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Use of English Test 1.

I For questions 1-9, read the text below and decide which answer
(A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
At school, the (1) __ majority of what we learn is factual. In history lessons we
memorise names and dates; in science we have to cope (2) __ chemical formulas and
complex equations; in maths it’s all numbers and signs. It’s only in language lessons
where we may (3) __ fiction. Some people would argue that there’s (4) __ point in
reading something which is ‘made up’. If this is the (5) __, why do language teachers
encourage their students to look at anything (6) __ from dictionaries and reference
It is because they are (7) __ of the benefits that reading brings. It isn’t simply because
reading fiction helps us (8) __ reality for a while and switch off from our everyday
routines. Reading fiction also teaches us to see the world through other people’s eyes.
It (9) __ us to understand the feelings of others, making us more empathetic. Fiction,
in other words, helps us be better friends.
1 A vast B wide C far D high
2 A for B on C by D with
3 A come up B come across C come about D come over
4 A little B slight C minimal D hardly
5 A issue B matter C case D point
6 A except B apart C other D beside
7 A aware B wise C familiar D sensitive
8 A depart B miss C escape D break
9 A lets B authorises C makes D enables
II For questions 1-9, read the text below and think of the word which best
fits the gap. Use only one word in each gap.
If you take an interest in the environment and (1) __ keen to learn more about how you
can (2) __ a real difference, the Young Green Group is for you. We are a club (3) __
meets in towns and cities around the country and is open to anyone (4) __ the ages of
11 and 16, who wants to (5) __ involved in raising awareness of ‘green’ issues.
We know you’ve heard it all before: turn taps off (6) __ you’re cleaning your teeth; take
the bus instead of asking for a lift; recycle, recycle, recycle! That is why this group
offers (7) __ a little different at our weekly meetings. You’ll learn about the direct
impact our lifestyles have (8) __ our wildlife and environment through a series of fun
yet challenging activities. We’ll also put you in touch with other young people around
the globe (9) __ that you can find out what’s happening where they live. You may even
be able to visit them!
III For questions 1-9, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to
form a word that fits in the gap.
Some of the schools in my home town are really strict and students are not (1) __
(ALLOW) to use their smartphones at school. Mine is different – there’s a much more
(2) __ (RELAX) policy. In break times, it’s (3) __ (ACCEPT) to use our
smartphones. But in lessons, it’s the individual teacher’s (4) __ (DECIDE) whether we
can use them or not. For some pieces of work, like a timed writing task, they’re
completely (5) __ (FORBID) . Of course it’s our (6) __ (RESPONSIBLE) to follow
the rules, which we do. In some lessons, the teachers actively encourage us to use our
phones when they think it’ll be (7) __ (BENEFIT) to us. There are lots of really good
ways to use smartphones in class, and I’m in favour of these. One example is games,
where we choose multiple-choice answers on our phones. I’m really (8) __
(COMPETE), so love doing those. Although it can be a bit (9) __ (SOCIAL), when
everyone just uses their phone instead of talking.
IV Choose the correct answer.
1 He was as quiet as a … in order not to wake anybody up.
a) dog b) mouse c) rat
2 As he was on a dangerous mission for the government, he had to keep … about what
he did for a living.
a) mum b) dad c) aunt
3 There were lots of rumours and the man tried very hard to … everything up.
a) stop b) silence c) hush
4 If anybody asks my lips are … .
a) sealed b) shut c) closed
5 To me silence is … .
a) steel b) silver c) golden
6 The so-called … majority are the vast number of people who don’t go out on the
street and protest.
a) noiseless b) quiet c) silent
7 It was so quiet you could hear a … drop.
a) needle b) pin c) screw
8 After the earthquake, the cries of those trapped were … .
a) audited b) auditory c) inaudible
9 The villagers complained about the noise from the church bell and asked if it could
somehow be … .
a) muffled b) wrapped c) suppressed
10 She promised not to … a word about it.
a) open b) breathe c) mouth
11 I think it’s all stuff and … .
a) garbage b) trash c) nonsense
12 They always talk about: health care, education, welfare and stuff … that.
a) on b) like c) as
13 She avoided having any alcohol and then she had a small drop of the … stuff.
a) difficult b) solid c) hard
14 The work they are doing is very basic. In fact you could call it … stuff.
a) kids b) babies c) juniors’
15 When he lectured, you could tell he … her stuff.
a) showed b) knew c) took
16 We rely on you to impress everyone and we expect you to … your stuff.
a) make b) do c) take
17 It’s difficult to make him enjoy himself. He always behaves like a stuffed … .
a) shirt b) suit c) coat
18 … the stuff! I want to hear it loud and clear.
a) More b) There c) That’s
19 You should stop stuffing your … every five minutes! If you want to lose some weight.
a) throat b) face c) teeth
20 The news quite … the stuffing out of her for days.
a) hit b) threw c) knocked
21 He’s … a high at the moment because everything is going his way.
a) at b) on c) for
22 I have high … that we will succeed without project.
a) views b) sensations c) hopes
23 It’s high … we left.
a) minute b) tempo c) time
24 You’ll just have to get used to these highs and … .
a) downs b) lows c) falls
25 Now that she has become manager she is so high and … .
a) mighty b) severe c) strong
26 The really high … of the evening’s entertainment was when they fought.
a) feature b) spot c) thing
27 Tom left the safe door unlocked last night so I reckon he will be for the high … this
a) leap b) go c) jump
28 When you break a rule, she gets on her high … and starts shouting at you.
a) camel b) horse c) pony
29 The moment she joined the staff you just knew she was a high … .
a) flier b) sailor c) pilot
30 We asked the restaurant to provide a high … .
a) chair b) seat c) place

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