Personality Ap Psych

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The Personality

 Consists of the id, ego, and superego

Defense Mechanisms





Reaction Formation




 Criticisms of Freud
o Freudian theory

 little ____________ evidence supports it

 proving it is __________________

 _____________________ the importance of early childhood

and of sex

 has little _______________ power

o Feminists

 Freudian theory is _____________________

 penis envy

 grew from the assumption that men are

_______________ to women

 if women were _____________ of men, it was

probably due to the advantages men had in

 womb envy

 men’s _____________________ of women’s

reproductive abilities

 men don’t have stronger ______________________

 Impact of Freudian Theory
o Impact on ___________ greater than impact on contemporary
o Terms used in our language

 ego, ________________________________________
o Arts

 Salvador Dali
 Woody Allen
 films often feature a character undergoing
_________________ and playing out a Freudian

Psychodynamic Theories
Neo-Freudian (Psychodynamic) Approaches

 ________________
 ________________

Carl Jung
The ______________ has two parts:

 ___________
 ___________

o Personal unconscious

1. contains ____________

1. the ________________ thoughts and memories that you

don’t want to confront

o Collective unconscious
2. passed down through the ______________

3. explains certain ____________ between cultures

4. contains _____________

1. ________ concepts we all share as part of the human


ex. shadow represents the ________ side of personality

ex. persona is people’s creation of a ___________ image

2. evidence: _______________________________________

Alfred Adler
 Ego psychologist
o downplayed the importance of the ________________
o focused on the ________
 People are motivated by:
o ________________
 the fear of failure
o _______________
 the desire to achieve

*Known for work on the importance of birth order in shaping personality*

Trait Theories
Believe we can describe people’s personalities by specifying their ______
Trait Theorists traits

 these traits are ________ and _________ behavior

Nomothetic Approach
Belief that the same basic set of ________ can be used to describe all people’s personalities

 Hans Eyesenck
o ____________________ and

_______________ scale can fully

describe personality

 Raymond Cattell

o 16 PF

 Paul Costa and Robert McCrae

o The big five personality traits





 Factor Analysis
o Allows researchers to use ______________ between traits to see which traits

_________ together as factors

o Example:

 factor- ____________________________

 traits- ____________________________

 Idiographic Theorists
o Using the same set of terms to classify all people is ________________

o People need to be seen in the few terms that best ____________ them

 Gordon Allport

o Common traits are _____________

 but a full understanding of someone is impossible without looking at

their personal traits

o Types of personal traits

 __________ dispositions = play a pivotal role in everything you do

 __________ dispositions

 __________ dispositions
 less apparent

 describe less significant traits

 Criticism of Trait Theories

o Underestimate the importance of the _______________

Biological Theories
 Heritability = A measure of the percentage of a trait that is


o ________________ exists for specific personality


 Temperament = ____________ style and characteristic way of _________

with the world

o Infants seem to differ immediately at _________

 thought to be ______ with different temperaments

 these influence ____________


 Hippocrates
o Believed personality was determined by the relative levels of four ________ in

the body

o The four humors (fluids)

o One of the first people to recognize that ___________ impacts personality

 Somatotype Personality
o William Sheldon

 Three body types:

 Certain personality traits are associated with each of the body types

 Showed correlation, but not _______________

Behaviorist Theories
 Principles

o Personality is determined by the ________________

 ______________________ create personality

o We can _______ personalities by changing the _______________

 Criticism

o Fail to recognize the importance of _________________

Social- Cognitive Theories
 Albert Bandura
o Personality is created by an interaction between:

o This is based on ____________________________

 each of these three factors influence both of the other two in a constant

loop like fashion

o Also believed that personality is determined by _______________

 high =

 low =

 George Kelly
o Personal-Construct theory
 in attempts to understand the world, people develop systems of


 consist of pairs of _____________ = ex. ____________________

 used to _____________ the world

 behavior is determined by __________________ of the world

 based on a ______________________

 which states that behavior is influenced by _____________, and

we can predict ___________ behavior with _________ behavior

 Locus of control
o Julian Rotter

 ___________ locus of control

 feel as if you are ____________ for what

happens to you

 correlated with ____________________


 _____________ locus of control

 believe that

____________________________ of your own control

determine your destiny

Humanistic Theories
 Determinism

o The belief that what happens is dictated by what happened in the ___________

o Psychoanalysts and behaviorists

o Doesn’t support the existence of __________________

 Free will: ___________________________________________

 third force

 arose in ___________ to determinism

 central to humanistic psychology

 Principles
o People are _____________________

o People are able to _____________ their destinies with ____________

o Focus on importance of ______________________________

 these have a ____________ correlation

o Self concept = ___________________________________________________

 Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers

o People are motivated to ___________________________

 reach their full potential

o Maslow

 hierarchy of needs

o Roger’s self theory

 people need ______________________________ to self actualize

 unconditional positive regard = _______________________

 Criticism of Humanistic Theories

o Theory of human nature too _______________________

Assessment Techniques
 Projective Tests

o Used by __________________
o Involve asking people to interpret ______________________

 ______________ inkblot test

 involves showing people a series of _________ and
having them _____________ what they see

 thematic ___________ test (TAT)

 consists of cards with a picture of people in an
ambiguous ______________
 people are asked to describe what is ________ in the cards
o People’s interpretations should reflect their _________________ thoughts
o Scoring is ____________________________
 it relies on the ____________________ interpretations

 Self-Report Inventories

o ________________ that ask people to provide information about themselves

o Used by many types of psychologists, ex:

o MMPI-2

 widely used

 some have ________________built in

 Radical Behaviorists

o ___________ behavior is the only way to measure personality

 Reliability vs. Validity

o Reliability

o Validity

 Barnum Effect

o People have the tendency to see themselves in ________________ descriptions

of personality

o Named after P.T. Barnum

 __________________

 “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

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