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Marks : 150

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This question paper consists of TWO SECTIONS:
QUESTION 1: Climate and Weather (60)
QUESTION 2: Geomorphology (60)
QUESTION 3: Geographical Skills and Techniques (30)
1. Answer all THREE questions.
2. ALL diagrams are included in the QUESTION PAPER.
3. Leave a line between the subsections of questions answered.
4. Start EACH question at the top of a NEW page.
5. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this
question paper.
6. Do NOT write in the margins of the ANSWER BOOK.
7. Draw fully labelled diagrams when instructed to do so.
8. Answer in FULL SENTENCES, except when you have to state, name, identify
or list.
9. Units of measurement MUST be indicated in your final answer, e.g. 1 020
hPa, 14 °C and 45 m.
10. You may use a non-programmable calculator.
11. You may use a magnifying glass.
12. Write neatly and legibly.

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1.1. Match the statements in COLUMN A with the options in COLUMN B. Write
down only Y or Z next to the question numbers (1.1.1 to 1.1.8) in the
ANSWER BOOK, for example 1.1.9 Y.
1.1.1 A mid-latitude cyclone occurs between … north X 5° and 25°
and south of the equator.
Z 30° and 60
1.1.2 Winds that cause mid-latitude cyclones to Y Easterlies
generally move in an easterly direction
Z Westerlies
1.1.3 The mid-latitude cyclone below is in the … X Mature
Z Occluded

1.1.4 Causes the development of cumulonimbus Y Cold dense air that

clouds in the mid-latitude cyclone forces the warmer lighter
air to rise

Z Warmer lighter air that

moves slowly over the cold
dense air
1.1.5 Type of occlusion indicated at A Y Warm

Z Cold

1.1.6 The change in wind direction of the mid-latitude Y Veering.

cyclone in the Southern Hemisphere is called …
Z Backing.
1.1.7 Weather station indicating backing of the wind
in Southern Hemisphere

1.1.8 Air pressure from A to B in the sketch below Y Decreases then


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Z Increases then

(8 × 1) (8)

1.2. Choose the correct letter from those given in brackets. Write only the letter
(A or B) next to the question numbers (1.2.1 to 1.2.7) in the ANSWER BOOK.

1.2.1 The wind at (A/B) blows during the day.

1.2.2 Wind (A/B) is a katabatic wind.
1.2.3 A high pressure develops on the valley floor during the development of wind
1.2.4 Frost resistant crops at X were planted due to the influence of wind (A/B).
1.2.5 Wind (A/B) is associated with temperature inversions.
1.2.6 Radiation fog will be experienced at (A/B)
1.2.7 (A/B) is responsible to disperse polluted air above the cities.
(7 × 1) (7)

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1.3. Refer to the infographic (FIGURE 1.3) on tropical storm Filipo.

1.3.1 How many tropical cyclones developed before tropical storm Filipo?
(1 x 1)(1)
1.3.2 Give TWO reasons for the path/movement of tropical cyclones in the southern
hemisphere. (2 x 1)(2)

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1.3.3 According to the infographic, how many people were affected by the tropical
storm Filipo? (1 x 2)(2)
1.3.4 Why was Filipo regarded as a tropical storm and not a tropical cyclone when it
made landfall in Mozambique? (1 x 2)(2)
1.3.5 Explain the importance of Coriolis force in the development of tropical
cyclones. (2 x 2)(4)
1.3.6 Comment on the negative impact of the increased rainfall of Filipo on the
infrastructure of certain parts of Mozambique. (2 x 2)(4)

1.4. Refer to the infographic below about berg winds in South Africa

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1.4.1Define the concept berg wind. (1 x 2)(2)

