert

responded. Just then Gilbert's phone rang. He picked the
call. "Hello" the voice from the other end spoke. "My name is
Charles and I am calling from TRAVEL WIDE Transport
Service. Am I on to Mr Folorunsho Gilbert?" the voice
paused. "Mr Gilbert speaking please" he replied.

"We noticed you cancelled the online reservation you made.

We are so sorry if our services wasn't pleasant to you but we

are currently celebrating our 10th year anniversary as a
Transport organization and your reservation was our One
hundred thousandth reservation. We have therefore decided
to gift you the four tickets you intially booked for. Please, if
you would still be interested in the trip to Ghana, kindly
respond to the mail we just sent you. Or do you still want to
decline the offer sir?"

Gilbert was overwhelmed with awe for God. He had tried to

make the online reservation but when he noticed on the
website that reservations comes with full payment, he had
cancelled it. And now, they are faced with a miracle that only
God can do. He willed himself to respond. "I will be
accepting the offer. I will respond to the mail after this call.
Thanks very much for this."

The voice from Gilbert's mobile phone spoke again. "Thanks

sir. We look forward to a smooth trip for you and your family.
Good bye and have a pleasant day ahead sir." The line went

Gilbert looked at wife who was already waiting to know what

the call was all about. Beaming with joy, he said, "My Dear,
God is faithful. He is a miracle worker. He has provided our
transportation to Ghana. Indeed, God is a miracle worker..."

Dear Saint and Servant of God, do you know God still does
miracles for His people? Do not let your hands get tired due
to discouragement as you serve Him. God will definitely
come through for those who do His will.

Chapter Four
"You are welcome to Ghana" said Ato Yaw, the Ghanaian
officer at the border who collected their passports for
inspection. "It's been a while since I last heard of Nigerians
moving to Ghana solely for mission work. Well, I wish you a
successful stay in our country. If you don't mind, I can
recommend one or two villages where you can do your
missionary work with peace of mind. You can try out Kissi
village or Shama. If indeed God has called you to Ghana, He
will help you. I am a Christian as well. I will be praying for
you Mr and Mrs Folorunsho Gilbert."

"Thank you sir" Gilbert replied. A few hours before the

journey began, he and his wife had asked the Lord to order
their steps as they had no idea where they were going to in
Ghana and after their encounter with the Ghanaian Officer,
they got the names of two villages; Kissi and Shama. As well
as a Christian officer who promised to be praying for them. It
was a great joy to Gilbert as it was the first time since they
chose this path that someone will promise to pray for them.

Gilbert wondered if that is how most missionaries all over the

world have people truly praying for them or are statements
like, 'our prayers are with you' only a sympathetic statement?
Gilbert knew that for their missionary work here in Ghana to
succeed, his family will need more of God's people
interceding on their behalf. "Oh Lord, raise intercessors for
this harvest" he prayed as they continued on their journey
into Accra, Ghana.

On arriving the bus park, Gilbert and his family had a word of
prayer before alighting. Shade led the prayers, thanking God

for journey mercies and asking the Lord to order their steps
in their new assignment. The Folorunshos entered Ghana
with three luggages and four Bibles, one for each members
of the family.

While Gilbert and his household stood in the park, Silas, the
youngest spoke. "Mummy, I am hungry." The family had
decided they were going to fast through out the journey, so
they ate nothing before leaving Nigeria. Shade noticed a
food restaurant in the park, and the family decided to go and
get something to eat there.

Just as they were stepping into the restaurant, Gilbert

overhead two ladies in conversation. "Esikado is not where
one should begin life as a young couple. You need to tell
your husband you can both start here in Accra and before
you know it, his ministry will go international." The light
skinned lady said to the lady beside her. "My sister, I have
told him to choose between me and Esikado. I won't be
going there with him. If he isn't choosing Accra, I am not
going with him. God has not appointed me to suffer." The
lady responded.

