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Semi-suhaarsible p l a t f o m consist of submArged bodies connected
t o the working decks above the water by mans of aolmnns o r slen-
der walla. Derrick barges, p i p l a y i n g barges, stor@geplatforme,
production platforms and d r i l l i n g platformm a r e b u i l t i n this way
since it is assmuad t h a t the motiow of thin type of conrrtruction
axe let48 than the motions of ship type barges o r pontoons.
Up CO now the a d ~ ~ t a of g ~semi-suhmeraible
8 platform s t r i c t l y
have not bee8 provan eince no design nmthod i s available i n whiah
l the dimensions of a platform follow from an optimization technique.
The designs aro therefore bared on aesrtmptions more o r l e s s rea-
soned a t random (see among others Paulling [I-l] and Carrive [I-21)
eupplementd w i t h model experiments of the o r i g i n a l design and
w i t h a model of an adapted design when the f i r s t r e s u l t s a r e not
The lack of a syst.laatic design mathod for semi-submcrrsible
p l a t f o r m follows f r a t h e f a c t t h a t only recently the need was
f e l t for large semi-submerriblee on which high demands were made.
I n the meantime ship researchers on one side had developd the
hydrodynamics on ship behaviour i n waves (see Vugts [I-31 ) while
on t h e other ride the hydraulic experts had developed the hydro-
dynamles f o r carmplicated fixed constructions i n sea (see Wiegel
[I-41 and Ward [.-S]). Rowever, it turned out t h a t these expert
knowledges could not be simply adapted f o r predicting the beha-
viour of a ecrmi-submersible platform i n waves (see among others
+Paulling [I-l] and F u j i i [I-61 ) .
I n the prwent study an attempt is made t o derive a design
method by which the behaviour of semi-submersiblerr i n waves can
be predicted. Also the influence w i l l be diacwsed of d e t a i l s
which s c i e n t i f i o a l l y can be proven t o e x i s t but which w i l l be ne-
greeted i n t h i s method. The prediction method t o be developed,
has been based on the r e l a t i v e motion concept (see Motora [I-71
and Garritsma [I-81) applied t o the components of the platform.
T h i s mans that:
a. The frmthod originates from a potential theory f o r small
bodies (see chapter 11).
b. The influence of viscosity on the platform behaviow is
of secondary importance, which w i l l be discussed i n chap-
t e r III.
c. The interaction batmen sewral components OF the platform
ie neglected which nuam that the hydrodynamic properties
of one canponent of the platfozm are not affected by the
existence of neighbouring aomponenta (see Laird [I-93).
A dlacussion about interaction effects will be givan in
section 111-2.
Finally an opthiration technique will be prenented using the
method for prsdictiag tha platform behaviour in waveis. As a re-
mult of this tochaiqum the dimensions will be deducod of a semi- I

submersible platform which from a hydrodynamical point of view

will be optiannn with regard to heave, roll and pitch motions. This
m a n s that the horizontal motions which are influenced by the
mooring spstam, will not be takmn into consideration since hydro-
dynamic aspect8 are then introduaed which are different from the
aspeats investigated in the present study.

11-1 Introduction
The wave forcer on a floating or a fixed mtructure are influenc-
ed by vimcoua and potential effects. In soma casem the potential
part of the force can be calculated. However, an analytical
methad to determine the influence o f viacoum effects on the total
force i r r not yet available.
To predict the wave farces, meveral approximationa have already
been given, for instance that given by blorison [II-l]. A review
of the work carried out experimentally and theoretically is describ-
ed in ohapter If of Wiegel [I-4). In addition to that review the
papers by Harlaman [IX-21 and [XI-31 should also be mentioned.
The resulta of these approximations sometimes correspond well with
aneasured values.
A drawback of these earlier approximations is the omission of
information about the limitations of the approximations. fn mast
casem this was cauaed by the preaent lack of knowledge concerning
the interaction between viscous and potential effects. The phenom-
enon of separation of the fluid around a circular cylinder in waves
gives an illustration of the lack of knowledge.
The aim of the present study has been to derive an approximation
of the wave excited forces, of which the limitations are known.
First the potential part o t the wave excited forcer will be analyr-
ad. From a comparison with systematic model teat results it therg-
after will be shown that the influence of viscous effects can be
I neglected for a range of waves which can be arrumed to be represen-
\ tative forthe actual aea conditions.
In the present khapter the 8tudy mtarts with the derivation of
an approximate calculation of the wave forcer on a structure in a
fluid which is supposed to be incomprerrible, irrotational and ih-
viscid. The limitations of thin approximation will be deduced by
comparing the approximated oscillatory wave forces on a vertical
qlinder with the result of exact calculations of the wave excited
The exact solution for a vertical circular cylinder first was
given by Havelock 111-41 for deep water. Xt can be adapted for
shallow water as given by Flokstra [II-S] , In the meantime MacCamy
[XI-61 had given the exact aolution for ehallaw water. These
theories all descrlbe the wave force on a vertical cylinder pier-
cing t h e w a t u surface and wtending t o t h e a e r bottom. f o r wavem
which are s h o r t r e l a t i v e t o the cylinder diameter, an exact rolu-
t i o n f o r a cylinder with 4 d r a f t Leaa than tho waterdepth has been
given by Milea [II-73 . Howevor, f o r wavem which are long r e l a t i v e
t o t h e cylinder d i m a t e x , no exact theory i m available. Therefore
tho.approximato wave force on cylinders with a diameter which i m
amall r e l a t i v e t o t h e wave length, which is of i n t e r e s t i n tho
present case, and with a d r a f t l e n s Cbun the waterdepth can only
be compared with laodol t o o t reaulta.

11-2 Detmrmfnation of wave foreem

The velocity p o t e n t i a l 9 of the water motion d w t o a moving
body i n an inoompreseiblr, i r r o t a t i o n a l and inviacid f l u i d can be
aubdivided i n three components:

i n which

-velocity potential of incident waves

e2 = velocity p o t e n t i a l
velocity p o t e n t i a l
of tho body i n the
of the waves r e f l e c t e d on the body
of the wavos generated by the motion
d i r e c t i o n j.
In s t i l l water tho velocity potential 9 due t o an o s c i l l a t i n g
body depends on the diroction of o s c i l l a t i a n j, t h e amplitude of
o ~ c i l l a t i o nS, and th. frequency U,

with :

On the h u l l of t h e body the fdllowing condition ham t o be e a t i s -
fiod (aee the boundary condition i n equation 11-11]:

with r

- being
n the normal t o the body surface, p e i t i v e i n the out-
ward dirmction
Xj Vaj a

One therefore findor

= v fj . aiwt

The cambination. of equation (11-1) and (11-3) results in:

The hydrodynamic force on the body amounts tot

in which:

in which pl is the static preosure on the hull.

The total force on an oscillating body can be split into:
k' tot. ' "ir 6kj2, + Fk hydr. (11-6)

in which:

= mass or moment o f inertia of body
= 0
k - j
k + j
k' hydr . = hydrodynamic force or moment

The hydrodynamic force can be split into three parts:

k' hydr. m %j kj ' dt + ckj . S, (11-7)

in which the following definitiom are used:

akj = added mass

4cj = damping coefficient
= spring constant = restoring coefficient
Combining equation6 (IS-5) and (IX-7) one f i n d a t

i p w v,, e
+j,, a$,,
d S

The epring f o r c e c followr from the i n t e g r a t i o n of the stat-

kj aj
i c preaaure (pl) f o r c e over t h e body a f t e r a displacerrmnt S,.

When a r e a t r a i n e d obatacle i s placed i n long-created r e g u l a r
waves, t h e v e l o c i t y p o t e n t i a l O of the water motion may be w r i t t e n
aa :

4 = + (11-9)
al= v e l o c i t y p o t e n t i a l of t h e incident waves
= v e l o c i t y p o t e n t i a l of t h e waves r e f l e c t e d on t h e

The functions and O2 s a t i s f y t h e sama f r e e s u r f a c e condition

and the boundary condition on t h e h u l l ar t h e function 4 which
haa been discussed i n the aforegoing. There conditions follow
from t h e assumption t h a t t h e f l u i d undar'consideration has a bound-
a r y surface S, f i x e d o r moving which separates it from so- o t h e r
medium and which has t h e property t h a t any p a r t i c l e which i s once
on the s u r f a c e remaina on it. For example, i f t h i s surface were
given by an equation X = 0 it follows t h a t t h e condition

whould hold on S. From the f a c t t h a t U = Ox, v = 9 and W

and t h e f a c t t h a t (X,, X , X,) i n a normal vector t o t h e aurface
i n coneideration, it f o l owe t h a t equation (XI-10) can ba w r i t t e n
i n t h e form:
on a moving surface, which reducee to:

on a fixed surface.
The functions and also natisfy the radiation condition
whioh physically implies that these Functions can only have such
values that no energy arises from infinity (see seckion 12 page
471 o f Wehaueen [II-121 1 . The sadiakion condition uaually te-
quires the waves at infinity to be progressing outwards and impos-
es an uniqueness whiah would not otherwise be present (see mec-
tion 13 page 475 of Wohausen [IZ-121).
The velocity potential of the undisturbed incident wave is k n a m
everywhere by the equation:

in which:

5a = wave amplitude

o -
h = waterdepth
wave frequency = 2n/T
T = wave period
K = wave number = 2n/h
X = wave length
6 = coordinate in the direction of wave propagation
5 = coordinate in the vertical downward direction

On the hull one finds according to equation (11-12):

T''T (11-14)
The generalized force equals:

According to equation (11-4) one finds:

which m a n s that fk equals a'3' i n Uu oase t h a t the body o s c i l l a -
tes i n s t i l l water i n the k-direction.
S u b s t i t u t i n g equation (11-4) i n t o equation (11-15):

Uainq Grem's theorem and equation (XI-14) one f i n d s *

Combining equations (11-16) and XX-17) one now f i n d a t

f n a p i s equation, the force Fkl due t o the pressure v a r i a t i o n s

"atis c a l l e d the undisturbed wava pressure f o r c e (Froude-Xri-
l o f f forcal.
The v a r i a t i o n s of the f o r c e Fk2 due t o the p r e s r u r e v a r i a t i o n s
P 3 of the disturbanoes, aza s p l i t i n two p u t s which are c a l l e d
t h e i n e r t i a forces FkZL ( i n phase wlth Fkl) and t h e damping
forces PkZ2 (out of phase with Fkl).
The force Fk2 due t o t h e disturbance of the i n c i d e n t wave can be
r e w r i t t e n by:

s i n c e8

in whicht

and am' - fm
The t o t a l wave e x c i t e d force now is dete&ned byt

The,mx~-mreLf~ ~ , ~ O X E ~ ~ Q P ~ B ~ X S ~ B ~ ~ Y ~ ~ P - I ~ ~ ~
X f t h e height and the length of t h e body a r e small r e l a t i v e to
t h e wave length one may assume t h a t vm i n equation (11-21) hae the
same value a l l over the body.
In that case the force Fk2 (see equation (11-19)) can be trans-
formed into:

Combining this and equation (11-8) one finds:

rkal- io.v,

.e iwt .ajk
'bjk 1
since vm in equation (11-221 can be mubstituted by v in equation
(11-0). This f 0 1 i ~ si r m M. tact that i t is assmei m t vm is
the undisturbed water velocity whlah for a mall body has the
mama value everywhere. This condition of a body in an oscillating
fluid equals the condition o f an oscillating body in a stationary
fluid. total wave excited force on a 8-11 body then amounts
to l

in which:

Fkl = lop If fk d S = undisturbed pressure force

= Froude Rriloff force
FkZ1 1w.v af "

Fk22 gVaj.e
bjk -
= inertia force
damping force

Though thir result is cmpleta in order to calculate the wave

excited force, it is nomctimes simplified in the following way:
Suppose that tlm dimansionm oP the body in the k-direction are
small, then the firat paxt of the wave excited force Fkl can be
written in the following way:

upperside (Sl)

undersidq (SZ)
= iwp rr
- *'(Sk2'
] d sa
r ince r

X f the d i s t a n c e A s k i s small enough, then:


I n t h a t case the v e l o c i t y
A s k which leads t o r
vk -2 i m constant over t h e d i s t a n c e

i n which m mass of the water displaced by the body.

The t o t a l wave e x c i t e d f o r c e then is w z i t t ~by:
io (11-26)
Except f o r t h e damping f o r c e r the equation6 of Morriaon and
O'Brien correepond t o equation (13-26) from which i t follows t h a t
t h e i r formulae a r e only applicable f o r bodies which a r e small rel-
a t i v e t o t h e wave length.

11-3 Comaariaon of the a~oroximatedand exact s o l u t i o n f o r the

h o r i r o n t a l wave e x c i t e d f o r c e on a v e r t i c a l c i r c u l a r c y l i n d e r
According t o Havelock [XI-41 t h e horixontal wave e x c i t e d f o r c e on
an i n f i n i t e l y long c y l i n d e r i s given by equation (11-27). This r e -
~ u l war t obtained by meanr of d i f f r a c t i o n theory i n which t h e B i s -
tuzbance p o t e n t i a l i r expressed i n term of a source d i r t r i b u t i o n
over t h e surface of the cylinder. The a p p r o x i m t i o n is t h e same as
t h a t used i n determining the waves produced by a moving cylinder.
The sourca s t r e n g t h a t any point is taken t o be determined by t h e
h o r i z o n t a l v e l o c i t y i n t h e primary motion and by t h e g r a d i e n t of
t h e surface a t that point. The obstacle is then replaced by a d i s -
t r i b u t i o n of sources over t h e v e r t i c a l . Elaboration leads t o a
horizontal oscillating wave force on an infinitely long cylinder
with diameter D:

4 dJ, COB ut + dYl (rD/2) sin ot

X C2 (~/2)' d(kD/?) d (rD/2) I

9 ( ~ / 2,c') dJ1(*)l2)] + [dYl(m/2) -J

[ d(rD/2) d(~D/2)

I xa ain ( w f + all

in which:

J1 and Yl are Beorel function8 of the firet and aecond kind

of ordes 1.
u1 = phaoe angle between longitudinal force and wave -
- + arctg
d J1 ( K D / ~ ) d Yl (&/l)
X* I
non-dimensional amplitude of wave excited force =
4 1

(0/2) [dJl(rD/2)] 2 + [dYl (~Dll)] 2

a(~D/2) d(kD/2)

In particular;

PS( ~ / 22) ~ a
+2n l
+ 8
for rD/2 + 0

According to Flokstra [IT-51 the wave excited force on a vertical

cylinder that extend8 to the bottom of a shallow sea equals the
deep water value multiplied by tanh rh (see alao MacCamy [XI-61 ) .
The horizontal oscillating wave force on a cylinder with a length
equal to the waterdepth and with a diameter D then amounts tor
4 tanh kh

\I[ (XX-28)

dJ1(ltD/2)] 2 + [dY1(~D/2)] 2
K2 (D/z)
d(ltD/2) d(tcD/2)
Once tha exact ~0lutionof the total wave excited force is known,
this force can be split in three parts as hag been dimcussed in
the previoua section on the barnis of equation (11-18). Ae has been
dincunned previouuly the firat part X1 (the Froude-Kriloff force)
and the second part X21 (the inertia force) axe in phase with
each other. Therefore in continuation of equation (11-27) the
following subdivision can be made (see Fig. 11-1):

~ f g .11-1. Components of the wave excited force on a vertical cylL
indar according to Havelock.
X = (XL + XZ1) + X22
= (Xal + XaZ1) COB ut + XaZ2 sin w t (II-29)

in which:
('a1 + 'a21
) = Xa s i n al

Xn this subdivision the first p a r t due t o t h e undisturbed wave

can be calculated e x a c t l y ( s e e equation 11-18):

i n which the dimensione of tha c y l i n d e r a r e not y e t r e s t r i c t e d .

d i r e c t i o n of
wave propagation
x1 -
- X
xO - R sin


where :
R = radius of cylinder
= - W
cos [ U - K + KR s i n 51

= --
"1gCa cos [ ( w t
- - KR s i n 63
K X ~ )

Thus :
h W
= 2 pg C, R s i n ( w t -KX~) I ulda s i n B.coS(KR ein8)dB
Xl 0 0
From which it follows t h a t (Bee Fig. 11-21 r
'a1 = - 2n tanh ~h
Ca ( ~ / 2 ) ' M/2 J1 (KDl2)

I n the following these p a r t s X1, XZ1 and X22,making up t h e t o t a l

wave excited force,will be determined according t o t h e approxima-
t b n g i y e n i n equation (11-26) and compared t o khe exact s o l u t i o n .
According t o equation (11-25) t h e first p a r t then i 8 approximated
E ( F ) = horizontal acceleration of the wafer particles (see

Xla - equation (IV-32))

V tanh ~h (11-31)

In Fig, 11-2 both the exact: solution (see equation (11-30)) and
the approximation (see equation (11-31)) of the first part of the
horizontal wave excited force in a vertical aircular cylinder in

that up to rD/2 -
infinite deep water have been plotted. From this Figure one fifida
0.6 the non-dimenalonal firat part of the hori-
zontal force can be approximated by equation (11-31) when not more
than 4C difference with the exact solution ia allowed.

