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Listen to the audio and sequence the sentences in the correct order.

9 So what's it about washing dishes that you don't like?

8 I'd rather mow the lawn than wash dishes.

5 is there... are there any other activities you really dislike doing?

1 Okay. So Josh, in another interview we were talking about foods that we don't like,
now let's talk about activities or things we don't like to do.

3 Like for example, washing dishes, ironing clothes, mowing the lawn, things like that.

4 Alright.

10 I guess, it's just the idea of touching dirty plates that everyone ate off of and then
they sat at the sink for a couple of hours and it grosses me out. So 'll do it but it's not
something I enjoy.

2 Okay.

6 Well, you mentioned washing dishes, I don't like that one.

7 Oh, really?

Listen to the audio again and mark the household chores you hear while listening.

Clean the refrigerator

Make the bed

Vacuum the floor

Take out the thrash

X Iron the clothes

X Dust the furniture

After listening to the audio check the statements below True (T) or False (F).

True They disagree on cooking.

True Josh doesn’t like washing dishes.

False Todd likes do the ironing.

False Josh likes dusting the furniture.
Self Assessment:

Match the verbs with nouns.

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