At that moment, the Holy Spirit witnessed to Gilbert. "I have

called you to Esikado. That is where you will be heading to
from here." Gilbert knew he had heard correctly. He asked
the Lord to minister to his wife too. After the meal, Gilbert
called his wife aside, "I believe the Lord will have us go to
Esikado. I believe that is where we will begin our missionary
work" he said. "I had a prompting when those two ladies
mentioned the place. We must hurry up and ask for
directions to the village. Although, I doubt if what is left of our
money after converting to cedis and paying for the food will
be enough. We will be needing God's miracle again Dear"
she said.

Gilbert suggested that his wife wait in the restaurant with the
children while he went to enquire about how to get to
Esikado. Gilbert offered another prayer silently "Holy Spirit
order our steps, confirm that you have sent us to Esikado".
The first man Gilbert approached stood by a Tro-tro vehicle.
He was having a phone call. "This isn't what we agreed
upon. I drove all the way from Esikado to the park here in
Accra. You told me you will be coming today. If I knew you
won't show up, I wouldn't have come. I know you have paid
for the to and fro movement but it is painful you didn't show
up. Listen, if I must come from Esikado another time, you will
pay me again" he ended the call.

"Good day Sir" Gilbert greeted him. "Good day" Kwaku

replied. "These days people are strange. Can you imagine I
drove from Esikado to this place to pick up a fellow and he
didn't show up. Now, I have to return to Esikado since he
failed to show up" Kwaku lamented. "My name is Gilbert
Folorunsho. I am a Nigerian missionary and I am heading to
Esikado with my family. I overheard your conversation, can
you please take us along with you?" Gilbert enquired.

Kwaku looked at Gilbert, paused for a while then spoke. "It

will not be a bad idea to take you along. By the way, the trip
has been paid for so you won't have to pay. Where is the
rest of your family members? Let's begin the journey....

Has God spoken? Your role is to obey. Obey God and He

will play His part. There are many missionaries out there in
the mission field. They need our prayers. Let's make it a
point of duty to pray for them.

Chapter Five
"We are now in Esikado" Kwaku announced. The
Folorunshos were glad to finally arrive at their destination.
They were grateful for the miracle of divine provision and
guidance. The couple couldn't imagine how they would have
afforded the transport fare from Nigeria to Ghana and then
from Accra to Esikado. The long distance journey from
Nigeria was telling on them, so Silas and Andrew slept for
most of the journey. It was Kwaku's next statement that woke
the kids. "Please, pay me my money" Kwaku demanded.

Gilbert was shocked. Having overheard the conversation

between Kwaku and his client, he had felt this was a divine
arrangement and had not bothered to think about the fare.
"Sir, I thought you were given us a free ride and I know God
will reward you for this" Gilbert pleaded. Kwaku smiled "Omo
Naija, you want to use brain for me. Don't you know that
nothing is free even in Freetown. You better pay me my
money before I shout 'thief' on you. You think you can use
brain for me in my father's land? Charly, pay me my money."

Shade was perplexed, they had both thought God's hand

was involved in their meeting Kwaku at the park and were
grateful to God. Now, they needed a divine intervention or
things could go wrong. "Help us o Lord, we need Your help"
she prayed.

Kwaku came down from the Tro-tro and was almost going to
create a scene when his phone rang. It was his young
brother, Essien, who was calling. Kwaku picked the call.
"Charly, what happened?... What?... My God! I am coming
home now!" Kwaku ended the call and entered into his

vehicle. "I have to drive to my house first. There is an
emergency" he announced.

Kwaku headed for his house with a great speed. The

Folorunshos where stunned. 'What is happening, what is the
emergency that he could not explain?' they wondered.
"Please drive carefully sir" Gilbert urged him.

Kwaku who wasn't listening drove into a compound. He

hadn't even parked the Tro-tro properly before he jumped
out of the vehicle. His first wife was manifesting madness
and everyone had tried to tie her down but she seems to
have the strength of ten men. When Kwaku entered the
house, he met his wife tied with different ropes, struggling to
break loose. Despite the herbalist's assurance that Dela
wouldn't manifest insanity again, after all the sacrifices, this
is the seventh time in three weeks that she had tried to run
out of the compound.