--- awmxlmtlon

a QI

Fig. 11-2. Component Xal of the wave excited force on a vertical

cylinder caused by the undisturbed incident wave (Froude-Kriloff

Combining equations (IT-29) and (11-301 Will give the exact eo-
lution for the second part Xa22 of the wave excited force (see
Fig. 11-3).

Fig. 11-3. Component XaZl of the wave excited force on a vertical

cylinder. This component (inertia force) is caused by the dfsturb-
ances of the incident wave on the cylinder and is in phase with
the undisturbed pressure component Xal (see Fig. If-l).

In order to calculate the foree Xal accotdiag to the approximation

given in equation 1 1 - 2 3 it is necessary to assume that the di-
mensionrofthe cylinder are rmall relative to the wave length.
Therefore it is assumed that kD/2 + 0. The length of the cylinder,
however, La not small relative to the wave length. In order to
solve this problem uee is made of the "strip theory". Xt then ie
assumed that the hydrodynamic propertiee of each strip of the cyl-
inder such as added mass and damping are not influenced by the
water motion along the neighbouring strip; see equation(S.1.9) of
Vugts 11-33). One now finds with the aid of equation (11-23) in
which ,,a a = 0:
Am1 ayx = ,
in which E(,., is the horirontal acceleration of the water parti-
cles (see equation (TV-32)) , thus:
X21 ' h. Kg C, COS (Wt K X ~ ) f 1 dC

by which:

l - n cm tanh (rh)

a small strip of the cylinder Cm p T -

in which Cm is the coeffiaient of added mass (&I = added mass of
Da ) .
For a cylinder this coefficient Cm equals unity (see Kennard
PIS-51 ) i f the wave frequency ir emall (U + 0).
In Fig. 11-3 the approximated value of the second part of the
wave excited force calculated according to equation (XI-32), has
been compared with the exact solution. Again no larger difference
than about 48 has been found between the two values when the wave
length is so long that uD/Z remaine less than 0.6.
Normally the damping force XZ2 for small bodies relative to the
wave length, is very small compared with the undieturbad force X1
ae well as compared with the inertia force XZ1. Since the damping
force is 90' out of phase with the inertia force, it has an in-
fluence of less than 58 on the total force if it is less than about
300 of the sum of the inertia force and undisturbed pressure force,
which holds for uD/2 < 0.65. Apart from a few execptions which
will be mentioned in section III-3, the damping force therefote
will be neglected when the wave exOited force is calculated.
when neglecting the damping force X22 the approximated total
wave excited force is found by adding the undisturbed pressure
force X1 from equation (11-30) and thc inertia force XZ1 from equa-
tion (11-32). Prom Pig. 11-4 one finds that up to u D / ~= 0.6 this
approximation differ@ 4% at m e t Prom the exact solution.
From this it can be found that for bodier of which the diameter
i s less than one fifth of the wavelength the osclllatory wave force ,
in an incompressible, irrotational and inviecid fluid can be cal-
culated by adding the following parts:
Part 1. The undisturbed pressure force which is the force
that arises from the pressure over the hull in a wave
that is not dieturbed by the hull.
Part 2. The inertia force which ir the force that arises from
the acceleration of the added mama of the hull in a
wave that im not disturbed by ehe hull.
This approximation differs at most 49 with the exact solution in
the case that the horizontal force on a vertical circular cylinder

X. M
Fig. 11-4. The total horizontal wava excited force Xa on a vertic-
al circular cylinder.

It should be noted that only the diameter haa to be restricted

while experience shows that the length of the cylinder ia of lesa
importance since by cutting up the cylinder in strips the approx-
imation still can be maintained.
Another fact that should be noted is that the force in part 2
is caused by the disturbance of the wave due to presence of the
hull. Yet for the calculation of the addecl mars force the accel-
eration of the water particler in the undisturbed wava has to be
used. Thia conclusion was reached independently by NevwRn [XI-131
and the author [XI-141.

XI-4 An experhental verification of the results obtained


All the exact solutions mentioned above refer to the force ex-
qrted by waves with small amplitub. Also the forcaa from model
test results have only been detehined for low waves. The lineari-
zation obtained in this way will allow a e prediction of maximum I
forces in irregular waves by means of apactral density analysis.
Earlier studies on the prediction of maximum forces in irrequ-
lar waves were based on the principle of the determination of the
maximum force in a regular wave which *corresponds" to the maxi-
mum wave to be expected in the irregu1al:wave-train; aee for in-
starrCe Bretrchneider 111-81. In that case the forces due to high
waves had to be analyaed by which non-linear effects were intro-
duced which sometimes dominated. Due to these non-linear effects
the spectral analysis could not be adopted and therefore the de-
sign wave criterion was indispensable. A break-through came when
the spectral analysis became common practice. After that the stu-
dies were focuaaed on determining the maximum wave force to be ex-
pected in irregular sea atatesi see for a review Freudenthal
[II-91 , in addition to which also the papers by Pieraon [XI-101
and Borgman [II-111 should be mentioned.
These earlier atudies were carried out in relation to the strength
calculation of fixed structures. In the present study, however, the
influence of w k e forcea on the platform motions are atudied, which
means that the apeotra of wave forcer and the significant value of
the force are much more predominant on the development of a maxi-
mum platform motion than one single maximum wava farce.
In Fig. 11-5 a review is given of the model tests carried out.
It can be expected that the approxlmationr will become inaccurate:
1. when the length of the cylinder becoma amall relative to
the diameter of the eylinder (see the line of limitation
l/D = l),
2. when the clearance between tha bottom of the cylinder and

D -
the aea bottom becomes small (see the line of limitation
In Appendix I a description is given of the way in which the model
tests have been performed.
Fig. 11-5. Review of model tests with a restrained vertical cyl-
inder in waves.

In Figs. XI-6, 11-7 and 11-8 the results of the tests are plotted
in comparison with the approximated calculation method, which has
been discuseed in the previous section.
From these Figures it can be ooncluded that for a wave-length
which is greater than about 5 timaa the diameter of the body the
approximated horizontal and the approximated vertical wave excit-
ed forces agree well with the measured results when the cylinder
dimeneions remain within the limitations indicated in Fig. 11-5.
When the cylinder length is m a l l relative to the cylinder d i m e -
I ter th. measured horizontal force will be amaller than the calcu-
lated value. When the clearance under the cylinder becomes small
l relative to the cylinder diameter the measured vertical wave ex-
cited force becomes smaller than the calculated value.
\ .,,.,1,L ,,l , ,
M1c.t.. rw
w h h UDR-a6 or h-90
-- -


Fig. 11-6. Wave excited forces on a v e r t i c a l cylinder with a length

of 0 , 6 m ( l / D = 2 ) .
Fig. I1
a lengtn
of 0 , 4 2


wrw p d o d in lucondr

F i g . 11-8. Wave excited forcea on a v e r t i c a l cylinder with a l e n q t h

of 0,24 m ( 1 / D = 0 , 8 ) .

111-1 Introduction
According to equation (XI-7) forces due to a motion of a body

in mCill water can be split in three parts:

the force in phase with the acceleration
of the body (added nuss force) hydrodynamic
- the force in phama with the velocity of forces
the body (damping force)
the force in phane with a displacement
of the body (remtoring force, mpsing hydrostatic
force) fotce
When these forces are linear with the mation, the hydrodynamic
coefficiente, being thm ratio of the hydrodynamic forcer and accel-
eration, respectively velocity, are called added mams, respectivi-
ly damping coefficient.
In general theee coefficients are not constant and depend on the
frequency of tha motion. When viscoum effects play an important
role the coefficients will also depend on the amplitude of the
I motion. In that case complex methods are required to find the so-
lution olthe body motions (see Bellman [III-l] ) beoawre the normal
relations (see Solodovnikov [III-2) ) , which exist for linear sys-
t e m ~andfrom which additional information can be obtained, no
longer exist.
When it is stated that the coefficients depend on the frequency
of the motion it is assumed that only harmonic oscillating motions
are considered. In that case for each frequency of oscillation'
different values of the coefficients may be found as has been
diacuaaed by Ogilvie [III-3). A description of the motions by
means of differential equations then is not really possible mince
it will not be known which value of the coefficient should be uomd
to solve the motion for a force which changes arbitrarily with the
time. Therefore in the case of frequency dependent coefficients
the motion will be described by means of response functions to
harmonically oscillating forces1 these functions are called rem-
ponse functions in the frequency domain as will be discussed in
section IV-4.
Frequency dependent coefficients can be determined experlmntal-
ly when the body under consideration is oscillated harmonically.
In came the motion does not change periodicaily with time, it will
become d i f f i c u l t t o determine the required c o e f f i c i e n t s .
It should be noted t h a t the hydEodynamic forges have CO be xma-
suredwhenthe body i s i n motion, a s it may be possible t h a t a
d i f f e r e n t physical a s p e c t is studied when t h e hydrodynamic coef-
f i c i e n t s a r e determined from f l x d conditions i n moving water.
hwever, from t h e preceding chapter it w i l l be c l e a r t h a t when the
hydrodynamic c o e f f i c i e n t s a r e known from tests i n at111 water, the
hydrodynamic f o r c e s i n long waves can be detenained; see a l s o
Labreton [IIT-41. As was concluded i n s e c t i o n 11-3 t h e wave length
i n t h i a context should be l a r g e r than 5 times t h e diameter of the

111-2 Added mass

T I ! ~ . ~ Y - ~ E ~ ~ ~ E S B~ - ! ~ O ~ & ~
When t h e body is f u l l y submerued i n an unbounded f l u i d , t h e added
mare i a mainly determined by t h e a r e a perpendicular t o t h e direc-
t i o n o f o r c i l l a t i o n (projected a r e a ) . This i s moat obvious f o r cyl-
1 1

Fig. IIf-l. Added maes of rectangular cylinders according t o

i n d e r s (see Kennard [III-5) i n which an extensive l i s t of referen-
c e s i s given) which vary from a plane lamina, t o c i r c u l a r and e l l i p -
t i c c y l i n d e r s of which t h e added mass is p r a' per u n i t l e n g t h ;
2a being the diameter of the c y l i n d e r perpendicular t o ' the direc-
t i o n o f a c c e l e r a t i o n . However, f o r c y l i n d e r s of which the c r o s s
s e c t i o n is d i f f e r e n t from an e l l i p t i c form t h e added mass does
change (aee f o r a r e c t a n g u l a r c r o s s s e c t i o n Fig. 111-l), a s follows
from t h e review by Kennard [III-S].
In a d d i t i o n to khe information given i n l i t e r a t u r e about t h e
added mass of c y l i n d e r e another f e a t u r e i s a l s o used i n the pres-
e n t study. This is t h e e f f e c t t h a t i n an i n v i s c i d f l u i d t h e added
mass o f a c y l i n d e r o s c i l l a t i n g i n an a r b i t r a r y d i r e c t i o n r e l a t i v e
t o i t s l o n g i t u d i n a l a x i s can be deduced a s i n d i c a t e d by Fig. 111-2.
The added mass f o r c e due t o an a c c e l e r a t i o n i n t h e X - d i r e c t i o n
amounts t o ad. X s i n a while its d i r e c t i o n is perpendicular t o t h e
l o n g i t u d i n a l a x i s of t h e cylinder. The added mars i n t h e d i r e c t i o n
X t h e r e f o r e amounts t o r

D i ~ t l m

&Ion li rlnQ w m n d i c u l r

F O m r IL rlna due to the

rcc.~w.fl~nM t~ added nurr
md a( thm cyllndor

Added mass 4, follows from 2 Q si$a

yx .-md
Added mess mm followa imm H rlna cosa

Fig. 111-2. Determination of added mass of an i n c l i n e d c y l i n d e r .

in which:

"d = added mass of a cylinder when m v e d in a direction per-

pendicular CO the cylinder axis.
It will be obvious that the added mass in the y-direction' due to
the oscillation in the X-direction will be:

ayx -- a
, sin a coa a (111-2)

When the body has a three dimensional form instead df being cyl-
indrical, the added mass will assume a different value. In this
caee the added mass is not only influenced by the projected area
in the direction of osci2lation but also by the length of the body
in the direction of oscillation as indicated in Pig. 111-3, in
which a160 the added massee of a disk (2b/D=O) and of a sphere
(2b/D-l) are given.

111-3. Added mass of a spheroid according to Kennard.

As a moat general indication the added mass of an ellipsoid with
radii a, b and c along the X-, y- and 2-axes, moving in the x-di-
rection is given by:
0 g4 p n a b c
a" 2-a
in which:

Besides the form of the body, the existence of other bodies or

boundaries will also influence the hydrodynamic coefficients.
From the mirror-principle it has been derived that the coefficients
are changed to the same degree when the body liee at a distance A
from a wall as when it lies at a distance 2 A from a neighbouring
body of the same form. According to page 389 of Kennard [III-51
the added mass of a circular cylinder with a diameter D moving
perpendicular to the line connecting the centera of both cylinders

ddmd mass ol arm body

0 2

Fig. IfI-4. Influence of distance 2A between two bodies on

added mass, according to Kennard.
;a = added mass per unit length
D = diameter af cylinder
A = distance between centre o f cylinder and a fixed infi-
nite wall.

Addad n u s a a' d a cyllndor pr unit mngth .t mq-y Wa0

1 l

Fig. 111-5. Influence of depth of submergence on Che added masa

according to Yamamoto.
The influence of a neighbouring cylinder ( i n t e r a c t i o n e f f e c t ) a s
given by equation (111-4) i s p l o t t e d i n Fig. 111-4. I n the same
way t h e w a l l e f f e c t on a sphere o r t h e i n t e r a c t i o n e f f e a t between
two spheres can be given.

