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ICT IGCSE – Layout

 Open a new Excel spreadsheet.

 In cells A1 to D1, enter the following headings:
o Product
o Quantity
o Unit Price
o Total
 In cells A2 to A5, enter the following products:
o Apples
o Oranges Bananas Pears
 In cells B2 to B5, enter the following quantities:
o 10
o 5
o 8
o 7
 In cells C2 to C5, enter the following unit prices:
o $0.50
o $0.25
o $0.30
o $0.40
 In cells D2 to D5, use the following formulas to calculate the totals:
o =C2*B2
o =C3*B3
o =C4*B4
o =C5*B5
 In cell E1, use the following formula to calculate the total of all the totals:
o =SUM(D2:D5)
 Format the cells in columns A to D as text, and the cells in column E as currency.
 Add a border around the entire spreadsheet.
Task 2

 In a new worksheet, create a pie chart of the total sales for each product.
 Set the title of the chart to "Total Sales".
 Set the labels of the chart to "Product" and "Sales".
 Set the style of the chart to "3-D Pie".
 Move the chart to a new worksheet.

Task 3

 In a new worksheet, create a table of the top three selling products.

 The table should include the product name, quantity sold, and total sales.
 Sort the table in descending order by total sales.
 Format the table as follows:
o The headings should be bold and underlined.
o The data should be right-aligned.
o The table should have a border around it.

Task 4

 Save the workbook as "My Sales Report".

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