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Carthaginian Charts & Tables PAC

April 2023


Adj DR Political Climate
Family Adj DR to Take Power
0-4 Cautious
Magonid 0-4
5-6 Interested
Barcid 5-9
7-8 Alert
DRMs (all cumulative): 9+ Aggressive
-1 Magonids in power during previous Game Turn
+1 Barcids in power during previous Game Turn DRMs (all cumulative):
All scenarios
-3 1st Punic War scenarios -1 OC is not aligned with the Family in power
+2 2nd Punic War scenarios +2 Enemy force with a leader in the Africa Theater but not
+2 Mercenary War scenarios Carthage province
+4 Enemy force with a leader in Carthage province
6.82 1st PUNIC WAR ARMY/FLEET LIMIT 1st Punic War Scenarios
CHART -2 No enemy force with a leader in Africa
Political Climate Armies/Province Allowed -1 Sardinia and Corsica controlled/Allied by/to Carthage
1 in Carthage -1 Syracuse Allied to Carthage but not if Rome
Cautious controls Syracusa
1 anywhere outside Carthage
1 in Carthage -1 Rome does not control any cities in Sicily
Interested 1 in Sicily +1 Each Major loss in a land/naval battle
1 anywhere outside Carthage +1 Enemy force/Fleet with a leader in Gallia Massilia or
Massilia is controlled by Rome
Alert 3 anywhere
+1 Syracuse is allied to Rome
Aggressive 4 anywhere +1 Active revolt in either Libya or Numidia
+1 For each controlled by Rome: Drepanum, Lilybaeum,
Political Climate Squadron/Admiral Limits Agrigentum, Panormus, or Melita
Squadron Limit: 35 +2 Rome controls Syracusa
Admiral Limit: 1 per controlled port:
Any 2nd Punic War Scenarios
Carthage (2 if at 22 capacity), -1 Carthage controls Sardinia or Corsica
Lilybaeum, and Drepanum -1 Carthage allied to Syracuse or controls Syracusa
-1 Carthage controls Western Sicilia
+1 Libya or Numidia in revolt or allied to Rome
6.82 2nd PUNIC WAR ARMY LIMIT CHART +1 Two or more Roman Legions in the Hispania Theater
Political Climate Armies/Theater Allowed +1 For each province in Hispania controlled by Rome
1 in Africa +1 Rome allied to Syracuse or controls Syracusa
Cautious +1 For each controlled by Rome: Nova Carthago, Gades,
1 in Hispania Tingi, or Iol Caesarea
1 in Africa
Interested 1 in Hispania Agathocles Scenario
1 in any Theater other than Africa -1 No enemy force with a leader in Africa
1 in Africa +1 For each controlled by Syracuse: Drepanum, Lilybaeum,
Alert 1 in Hispania Agrigentum, or Panormus
2 in any Theater* +2 Syracuse has acted against a city in Sicily the
Aggressive 4 in any Theater* previous turn (Siege, Involuntary Surrender)

Political Climate Armies/Theater Allowed

Hannibal’s Army is in addition to the
above and is allowed in any Theater*
* = No more than three Carthaginian Armies are allowed in
any one Theater outside Africa.
Adj DR Carthaginian Numidian Libyan Mauritanian Iberian Celtiberian Gauls Ligurian
1 or less 5I, 5C 5I, 5C* 5I 0 5I, 5C 5I 10I 5I
2, 3 10I, 5C, 5E 5I, 10C* 10I 5I 5I, 5C 5I 15I 10I
4, 5 10I, 5C*, 10E 5I, 10C* 10I 5I 10I, 5C 10I 20I 10I
6, 7 15I, 5C*,5C,15E 10I, 15C* 15I 10I 10I, 10C 10I 25I 15I
20I, 5C*,5C,
8, 9 15I, 20C* 20I 10I 15I, 10C 10I 30I 15I
# = Number of SP: I = Infantry, C = cavalry, E = Elephants, * = Elite Key: A = Citizens; B= Allies; C, D = Mercenaries
1st Punic War: If Political Climate Aggressive, Xanthippus enters play 2nd Punic War: No manpower from groups C or D
on an adjusted DR of 4 or more
DRMs (all cumulative):
1st Punic War Scenarios Raising manpower for an army
-3 Political Climate is Cautious* 1st Punic War Scenarios
-2 Political Climate is Alert* Cautious: May raise SP from one lettered group
-1 Political Climate is Aggressive* Interested: May raise SP from one lettered group
* only if any naval/land units were built/raised in the preceding Alert: May raise SP from two lettered groups
Game Turn Aggressive: May raise SP from three lettered groups
+2 Political Climate is Interested
-2 Successful Roman raid on Carthage (province) - Group A only 2nd Punic War Scenarios
-2 Each Numidian city occupied by Carthage – Numidians only Cautious: May raise SP from two contingents
Interested: May raise SP from two contingent
2nd Punic War Scenarios Alert: May raise SP from three contingents
-4 Political Climate is Cautious* Aggressive: May raise SP from four contingents
-3 Political Climate Interested*
-2 Political Climate is Alert* Raising reinforcements (Both Punic Wars)
-1 Political Climate is Aggressive* Cautious: May raise SP from one contingent
* only if manpower/NS levels raised/built the previous Game Turn Interested: May raise SP from one contingent
Alert: May raise SP from two contingents
Agathocles Scenario Aggressive: May raise SP from three contingents
+1 any roll for Group A
-1 any roll for Group C or D No reinforcements if the number of Armies exceed
the Political Climate limit or if an Army was
Manpower cannot be raised if province of origin is enemy controlled In disbanded,
Agathocles Scenario: Numidians and Mauritanians
cannot be raised


War Carthaginian Numidian Libyan Mauritanian Iberian Celtiberian Gauls Ligurian
1st Punic 80I, 40C, 30E 20I, 25C 75I 20I 50I, 40C 40I 100I 50I
2nd Punic 100I, 50C, 35E 50I, 75C 75I 25I 75I, 50C 50I* 150I* 50I
Manpower Maximums do not apply to Italian contingents.
* Cavalry raised from these contingents count as infantry (9.x)


Family Remove Army Recall Commander Crucifixion
Affiliation on a DR of on a DR of DRM
Same 0-2 0-3 0
Different/None 0-4 0-6 +2
Crucifixion: Leader Killed if DR > Mortality Rating

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