S ~ g & a ~ ~ r,,fer ,f e ! ! s u r t g ~ ~
When the body i s f l o a t i n g o r near the f r e e surface the added mass
w i l l be influeneed by o s c i l l a t i o n s of the free s u r f a c e (waves).
Pot a sphere and a h o r i a o n t a l cylinder t h e f r e e s u r f a c e effects
have been analysed f o r deep water by Yamasnoto 1111-61 (see Fig.
I I1-5) .
Besides t h e e f f e c t t h a t t h e added mass a t zero frequency increases
when the body reaches the water s u r f a c e a mote s e r i o u s e f f e c t of
t h e f r e e surface is introduced by the frequency dependency of t h e
added mass (see Fig. 111-6). I n t h i s study, however, only t h e zero
frequency value w i l l be used. From Fig. 111-6 it follows t h a t
t h e o r e t i c a l l y t h i s approximation is only allowed f o r such small
frequencies (U) t h a t when taking i n t o account t h e body diameter

Fig. 111-6. Influence of frequency of o s c i l l a t i o n on t h e added mass

of a sphere according t o Yamamoto.
(D) t h e value r @ h a s t o be smaller than about 0.8.
I n Fig. 111-7 aid ~ I I - 8the r e s u l t s of me1 t e s t a (see f o r a
d e s c r i p t i o n Appendix I) with v e r t i c a l c y l i n d e r s are p l o t t e d i n
combination w i t h t h e t h e o r e t i c a l l y approximated added masr of an
i n f i n i t e l y long c y l i n d e r i n an unbounded f l u i d . From t h e s e Figures
t h e conclusion can be d r a m that the model test r e s u l t a a l a o show
no influence of t h e frequency i f t h e frequency is small ( U
c 0.8).

c i e n t C, can be taken u n i t y (C,,,

tions r
The model t e s t r e s u l t s a l a o i n d i c a t e t h a t t h e added mass c o e f f i -
l ) under t h e following t e s t r i c -

dlnsthm o( ~ ~ I l I a t l O n

c,,, l K cyilnder Iler h unlimited fluid

mow t u t rrmulta cy1ind.r hngth
\\K\\\\\\ A0 a4am

Fiq. 111-7. Added mass determined From o s c i l l a t i o n t e s t a with a

v e r t i c a l c y l i n d e r w i t h diameter 0 , 3 m.
a. The length of t h e c y l i n d e r s h a l l be long enough r e l a t i v e
to t h e diameter (1/D > a b t 1.5).
'b. When t h e length of t h e c y l i n d e r is small r e l a t i v e t o the
diameter, tha l e n g t h has t o be long enough r e l b t i v e to the
waterdepth (dependent on t h e r a t i o between bottom c l e a r a n c e
and c y l i n d e r diamcfer)
It should be noted t h a t from a p o i n t o f viaw of end e f f e c t s the
requirement 1 / D > 1.5 f o r semi-submerged . v e r t i c a l c y l i n d e r s has t o
be a l t e r e d t o l/D * 3 f a r f u l l y submerged c y l i n d e r s ,

Cm l If cylinder Umr k ul!limltod lluid

modml 0..t m u l t ~ cyl&r bngth

Fig. 111-8. Added mass determined from o s c i l l a t i o n t e s t a with a

v e r t i c a l c y l i n d e r w i t h diameter 0 , 5 m.
The hydrodynamic damping of a body i8 influenced as much by po-
tential effects as by viscous effects. The damping by potential
efi,ects ia related to the wave excited forces on the body as follows
from the s t d y by Newman EII-71. This relation will be deduced
here for shallow water:
a. The velocity potential Qj of the wave generated by the oscilla-
ting body in etill water is defined in equation (11-1):

in which:

= amplitude of velocity of oscillation

j = direction of oscillation

With the aid of the radiation condition one finds that at infinity
(R + m) the potential # j amounts tot

- A -
cosh K(C + d)

in which R and 6 are the radius and angle in a system of cylindrical

polar coordinates.
One can now deduce a relation between the damping coefficient bjj
which determines the input of energy of tha oscillating body:

energy input - f v
bjj (111-10)

and the function Aj ( B ) which determines the energy radiation at

infinity transmitted by the waves with velocity potential e3:

average work done per unit time -

Combining equations (111-10) and (111-11) one finds:

bjj -+ (1 4. +
sinh 2 h
A,(@) dB

b. The relation between the wave excitrd force and the potential

a 3 follows from Green's 'theorem which states that i f S(-) is

any c o n t r o l s u r f a c e i n the f l u i d o u t s i d e S ( t h e s u r f a c e of t h e
body) then s i n c e ( v e l o c i t y p o t e n t i a l of undisturbed i n c i d e n t
waves) and @, both a a t i s f y t h e s u r f a c e condition, one f i n d s :

which combined w i t h equation (11-18) r e s u l t s in:


i n which:

V - wave d i r e c t i o n

S u b s t i t u t i n g the function. 93 (see equation (111-9) and into

equation (111-14) one f i n d s by evaluating the i n t e g r a l by the
method of s t a t i o n a r y phase (eee Lamb [111-81 page 3 9 5 ) :

where F
j (P) denotes t h e e f , c i p w y , e . s y
angle of
incidenoe p.
c . By combining t h e r a e u l t s sub a. (equation (111-12)) and sub b.
(equation (111-16)) one f i n d s t h e r e l a t i o n between t h e damping
and t h e wave e x c i t e d force:

i n which:

v = u3 cosh 2 ~h (111-18)
4rr pg3 ~h tanh r h (1 + s i n Khl

Xn Fig. 111-9 t h e c o e f f i c i e n t before M e i n t e g r a l i n equation

(111-17) has been given.

Once t h e wave e x c i t e d f o r c e i s known from chapter X I t h e r e l a t i o n

(111-17) can be compared with an exact eolution. As an example t h e
e o l u t i o n f o r a sphere given by Yamanwto [ZIX-61 w i l l be discussed.
I n t h i s c a s e of a sphere i n deep water t h e r e l a t i o n (111-17) can
be r e w r i t t e n as:
i n which t h e vertical wave e x c i t e d f ~ r c ef o l l o w e ~ f r o mequation
(11-261 while n e g l e c t i n g t h e damping:

a = r a d i u s of sphere
z = d i s t a n c e of uenter of ephere t o the s t i l l w a t e z s u r f a c e
K = wave numbet
Cm = c o a f f i c i e n t of added mass (which f o r t h e sphere a l s o has
been c a l c u l a t e d by Yamamoto).
I n Fig. 111-10 t h e equations of t h e e x a c t s o l u t i o n of t h e potant-
i a l damping and t h e approximated p o t e n t i a l damping are given. It
w i l l be obvious t h a t both s o l u t i o n s are t h e same as t h e added mass
c o e f f i c i e n t of a . s p h e t e amounts t o 4. Therefore only one curve of
t h e p o t e n t i a l damping a s a function of t h e frequency i s given.

Fig. IXr-9. Relation between c o e f f i c i e n t v of equation (1x1-17)

and wave frequency w a s a function of the waterdepth h.
Except f o r p o t e n t i a l damping a l s o damping by the v i e c o e i t y of
t h e water w i l l e x i a t . The f o r c e due t o viecbuo damping i e hraumed
t o be proportional t o t h e square of t h e velocity. The t o t a l damp-
ing force, being the force i n phase with the v e l o c i t y then can be
written as:

For t h e determination of t h e viecoua force L h e d r a g c o e f f i c i e n t e

Cd Hoerner [III-91 f o r a l a r g e v a r i e t y bf body forms have
been used i n t h i s study.

i n which S is t h e a r e a of the projection of t h e body i n t h e d i -

r a c t i o n o f t h e velocity.
The s o l u t i o n of the complete equation of motion:
is q u i t e tedious and n o t r e l e v a n t .
I n t h e came t h a t t h e damping i m mmall r e l a t i v e t o t h e c r i t i c a l
damping (which e q u a l s 2 ,the damping w i l l i n f luence t h e
amplitude of the motion only a t t h e n a t u r a l frequency of & o i l i a r *
t i b ~ . T h e r e f o r e the damping w i l l be s t u d i e d h i r e a t the n a t u r a l
frequency of o a c i l l a t i o n . I n t h a t case t h e damping can be d e t e r -
mined e x g a r i m n t a l l y ~ ~ f x othe
m e x t i n c t i o n o f t h e motion of a f r e e l y
v i b r a t i n g body.
When the viacous damping can bo neglected t h e motion of a f r e e l y
o s c i l l a t i n g body w i l l be:
S = S 1 8
- 2 m x r t
b sin wt)
(cos w t + 20

i n which:

W = m+a

Fig, 111-Il. Influence ot l t n e a r &raping on the e x t i n c t i o n of a
freely vibrating system.
and :

t = time elapsed sihce tha t b of release

s1 = initial amplitude at time of release

From equation (111-21) the relation between peak en and the next
trough follows frmn (see F i g . 111-11):

When, however, the potential damping can be neglected, equation

(111-26) changes into aquation (XII-27). The derivation of this
equation is given in Appendix 11 according to the method of
Lindsted (see page 85 of Bellman [III-l]) r

in which r

Relation (111-271 ha8 been plotted in Fig. 111-12.

Now the time between a peak and the next trough followa from:

in which:

Once the damping has been detarminqd from the extinction of the
freely oscillating body, one can determine the motion of the body
when it is forced to oscillate at the natural frequency.
The amplitude of the forced oscillation at the natural frequency
followa from the consideration that the energy input due to the
excitation force equals the energy ,&asorbed by the motion of thebody
platform. From this one finds that:
1. In case of potential damping:

a(~,) b.U,
in which b follows from equation (111-17).
case of viscous damainar

Fig. 111-12. Influence of viecoue damping on the extinction of a
freely vibrating system.
For frequancieo' largely different from the natural frequency the
influence of the damping can be neglected. The ranges of frequencies
for which the damping ha8 an influence which is lesa than 1 0 1 of
the total reaction force follow from:

W < W

W > W

in which:

b' -3

j 1

= natural frequency
c spring constant
I n these frequency ranges the t o t a l r e a c t i o n f o r c e can be c a l -
c u l a t e d without knowledge of t h e damping. The response function
arourrd the n a t u r a l frequency w i l l be determined i n this study by
f a i x i n g the respolue curves, known for the frequency ranges given
by equation (111-311, t o t h e response a t t h e n a t u r a l frequency
according t o equatian (111-29) o r (111-30).
The influence of the damping on t h e e x c i t i n g f o r c e has t h e same
tendency a s w a s found f o r t h e r e a c t i o n force. This m a n s t h a t
normally the damping f o r c e can be neglected w i t h respect t o t h e
i n e r t i a f o r c e ox the undisturbed pressure f o r c e except f o r a
frequenoy range around the frequency f o r which t h e i n e r t i a force
and t h e undisturbed premsure f o r c e cancel each other. For t h e
frequency range meant here t h e damping both from p o t e n t i a l and
from viscous e f f e c t s have t o be known. The viscous damping normally
can be approximatad w e l t while t h e p o t e n t i a l damping follows from
I t h e r e l a t i o n (111-17) i n which the wave e x c i t i n g forces f o r o t h e r
iI d i r e c t i o n s a l s o have t o be known. When t h e i n e r t i a f o r c e and undis-vf',

l turbedpresmure force cancel each o t h e r f o r one frequency indepen-

dent of the wave d i r e c t i o n , one then f i n d s (neglecting t h e influence

I o f v i s c o r i t y ) t h a t , f o r instance, t h e v e r t i c a l wave excited f o r c e

a t the frequency wm , can be w r i t t e n according t o equation (11-23):

while according t o equation (111-17)

b,, = 271 v(-)=a

Combining equations (111-32) and (111-33) one finds:

A much more complicated s i t u a t i o n a r i s e s when the n a t u r a l

frequency w coincides with t h e frequency w f o r t h e minimum wave
j mj
exoited force.
I n t h a t case the damping dopinate8 both the reaction force and
t h e excited force.
The heave response i n case of viscous damping then followr from:
whlch reduces tor

which will be the eame heave responae in case the potential damp-
ing dominates. It will now be obvioua that when the natural fra-
quancYwj and the frequency w at which the excited force becomes
minimum differ a little from eaah other, then the raaponse at the
natural frequency will atill be according to equation (XII-35).
he difference between the frequenciaa w and w
j mj
haa to be so 'I Y
small that the damping atill dominates for more than 80%. In that
case the difference between w and w follows from:
j mj

In the preceding chapters the hydrodynamically induced forces on

a body of which the dlmenslons are small relative to the wave
length, or small relative to a value g/w2, have been discussed.
In this connection o is the wave frequency or the frequency of
oscillation of the body.
In order to deternine the hydrodynamic forces on a sea-rubmar-
slble, the underwater aonstruction is subdivided in small elements
of which the hydrodynaaically induced forces are known when the
disturbances due to neighbouring elemnte can be neglected.
From the paper by Kennard Pff-81 it has been shown in the pre-
ceding section that in an unbounded fluid the variation in the
hydrodynamic force due to interaction effects is lees than 15% if
the distance between two elements is more than the diameter of one
of the elements.
Bowever, when free surface effects play a role, it night be
expected that interaction will have a larger effeot on the hydro-
dynamic forces on the elements.
From model test results and calculations, Boreel [IV-l] has shown
that the variation in the wave excited forces on a vertical circu-
lar cylinder will be lees than 30% when:
a. the distance between neighbouring cylinder is more than
three times the diameter of one of the cylinders.
b. the wave length is larger than about five times the diam-
eter of one of the elements.
An estlmate of the influence of interaction effects on the total
hydrodynamic forces on a S&-submersible - consisting of submerged
bodies and cylinders piercing the water surface -was made by
comparing the sum of the hydrodynamic forces on each of the eleaients
of the platform, with the total hydrodynamic forces determined from
model test results.
In the present chapter the formulae for the hydrodynamically in-
duced forces on the elements of the platform together with the
sumation will be given.
First the added masses aij and the spring constants c of the
platform will be determined by summation of the coefficients of
each elementary part of the platform. These same coefficients of
each p a r t also determine the wave excited.forca on each p a r t of the
platform from which the t o t a l force on the platform can be deter-
mined a s d i s c u s e d i n sections 11-3 and 111-3.
Once the exciting and the reaction force8 are khown, the response
functions of the platform motions t o waves can be datemined a s
indicated i n seation XV-4.
When them calculations a r e compared w i t h model t e s t r e s u l t s i t
i s found t h a t the caleulatione d i f f e r 10% a t most from the laodsl
test results (sea Ref. W - 2 ) . From this agreement it may be con-
cluded f h a t t h e derived calculation m e w provides sufficiently
accuratm information about the behaviour of a semi-s,ubmersible i n
a seaway.
The method therefore provides a reliable means f o designing ~
seai-submerribles from a point of view of aeaworthinesr.

IV-2 Determination of added mass and hvdrostatic forces

In t h i s eectlon the added mass a and hydrostatic coefficients
for the t o t a l p l a t f o m w i l l be deduced when for each p a r t of
Cij I
the platform them coefficients are known.
The p l a t f o m w i l l be s p l i t i n several parts of the following nature:
a. parts which a r e f u l l y submerged cylinders,
b. parts which a r e cylinders which pierce the water rurfaoe,
c. parts of arbitrary f o m of which the hydrdynamic charac-
t e r i a t i c a ~ ~ bassumed
@ t o be ooacentrated i n ono point.
The axes of reference are defined t o be fixed t o the platform
i n such a way t h a t the z-axis is .the v e r t i c a l axis through the

Pig. N-l.Definition# of axes of reference

center of gravity G. (see Fig. N-l). The X-y plane coincides with
the undiuturbed water surface while the x-axis rune parallel to
the horizontal axis of syammtry.

ad a* ~ U & ~ X , ~ ~ X ~ S ~ - S Y ~ ~ D ~ B E @
It iu assumed that the length l of the cylinder is large rela-
Clvetothe diameter D of tha cylinder. When the point A
and B (XZ,Y2 ,z2)are the extrmm points of the cylinder, the length
of the cylinder follows from (see Fig. SV-2)

Fig. SV-2. Description of added mass forces on a cylinder.

