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eselal sola) gf ‘ZN O&M COMPANY Wi AZN Procedure Doc. No. L3-007-HSE-001 Rev. Date: 04.09.2019 'ssue | Issue Date | Revalidation No Emergency Response Team | page 1 of 10 2__| 27.09.2018 | 03.09.2021 Emergency Response Team Document Ownership Details Departments Business Process Owner _| General Manager Key Users All Managers Signatures Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Sijo Mathew Manoj E Jose Fores = ‘Signature: Signature: ep pp — ee Date: 04/09/2019 Date: 05/09/2019 Date: 08/09/2019 easel slat ay gl ‘NIN O&M COMPANY wit AZN Procedure Dee. No: L3-007-HSE-001 Rev. Date: 04.09.2019 1500 T Issue Date | Revalidation lo Emergency Response Team | page 2 of 10 2__| 27.09.2016 | 03.09.2021 Distribution List Department/Section __| Recipient Department/Sect Recipient Management GM Stores All staff Operations All staff Chemistry Allstaff HR. & Administration | All staff Electrical Allstatf I. All staff Mechanical Allstaff Finance Allstaff Instrumentation & Control | All staff Procurement All statt Engineering Allstatf HSE. All staff Performance All staff Security All staff ees el all gl yl aj gl ‘AZN O&M COMPANY wit AZN Procedure Doc. No. L3-007-HSE-001 ct Rey. Date: 04.09.2019 Issue Date | Revalidation ne Emergency Response Team | pago 3 of 10 2_| 27.00.2018 | 03.09.2021 Revision Record Issue No. | ReVS!P | Description of Change Effective date 0 First issue 27/09/2018 2 1 Payment for relievers: 08/09/2019 oe ees @l ail gl ul 3) 9] KZN O&M COMPANY wit AZN Procedure Dos. No.: L3-007-HSE-001 Rev. Date: 04.09.2019 Tia [ tese ate | Revetosion |e cency Rasponse Team | page uo 2 | aronzoe | ox087021 Contents 1.0 PURPOSE 2.0 PRINCIPLE... sense te 3.0 SCOPE 4.0 RESPONSIBILITY 5.0 REFERENCES. 6.0 _DEFINITIONS/ ABBREVIATIONS. 7.0 HSE AND BUSINESS RISK Appendix 1. Rapid Intervention Vehicle Inventory. Appendix 2 Ambulance Equipment Inventory, PROCEDURE Purpose of the Emergency Response Team Emergency Response Team Role. Emergency Response Team Rewards Use of Emergency Vehicles. AUDIT / REVIEWS. ATTACHMENTS. L4-04(L3-007-HSE-01)-01 F1 ERT Membership Form Se eWNaa een naaa ees el alg! ol aj gf AAZN 08M COMPANY wt AZN Procedure Doe. No.: L3-007-HSE-001 r Rev. Date: 04.09.2019 Issue No Issue Date | Revalidation Emergency Response Team | page 5 of 10 2 27.09.2018 | 03.09.2021 1.0 20 3.0 40 5.0 6.0 PURPOSE ‘The Emergency Response Team is required to provide support in the event of an emergency incident on site. It comprises a maximum of 20 members of staff who are trained to provide rescue and pathfinding support as detailed in this procedure, PRINCIPLE The Emergency Response Team provides support for rescue and pathfinding. It is not a full ime fire service, and does not have the equipment or training for fighting major fires. ‘The first action in the event of a fire or similar emergency or a medical emergency is to request the presence of the emergency services by dialling 112 from any external phone. SCOPE This Emergency Procedure is to ensure that serious incidents are managed effectively and to provide support where required. RESPONSIBILITY The duty Shift Charge Engineer is responsible for ensuring that the Emergency Response Team is summoned in the event of an incident and to brief them on the support required. Emergency Response Team members aré responsible for responding in the event of being contacted by the SCE. If they are working on a critical plant item they must respond but may be excused their ERT duties if appropriate. ‘The HSE Manager is responsible for: Ensuring that procedures are in place to deal with any Serious Incident. * Ensuring Serious Incident training is given to all relevant staff. The Fire Officer is responsible for: ‘+ Ensuring that an up to date contact lst is available for communication with all relevant persons in the event of a Serious Incident * Ensuring that the site emergency vehicles and associated equipment are in a suitable condition to be able to respond immediately in the event of an incident * Training and driling the ERT * Ensuring that service schedules are maintained for site emergency vehicles REFERENCES © L4-01(L3-007-HSE-01)-01 F1 ERT Membership DEFINITIONS/ ABBREVIATIONS KFD - _—_Kuwait Fire Services Directorate KEPA - ——_Kuwait Environment Public Authority, ERT - _ Emergency Response Team (including nominated First Aiders) SCE = —_Duty Shift Charge Engineer OHN = - Occupational Health Nurse RIV = __ Rapid Intervention Vehicle ees el all gol aj g! IN O&M COMPANY wat AZN Procedure Doo. No.:L3-007-HSE-001 Rev. Date: 04.09.2019 Tssue Issue Date | Revalidation No Emergency Response Team | page 6 of 10 2__| 27.09.2018 | 03.09.2021 7.0 HSE AND BUSINESS RISK serious incident must