Second Semester M.B.A. Degree Examination, March - 2020 Information Technology For Managers (Course - 07)

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Second Semester M.B.A. Degree Examination, March - 2020

(Course - 07)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Answer any five questions, Each question carries 3 marks. [5 × 3 = 15]
Q1) a) Name the features of computers.
b) What is a virtual private network?
c) List the utilities of information.
d) Define knowledge management system.
e) Show any three symbols used in flow chart.
f) What is data masking?
g) Define e-governance.
Answer any four questions, Each question carries 5 marks. [4 × 5 = 20]
Q2) Discuss different parts of a computer.

Q3) Identify the trends in information system.

Q4) Write a note on system planning.

Q5) Examine the applications of a decision table.

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Q6) Explain the Testing methods employed to test software applications.

Q7) Describe the applications of ERP.

Answer any three questions, Each question carries 10 marks : [3 × 10 = 30]
Q8) Discuss the applications of different types of information systems.

Q9) Give a detailed note on system development life cycle.

Q10)What is cyber crime? How do you think IT law 2008 addresses such issues.

Q11)Examine the principles and benefits of supply chain management.

Q12)What is an operating system? Explain different operating systems.

Q13)Case Study (Compulsory) [1 × 15 = 15]
Aroma is a top rated restaurant in Delhi with a serving capacity of 200 people at
time. The Restaurant is receiving frequent complaints from the customers such as
delay in supply, serving items that are not ordered. The master chef complains
about non availability of certain items despite of his indent two weeks earlier. Many
of the perishable items brought remain unused and wasted. The restaurant often
fails to identify trends in week end, as a result there would be overcrowd or wastage
of preparations.
You have been invited to suggest ERP for them.
a) What are the various levels of decisions to be taken up in the restaurant?
b) How would design a MIS for them?

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