When the body ia oscillated in the X-direction a force, of which

the components are Xxr Yx and Zx and a mbmont, of which the compo-
nents areRx, Mx and NX are encountered.
The oscillation of the acceleration is harmonica1 and amounts to:

K = 4, sin wt (IV-2 )
The acceleration component (2 cos U ) which ia perpendicular
to the cylinder and lies in a plane through the cylinder axis
parallel to the x-axis (see Fig. TV-2) mainly introduces the
forces on the ~ylinder~while the forces due to the acceleration
along thm c y l i n d e r a x i s can be neglected. The angle a is d e t e r -
rind by:
sin a = 7 -
Due to tha a c c e l e r a t i o n ( 2 cos a ) a hydrodynamic f o r c e d F x o n a n
e l e m e n t o r a t r i p d r o f t h e c y l i n d e r i a g e n e r a t e d i n t h e d i r e c t i a af
this a c c a l e r a t i o n , t h e indexX rofereto~edirectionofthemotiont h a t 1
causes the force. The f o r c e d F, follows from:

d Fx = E da cos a (W-3)

i n which t h e added masa da i a a function of t h e l o c a t i o n

R (xreyrezr) on the cylinder.


r < X2
Yr < Y2
r - sin a
x1 +
Yr m Y1 + r s i n B

1 < Xr < =2 X
r = zl + X @in y
In which:

and t

sin a (x2-x1)/1 < - 90' < a 90°

s i n B = (y2-yl)/l - 90' < B < 90'
s i n y = (z2-zl)/l < - 90' < y < 90°

While resolving t h e f o r c e d Fx one finds:

d xx m A, cos2 a
d Yx --Ax s i n 8 s i n a
d 2, =-Ax s i n y r i n a

i n which:

- - 2 da f p Or C, dr

i n which:

0, = crosa s e c t i o n a l area of t h e cylinder at point R.

C, added mass aoeffscient.
Due to t h m forces d Fx a moment relative to the centgr of grav-
arisar, of which the components follow from:

d K d 2 (yr-yo) Y (zr-z0)
d X d X (zrlzO) - d 2 (xr-xO) (IV-8)
d N = d Y (xr-x0) - d X (y,-yo)

When substituting (TV-4) and (TV-7) into (TV-8):

d Kx = A, [(zl-zo) sin U sin B - (yl-yo)mfn a sin y ]

d M = A r sin y + A [(zl -
5)con2 a +
(xl-xo) nin a .in y ] (IV-9
d blx =-A X r sin B- Ax [(xl-xo) sin a gin B + (yl-yobos2 a)

Due to a motion along the y- and z-axis,similar equatione for

the forces X, Y and 2 and the moments K, M and N are found as
given in equation (IV-8) and (IV-9).
Due to a rotation 4 about the X-axia,forces and moments on the
cylinder will also be encountered. The rotation 4 will introduce
an athwart motion y and a veiitical motion z of some point
of the cylinder resulting in the following equations:
R(xr'~r 'zr)

in which it ie assumed that the body is rotated harmonically:

ID = qa sin w t

If one now wants to know some components of the forae due to the
rolling motion, use is made of the equation:

When using equation (1V-10) in combination with equations aimilar

to (IV-7) one finds r

d X* = B* [(zl-zo) s i n a s i n B (yl-yo).
s i n a s i n y]
d X* =-B* r s i n y - 2
[(al-so) COS fl +
(y1-y0) s i n B s i n y]
d Za = Ba r s i n B + B* [(el-zd Bin B s i n y +
(Y~-Y,) cos Y]

i n which:

B* = 8 da = 1D p Or Cm dr

While comparing equation (IV-9) and (IV-12) the resemblance is

obvious .
I n order t o determine t h e components of t h e moment due t o t h e
r o l l i n g motion, use is made of equations s i m i l a r t o equation
(m-11) a

By s u b s t i t u t i o n of equations (IV-4) , (IV-7) and (IV-8) i n t o

equation (N-13) one finds:
2 2 2
& K@ = B* [(yl-Y,) cos y + (zl-z0) cos B
+ 2 (y1-y0) (zl-zo) s i n B s i n y ]
+ B*r [2 (y -y ) s i n B + 2(z1-zo) s i n y]

d L*
-- [sinl 2 O
B + s i n 2 y]
-BOr2 s i n o s i n d '
[(xl-xo) s i n B + (yl-yo) s i n a]
B* [-(xl-xo) s i n Y + (zl-zo) s i n a]
[-(zl-zO) s i n B + (yl-y0) s i n Y]
Be ( X -X ) (y1-y0)
2 1s i O
d M* -B*X n a rin Y
B a r [ s i n Y (xl-xo) + s i n a (zl-zO)]
B* [sin B (xl-xo) -
s i n U (yl-yo)] .
[sin Y (Y~"P,) -
r i n B (zl-ao)] +
Be (zl-zO) (xl-xo)

By i n t e g r a t i o n of t h e forces over the length of t h e c y l i n d e r ,

t h e added mass and damping of each cylinder can be determined.
The formulae f o r the added mass as determined above a r e given i n
i n Appendix 111-A.
The spring conatants c of theme cylinders are all zero.

aa-b* Ex,l-h!~f LEAsPI%S~-Ea,t_a55~~,f,ase

Only the aubrmrrged part of th. cylinder has to be taken into
For that reason thm length of the cylinder is determined by the
distance between tha one extreme point A(x at the water
rY rzL)
susface and the point B m the whtel.
(x2" ~ ~ " 2 ~ )
For the determination of the added mass the formulae given in
Appendix 111-A can be used.
Fat the determination of the buoyancy coeflicientr (spring constants)
the change of displacement as a result of eoma motion
ham-to ne analysed. Due to rurge X, sway y and yaw no change of
displacement will be found.
In order to compeneate for the change of dieplacement due to heave
(z) a vertical force 2% as we11 as a moment KZ and MZ have to act
on the body. This force and the moxnenta can be deduced in the
following way:
When the cross section of the cylinder amountr to 0 , the water
plane of the cylinder amountr to O/sin y, in which sin y ir defined
as :

sin y = 22-z1
From this it follows that:


in which
sin y z (y1-y0)
s n y m z (x1-x0)
are theco-ordinatesof the centmr of gravity,
while z is the heave motion of the center of gravity.
In the same way the vertical restoring force Z and the restoring

moments K and M fox roll and pitch respectively can be determined.

To this end it im asssumed that the two moments of inertia bf the
waterplane area relative to the axes which axe parallel and per-
pendiculattothe x-axis and which run through the canter of the
water plane of the cylinder, amount to ,I and I
Aa a rerult o f the roll motion O the waterplane will be moved
according t o :

I n o r d e r t o generate a pure r o l l motion a v e r t i c a l f o r c e i a needed:

sin y . =F
2 s a y Q(yl-yo)
The r o l l moment due t o heave o f tha water plane amount8 to:

while t h e p i t c h moment smowtn to:

I n t h e same way S e , Be and Me CM be determined.

I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e s a mom.nte, a moment w i l l a l a o be introduced due
t o t h e r o t a t i o n of t h e c e n t e r of buoyancy B around t h e c a n t e r of
g r a v i t y G.
The t o t a l moment follows from:

K @ = @ AGM@
xg=e AGMe
i n which A is t h a t o t a l displacement of t h e platform and:

i n which:

%@being the moment X@ of t h a dth cylinder according t o equation

Using t h e above given considarationa t h e r e s t o r i n g f o r c e and
moment c o e f f i c i e n t s c deduced. They a r e given i n Appendix

------------ -------
ad c. A r b i t r a t y _ g a r t s of t h e platform

These p a r t s may be apheres, the enda of a cylinder, e l l i p s o i d s

o r o t h e r bodies of a r b i t r a r y form.
For each p a r t of the platform of which the maaa and the added mass I
can be assumed t o be concentrated i n one p a i n t (xl,yl,z ) one has
to know t h e added maesea a=, a raapectively a in t h e X-,y-
YY' z2'
respectively %-direction. Once these added maSSe8 are known and
assuming that:

the aoupling added ma8ses follow from:

In the same way the other cross coupling cusfficlenta can be

The inertia moments due to the added maases follow from:

While the rotational coupling coefficient8 are:

- --
a*@ =
a@$ = ay* =
agg = see -
azz(xl-xo) (Y~-Y,)
a (X -X (zl-zO)
YY 1 0
a ( y -y ) (ll-zo)
x x l o

The platform ha8 been split into the following parts:
a. cylinder8 which are fully submerged
b. cylinder8 which pierce the water sufaoe
c. part# of arbitrary form of which the center lie8 in
' ( x ~ ~ ' Y '~ ~ # ~ ~ ~ )
The center of gravity G of the platform lie8 in ( X ~ , Y ~ , Z ~ ) .
The displacement A follows from:

in which:

The volume OF each cylinder.follows from:

i n which ld is t h e lanqth of the cylinder between (xdl, ydl, zdl)
and (xd2 'Yd2 # 'd2) '
The volume Vd o f each of the part8 of a r b i t r a r y form has t o be
The v i r t u a l mass now can be calculated by adding t h e t o t a l mass
( p V1 of t h e platform t o t h e t o t a l added mams, which follows from:

in which a of the cylinders a r e given i n Appendix X I I - h while

adij of t h e o t h e r p a r t s are given i n Appendix 111-8. I n Fig.Iv-4
t h e calculated addad mass and added maa8 moments of the S t a f l o I

D r i l l i n g Platform &B indicated i n Fig. IV-3 have been p l o t t e d to-

gether with the relrults of model t e s t s .

Fig. IV-3. D i m :

3 A.... a

O0 to k0

Fig. I V - 4 . Added mass coefficients of S t a i l o Drilling Platforms.

The t o t a l s p r i n g c o e f t i c i e n t s c i j a r e given i n Appendix IV. I n
o r d e r t o c a l c u l a t e t h e remtoring force c o e f f i c i e n t s the c e n t e r of

i n which r

mZ Sd Bin % + P Vd (xdl-xo)
Sy = Z Sd s i n B, + P Vd (ydl-y0)
S. = Z Sd s i n yd + p Vd (zdl-zo)

and :

where r is mnasured along the center l i n e of t h e c y l i n d e r from

extreme p o i n t (xd1,ydl,zdl).

1"-3 ?G-i,b~~e
I n t h i s s e c t i o n the t o t a l force due t o r e g u l a r long c r e s t e d wavea
w i l l b. d d u c e d .
I t i s assumed t h a t the d i r e c t i o n of propagation of the wavea makes
an angle of p degrees r e l a t i v e t o t h e x-axis of t h e f l o a t i n g body.
The system of co-ordinates of t h e motion of the water p a r t i c l e s
is defined by (E,q ,c) .
The c e n t e r of +is system coincj.des with t h e c e n t e r of t h e ayetem
of co-ordinates (x,y,o) .
The v e r t i c a l C-axis and t h e z-axis a l s o coincide while t h e E-axis
is p a r a l l e l t o t h e d i r e c t i o n of propagation of t h e waves.
From this it follows t h a t !

E =
TI =-X
X cos p + y s i n p
.in p + y cos v
The characteristics of t h e undisturbed wave can be deduced from
t h e wave p o t e n t i a l (mee equation XI-13):

= - 9 t
cos ( w t -

while also t h e following r e l a t i o n e x i a t s t

From khe wave p o t e n t i a l t h e wave p r o f i l e CO followar

% ( t ) = C, sin ( ~ tK € ) - (W-29)

while t h e p r e s s u r e amounka tar

The v e l o c i t y of t h e water particlem can be m i t t e n by:

f = -al 0 1
U C,
sin (wt
- KC)
- KE)
l (W-31)

From e q w t i o n (W-31) the a c c e l e r a t i o n s of t h e water particlem

are deduced:
- u3 w2 .C -
i= =
i = = - u2 w2
The c o e f f i c i e n t s un


are defined by:

( ~ tKO
(wt - r o
I n t h e following the method described i n chapter 11 r e s u l t i n g
in equation (II-231, w i l l be applied t o thrb typea of part* i n
which t h e platform can be subdivided.
a . P a r t s of which t h e d h e n ~ i 0a r~e small r e l a t i v e t o t h e
wave length s o t h a t t h e t o t a l mass can be aamumed t o be
concentrated i n one p o i n t .
b. P a r t s which can be assumed t o be long.
c. Plane a r e a s of which can be assumed t h a t t h e dimensions
are small r e l a t i v e t o t h e wave length.
~ lf olr c e s X Y and Z and moments K M and N a r e defined
9' g g' g 9
r e l a t i v e t o the axes of reference (E,n,C) while without index g
t h e force8 and moments r e l a t i v e t o (x,y,a) a r e considered.

ad a- ~~~~~~~~~whA~the~P,i~!!~io~~~_a,t~~!maI;I;~
The forces due t o t h e a c c e l e r a t i o n of the added masses can be
deduaed from knowledge of t h e components of t h e a c c e l e r a t i o n of
t h e water p a r t i c l e 8 along t h e X- and t h e y-axi8.

9 -
m 5
sin u
Knowing t h e added mass a
t h e i n e r t i a components of t h e wave
e x c i b d foraes are a

When t h e body i r small (diameter l e a s than 1/5 of wave length)

t h e forces due t o the undisturbed pr.ssure correspond t o t h e prod-
u c t of t h e mars of the dieplaced volume multiplied by the acceler-
a t i o n o f the water p a t t i c l e e ( s e e equation (11-25)):

The t o t a l wave e x c i t e d f o r c e o n t h i s p a r t of t h e construction

now i s determined by combining equations (IV-32), ( m - 3 3 ) , (117-34)
and (IV-35) r
m -
(p V + a,)u 2 p3 cos p cos ( w t - KE) 1I
-Y= - (p V
+ a 10 u3 s i n p c08 ( u t - KC) (W-361

i n which 6 and C ( i n u3 and p2) a r e t h e ao-ordinates of t h e center

of body V i n t h e l o n g i t u d i n a l a d v e r t i c a l d i r e c t i o n .
I n t h e above t h e influence of the damping an the wave e x c i t e d
forces has been neglected which i s acceptable except f o r t h e frs-
quenoyatwhich the wave axcited f o r c e on t h e whole s t r u c t u r s be-
cones minimal (see s e c t i o n 1x1-3).
Prom equation (TV-36) t h e lnoments Kd, Md and Nd aan a l s o be deduced
(see Appendix V-A) .
ad b. P ~ E ~ C , E ~ ~ E B ~ ~ S , S ? , E E I - ~ C - , ~ , O , ~ E ~ L ~ G ~
, T t i s amsumad that the diameter can be neglected, while the
length of theee p a r t s of the conmtruction cannot be neglected
with r e s p e c t t o t h e wave length. The foroes due t o the accelera-
t i o n o f t h e added masses can be determined i n t h e same way as de-
s c r i b e d i n s e c t i o n W - 2 . The f o r c e i n t h e E-direction Xp then can
.be deduced from tho components of the a c c e l e r a t i o n of the water
p a r t i c l e s along t h e 6 - and C-direction.

