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NIM : 22/504381/SV/21632
Technology intelligence artificial or Artificial Intelligence (AI) when This Already Lots
scattered and also applied in various field life . Even AI can grameds meet in life everyday ,
like virtual assistant Google and Siri. Intelligence artificial of course No novelty , will be _
but in development always become something interesting _ attention .

Term intelligence artificial first appeared in 1956 , will _ but the AI is getting popular
moment This Because increased data volume, algorithms Sophisticated , and Improved
Power as well as storage computing . Around beginning 1950s , AI research explores topics
like settlement problem and method symbolic . In the 1960s , Department US Defense put
interest to type work this and start practice computers For imitate reasoning basic human . _

For example , the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) completed project
mapping street in the 1970 's . And DARPA delivered assistant personal smart in 2003 , far
away before Siri, Alexa or Cortana were given name . Work at first open road for automation
and formal reasoning that can We look on the computer moment this , incl system supporters
decisions and systems search smart can _ designed For complete as well as increase ability
human .

In development , besides very helpful role humans , AI is also increasing known Because
supported many the presence of fictional films related science _ with AI. this _ Of course add
people's interest in AI.

Need We know well, AI doesn't always form virtual assistant like Jarvis in the movie Iron
Man or in robotic form . But AI is more wide from that , AI can too applied in various matter
with emphasize intelligence _ machine that can give response like human .

Moment This almost all device computer nor modern technology has Lots apply intelligence
artificial . As stated _ before , AI could felt when using a smartphone via virtual assistant
Google or Siri. AI is also predictable will Keep going growing and more intelligent again and
Grameds Of course No Can avoid it . Intelligence artificial or AI is simulation from
intelligence possessed by humans that is modeled on the inside machine and also
programmed so that it can think like case human .

Whereas according to Mcleod and Schell, intelligence artificial is activity provision machine
like computer with ability For displays considered behavior _ The same smart with If ability
the displayed by humans . In other words AI is system computer that can do general jobs _
need power man or intelligence man For finish work the .

AI is technology that requires data for made knowledge , like case human . AI requires
experience and data so his intelligence Can more Good again . Points important of AI are
learning, reasoning and self-correction. AI is also necessary Study For enrich his knowledge .
learning process Not even AI need always told by humans , but AI will Study with itself
based on current AI experience used by humans .
Interesting thing from AI ie capable do self-correction or corrected self alone . AI indeed
programmed For That Keep going study and improve self Alone from ever mistake _ he
made .

If Grameds Still Confused with method AI work , you Can see method AlphaGo computer
program works . Moment beginning developed , AlphaGo was given 100 thousand Go match
data for learned . Then , AlphaGo will play Go together with himself alone and each he lost ,
he will repair method He playing and playing process This will be repeated until million

Advantages of AI in comparison one human _ like the AI that AlphaGo has , which is human
only can play once in _ One time , whereas AI can simulate a number of match at one time in
a manner together . So that the learning process and experience can also be more Lots
compared human . this _ proven when AlphaGo is playing with world champion Go in 2016
he Can become the winner .

Broadly speaking _ A intelligence artificial Can do one _ from four factor following : acting
humanely or system that can Act like human , thinking human or system that can think like
case human , think rationally or capable system _ think in a manner rational , also act
rationally or capable system _ Act in a manner rational .

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