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Vingroup 's recruitment standards :

Vingroup is currently one of the leading large corporations in Vietnam with a large scale and
diversity in many different fields. In order for the group to always aim for development ,
Vingroup always aims to recruit quality human resources. high. This is also the standard that
Vingroup applies to the entire system including Vinfast .

General standard

Depending on each specific position, there will be separate mandatory standards, but all
members must meet the following general requirements:

 Have professional qualifications

 Determined to develop professionally

 Have a high sense of responsibility and discipline

the core values that the group directs its employees to. The group considers employees to be
the most valuable asset on the path to success. The Group always aims to build a team of
employees who are both talented and virtuous. Creating a professional, modern , and healthy
working environment for employees to maximize and develop their careers. The group
always appreciates their dedication , always paying special attention to human development
through regular training programs and to improve the knowledge and professional
qualifications of each individual.
4.2.1. Suppliers :
According to initial plans, Vinfast will distribute electric vehicle products directly to
consumers like Telsa did . But to boost sales, the group decided to sign with independent
distribution agents. to boost revenue.
On January 2, 2024 in the state of Los Angeles, USA - Vinfast has announced the official
signing with the first 5 distribution agents in 4 US states including:
Leith VinFast ( Raleigh , North Carolina ), Smith Haven VinFast ( St. James , New _ York ),
Principle VinFast Grapevine ( Grapevine , Texas ), Hiley Fort 's VinFast Worth ( Fort Worth
, Texas ) and VinFast Wichita ( Wichita , Kansas ). Dealers will distribute and sell models VF8,
VF6, VF7 and VF9.
As long as customers come to rent or buy an electric car from Vinfast, they will receive genuine
after-sales policies including a 10-year/125,000-mile warranty for the vehicle, 10-year unlimited
mileage for the battery.
This is an important step affirming VinFast 's commitment to expanding its business network and
shortening the time to bring products to market. Cooperating with dealers helps VinFast quickly
bring consumers good quality electric car models, good prices and excellent after-sales policies,
promoting the goal of greening global transportation." -Ms. Tran Mai Hoa, Deputy General
Director of Global Sales and Marketing
“We are very excited to become the first VinFast dealer in North Carolina , where the modern
VinFast electric vehicle factory is located . After talking with VinFast leaders and directly
experiencing their electric car model, we are especially impressed by this brand. We believe that
VinFast is a perfect new piece of the Leith Motor Business Group .” - Mr. Danny Williams ,
Managing Director at Leith Automotive Group
Vinfast plans to expand its distribution network to 125 points in the US. In addition, Vinfast
is also operating 13 retail stores and service centers in California .
loat-thuong- hieu-lon-20231229110051917.htm
4.2.2. Producer :
Vinfast spent more than 44 million USD on a factory with an area of nearly 8oo hectares
located in the Triangle industrial park. Innovation Point , Chatham County, North
California. The factory began construction on July 29, 2023 and is expected to be put
into operation in phase 1 of 2024.
Phase 1 with an investment of 2 billion USD includes 5 subdivisions and main factories .
On the campus there are also works such as waste collection area , pump plant , security
, etc. In the first phase, the factory will Providing the market with three main vehicle
lines including: VF7, VF8 and VF9 with an expected output for the North American
market of 150,000 vehicles/year.
VinFast factory diagram in the US. The three main areas of the factory include the electric
car production and assembly area, the battery production area and the supporting industry
area for suppliers (Photo: Wral ).