Similar t o equation (TV-7) from s e c t i o n TV-2 one f i n d s t o r

t h e wave e x c i t e d force on a c y l i n d e r between ( , l , l ) and

Since t h e forces due t o t h e undisturbed pressure can be added

t o the f o r c e s due t o t h e a c c e l e r a t i o n of t h e water p a r t i c l e s , t h e
t o t a l f o r c e therefore corresponds t o the v i r t u a l mass ( t h e rum of
t h e displaced mass and t h e added mass) multiplied by the acceler-
a t i o n of t h e water p a r t i c l e s .
I n equation (W-38) t h e following notation i s used:

E = X cos r + ' y s i n r ' 1

q =-X s i n p + g cos p I

El < Er €2 Er = El + r s i n a
Ill < ?lr < n2 'Ir
= 'll + r s i n B
Cl c, c2 5, = Cl + r s i n y
sin a
- = f;2-61
rin Bg - = n2-n1

min y
-- 1

while :

3 - "3(r) U
2 Ca COS -
[ ~ t K&=)

in which:

Also similar to equation (W-7) from section IV-2 one finds for
the aama cylinder:
1 "
X = (a' + p 0) rin a sin y c dr
gc 9 9 0
in which:

= Y2(rl
u2 ,C sin (wt - K 6,)

"2(r)= V
Substituting equations (IV-38) through (IV-43) into equation
(IV-37) one finds:

cos ot +X sin wt

in which:

- (a + 1

'agl = P 0) w2 ca [ cos2 a I cos K E, dr +
1 g o
7 sin a sin y I v2(=) sin K E= dr]
'ag2 = - (a + P
Q 0
o)u2 ca p'ag o r
sin K E, dr+ W-45)

+ sin a 1 u3(r) cos K tr ar]

sin y
9 0
The forces on the ends of the cylinders can be obtained in the
same way as the forces on other areaarthe dimensions of which are
small xelative to the wave length.
Due to the accelerationhl of the water particles in the C- and 5-
directions also forces in the n (Y and c ( S directions will be
g g
From this the forces in the X (X), y (Y) and a (2) directions can
be detannlnedr

X = xq cos P
Y = Xg sin p
B = Eg
Y0 eiq p
Yg cos p
fn Ch. name way'as described in mection W-2 also the moments
can be determined (see hppondix V-B).

ad c- -!!k&s!~e%,bf~i~~3dd25~fd,th~~44~n!i~4:~_a,r4
m e equations in this section mostly apply to planes which are
the endm of the cylinders discrused above.
It is assumed that the dimensions of these areas are small rela-
tive to the wave length.
The inertia forces due to the added mass of the area can be written
in the samo way a8 those given in equation (W-34).
The forces due to the undisturbed pressure corrorpond to the prod-
uct of the pressure and the area of the plane (9.0 Appendix V-C):

= P1 pg 0 sin a sin (wt - ICE) 1
- - ICE)
Y = pl p9
0 sin B sin (wt

- ICE)
- e=
p1 pg 0 sin y sin (wt

in vhich a, 6 and y are the complamentm (to )'09

1 of the. direetiom
of the normal to the plane relative to the X-, y- and zdiroction.
(See Fig. nt-2) .
Usually the normal vector corresponds to the direction of the can-
ter l'ineof the cylinder.
The direction a, B and y then correspond to the direction6 defined
by equation (IV-41) when the plane in point A of the cyl-
inder is considered.
When, however, the plane In point B of the cylinder l a
conmidorad then 180' has to be added to the directions from equa-
tion(IV-41) in order to obtain U, B and Y as used in equation (IV-
W e n a cylinder 1 endm up in another body 2 , the following
assumption can be used:
The wave e x c i t e d f o r c e on the body 2 due t o the presaure r a m i n s
the same aa i f t h e c y l i n d e r 1 was n o t attached t o t h e body3 t h e
wave e x c i t e d f o r c e on t h e body 2 due t o the presaure equals t h e
praduct of t h e undisturbed a c c e l e r a t i o n o i tho water p a r t i c l e s i n
the c e n t e r OF body times t h e nuss of water displaced by t h e body.
The wave e x c i t e d f o r c e on the end of t h e c y l i n d e r equals t h e
f o r c e due t o pressure while t h e f o r c e due t o added mass is zero.

If the component of t h e wave e x c i t i n g f o r c e i n the x-di-
rectionimknown f o r some p a r t d of the s t r r c t u r e , it: can be w r i t t e n
in the f o l l w i n g way :

- -
Xd = 'ad s i n ( ~+ tuax)
a' 5,
= (-'ad s i n udx) cos w t + (- COS udx) s i n u t (IV-48)
ca C,
The t o t a l component X of t h e wave e x c i t i n g f o r c e i n the x-di-
r e c t i o n of t h e whole rtr6cturc. follows from:

- Xa s i n a,)
cos w t + Xa
cos U,) Sin w t

i n which:

s i n ox =
s i n adx)

while n i e t h e t o t a l number of p a r t s i n which t h e s t r u c t u r e h a s

been divided.
Equation (IV-49) now can be w r i t t e n i n t h e following form%
- 1

sin (wt + ox)

i n which:
L cos oXj2 + I--
'a s i n ox) 2
ca Ca

tg ox - (9

(Acos ox)

In the same way M e components or the force in the other direc-
tion. andthe components of the moments can be oalculatedr see
Appehdix 111-D.
In Figs. N-5 through IV-16 the results of these oalculatione
for the Staflo drilling platform as indicated in Fig. N - 3 are
plotted together with model test resulta.


Pig. W-5.Amplitude of longitudinal wave excited force on th0

Staflo Drilling Platform.
W h md.d U k~.uc?
Fig. TV-6. Phase angle between longitudinal wave excited force on
the S t a f l o D r i l l i n g Platform and the wave p r o f i l e (angle i e pori,
tivawhenforce i s ahead of wave).
P i g . W - 7 . Amplitude of lateral wave excited force on the Staflo
Drilling Platform.
I """"D

Fig. W-8. Phaae angle between l a t e r a l wave excited force on the

S t a f l o D r i l l i n g Platform and the wave p r o f i l e (angle is p o s i t i v e
when force i s ahead o f wave).
W ln n d . s d W In md,rd
Fig. IV-9. Amplitude of vertical wave excited force on the Staflo
Drilling Platform.

Fig. IV-10. Phaae angle between vertical wave excited force on the
S t a f l o Drilling Platform and the wave p r o f i l e (angle i m poeitive
when force i r ahead of wave).
w h W.=? W ~nm . d

Pig. IV-11. Amplitude of wave e x c i t e d roll momnt on t h e Staf

D r i l l i n g Platform.

W In N.&
~ i g .TV-12. Phase angle between wave excited roll moment on the
Staflo Drilling Platform and the wave profile (angle is positive
when moment is ahead of wave).
W h w.rce4

W h nd.4
1.0 1.5

Fig. IV-13. Amplitude of wave excited pitch moment on the Staf10

Drilling platform.
Pig. XV-14. Phase angle between wave excited pitch m o m n t on the
Staflo Drilling Platform and tha wave profile (angle is positive
when moment is ahead of wave).

W h nd,r.c? W In nd.s.C?
Fig. IV-15. Amplitude of wave excited yaw moment on the Staflo
Drilling Platform.
~ i g IV-16.
. Phaae angle between wave excited yaw moment on the
S t a f l o Drilling Platform and tha wave p r o f i l e (angle i s positive
when moment i s 8hea8 of wave).
fV-4 ResPonse of the ~latformmotions to waves

Once the hydrodynamic (added mass and damping) and hydrostatic

forces aze known together with the wave excited forces, the rerrganse
functions of the motions due to the waves can be calculated from
the equations of motione:

in which:

When the forces and moments as a result of the wave motion are
oscillating harmonically, the platform motions will a180 oscillate


c(t) = c, sin wt
wave excited f ~ r c e : F ~ ( ~=) F
sin (wt + aj)
:Sk(t) = Sak sin (wt + ck)
-- Faj eiwt eiaj
Sak eiwt ,ick

Sincq all forces are linear functions of the wave height, the
response function of a motion Sk due to waves can be defined by
the response amplitude operator-^^ and the phase angle rk:

One then finds:

in which r
sk I 'ak
F = F eiwa j
(6jk a, + a ) ( i d 2 + bjk(iw) + C
jk Jk
Xn order to c a l c u l a t e the response functions uee i s made of the
following deternrinants:

From which one finder

D = A
(W) + B(,)

Also the following determtnants are determined:

The determinant ,,D equals the determinant D except for the row
m and the column n which have been cancelled.

one finds:

Dmn - %(W) + =m(,)


V-l Introduction
Xn this chapter a description will be given of the way in which
a.semi-submersible platform can be designed from a point of view
of minimum vertical mations. This design method can only be used
when the hydrodynamic properties - such as added aasa and damping
- of each part of the platform are known. This is mostly the
case when the platform is built up of cylinders and other simple
hull f o r m as ha6 been discussed in chapter I11 and elaborated in
chapter IV.
If each part of the platform is small, which is the case when
the diameter of each part I s smaller than one fifth of the wave
langth, then by knowing the above mentioned hydrodynamic properties,
one also knows the wave excited forces as has been discussed in
chapter I1 and elaborated in chapter TV.
Once both the raaation and the exciting forces are known the
first requirement to the dimensions of a platform with minimum
motions will be:
"The dimensions of the platform have to be such that the wave
exciting force F will be minimum for a frequency o which equals
the natural frequency w of the platform".
When starting from this requiremcnt,from hereon to be called
"first requircauntn, only platforms will be designed which are not
put in resonance by waves.
This requirement will be weakened further on,in order to reduce
the response of the platform to waves at frequencies different
from the natural frequency.
The deSCripti0n of the method to reduce the heave motion will be
given, illustxated with dealgn charts. No ginera1 information about
a reduction of the roll and pitch can be given in a concise manner.
However, once the optimization technique described for the heave
has been given the optimization of the roll and pitch can be per-
formed in an analogous way.

V-2 Platforme with minimum heave at the natural frequency

The simplest form of a semi-submersible is shown in Fig. V-l.

The heave response function of this body in deep water is given
Fig. V-l. C i r c u l a r v e r t i c a l c y l i n d e r piercing the water surface.

i n which:

m -
= heave amplitude
mars of t h e platform
= added mass = g l 3
p 01
- p
l 1l

Fa- = r e a c t i o n f o r c e due t o damping

C,- = amplitude of wave
Z- = amplitude of v e r t i c a l wave excited f o r c e =

Z22 - excited f o r c e due t o damping

The influence of t h e damping on t h e wave excited force can be

neglected eince the frequency om, f o r which t h e undisturbed pres-
sure Z1 and the i n e r t i a force ZZ1 cancel each o t h e r , i s much l a r -
g e r t m t h e frequency range (DL c 0.3) o f i n t e r e s t hexe:

U, = frequency f o r minimm wave excited force

Since the natural frequency wZ is not influenced by the damping
when this,is small one finds:

Comparing equationr(V-2) and (V-3) it follows that a single

column does not fulfil the first requirement as the frequency umz
has a value which is totally different from the value of the nat-
ural frequency o x .

m, W mass ol m t e r dlsplacod by cyllnder 1

m2 mars of water displaced by body 2

mzz, addod mass duo to M t o m of cylinder

%i2 "d mmss duo to body 2

Fig. V-2. Dimensions of a single column platform.

Other possible simple configurations for which the dimensions

might be changed such that the firrt requirement can be fulfilled
are shown in Figs. V-2 and V-3. However, as will be discussed in
the next section,these platform8 can not satisfy the first require-
ment exactly.
From a theoretical point of view the platform as shown in Fig.
V-4 can be designed to have minimum heave response in head waves
at the natural heave frequency. The heave reeponse in head waves
follows from:
-25 2 sin flc12
-pg zr D~2 COS +K (1, + D,)] a a (v-r l
+ zZla
2[ {# :
D l2 + 5 D: lI +
"xzr ),a
P - g T
+.:b U2

in which:

2 azzl -- 1/3 p D
, which is the added mm of a circular d i s k
- wave excited force due to damping
damping coefficient

m, 9 mars of water dlrpteced by cyllndor l

m marr ol water dlrplaced by body P

%t 9 added mars of body P durlng h a v e

Fig. V-3. Dimensions of a mingle column with footing.

Fig. V-4. Dimensions of a platform consisting of two columns and

a horizontal, submerged cylinder.
From equation (v-4) the n a t u r a l frequency wZ and t h e m$nimum
wave f o r c e frequency %z can be deduced:

while a
g :D COS *K (L0 + D1)
I (V-6

i e b ~ n 2 . w +a 113
~ D: cos r~ (l2+

By r e q u i r i n g the v e r t i c a l wave e x c i t e d f o r c e t o be minimum f o r

a wave frequenoy equal t o t h e n a t u r a l frequency one f i n d s :
[ *4 ~ D 2s i n f~ 1 2
- 11
+K l2 COS {%K (lp+ D l ) )

In Fig. V-5 the r e l a t i o n is given between t h e dimensions D1, D 2 ,

l1' l 2
and the n a t u r a l frequency wZ which w i l l a s t i s f y t h e f i r s t
requirement r e a u l t i n g i n equation (V-7)
Model tests have been c a r r i e d o u t t o v e r i f y the assumption t h a t
a platform of the dimensions according t o Fig. V-5 w i l l lead t o
minimum heave response a t t h e n a t u r a l frequency. The tests were
c a r r i e d o u t with a 1a150 s c a l e d model of t h e platform described
i n Table V-l.
I n Table V-2 a cornparsion is given of t h e measured and t h e c a l c u l a -
t e d n a t u r a l frequencies. I n Fig. V-6 t h e damping from t h e extinc-
tian t o g e t h e r with t h e c a l c u l a t e d e x t i n c t i o n have been p l d t t e d .

Table V-l

Designation Dimensione

l1 34.45 m
l2 140.85 m
14.24 m
D2 5.40 m
"'2 0.40 rad/sec -
Table V-2
Ge~arllmn-of-caAc911fg4-anPP%9dss4-9!!f YE_~~-I%S~P!~~E~II

natural frequency
calculated measured

Heave 0.40 rad/mee 0.40 rad/sec

Roll 0.22 0.24
Pitch 0.39 0.39

Pig. V-5. Relation between the dimsneiona of a minimum heave plat-

form as indicated in Fig. V-4.

In F1gs.V-7A to V-7C both the calculated and measured rslsponse

of the vertical motions to waves have been plotted for three wave
directions. From Fig. V-7A it can be concluded that the first
requirement is not only valid from a theoretical point of view but
is confirmed by model test results. This means that semi-submers-
ible platforms can be constructed such that at the natural fra-
q u c m c i e e t h e m o t i o n ~i n waves remain within acceptable 15mlts. From
pig. V - 7 ~it can be s e e n that even f o r t h e c a s e t h a t t h e frequency
f o r minimum wave e x c i t i n g f o r c e d i f f e r 6 a l i t t l e from t h e n a t u r a l
frequency still no extreme resonance W i l l occur a t t h e h a t u r a l
frequency. A. mtated i n equation (111-33) of s e c t i o n 111-3 t h i s
depends on the amount of damping.

Fig. V-6. Comparison between c a l c u l a t e d e x t i n c t i o n of heave motion
and r e s u l t s of t c s t e with a model of t h e platform i n d i c a t e d i n
Table V-l.