1.4.2 Why does air get warmer as it descends towards the coastal regions?
(1 x2) (2)
1.4.3 According to the graph, how long did the maximum temperature of 44 °C last?
(1 x 2) (2)
1.4.4 Explain the reason for the north westerly direction of the berg wind in the
satellite image. (1 x 2) (2)
1.4.5 Draw a weather station of East London that illustrates the wind direction, cloud
cover and air temperature at 13h00. (3 x 1) (3)
1.4.6 How will the physical (natural) environment be affected due to the time (answer
to QUESTION 1.4.3) that it has been exposed to the 44 °C of the berg wind?
(2 x 2) (4)
1.5. FIGURE 1.5 is a typical South African winter synoptic weather map
Figure 1.5

1.5.1 Determine the isobaric pressure of isobar A. (1 x 1) (1)

1.5.2 Account for the position of anticyclones B and C in the season represented by
the synoptic weather map. (1 x 2) (2)

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1.5.3 The position of the Kalahari High causes very little chance of rainfall during
winter. Draw a labelled cross profile from D to E to illustrate the reasons for this lack
of clouds and rainfall in winter. (4 x 1) (4)
1.5.4 In a paragraph of approximately EIGHT lines, explain the differences in
humidity/moisture levels experienced at weather stations F and G. (4 x 2)(8)
2.1. Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.
Choose the answer and write only the letter (A–D) next to the question
numbers (1.1.1 to 1.1.8) in the ANSWER BOOK, example 1.1.9 D.
2.1.1 Drainage pattern that is common along steep slopes of ridge or hills.
A Centripetal
B Parallel
C Dendritic
D Trellis
2.1.2 Drainage pattern found in areas where glaciers have occurred
A Dendritic
B Parallel
C Radial
D Deranged
2.1.3The main stream has right angle bends in this drainage pattern.
A Rectangular
B Trellis
C Parallel
D Centripetal
2.1.4 Drainage pattern associated with streams that flow towards a central low-lying
A Trellis
B Centripetal
C Radial
D Deranged

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2.1.5 Drainage pattern associated with a dome feature

A Dendritic
B Parallel
C Radial
D centripetal
2.1.6 Drainage pattern that originates in areas with alternative layers of hard and soft
A Parallel
B Rectangular
C Deranged
D Trellis
2.1.7 Drainage pattern that is usually uniform and tributaries join at acute angles.
A Trellis
B Dendritic
C Rectangular
D Centripetal
2.1.8The river is younger than the underlying rock structure over which it flows
A Dendritic
B Antecedent
C Superimposed
D Trellis
(8 × 1) (8)

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2.2. Refer to the sketch of river rejuvenation. Choose the correct word(s) from
those given in brackets. Write only the word(s) next to the question numbers
(2.2.1 to 2.2.7) in the ANSWER BOOK.

2.2.1 River rejuvenation is the process where a river erodes (laterally/ vertically)
2.2.2 The point where the old erosion meets with the new is called a (valley/
2.2.3 River rejuvenation is caused by a (drop in sea level/watershed changing its
2.2.4 River terraces form (before/after) rejuvenation.
2.2.5 (Valley-in-valleys/Rapids) form on the floodplain.
2.2.6 The tributaries after rejuvenation lengthen due to (lateral/headward) erosion.
2.2.7 River rejuvenation will cause the river profile to be (graded/ungraded).
(7× 1) (7)

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2.3. The FIGURE below shows an ungraded longitudinal profile of a river.

2.3.1 Name the stream flow that will dominate the upper course. (1 x 1)(1)
2.3.2 Describe the difference in the shape of the river channels in the upper and the
middle course. (2 x 1)(2)
2.3.3 Refer to the slope from A to B of the ungraded longitudinal profile:
(a) What is a knickpoint? (1 x 2)(2)
(b) Why is there an absence (non-appearance) of knickpoints in the lower course of
the river? (1 x 2)(2)
(c) How will the knickpoints (in the sketch) be removed to cause the longitudinal
profile to eventually become graded? (1 x 2) (2)
2.3.4 Explain how the gentle gradient in the lower course and the sea promotes the
development of the delta at C. (3 x 2)(6)