Kwaku couldn't remember the last time they slept in the

house as Dela spent all night screaming incoherent words.
Kwaku tried to approach his wife but she bit him and he gave
a loud scream which Gilbert and Shade heard. Gilbert was
wondering what was going on when the herbalist entered
into the compound. By this time, Dela had come outside.
Essien and other people tried to hold Dela while Kwaku
begged the herbalist to act. "Do something Baba" he

Kwaku regretted listening to his wife's suggestion that they

visit the herbalist when they couldn't conceive. It was from
one of those visits to the herbalist that his apprentice gave
Kwaku and Dela a wrong soap to use to bath. That was what
invited insanity into Dela and the herbalist had told them
there was no permanent cure but her condition would be
managed with some concoctions.

The Herbalist asked them to let her be as he tried to give her
a concoction. Dela pounced on the herbalist, bite him and
punched him all over his body. Once the herbalist was able
to get his freedom from her, the elderly man ran out of the

Chapter Six
Dela chased after the herbalist who had taken to his heel
without carrying his walking stick. She carried the walking
stick and was running toward the direction of Gilbert who
had come out of the Tro-tro to observe what was happening.
Gilbert, on sighting Dela, stopped moving and began to pray
in the spirit. Kwaku, Essien and the others in the compound
had come out to chase after Dela.

"You foul spirit, I command you to come out of her in the

name of Jesus!" Gilbert said in a loud voice and immediately,
the power of God fell on Dela and she fell flat to the ground.
After groaning for a while, she became silent and everyone
stood in amazement, watching what was happening. Shade
came down from the vehicle to join her husband even as
Kwaku and Essien ran towards Dela who lies lifeless on the

"What did you do to her?" Kwaku asked with his gaze

leaving his wife to rest on Gilbert. "She has never been still
since this thing started troubling her" he continued. Gilbert
knelt down, placed his hand on Dela and prayed. "Woman,
you are made whole in the name of Jesus. Get up!"

Immediately, Dela opened her eyes, sat up and looked

around with shock written on her face. She was wondering
what had happened that made the people surround her.
Seeing her husband crying, she asked, "What happened to
me? What is happening here?"

There came a large shout of joy from the people when they
realized that Dela had just been healed and is now in her

right mind. Essien and Kwaku hugged Gilbert. "Thank you
very much my friend." Kwaku said as he embraced Gilbert.
"All Glory to God. All glory to Jesus." Gilbert replied. Gilbert
was also amazed at what had just happened. The highest
healing prayer he had ever offered was when Silas had a
boil and had brought it to him. Gilbert remembered laying his
hands on Silas and after some time, the boil vanished.

It was the voice of Shade that jolted Gilbert back to reality.

"God be praised! The Lord indeed is with us and has brought
us here for His own purpose and glory. Lord, we worship
you." The missionary couple held each other's hands as they
watched the rejoicing of Kwaku and his household.

Kwaku walked up to Gilbert. "Pastor, please, if you don't

mind, let my people carry your luggage into the house. You
and your family are welcomed to stay with us. We have
enough rooms for you all. It is God that has sent you to my
household." he said excitedly. Gilbert turned to Shade who
nodded and called for the boys to come out of the Vehicle.
As they entered the compound, Kwaku asked Essien to
arrange for their luggage to be brought into the house.

When the Folorunshos entered into the guest room, they

spent the next twenty minutes praising God for journey
mercies to Ghana and for the miracle they just witnessed.
When they finished praying and opened their eyes, they saw
Kwaku and Essien with them. Essien said, "Nigeria Pastor,
we are happy with what happened here today. You have
taken away our sorrow in this house with this miracle. Thank
you for coming. We are happy to have you here. Please, we
are already making Foofoo and I am sure you will enjoy it.
Please, if you need anything, let us know."

Shade requested that the family would like to have their bath
first of all. Essien and Kwaku went out to arranged for the
Folorunshos bath. When the two brothers had left the room,

Gilbert went on his knees, bowing to God who had
miraculously come through for them yet again. From having
limited resources for their transport fare and
accommodation, the Lord himself had miraculously settled
all things and provided a place for them to rest and be

Later that night, with Dela sound asleep and all the
neighbors who had come to rejoice with the family all gone,
Essien and Kwaku while sitting outside the house, began to
hear the voices of the Folorunshos praying. Essien said to
his brother, "I thought you told me this pastor and his family
are Nigerians? How come they are speaking our language?
Or can't you hear them?" Kwaku was also shocked. He
could hear both Gilbert and Shade speaking his language.
"Wait, how is this possible?"...