be managed effectively to ensure that any injuries, plant damage or adverse publicity are minimised. ‘A Serious Incident may relate to one of the following examples © Health and safety incidents; © Environmental incidents; ‘+ Catastrophic plant failures; ‘+ Threat to public health; ‘+ Damage to public or third party property; ‘+ Political / civil unrest; + Natural disasters; © Acts of terrorist * Sabotage ‘* Entrapment within a confined space ‘© Aperson being unable to retum safely to the ground during work at height 8.0 PROCEDURE 84 Purpose of the Emergency Response Team The ERT is composed of various members of staff whose membership is in addition to their normal duties. There are no formal qualifications for membership and prospective members may be nominated by the departmental head as required and agreed with the site Fire Officer. Training will be given to a level determined by him based on experience, ‘and will include First Aid training, wearing of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) where practicable, use and maintenance of emergency equipment, working at height and in confined spaces and general emergency awareness training, The ERT also includes nominated First Aiders. The ERT is not intended as a replacement for the Government emergency services but to assist them in their response. The main role in the event of a fire or other emergency will be the snatch rescue of personnel and provision of any urgent first aid assistance. ‘A secondary function is to mitigate the effects of the emergency on plant and equipment as far as practicable within the ability of staff and the level of part-time support and ‘equipment provision, The vehicles supplied to the team contain a basic level of equipment to provide for rapid intervention aimed at preventing an escalation of a fire situation or other emergency prior to the arrival of the Government emergency services. 82 Emergency Response Team Role ‘The ERT members are required to futfl the following functions: * Fire hose testing - run out hose, test water flow, drain and retum to storage + Pathfinding for Fire Service — act as guide to KFSD in areas requiring SCBA in event of incident + Snatch rescue from fire, work height and confined spaces eraplal lol ai gl [AZN O&M COMPANY wit AZN Procedure Doc. No. L3-007-HSE-001 Rev. Date: 04.09.2019 Tssue Issue Date | Revalidation No. Emergency Response Team | page 7 of 10 2__| 27.09.2018 | 03.09.2021 Clearing andior flushing spilled chemicals and oils Routine firefighting equipment inspections Become proficient at wearing Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (where practicable) * Monitoring of fixed and portable firefighting systems; ensure that systems are being maintained correctly by those responsible * Assist with basic fire training of other staff Assist with maintenance of RIV/ambulance Be nominated as a First Aider 83 Emergency Response Team Rewards The ERT members will receive a regular payment at a frequency determined by the Management. Annual ERT payment is up to 300 KD divided as follows: a) 40% of the amount is fixed and is paid monthly for each month of membership b) 60% of the amount is paid annually in December rated based on performance The total money to be paid is set at the start of each budget year, is capped at 5% of the total budget per member and is divided between ERT members as follows: ‘+ Agree in writing to fulfil the role of full ERT member (including acting as first aider) for at least one calendar year 40% * Attending all refresher training sessions in the year, apart from annual leave periods or rota days off 12.5% ‘+ Responding to all incidents when on-site 12.5% ‘+ Showing a high level of enthusiasm and commitment for all tasks during routine exercises, drills and incidents 10% + Acting as Lead ERT member during training and/or drill 5% ‘+ Acting as Lead ERT member during emergency incident 10% + Performing additional duties as determined by the site 10% Fire Officer The actual amount awarded to each member is determined by the site Fire Officer, and is based on his appraisal of members during each quarter year or monthly on a pro-rata basis whichever is beneficial to the employee, upon his duties being relieved. If any money remains after all payments have been made the Fire Officer may spend some or the entire surplus on additional equipment or supplies for the general benefit of the team. ‘Any member dispute over the amount awarded may be discussed informally with the member's line manager and/or HSE Manager, who may further discuss with the General ‘Manager if required. The General Manager will make the final decision on payment in the event of any dispute, and no further appeal will be possible. 