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2.4. Refer to the sketch on waterfalls and rapids

2.4.1 Name the stage of the river in which waterfalls and rapids form. (1 x 1)(1)
2.4.2 Identify the type of flow at A in the sketch. (1 x 1)(1)
2.4.3 How does gradient influence the type of flow (your answer to QUESTION
(2.4.2)? (1 x 1)(1)
2.4.4 How will less resistant rock strata (soft rocks) and more resistant rock strata
(hard rocks) lead to the formation of waterfalls. (2 x 2) (4)
2.4.5 Explain how the waterfall will eventually retreat upstream over time.
(2 x 2)(4)
2.4.6 What impact will waterfalls and rapids have on infrastructural development
along the river? (2 x 2)(4)

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2.5. Refer to the extract on catchment and river management

2.5.1 According to the Northern Cape NGO, what type of pollution is affecting 11
towns? (1 x 1)(1)
2.5.2 Name the primary economic activity mentioned in the article that is directly
threatened by this type of pollution (mentioned in QUESTION 2.5.1). (1x1) (1)
2.5.3 Why is the Orange River ‘a lifeline’ to the economic activity mentioned in
QUESTION 2.5.2? (1 x 1)(1)
2.5.4 Why is river management so important in the lower Vaal and Orange rivers?
(2 x 1)(2)
2.5.5 State the economic impact of poor river management in the lower course of the
Vaal and Orange rivers? (1 x 2) (2)
2.5.6 In a paragraph of approximately EIGHT lines suggest sustainable strategies
that can be implemented to maintain the quality of water in the lower Vaal and
Orange River. (4 x 2) (8)

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3.1. Map skills and calculations
3.1.1. The scale of 1: 50 000 shows a…….area and ……detail as it is a smaller
scale than 1: 10 000.
(i) Larger
(ii) Smaller
(iii) Less
(iv) More
A. (i) and (iii)
B. (i) and (iv)
C. (ii) and (iii)
D. (ii) and (iv) (1x1) (1)
3.1.2. Calculate the gradient between trigonometrical station 156 in block D3 and
spot height 1388 in block D4 on the topographic map. (5x1) (5)
3.1.3. Calculate the current magnetic declination of Merrivale topographic map. The
mean annual change is 9’ westwards. (4x1) (4)
3.2. Map interpretation.
3.2.1. The wind that blows during the day in block C2 on the orthophoto map is
A. Katabatic
B. Anabatic
C. Valley
D. Slope
3.2.2. Type of slope evident in block E5 on the topographic map is……….
A. Concave
B. Convex
C. Gentle
D. Steep (2x1) (2)
Refer to the orthophoto map.
3.2.3. At what time of the day was the photograph taken? (1x1) (1)
3.2.4. Give a reason for your answer to QUESTION 3.2.3. above. (1x2) (2)
Refer to the topographic map
3.2.5. Give a climatological reason for the large number of perennial water
sources(dams) and furrows found on the topographic map. (1x2) (2)
3.2.6. Refer to river H in block B1 on the topographic map.
(a) Identify the type of river H. (1x1) (1)
(b) In which general direction is river H following. (1x1) (1)
(c) Give map evidence to support your answer in QUESTION 3.2.6. (b). (1x1) (1)

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3.2.7. The drainage pattern encircled at I in blocks C3 and D3 is dendritic. Describe

the underlying rock structure that is responsible for the drainage pattern at I.
(1x2) (2)
3.3. Geographical information systems.
3.3.1. Refer to the orthophoto map
(a) Define the term resolution. (1x2) (2)
(b) Give reason for a high resolution of the orthophoto map. (1x2) (2)
(c) How would the high resolution of the orthophoto map assist Researchers to
be able to collect data, when doing research in the area covered by the
orthophoto map. (1x2) (2)
3.3.2. Identify ONE drainage layer and ONE infrastructure layer in block C2 on the
topographic map. (2x1) (2)
Grand total :150 marks


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