Chapter Seven
It was the incessant knocking on the door that made the
Folorunshos stop praying. Gilbert went to open the door and
he welcomed Essien and Kwaku into the room. "I thought
you said you were Nigerians?" Kwaku asked. "Of course, we
are. We just arrived Ghana when we met you at the park."
Shade responded. "Or is there any problem?"

"Do you speak any Ghanaian language?" Essien queried

her. "No, we haven't learnt any Ghanaian language. In fact,
we hope to start learning Asante Twi soon." Gilbert
responded. "Then, this is nothing but a wonder. For the past
one hour, you and your wife have been speaking our native
language. We heard you praise God and you also talked
about the death of Jesus as the only way to be saved. Not
only that, you mentioned that my wife's childlessness was
due to an incident only me, my brother and my late father
knows about." Kwaku explained.

"A few years ago, I passed through the shrine in our

community. I took some money that was kept there as a
sacrifice. The priest caught me and he casted a spell on me
that rendered me impotent. My wives does not know about
the whole thing. In fact, the two ladies who had left me in
the past never knew. I will be fifty years old in a few years
with no child. While you were speaking Twi, you mentioned
this matter and you also said all that needs to be done is for
you to lay your hands on me and pray for me."

"You also said that we need to ask you to preach to our

family, that God has a message of salvation for us." Essien
added. Gilbert looked at Shade who was already in tears

and about to speak. "God is this really true? I have only read
it in books of how people heard others speaking in tongues
and it was their indigenous language that was spoken. God,
You are faithful! God, You are powerful!"

Gilbert knew this incident wasn't merely a coincidence. He

and his wife had felt a nudging in their spirit to pray in
tongues for a while. They never knew it was God's strategic
move to open up the heart of their host into the saving power
of God. Gilbert remembered what his discipler had told him
back in Nigeria when he was concerned about leaving his
rising career to respond to God's call.

His discipler had shared with him from the scriptures that
'Unless a seed of grain dies, it can never multiply. There is a
great potential in a seed, yet the way to true greatness in
God's sight is when the seed yields to God's own demand.'
He remembered his discipler saying, 'there are many
Christians who are living below the divine manifestation of
God's plan for them because they have refused to leave
their so called 'comfort zone' to move into God's divine
territory of greatness for their lives. There is a limit to how
God can make a man great when such a man has failed to
obey God's call for his life. While God will not force anyone
into becoming great in His hands, God's work will be done
even if it requires substituting the vessel.'

Gilbert spent the next thirty minutes sharing the gospel with
Essien and Kwaku in details. After which he explained to
them that it was the Holy Ghost who gave him and his wife
the words that they heard in their language and caused them
to listen. "We also want this Holy Ghost." Essien and Kwaku

"You can get filled with the Holy Ghost right away. It is God's
will that anyone who gets saved receive the Holy Spirit. But
you must first call on the Lord Jesus to save you right away."

Gilbert explained. "After calling on Jesus to save you, I can
then lay hands on you as God has instructed. Your salvation
is more important than miracles." He concluded.

That night, Kwaku and Essien called on the Lord Jesus for
the salvation of their souls, after which Gilbert and Shade
prayed with them. During the prayers, Kwaku felt something
leave his body and deep within him, he knew he was healed.

The next morning, Kwaku and Essien gathered their family

and friends to hear Gilbert and Shade speak about Jesus.
That morning was the beginning of a new life for the people.
Gilbert and Shade began to have discipleship meetings
twice a week at Kwaku's place and the Lord continued to
save more souls...

Dear Readers, the journey in the will of God continues until

our end comes or Jesus returns. There is joy when we
remain in the will of God. Men will not understand what God
is demanding from you because God's will for your life is
personal to you. Don't live to please men, LIVE TO PLEASE

The End

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(+234) 8103071931


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