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COVID-19 pandemic has changes and is still changing how we work, communicate, travel and

shop. Behavior and habits of a person are directly linked to the extent of exposure to new
environments, in this case, it is the global pandemic. Last year it was seen that the top priority
is to contain the virus and as much as possible, stop the spread of it. This year, the focus of all
government is the distribution of effective vaccines. One of the biggest changes that has
resulted from the pandemic is online shopping and all forms of delivery. The virus is reshaping
every industry and every aspect of life as we know it. Consumers are also concerned about the
impact of this pandemic both from a health and economic perspective. Some feels anxious and
worried, some feels fine and just going with the flow. Priorities have also changed over the last
years and people have become centered on the most basic needs, sending demand for hygiene
and cleaning products. In times like these, our need for the basic necessities of life takes
precedence and it comes no surprise that we are prioritizing our health along with food and
medical security. It remains to be seen how all such changes and crises highlight priorities and
flaws and our next step is to build and generate innovations and lessons learned.

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