VinFast US headquarters is located in the Playa Vista area , known as the " Silicon Beach "
of the city of Los Angeles . Angeles , with many technology companies operating (Photo:
VinFast ).
20230729014348439.htm#:~:text=Nh%C3%A0%20m%C3 %A1y%20VinFast%20s
%20Wral) .
On December 3, 2023, the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) signed
an intention to sponsor 500 million USD for Vinfast to promote electrified transportation.
This is an affirmation of its commitment to sustainable development. sustainability of both
parties. The $500 million grant will depend on the results of the evaluation of VinFast 's
projects HYPERLINK "https://tuoitre.vn/vinfast.html" \o "vinfast"to establish a research ,
development and production facility for lithium-ion batteries in Vietnam.
In a context where the adoption rate of electric vehicles is decreasing in the US market,
Vinfast still wants to provide a variety of electric vehicle segments for this market. This will
be a huge challenge. Most recently at the Consumer Electronics Show. Using CES 2024,
Vinfast continued to introduce two new electric pickup truck models, Wild and mini SUV
Besides , Vinfast president Le Thi Thu Thuy had a discussion with editor Akiko Yahoo 's
Fujita Finance on the strategy to penetrate the US market. Ms. Thu Thuy said that the
acceptance of the electric vehicle industry is decreasing in the US, but it is only maintained at
a not high level and there is still an increase in electric vehicle sales. Vinfast 's mission is to
"make electric vehicles accessible to everyone" at an affordable price so that electric vehicles
can be widely distributed throughout the United States.
An optimistic signal for Vinfast in the first months of 2024, there are still many challenges
and difficulties before Vinfast becomes a big player and has a solid market share in electric
vehicles in the US.
4.4. Marketing
Marketing is all the activities to bring products or services from the place of production to the
hands of consumers, which includes many different activities, from market research,
understanding customer needs, developing products or services, promote and distribute
products, in order to both meet needs, attract and retain customers, and achieve business
goals . The goal of Marketing is to create value for customers and meet their needs through a
business's products or services.
Vinfast has always done very well in marketing with a global vision. The group has
established a solid international marketing strategy to strengthen its position in the
international automobile market in general and electric vehicles in particular.
Aiming for a Global Communication Platform : the group always focuses on building a
strong and consistent brand image globally. The communication strategy is designed to suit
the North American market (USA) and Europe (Canada).
Organizing and participating in international events : Vinfast regularly organizes
international auto exhibitions and product exchange events to meet potential customers.
Global customer care : This strategy is not only about regular customer care but also about
providing high quality services in each market and understanding the specific needs of each
Promote interaction on social networks and digital media: Vinfast has made good use of
the power of digital media platforms to create interaction and promote influence in a country
where social networks are extremely popular, the US . This strategy builds a certain
community and promotes promote globalization of brands.
Besides, a marketing method that has been extremely successful Vinfast is Marketing mix.
 Product Marketing Strategy : focus on developing diverse car models to enhance
customer needs. They collaborate with famous designers like Pininfarina , ItalDesign
and Zagato to bring beautiful and luxurious designs to their products.
 Price Marketing Strategy : Vinfast sets competitive prices to attract customers .
Know your position to change appropriately. For example, in the US market where
Telsa has grown too strongly, Vinfast built a line of electric vehicles with prices that
do not directly compete with Telsa .
 Point of Sale Marketing Strategy : VinFast builds a widespread distribution
network, including agents, showrooms and service centers, to ensure convenient and
quick access and service to customers.
 Marketing Strategy for Promotion: VinFast invests heavily in advertising and
promotional activities to increase its brand awareness and influence.
It can be seen that Vinfast was very wise in choosing not to compete with the US market. It
did not need to win and compete directly with experienced giants such as Telsa or Toyota ,
but instead switched to a new approach. Although there are still many difficulties and the
campaign to penetrate the US market with electric vehicles is just the first steps, there are
very optimistic signs of VinFast in this demanding consumer market. Some people believe
that Entering the US market with electric cars is risky because it is showing signs of slowing
down and VinFast should provide more gasoline- powered cars. But with a policy of reducing
50%-52% of pollution emissions, it causes negative effects. US greenhouse pollution by
2023, it can be seen that this is a right step by VinFast leaders . In addition to the promise of
US President Joe Biden 's support of $2,000 trillion to convert the auto industry to clean
energy will be a promising future for " Vietnam's first auto company" in the US market.

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