84 Use of Emergency Vehicles 8.4.1. Rapid Intervention Vehicle This vehicle is operated and maintained by the site Fire Officer. It may only be driven by members of the ERT in possession of a local driving licence. The ‘equipment list is shown as an appendix © peo el al gl yl aj gl ‘AEN O&M COMPANY wt 'AZN Procedure Doc, No. L3-007-HSE-001 - Rev. Date: 04.09.2019 Issue No Issue Date | Revalidation Emergency Response Team | page 8 of 10 2 27.09.2018 | 03.09.2021 8.4.2 Ambulance ‘The ambulance is operated and maintained by the site Fire Officer, the HSE Officer and the site Occupational Health Nurse. The equipment list is shown as ‘an appendix. This equipment is maintained in a state of readiness by the OHN, and servicing and calibration of equipment is managed by the Fire Officer and HSE Officer. The ambulance is not intended as a road vehicle, and its main purpose is to provide a mobile medical facility for the site. Itis registered and insured for road use and may be driven to @ hospital in the event of an emergency, but under nommal circumstances any patient requiring hospital treatment will be transferred to a Government ambulance at the location or at the site entrance, Ifitis driven to a hospital to provide treatment for a patient, the patient must be ‘accompanied by a medically trained person and the vehicle may only be driven by a member of the ERT in possession of a local driving licence, 9.0 AUDIT/ REVIEWS This document will be reviewed every 2 years or as a result of audit findings, 10.0 ATTACHMENTS Appendix 1 Rapid Intervention Vehicle Inventory ‘Appendix 2 Ambulance Equipment Inventory L4-01(L3-007-HSE-01)-01 F1 ERT Membership Form easel all glol aig] KIN O&M COMPANY wt ‘AZN Procedure Doc. No: L3.007-HSE-001 Rev. Date: 04.08.2019 ‘seu | Issue Date | Revalidation No Emergency Response Team | page 9 of 10 2 | 27092018 | 03.09.2021 Appendix 1 Rapid Intervention Vehicle Inventory 4x 100mm Suction Hose 4 x Suction Hose Spanners 1x 100mm Basket Strainer 1x 100mm Slipper Strainer 2.x 15mm Coir lines 15m length 2.x Canvas bags (for above) 2.x 4" Round thread to 2/4" instantaneous Double Collecting Head 10 lengths of 45mm Hose with 24" instantons couplings 3.x Akron branches: 3x Hose beckets Tripod/Pulleys/Paraguard stretcher /rescue line pack (Confined space incidents) Spreading, lifting & cutting tools hydraulic operated (Damage to Plan¥/Equipment involving injury to personis) Portable compressor for same Portable Ventilation Fan and hoses Compressor for recharging of BA cylinders Suitable fire retardant clothing and PPE ees @l ail fol aj gl AZN O&M COMPANY wi. AZN Procedure Tssue ne Revalidation Issue Date Emergency Response Team 2 | 27.09.2018 | 03.09.2021 Dos. No.: L3-007-HSE-001 Rev. Date: 04.09.2019 Page 10 of 10 Appendix 2 Ambulance Equipment Inventory Vacuum Mattress ‘Albacmat Patient Carrier Seat CarryLite Transit Chair Stretcher Defibrilator Blankets Burns kit Spinal board CD oxygen cylinders Masks Splints, neck brace Adult Resus Bag Vital Signs Monitor with Blood Pressure, SPO2, Temperature & Printer Blood Pressure Monitor Non-Contact infrared Thermometer HeartScan ECG Monitor Consumables etc. in adi ion to medical equipment to stock the first aid room. 2 eos el all gi ul 3) o) Emergency Response Team L4-01(L3-007-HSE-00)-01 ‘AZN O&M COMPANY wi ne IssueNo| Issue Date | Rev.No. | Rev. Date | Revalidation Pages 2 44-Jun-2018 1 4-0ct-2018 | 4-Oct-2020 Page 1 of 1 Emergency Response Team members are required to fulfl the following functions: | (name) Fire hose testing - run out hose, test water flow, drain and return to storage Pathfinding for Fire Service — act as guide to Kuwait Fire Services Directorate in areas requiring Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus in event of incident. Snatch rescue from fire, work height and confined spaces Routine firefighting equipment inspections. Become proficient at wearing Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus and any other respiratory protective equipment as required ‘Monitoring of fixed and portable firefighting systems; ensure that systems. are being maintained correctly by those responsible Assist with basic fire training of other staff Assist with maintenance of RIViambulance Be nominated as a First Aider Be clean shaven when required to wear close fitting respiratory protective equipment, including Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus ‘am physically fit and agree to act as a mem- ber of the Emergency Response Team for a minimum of 12 months from (date) | will undertake the additional responsibilities above at my own risk, subject to any reasonable control measures implemented by the management of AZN O&M. Signed: .. Date:

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