V-3 Platforms with minimum heave over a range of frequencies in-

cluding the n a t u r a l freeuency

Platforms constructed according t o diagram V-5 s t i l l can be

optimired by reducing t h e heave response a t wave frequencies
d i f f e r e n t from t h e n a t u r a l frequency a s can be seen from F1g.V-10
i n which t h e heave response functions have been p l o t t e d f o r aever-
a 1 platforms a l l having dimenslone according t o Diagram V-S. By
e h i f t i n g the n a t u r a l frequency wz and the minimum frequency w
away from each o t h e r , t h e peak i n t h e heave remponee function can
be reduced even more. Thle can be elucidated f o r a most general
al-t of a platform as i n d i c a t e d i n Fig. V-11. This element
consimtr of a v e r t i c a l body with a crolrs s e c t i o n 0 connected t o a
submerged body with a displacement gm2 and an added mass of a aZz2.

mvv ffwqwncy W In rad.4

Fig. V-7A. Compariaon of c a l c u l a t e d and measured heave motion of
model of platform indicated i n Table V - l . (wave d i r e c t i o n 0')

The heave response function of t h i a element amounts to:

-I (V-8


- m3, + "222
= virtual
i n Pig. V-XI.
: - ,f p a r t 2 of t h e element shown

From which the natural frequency wz and the minimal wave force
frequgncy wm can be deduced:


pi2 a P
, / P 0 l1 ,virtual mass
mamn of par+ 2

Fig. V-78. Comparison of calculated and meanured heave motion of

model of platform indicated in Table V-l. (wave direction 3o0)

From equation (III-33) it follows that the difference between

Wmz and the natural frequency wZ may be small (say 100 P %) while
resonance due to waves will still be avoided. This has been con-
firmed by t h e model t e a t r e a u l t a p l o t t e d i n Fig. V-7B and dla-
cusaed i n s e c t i o n V-2.
Even t a k i n g l n t o account the above, which l e a d a , t o a weakening
of t h e first raquirement (see a e c t i o n V - l ) . t h e c o n f i g u r a t i o n
shown i n Fig. V-2 a t i l l w i l l n o t lead t o p r a c t i c a l l y a t t r a c t i v e
configurations. The p o a s f i i l i t y i n d i c a t e d i n Fig. V-3,however.
does l e a d t o a p r a c t i c a l s o h U n n .

Pig. V-7C. Comparison o f c a l c u l a t e d and measured heave motion of

model of p l a t f o m i n d i c a t e d i n Table V - l . (wave d i r e c t i o n 90')

When t h e frequency wm, f o r minimum wave f o r c e is allowed t o be

100 P Z d i f f e r e n t from t h e n a t u r a l frequency wz one find. by
combining equations (V-9) and (V-10) r
i n which K=, X 8 found from:

wave frequency O In rad.r.8

Fig. V-8. Comparison of c a l c u l a t e d and measured p i t c h motion of
model of platform i n d i c a t e d i n . T a b l e V-l.

When combining equation (V-11) and (V-12) one f i n d s that .the

dimensiona of t h e element of F i g . V - l 1 have t o be according t o
t h e r e l a t i o n p l o t t e d i n Fig. V-12, while t h e n a t u r a l period of
such an element depends on t h e l e n g t h of t h e v e r t i c a l c y l i n d e r and
t h e r e l a t i v e v i r t u a l mass of p a r t 2 a s follows from equation (V-9)
and which has been p l o t t e d i n Fig. V-13.
Platforms which c o n s i s t of elements as i n d i c a t e d i n Fig. V - l 1
with dimensions according t o F i g . V-12 have a heave response func-
t i o n t o w a v c s according t o Fig. V-14. From t h i s Figure i t follows
that a reduction of t h e platform motions i n waves Is r e e l i z e d by
decreasing both t h e response a t the n a t u r a l frequency and a t a
frequency urn, f o r which t h e response has a maximum value,

Fig. V-9. Comparison of c a l c u l a t e d and measured rolrl motion of

model of platform i n d i c a t e d i n Table V-2.

I t follows from equation W-0)that t h i s l o c a l maximum of t h e heave

response a t tha frequency umax i s only determined by t h e percent-
age 1 0 0 P 8 which follows prom t h e r e l a t i o n of the n a t u r a l frequen-
cy U, ( s e e equation V-9) and t h e frequency U, (see equation
( V - 1 0 ) ) f o r which t h e wave e x c i t i n g f o r c e becomm minimum. This
r e l a t i o n between t h e percentage P and t h e l o c a l maximum of t h e
heave response i s i n d i c a t e d i n Fig. V-15. It should be noted t h a t
the frequency umax a t which t h i s l o c a l maximum heave response
occura, has a value of about 1;s times t h e n a t u r a l frequency. his
f a c t o r 1.5 i s l i t t l e influenced by o t h e r e f f e c t s (maximum d i f f e r -
ence about 5 9 ) .
Fig. V-10. Influence of t h e r e l a t i o n of the platform dimensions a s
i n d i c a t e d i n Fig. V-5, on t h e heave response function i n waves.

From Fig. V-15 it follows t h a t the l o c a l maximwn heave resaonse -

(-1 w i l l be reduced by an i n c r e a s e i n t h e d i f f e r e n c e between
the n a t u r a l frequency w and t h e frequency urn, f o r minimum heave
e x c i t i n g force.
However, by i n c r e a s i n g t h i s r e l a t i o n wm,/u,, t h e heave response
a t t h e n a t u r a l frequency w i l l i n c r e a s e as follows from equation
(1x1-33) which f o r t h e elements i n study corresponds t o :
in which:

which can be approximated by;

virtual mass of pazt 2 (aee Fig. V-11)
area of vertical projeotlon of part 2
drag coefficient of heaving body rhown in Fig. V-11.

- W Y1
'l cross-rwctlon Q

body a
'a dirpbwd m u r of w8t.r
addmd mars
V I C ~ U ~m a n

Fig. - 1 1 General element of a semi-rubmerrible platform.

The local maximum heave rmsponse (-)umax now depends on the
value which is allowed for the heave reaponse at the natural
frequency (4w When the ratio pz2/SL in equation (V-13) is so
C, 2'
small that Q and therefore the percentage P is allowed to increase,
the local maximum heave reaponse will be decreased, The ratio
pz2/SL and therefore the heave reaponre at the natural frequency
very much depend on the hull form of part 2 of the element ehown
in Fig. V-11. In Fig. V-16 aeveral forms are given for which the
heave response at the natural fr

for Fig. v-16A: t-C a )W= = q -/, 1 2 + z D 2 a 1 2 (v-14)

for Fig. V-168: (2) ol = Q

-0 30
Fig. V-12. Relation between the dimensions of an element of a
semi-subra.rsiblemplatformas a function of the frequency for mini-
mum heave force
The consequences of the considerations discussed so far now will
be studied for the elements shown in Fig. V-16.
Referring to Fig. V-16A a relation is found between the dimensions
of the column and the footing as indicated In Fig. V-17.
This relation i r a consequence of the relation plotted in Fig.V-12.
It turns out that this relation only exists for deep water whilm
for shallow water (waterdepth less than 15 times the length 11) no
practical dimeneione could be found fox a column with a footing of
which the vertical heave response at the natural frequency was a
minimum. Xn Fig. V-18 the influence of the dimensions of the column
on the heave tespons'e of the column at the natural heave frequency
has been plotted according to equation (V-14).
Fig. V-13. Natural heave period aa influenced by the virtual mass
of the submerged body relative to the column maaa and the length
of the column.
In the ranu way Fig. V-19 and Fig. V-20 have been derived for
the construction described in Pig. V-168 for the cars that the
horizontal body has a circular foxm td2=12).

V-4 The design of a slatform with limited heave mtiona over a

range of frequencies

In this section a description will be given of the manner in

which the basic information acquired from the previous section can
be used.
It is assumed that a platform has to be designed consisting of
elements aa indicated in Fig. V-16A, which has to survive sea states
i n which waves with periods of 20 seconds still have some energy
which can n o t be neglected. The following considerations w i l l lead
t o a p r a a t i c a l crolutionr
1. Normally a reduotion of the n a t u r a l frequency decreases the
static s t a b i l i t y , while a l a r g e n a t u r a l perid i s raquented from
a p o i n t of view of minimum heave response t o waves. A s a com-
p r o m i a e a n a t u r a l period of 20 wcondr t h e r e f o r e is chosen.

q&. ,
WW. hiqwney, lorger tmn Y for wnlch the
h o r n m p o n r h m m r muttnu1

% S fmqumcy for whlch Waw 0xclt.d wrtkal force

bwomor rnlnlrnml

Fig, V-14. Reave responae of a cranti-submereible as a Sunation of

the wave frequency.

2 . Once t h e n a t u r a l period i a known, t h e period T-

a t which t h e
heave response w i l l be maximum i e known from eguatlon (V-13):

=mx - 13.3 seconds

A t t h i s period a heave response can be chosen aa foLlows from
F i g , V-15. To avoid an excessive heave responee a t t h e n a t u r a l
frequency, a heave responme a t Tmax is choaen of 0.3. From Fig.
V-15 it then follows that the r a t i o W,, then amounts t o 1.15.

cnqumcy r#. w h k h vortical m w wxcting tom becorns

y R nmturml )H.(M frmuomy

Fig. V-15. Influence of t h e r a t i o of the frequency f o r minimum

heave f o r c e t o t h e n a t u r a l heave frequency on t h e maximum heave
response t o wavee a t rl frequency l a r g e r than t h e n a t u r a l heave
frequency .
3. From a p r a c t i c a l p o i n t o f v i m t h e depth of t h e f o o t i n g l2w i l l
be chosen s m a l l e r than t h e depth l1 of t h e column. One then
f i n d s from Fig. V-l2 t h a t p;2- 4 f o r l1 / l2> 1 and umz/wz
= 1.15.
4. Since t h a n a t u r a l period i s chosen t o be 20 seconds i t follows
from Fig. V-13 t h a t lI = 20m, taking t n t o account t h a t p i 2 =
4 t o 5.
5. I n order t o reduce t h e heave response a t t h e n a t u r a l frequency
it follows from F i g . V-18 t h a t t h e height of t h e f o o t i n g l2 has
to be chosen as small a s p o s s i b l e . Combining w i t h p r a c t i c a l
reasons f o r the c o n s t r u c t i o n a r a t i o 11/12of 24 i s chosen from
which l2 -
8m is found. From Fig. V-18 it also follows that
the ratio D2/D1 has to bb as amall as possible while the ratio
l1/D1 has to be as large am pomeible.

Fig. v-lb. Uimensionr of two types of elements of red-submersiblea.

6. As the ratios 11/12 = 2.5 and wmz/wz = 1.15 are known, the
relation between D2/Dl and ll/D1 is known from Fig. V-17. In
order to have enough restoring force the waterplane area and
therefore the diameter D has to be large enough. As a consequence
of this and of the considerations given at the end of item 5
the diameter D1 is chosen to be 8m though the criteria for roll

and pitch would be more imperative in the determination of the
diameter D1. If ll/D1 2.5 one finds from Fig. V-17 that D2/D1
2.35 and therefore D2 = 18.8 m.
Fig. V-17. Relation between the dimensions of a semi-submersible
element type^ A o f Fig. V-16.

Smmaxizins the before mentioned findings:

= 20 m
- 8 m
l2 = 18.8 m
D2 = 18.8 m
Tz = natural heave period = 20 aec.
ce)Ca max
= heave reaponae at !Pmx = 0.3
= 13.3 sec.
(-1 = hmave response at the natural period -

Pbr the platform element type A of Fig. V-16.

The above conaiderations have l ~ dt- solutions for the dimensions

of elemunts of a sd-submersible platform. These considerations
do not take into account any of the practical requirements which
may be demanded of the platform from a point a f view of operation.
For instance, the platform must fulfil the following requir-nts:
1. large deck area for operation and storage
2. larga capacity for variable loads
3. strength o f construction
4. minimum resistance in towing condition
The information given in Figs. V-12, V-13, V-15, V-l7 and V-18
i8 of the utmost value for the determination of the dimensions in
the dqsign of the platform according to the above practical re-

W ik
Fig. V-20. Heave response to wave s at the natural heave frequency
For the platform element type B of Fig. V-16.
neglectbd. It turns out that this is practically always realiz-
ed. is

3. As the method derived in chapter IV provides sufficiently accu-

, rate information about the behaviour of a semi-submersible in a
seaway (ree conclusion 2), thim nmtnod C M be ussd for optimiza-
tionofaeml-submersibles from r point of view of seaworthiness.
4. In chapter Y a description is given of the way in which semi-
mubmersLbles can be designed from a point o f view of minimm
mrtioal motions. The m t h o d described can be uaad f o r each of
the six components of the platform motions. Tt Is mhown that
the optimization method is flexible enough to take into accounf
the requirements which have to be fulfilled from an operational
point of view of the platform.
APPENDXX I - Description of the model teate

Model tests have been carried out in the Shallow Water Laborato-
ry of the Netherlands Ship W e 1 Basin in which the waterdepth
carr be adapted to a maximum of 1 m.
The width of the basin is l5,75 m while the length amounts to 220 m.
The teats were performed with a ~aboothcircular cylinder which
wae mounted vertically to a three component dynamometer (sea Fig.
1 A-l1 as oan be seen from the saheme of the test set-up given in
Fig. X A-2.
By means of the dynamometer a longitudinal force, a vertical
force and a bending moment were measured. From the combination of
the bending moment and the horizontal force the point of applica-
tionofthe resultant horizontal force on the cylinder has been
Two types of tests have been performed, viz.:
a. oacillation testa, and
b. measurements of wave excited forces on stationary cylinders.

Fig. I A-l. Thtae eomgonlnt dynamometer fox the measurements of

two forces and one moment on a vertical circular cylbder.
Fig. I A-2. Scheme of the eet-up for captive model tests.

Meaeuremente on a horizontally oscillating cylinder in still
water have been performed in order to determine the added mass axx
and the damping coefficient bxx. The cylinder was forced to
oecillate harmonically (in Fig. I A-3 the oscillator is shown):

xa sin wt

in which

xa amplitude of motion

During this oscillation the force X(t)hae been measured, which

can be linearized in the following way:

= Xa sin (wt + a) (TA-2)

in which:

-amplitude of force
= phaae dlffarence between motion X and fosae X
(t) (t)
Fig. A-3. Oscillator for the excitation of a combination of two

Equation (TA-2) can be rewritten as:

= X1 sin wt + X2 COS u t

in which:

XI = X, cos B = camponent of the force in phasa with the

X2 - Xa sin B
= component of the force out of phase with the

The comgonentr XL and X2 have been found by means of a Fourier

analyrir which give5 the first harmonic component of the measured


in which:

- Znn
x1 = l I irt,
:n o 2nr
nn 0
sin ut dut

%W cos w t dwt l
= a whole number of oseillat&ons
= force measured during the tests
Knowing t h e f o r c e component XI, which is i n phase with the motion,
one can d e r i v e t h e added mass from t h e following equation:

which leads to:

I n the same way t h e damping c o e f f i c i a n t can be derived from;

During these t e s t s t h e cylinder i s held s t a t i o n a r y i n regular
wave t r a i n s . The waves a r e f i r s t measured without the presence of
t h e cylinder a t the location A where the cylinder is t o be placed.
Another wave probe i s mounted a t another location. This second
probe i s used a s a phaae reference and measures t h e wave during
t h e t e s t a without t h e cylinder and during the t e s t s w i t h the cyl-
After t h e c a l i b r a t i o n of t h e undisturbed incident wave, the cyl-
inder i s placed a t t h e predetermined location A. Then t h e wave
forces X m ( t ) and ' m ( t ) a r e measured.
The determination of t h e response function of the wave excited
forces t o regular waves is c a r r i e d o u t a s follows. By means of a
Fourier a n a l y s i s the f i r s t harmonic components of t h e waves and
t h e forces a r e determined:

c(t) = C,

s i n ( w t + all

cl 8in w t + c2 ~t


= Xa s i n ( w t
+ a2)
= X1 s i n w t + X2 cos w t

= Za s i n (wt. + a,) =
- z2 sin wt + z2 COS wt
i n which t h e components of t h e wave and t h e forces follow from:
F1 iiii of 'rn(t) ain w t d t


- 1
COB wt at
X1 = nn 'm(t1 ain w t d t

X2 -- r O 2nn
set, COS Y t

sin w t d t

Z2 -- oos w t d t
i n which C m ( t ) , Xm(t) and Z are the meaeured values of t h e
wave and the forces.
The response Functions of the wave e x c i t e d f o r c e s now follow
from t h e ratios Xa/ca and Za/ca i n a d d i t i o n t o t h e phase d i f f e r e n c e s
( a 2 al) and (a3 al). -
APPENDIX 11 - Derivation of the motion of a non-linearly damned
freely oscillating body

When it is -sumad that the w i n g only consimts of.viscous

damping then the equation of motion of a freely oscillating body
a m be written as :

in which the damping force is taken to be proportional to the

square of the velocity.

At the t h e t
position 8 a
0 the platform is released from an initial

In order to solve equation (In-l) us9 is made of the moth& of

Lindsted, in which the independent variable t is traneformed into

in which:

E - is assumed to be small

al' a2 and aj are chosen in 6uch a way (see the elaboration of

the solution) that the motion s converges with time (solutions by
which the motion s comes in resonance are eliminated).
The solution of &e motion a is found in t e r m of a series of
function6 a:

Using the transformation of time t according to (IIA-2) one finds:

When it is assumed that the initial position an is positive then

one finds by substituting equation (TIA-3) and (XIA-4) into
equation (IIA-l):
( l + e a l + e2 a 2 + ...
2 d 2 (a, + c al + c2 u2 + ...
) +
2 2 dr
d (aO + cl + c a2 + ...l 2
- g ( ) (1 + s ay + c a2 + ..l2 +

in which:
cg&andw = WC

Step 1. When first the zero-order terms are taken then:

d2% 2
a O g O (IIA-61

which leads to the solution
a0 en coe or
since at the time r = 0 the position of the body was given by

Step 2. When from equation (IIA-5) the terms of the first order of
c are taken, one finds:
d2ao d2ul 2 2
2a1 F+-+
dr W "1 (F) - (IIA-8)

Substitution of the solution ao, given in equation (IIA-71, into

equation (IIA-8) leads tot
dLul 2 a1 =. s2 u2 ein2 W T + ?al an W 2 cos wr =
- 5 w2 + 2 al an w2 aoe wr - 4 sn
'W COS 2 WT (IIA-9)

At this point the method of Lindrted will become alear. The

right side of equation (IIA-9) can be understood to be the excita-
ti*, functionof the motion al. When this right aide contains a
term with cos WT it will be clear that ul will diverge to infinity
when the tinu increases. In oxder to get a uniform asymptotic ex-
pansion of e the CoeEficient al therefore has to be chosen to be
zero. After some elaboration the solution of a now can be derived
from equation (IXA-9).

ol = 4 an2 - 52 sn2 cos or + F an cos 2 W-r

since al 0 at the time r = 0.
Btep'3. When from equation (IIA-5) the t e r m of the second order
of c are taken, one finds:
.a d2a2
+ a a 2 - 2 i ldoo
i -
a i-=0
2 +

Subetitution of the solution of .a and al into equation (IXA-11)

- 1
d a 2 + Y2 u 2 = - - n
azZ- -
3 n w3 (1 eos 2 ur + h cos 3 w 7
4 cos wr) + 2 a2 sn U2 cos YT
To obtain a uniform asymptotia expansion of S, one has to choose
the following value of a2:

After substitution of equation (IIA-12) into equation (ITA-11) one

finds after some elaboration:

a2 = - 23 s3n + Q
7 2s3

- g.
2 an3 con 2 + 1 02 cos 3
w7 w7

since a2 - 0 at the time r 0.

In the next steps the t e r m of higher order of E will give the

solution of the following functions a), a4 etc. in equation (IIA-3).
When the determination of the series of functions in equation
(I=-4) is limited to a2 then the minimum position after the
initial maximum position S,, is found at the time 5 T at which:

which leaan to:

cos fur1 = -1
using this condition one finds after substitution of equation
(IIA-7), (IIA-10) and (IIA-13) into equation (IIA-3):
The time t in found after eubstitution of al
(IIA-12) into equation (X IA-2)
- 0 and equation

The time 4 T at which the motion haa a value is found from

equation (IIA-14) which gives:
APPENDIX 111 - Contribution of the added mass of the al~msntsof
the platform to the total added mass

Uam is made of the following symbols in which dad is the added

masa of a etrip of the cylinder number d:

Od = cross
,ld --
. aeetional area of cylinder
r dad
lAd p E 0
m '(r)
dr = added mass
first m m n t of a d b d mass
8d =
Orld r2 dad = second moment of added mass
*d = 0

in which:

ld - length of cylinder between (xdl,ydh,edl)

and #Yd2rzd2)
I - xdl)
' (yd2 ' Y ~
~ (zd2
) zdl)

2 2 2
r = (X, ' xdl) + (yr ' Ydl) + (ZZ:' Zdl)
sin ad = 4 2 4 1
- -g C ad c 900

ain pd = Yd2 Ydl

- - gOo < pd C 900

sin yd =
zdl - 90' < yd 90'

While (xo,yo,ao) are the co-ordinates of the centre of gravity ,one

flnde from equation (IV-7), (IV-9), (IV-12) and (IV-14) :

adxx =
adxz = adex
+ ad
- --
ad sin Bd sin a
ad sin yd sin ad
= + ad COS Bd
a = a I -
ad sin yd sin ,

= a
d+x - ad (ydl Y,) sin ad sin yd + ad (zdl
sin ad s i n Bd
- zo)
"dx9 adex = sd sin yd + m, (xdl - xo) sin ad sin yd + ad ( zdl-zo)
cos Ud
adx$ - ad* = - Sd sin BA - md (xdl - xo) rin ad sin Bd -2 ad ,
(ydl - Y,) cos ad
I - Sd rin yd - md - zo) " B& ad (ydl -
YO) a
sin Bd sin yd

adye ' "dey -- - zo) s i n Bd sin adsin+ ad

ad (zal (xdl - x0).
Bd sin yd
- a
d$y d' sin ad + md (yd1 - y ) sin Bd sin % * a
(Xdl - xo)
02a .

- -
ad+= dd sin 1 3 +~ md (zdl - zo) sin yd 'Bd +
d: -
(ydl Yo) yd *

' ader = - Sd sin ad - md (adl - zo) sin yd sin ad -2 ad .

(Xdl - xo) Yd
= - ad (X, - X
) sin yd sin Bd + a (ydl Y,).
sin yd rin ad

+ 2 (ydl - yo) (zdl - zo) sin Bd sin yd]

2 2
adee = Id (sin yd + sin ad)
+ 2 Sd [(zdl - zO) sin yd + (xdl xo) sin ad] -
+ ad [(zdl zOj2 c08 ad + (xdl ' x0) 0
2 yd
+ 2 (zdl .z0) (xdl so) sin yd sin ad] -

+ 2 (Xal x0) (ydl - yo1 sin ad sin Bd] d


- ad txdl - XO) (ydl - Y,)

a a ~ e= - I4 8 sin yd
- sd f (y,, -yo) sin yd + (zdl 1.2 sin
[[(xdl - XJ .in 1 3 ~ (ydl y.1 sin ad]
- -
- ad
= - Id sin yd m'i ad
Sd [(zdl - zo1 sin ad + (xdl - xo) sin yd] +
- C [[(yd1 yo) sin yd- - (idl - zo) sin ~~1
[(xdl -
xo) Q (ydl - - yo) sin ad]] 4
- -
ad (xd1 zo) (sdl x0) -
111-B Added maaa of arbitrary hull foxm
----&-----------_--W -I---_--

The canter of each part in indicated by (xdl, ydl, zdl) while

the added massem adxx, adyy and ad,, of each part are known, When
the center of gravity G im located at (xO, yo, zO), the other
coefficlenta are given by:

"dxy ' Pdyx ' O

adxz ' Pdzx = 0
adyz ' Pdzy '

' 'd$x 'O

a h' ~' ("dl '0) -
a = a
= a - -
axq aqx
d ~ 9 ad$y
= -dxx (Ydl YO)
adyy ("dl "0)-
- --
= a
dOy = 0

ady* = adyy ( ~ d l xo) -

adZQ adQZ = adzz (ydl yo) -
dzO ' adez
adz* =
"dzz (Xdl Xo) -
= O
'd($ ' 'dyy ('&l -
2.d' * (Ydl Yol2-

'd88 = -
(Xdl xo)2 + adZZ (Pdl zol2 -
a a x ~(Yai Yo) + adyy (xdl xo)
- -
' "ae+ = adzz ld'(
- -
'0) (ydl ' y0)
ad$@ = ad*@
= adyy ld'(
Xo) ('~1
(zdl zO) (Ydl y0)
APPENDIX IV - Contribution of a cvlindar to the total rerrtorinq
force of the platform

Use ia made o f thm following symbols.

Point (xdlrYdlt zdl) i s the center of the water plane of the cyl-
Point (xd2, yd2, zd2) i s the eubmerged and of the cylinder,
The orosa eection of the cylinder ia Od.
The center of gravity of the platfarm lies in (xot yo, zo).
The center of buoyancy of the platform lies in (x0, yo, zi).
The total dioplacement aawrunte to A.
The longitudinal m o m n t of the water plane of the cylinder amounts
to S

The athwart moment of the water plane of the cylinder arnounts tor
C$$ - = C 99 = 0
0 ' c B$ = cJIe = 0 , C$*

i n which the center of buoyancy zb follows from equation IV-25.

APPENDIX V - Cont;ribution of t h e wave-excited f o r c e on an el-nt
of the platform t o the t o t a l wave-excited f o r c e

V-$ ............................
Wave excited f o r c e s on emall p a r t s
The c e n t e r of g r a v i t y of p a r t number d of the construction lies
i n (xdl' Ydlt zdl ) which means that t h e co-ordinate. of t h i s point
reLative t o the wave f i x e d axes of reference. l i e i n the p o i n t
(%l' Odl' Tdl1 in which:

where P - angle between t h e d i r e c t i o n of propagation of t h e waves

and t h e c e n t e r l i n e of the construction.

The wave excited f o r c e s then are:

X, = X,, cos o t + X,, sin ot


X 2d
- --
( P Vd +
( P Vd
+ adxx)o
v3d 00s
v3d COS
tor uEdl
e i n KCd l
yd = yid COS w t + yZd s i n w t


ad = Zld COS w t + ZZd s i n w t

eld + (P vd + adzz)u C, vZd s i n rEdl
Zpd - ( P Vd +
La p2d CO8 "Edl
i n which I
conh r (h Cd,l -
lr3d ' sinh uh
einh r ( h Cdl) -
Y2d ' einh rh
h = water depth

wave number which follows from:
2 n/A
A = wavo length
w2= g K tanh K h
w = wave frapuenay = 2 r/T
IP = wave period

In the above Formulae the mass p V and the added masres adxx
d I adyy

adzz have to be known.

From tha forces also the moments are known:

Kd = Kld COS wt + K2d sin wt

In which:

'ld ' 'ld (Ydl y0)

KZd z2d (ydl ' YO)
- (zdl
YZd ('dl
-- Yid - ZO)
- "o)
= Mld COS wt + MZd sin wt
in which:

- Zo) - "d (xdl ' xo)

M2d '28 ('~1 - zo) - Z2d (xdl - x0)

Nd = Nld cos wt + N2d sin wt

in which:

V-B Wave e x c i t ~ - g ~ ~ g j ~ - p g - ~ ~ ~ ~ g e ~the

(neglecting g ends)
The ends of the cylinder d are centerod in A (xdlIydlI zdl) and
B ( x d 2 ~Yd21 zd2)'
When referred to a system of co-ordinates relative to the waves
these points are A (EdlI 'ldl, Pal) and B (Ed2I nd2 I cd2) in which:

Bdl = xdl COS U + ydl sin U Edl = Xd2 cos r + Yd2 sin v
';d1 -
=-xdl rin U
+ ydl COS p

The crors section of the cylinder amounts to

=d2 = Zd2
=-xd2 'in p + yd2 cos U

ad while the added

; = p ,C Od per unit length.
mass amounts to a
The length of the c y l i n d e r follows from:

Some d i s t a n c e r on t h e c y l i n d e r from the p o i n t A f o l l w s from:

Er = Edl + r s i n as d
"r "dl + r s i n 6 gd
cr cdl + Ygd

F u r t h e r t h e following n o t a t i o n is uaed:

sin a
= c,, ;c,, - 900 4 agd 90'

s i n Bgd = "2 - ndl

- 90' < Bgd 90'

s i n ygd =
'62 - '81
- 90' 4 ygd C 90'
I n t h e wave e x c i t i n g force8 and moments the following integra-
tlono a r e used :
Id1 - Id COB^ ~ ( h C,)
sinh K h
ld cosh ~ ( h C,) -


d r
Id2 = I Sinh K
O ld sinh .(hh- Cr)
cos d r
Id3 'l sinh e h
O ld s i n h r ( h c=) -
s i n *Er d r
4 sinh K h
ld cosh ~ ( h C,) -
r cos d r
Id5 I sinh K h
O ld Cosh ~ ( h c ) -
Id6 I I sinh K h r sinuCrdr
O ld sinh r ( h qr) -
r coe KC, d r
'67 U I
1 =
minh K h
ld sinh K(h
K h
r sin d r

in which K follows from:

Further, uma i a made o f the following notation:

= u2 ,c (ad + P od)
a; = added hass per u n i t length

One now finds:

XdgE. -- [
+ [-fd4

+ I
sin w t
s i n w t 1 Ad
+ Id3

sin y
sin a
Xdgc 9d sa
which results into:

xag = X ag1 CO. wt + Xdg2 s i n w t

i n which:

I - IdAdl C08
- Id4
Ad s i n y
ein a
=. - Id2
ugd + A min y
ain a
gd gd
In the same way one finds:

= + [rdl COS w t +
+ pd4 coa w t -
min w t ]
min w t ]
a i n Ugd
Ad siny
ein 6
gd 98
which r e r u l t s i n t o :

* Y
cos w t + Ydg2 s i n w t

i n which:

Ydgl = IdAd
l a i n ugd min Bgd - A s i n y ¶d
Id4 s i n Bgd
YdgZ = + Ad min a
s i n 894 + Ad s i n y
s i n Bgd
by which :

Xd -
Yd = Ydl
Xdl coa w t
+ Xd2

w t + Yd2 s i n w t
#in w t

In which:

Xdl = Xdgl c08 v - Ydgl sin v

Xaa ' Xdg2 COs P - Ydg2 sin P
Ydl = Xdgl sin v + Xdgl c08 v
'd2 ' 'dq2 s i n U + ydg2 c o s tr

The v e r t i c a l f o r c e i s found by:

z d ~
= Z
= - COO o t + Xa2 s i n w t ]Ad Bin cr s i n y
9 9
= Z
= [rd4 coe ot - Td3 n i n ot] Ad cos
which Leads to:

Zdg = Xal COB wf + G2 s i n wt

- --
IB1Ad s i n a
Id2Ad 8 i n a
sin y
sin y
+ Id4Ad cos
- Id3Ad COB
ga gd gd
I n a s i m i l a r way t h e wave e x c i t e d r o l l i n g moment i s found from:

' Ad [ xdl COS ~t + sin ot] . [(cdl - col s i n agd*


- rin B - (ndl - no) s i n agd s i n yga]

Edl toe o t + id2s i n a t ]
= A - COS wt s i n a t ] + A~ s i n B
[zd8 cos w t - I ~ ,
Kdoc dkE

- ['er
+ Ad
G 4 6
Id7 s i n 6
sin wt]
sin o t
] cos o t [ - A ~ +~ ~

with r

dg2 s i n w t

i n which:

K Id4 Ad Id8 sin 6

dgl AdkC Id1 gd


'dg2 ' AakE 'a2 A~ zd7 s i n B~~

The p i t a h i n g moment is deduced a8 follows:

Mdgc - COS wt + sin w t ] + s i n ygd'
[ld5 coe w t + sin w t ]
with :

[(cdl - to) cos2 agd + (Edl - Fa) .in agd sin ygd]
= - A
fd7 sin wt]
+' [Idl C08 *
'W ' *d C(cal
cos2 y 1
- TO) yga sin agd + (Edl - CO)
= M dgl cos wt + Mdga .in wt

in which:

Mdgl ' AaMr Idl + Ad fas sin Ygd - AdMC Id4 - Ad rd8 sin a
'dg2 ' '82 * Ad '66 'ln y gd + AdMC Id3 d' + Id7 dg
From the above the following re8ult is obtained:

Kd - Kdl COS wt + Kd2 sin wt

in which:

- Kdg1 cor p
Kdg2 cos p
- Ldgl sin p
- L~~~ sin p
and :

Md = Mdl COS wt + Md2 sin wt

in whic'h:

= Xdgl sin p +M cos

Ma2 = Kas2 sin p + M
dg2 cos p
The yaw moment follows from:

= N
N d ~ dgC
- - A
(Idl COS wt + Id2 rin wt) - Ad sin B
(Id5 COS wt + Id6 'in ut)
dgc m + AdNc
(Idq cos wt - Id3 sin ot)
in which:
AdNC = [(nld-no) s i n ygd s i n agd - ( E ~ ~ - c ~ygd
) s s~i n~

by which t

Nd ' Ndl COS b i t + Nd2 wt

i n which: '

v-c Ws~n-nmlfn L fQ ~ S ~ ~ , Q Q ~ P & ~ E P ~ P E B B B

The c a n t e r of a plane number d lies i n (xdl, ydl, zal).
The plane a r e a amounts t o 0
The wave e x c i t e d f o r c e s then are:

Xd ' Xld C08 bit + XZd 8in bit

i n which:

Xld ' - u1 ta P B od s i n ad s i n %Edl

XZd = u1 C, P 9 Od Sin ad 00s "Edl

Yd = Yld COS ut + YZd s i n w t

i n whichr

zd zld COB W t + ZZd s i n w t

i n which:

Z2d = +
-- p1 F,
v1 ca
P g Og s i n yd s i n
P 9 Od s i n yd COB
The moments can be presented i n the same way as given i n Aggen-
d i x V-A.
v-D Zhe-lsave-rmlf ~ ~ - & ~ 4 1 ~ o ~ ~ t h _ e - w h o 1 s - i t r ~ ~ ~ u t i
The s t r u c t u r e har been divided i n t o n p a r t s .
The wave e x c i t e d f o r c e on t h e whole r t t u c t u x e can b e ' w r i t t e n i n
the following way:

X = X1 CO. wt + X2 s i n w t = Xa a i n ( w t + ox)

in which:

a' - \I- t a n ox = + --k


Y = Y1 con w t + Y2 e i n w t - X2
Ya s i n ( w t + a

i n which:
Y2 = d-l '2d
tan a -+ Y.

- -
Y 2

z Z1 COS wt + Z2 s i n w t Za s i n ( w t + a,)

i n which:

=l -= n
d-l Zld g2 - dil $

= v- a n a, = +
K -Kl cos w t + K2 r i n w t - K
#in ( w t + uk)
i n which:

M = MI cos w t + M2 s i n w t = Ma s i n ( w t + on)

i n which:
N - N1 COS rat + N2 8in w t - Na sin (ot + an)
I n thim themie the h y d r o d y n ~ c a l l yinduced f o r c e s on a f l o a t i n g
p l a t f o n a are analysed. Am a r e s u l t of t h i m a n a l y s i s a c a l c u l a t i o n
amthod is develbped t o p r e d i c t the f o r c e s whioh influence t h e
motions and t h e s t r e n g t h of much a platform.
or t h i n mathod it ts suppoeed t h a t t h e submerged p a r t of t h e
platform can b. mubdivided i n t y p i c a l elemmnte such am epherem,
ellipsoidm and cylinders. I t ie proven t h a t t h e wave e x c i t e d f o r c e s
on theae elements c m be determined when t h e d h n n i o n s and the
added m a m m of the elementm a r e known. Thie,haweverl only holds when
t h m dinmnmions of t h e elemental p a r t are smaller than one f i f t h of
the wave length. The remults Obtained by this approximation d i f f e r
38 a t mast from, t h e r e s u l t s of e x a c t calculations. When compared
w i t h &*L test: r e s u l t e t h e d i f f e r e n c e w i l l be 5 8 a t most.
Next i t is rupposed that the hydrodynamic p r o p e r t i e s of each
element of t h e mubmerged conmtruction a r c n o t influenced by
neighbouring elements. I t then w i l l be p o r r i b l e t o c a l c u l a t e t h e
t o t a l added mass of t h e platform and t h e t o t a l wave e x c i t e d f o r c e r
on it. From a comparimon between t h e r e s u l t s obtained by means of
these c a l c u l a t i o n s and model teat: r e s u l t 8 of an e x i s t i n g platform
( S t a f l o type of S h e l l UA Ltd.) it can be concluded t h a t from a
p r a c t i c a l p o i n t of view good reeultm are obtained by t h e caleula-
Once t h e added maes and t h e wave excited forcea a r e known the
platform motSona a r e known f o r t h e frequenciee outaide t h e ranger
of resonance. I n order t o c a l c u l a t e a motion near i t s n a t u r a l
period the damping is rubdivided i n p o t a n t i a l damping and viscous
damping. The p o t e n t i a l damging is d e t e a n e d by mans of t h e rela-
tionbetweenthim damping and the wave e x c i t e d f o r c e r on t h e
construction. The vimcous damping is determined by summation of t h e
v i ~ c o u adamping of each of the elements of the construction.
I n t h e lamt chapter it is mhown how the method derived i n
t h i s thesim f o r t h e c a l c u l a t i o n of t h e wave e x c i t e d force. and t h e
r e a c t i o n f o r c e s , can be used f o r t h e design of platform dimensions
from a p o i n t of view of minimum v e r t i c a l motions i n waves. This p o i n t
can be of importance f o r both the s a f e t y and t h e economy of t h e
operation of t h e platform.
I n d i t p r o e f s c h r i f t worden d e hydsodynmische krachton geanaly-
aeerd d i e og man drijvemd platform werken. han do.hand van Be ana-
l y s e wordt een voor d e p r a k t i j k g e s c h i k t e mothode a f g e l e i d waarmee 1
men nauwkeurig d e krachten kan bepalen voor h e t berokenen van de
bewegingen en de s t m r k t e van oen d e r g e l i j k platform.
D e methade g a a t ervan u i t dat d e ondenvator-konstruktie van h e t
platform o p g e e g l i t a t kan worden i n k . r a k t e r l s t i e k e onderdelen zo-
a l n b o l l e n , e l l i p s o i d e n rm c y l i n d o r r . Aangetoond wordt, d a t i n d i e n 1
van e l k onderdeel do afmetingen en de toegevoegde m a e a bokend
z i j n , ook de krachten d i e do golven op d i t onderdeel uitoafenen
bepaald kunnen worden. x S o r b i j g e l d t de r a a t r i k t i e d a t de diameter
van h e t onderdool k l e i n e z met a i j n dan een v i j f d e van de golf- I

lengte. De met deze bena4ering vorkreqen r e s u l t a t e n blijkenhoog.tena 1

3%t e v e r s c h i l l e n v a n r X e raaultotonvanexactebetekenirigen, t o f w i j l h e t
v e r s a h i l tueeen d e benadering en modelproefresultaten maximaal 1
5e bedraagt.
Vexvolgens wordt aangenbmen, d a t de hydrodynamiache eigonechappen 1
van e l k onderdeel n i e t b s h v l o e d worden door d e aanwezigheid van
een ander onderdeel van h e t platform. H e t wordt dan mogelijk om Be I
t o t a l e hydrodynamirche k r a c h t (toegevoogdu nassa en damping) an de 1
t o t a l e k r a c h t d i e d e golven op h e t e f l a n d u i t o e f e n e n te berekenen.
W i t v e r g e l i j k i n g e n van de r e r u l t a t s n van deze berekeningen met de l
r e s u l t a t e n van proeven met een model van een beetaand e i l a n d
( t y p e S t a f l o van S h e l l uI( Ltd.) kan worden gekonkludeetd, d a t m e t
deze berekeningsmnthode goede r e s u l t a t e n worden v e r k r o g k .
M e t de aldua verkregen i n f o r m a t i e omtrent d e toegevoegde m a a a
van h e t p l a t f o m e n d e door d e golven uitgeoefende krachten worden
de bewegingen b u i t e n h o t r e s o n a n t i e gebied berekend.
Voor ha berekening van eerr bmeging b i j d e e i g e n p e r i d l e wordt de
ddmpingopgeeplitmt i n een domping tengevolge van potontiaalver-
a c h i j n a e l e n en een visoeuae Qemping. D e p o t e n t i a a l demping wordt
bepaald door middel van de r o l a t i e trumen deze denping en de
krachten d i e door de golven op de k o n s t r u k t i e worden uitgeoefend.
De t o t a l e viscauza damping wordt bepaald door o p t e l l i n g van de
visceuze demping van e l k van de ondardelen van de konstruktie.
I n h e t l a a t s t e hoofdatuk wordt aangegeven hoe met de ontwikkelde
berekeningsmethoda voor de r e a k t i e k r a c h t e n en de krachten d i e door l
golvsn worden uitgeoefmnd, een platform kan worden ontworpen van-
u i t een oogpunt van minimale vertikale bewegingen i n zcegang. D i t
laatste kan zowel voor de veiligheid a l e voor de economie van de
konetruktie vun belang z i j n .
REFERENCES (chapter I)

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[If-91 Freudanthal, A.M.r "Probabilistic evaluation of design
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[II-131 B e m a n , Y.H. r "hppliaations of mlender body theory in
ship hydrodynamicsu. Annual review o f Fluid Mechanics
Vol. 2 1970.

Et-14 Booft, J.P. : "0sci11atory wave force on small bodiesn,

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REFERENCES (chpater I11

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Journal of Zoren Kiokai, Vol. 77, July 1955.
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author, library on Congrass ~atalog'Card No. 64-1966.
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REFERENCES (chapter IV).

[m-1] .
Boreel, L. J r "Interaction between two vertical circular
cylinders in waveam, Masters themis Delft 1973.
[IV-21 Hooft, J.P. r *A mthmatical method o f determining hydro-
dynamically induced forces onard-e&mrsfile* presented
at annual meeting of S.N.A.M.E., November 1971.

canter of buoyancy
added mass coefficient added msse divided by .the mass dis-
placed by the body
diameter of cylinder
general force in the j-direction (amplitude saj )
rave excited force due to the undisturbed wave pressure

wave excited inertia force
wave excited damping force
oenter of gravity
due to disturbances of a body
in regular waves

Beesel function of the first kind of order n

wave excited rolling moment
wave excited pitching moment
wave excited yawing moment
radius i n a myrtem of polar co-ordinates
surface of the body
area perpendicular to the direction of oscillation (projected
period of harmonic oscillation
longitudinal force (forward positi~e~amplitude X,)
lateral force (rtarboard positive,amplitude Ya)
response amplitude operator (S / C )
rj a
Weber's Beseel function of the second kind of order n
vertical force (downward positive, amplitude Za)
eubrcript indicating maximum value
radii oE an ellipsoid
added mass of a cylinder *hen oscillated in a direction
perpendicular to the cylinder axis
added mass in the k-direction due to a motion in the j-di-
damping in the k-direction due to a motion in the j-direc-
hydrostatic restoring coefficient in the k-direction due to
a displacement in the j-direction
subscript referring to the component of construction
2. 72
cosine of angle between n o d p on the bodysurfaceand~mationsj
acceleration due to gravity
j k subscripts varying from 1 to 6 % %=l y=2 z=3 p 4 8-5 an$
1 length of cylinder
% mams or laamnnt Of inertia of the body (ml -'m2 m =m =
mass of the body
-n normal rector at some location of the body (positive in the
outward direction)
P presmure
p1 static pressure
viscous damping coefficient - force due to viscous effects
divided by the square of velocity
nubscript indicating member of some meries
motion in the j-diraction (amplitude s
velocities in the X-, y- and %-direction (amplitudes ua,
Vat wa)
velocity in the j-direction (amplitude vaj)
longitudinal direction (forward positive)
surge amplitude
lateral direction (etarboard positive)
sway amplitude
vertical direction (downward positive)
heave amplitude
angle in a system of polar co-ordinates
phase angle between force in L-direction and motion in j-
- 1 irk-j or-o irk#j
phase angle between motion in j-direction and wave
space dependent part of the velocity potential : ,@,

3) (xru,zlt)
w a w number 2u/X
wave length
aj '3j (x#y,z)

"v j phame angle between force in j-direction and wave

coeffieiont (see equation (IIZ-19))
W circular frequency of a harmonic oscillation = 2 n / T
natural frequency of oscillation in j-direction
frequency for minimum value of force in j-direction
3. 14
mass density
mymtun of co-ordinates to demcribe motion of water particles
direction of wave propagation (forward positive)
direction of wave crests
vertical direction (downward positive)
wave amplitude
roll motion (positive when heeling to starboard)
roll amplitude
gikch motion (positive when bow turn8 up)
pitch amplitude
yaw motion (pouieive when bow turns to starboard)
yaw amplitude
velocity potential
velocity potential of regular undisturbed waves
velocity potential of wave8 due to the dieturbances
restrained body in regular wave8
velocity potential of waves generated by the motion of the
body in the j-direction
angle between wave direction and longitudinal axis of the
Cosh K(h -
cosh ~h

1 am grateful to the Board of Directors of the Netherlands Ship

Model Basin for the pemisaion to publish this research in the
form of a thenia.
X am indebted to the Shmll Internationale Petroleum Midlj., The
Hague, and to the Rijkewatarstaat, Afdeling Havenmonden, for their
kind permission to analyse their results of model teats in this
I wish to draw attention to the fact that the work of which the
result. are presented in thin thesis, benafitad greatly from the
considerable support from each of the members of the ntaff and
personnel of the laboratoriee with waves of the Netherlands Ship
Model Basin.
Finally I wish to record my appreciation of the valued seais-
tanceofH. van de Beek and P.A.A. Kaukens with whose devoted help
this investigation has been accomplinhed.

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