Bacterial Bioreporters For The Detection of Trace Explosives

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Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2021) 105:4329–4337


Bacterial bioreporters for the detection of trace explosives:

performance enhancement by DNA shuffling and random
Etai Shpigel 1 & Benjamin Shemer 1 & Tal Elad 1 & Anat Glozman 1 & Shimshon Belkin 1

Received: 10 February 2021 / Revised: 28 March 2021 / Accepted: 8 April 2021 / Published online: 4 May 2021
# The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

Landmines and other explosive remnants of war pose a global humanitarian problem that claims numerous casualties long after
the conflict has ended. As there are no acceptable methodologies for the remote discovery of such devices, current detection
practices still require the risky presence of personnel in the minefield. We have recently described bacterial sensor strains capable
of reporting the existence of 2,4-dinitrotoluene (DNT) vapors in the soil above 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT)-based landmines, by
generating a bioluminescent or a fluorescent signal. This may allow the identification of landmine location by remote imaging of
an area over which the bacteria have been spread. In the study reported herein, we have improved the DNT-detection capabilities
of these sensor strains by combining two DNT-responsive Escherichia coli gene promoters, yqjF and azoR, and subjecting them
to three cycles of random mutagenesis by error-prone PCR, combined with segmentation and rearrangement (“DNA shuffling”).
The activity of selected modified promoters was evaluated with the Aliivibrio fischeri and Photobacterium leiognathi
luxCDABEG gene cassettes as the bioluminescent reporters, exhibiting a ten-fold background reduction that has led to a three-
fold decrease in detection threshold. Signal intensity was further enhanced by modifying the ribosomal binding site of the yqjF
gene promoter. The superior DNT detection capabilities on a solid matrix by the improved sensor strain were demonstrated.

Key points
• Performance of microbial sensor strains for buried explosives was molecularly enhanced.
• Manipulations included random mutagenesis, “DNA shuffling,” and RBS reprogramming.
• The re-engineered constructs exhibited superior detection of trace explosives.

Keywords 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (DNT) . 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) . Microbial bioreporters . Biosensors . Landmines .


Introduction risks to personnel and equipment. Furthermore, these technol-

ogies are characterized by a very high false positive rate and
The prevalence of landmines and other explosive remnants are highly inefficient in the detection of non-metallic mines
from past conflicts is a global problem that has claimed nu- (MacDonald et al. 2003). Alternative approaches, based on
merous victims and continues to do so every year. A crucial the use of animals to detect explosive vapors emitted from
difficulty in the demining of large areas is the lack of a reliable landmines, suffer from low consistency, and still require
and safe means to detect the landmines’ locations. Current the presence of personnel in proximity to undetected
methodologies, mostly based on metal detection, require the landmines. As far as we are aware, there is no commer-
actual presence of operators in the minefield, with obvious cial solution currently available for the remote detection
of buried explosive devices.
One possible answer to this need may be provided by the
* Shimshon Belkin
use of microorganisms, genetically engineered to respond to
the presence of explosives’ vapors by the generation of a dose-
Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences, Institute of Life dependent quantifiable signal. Such microbial bioreporters,
Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel spread across the minefield, would indicate by an optical
4330 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2021) 105:4329–4337

signal (fluorescence, luminescence or color generation) the on error-prone PCR followed by digestion of the mutated
presence of a landmine in the soil below them; this activity target DNA into relatively small segments (50-100 bp), which
can then be imaged remotely, providing a map of mine loca- are then “shuffled” by primer-free PCR followed by regular
tions (Burlage et al. 1999). With this or with similar schemes PCR. The resulting products are cloned into a relevant vector
in mind, several microbial bioreporters, engineered to gener- and screened for activity. In the present study, we have
ate a dose-dependent optical signal in the presence of 2,4,6- adopted this approach to a fusion of the two previously de-
trinitrotoluene (TNT) and its synthesis byproduct 2,4- scribed DNT-responsive gene promoters: yqjF and azoR.
dinitrotoluene (DNT), have been described (Looger et al. Three rounds of the described process have yielded signifi-
2003; Altamirano et al. 2004; Radhika et al. 2007; cantly improved sensor strains with superior DNT detection
Garmendia et al. 2008; Kim et al. 2008; Davidson et al. capabilities. Following this procedure, a sensor strain was se-
2012; Yagur-Kroll et al. 2014; Shemer et al. 2015; Tan et al. lected, characterized by a greatly reduced background signal
2015; Yagur-Kroll et al. 2015; Shemer et al. 2017; Shemer and by a 3-fold reduction in the DNT detection threshold.
et al. 2020; Shemer et al. 2021). Most of these bioreporters are Further enhancement of signal intensity, without sacrificing
based on a plasmid-borne fusion between a gene promoter, detection sensitivity, was achieved by optimizing the ribosom-
induced by the target analyte, to a reporting element. al binding site sequence of the yqjF promoter. The latter sen-
While TNT is the most prevalent explosive component of sor exhibited a similar detection threshold, with up to a 70-
landmines, the more volatile DNT is considered a better indi- fold higher signal.
cator of their presence and is found at higher concentrations at
ground level above buried landmines (Jenkins et al. 1999;
Jenkins et al. 2001; Leggett et al. 2001). Two Escherichia Materials and methods
coli gene promoters, yqjF (Yagur-Kroll et al. 2014) and
azoR (Henshke et al. 2021), were identified as potential sens- Chemicals
ing elements for the construction of a microbial DNT
bioreporter. Following a series of molecular manipulations All chemicals were analytical grade and were purchased from
of the yqjF promoter (Yagur-Kroll et al. 2015; Shemer et al. Sigma-Aldrich. DNT stock solution (27 g/L) was prepared in
2020; Shemer et al. 2021), several E. coli TNT/DNT ethanol. Restriction enzymes were purchased from New
bioreporter strains have been described, in which the yqjF England Biolabs and DNA purification kits from Qiagen.
gene promoter served as the sensing element and either the Primers, bacterial strains, and plasmids used in this study are
GFPmut2 fluorescent protein gene or bacterial luxCDABE listed in Table 1.
bioluminescence genes as the reporting elements. The former
bioreporters, immobilized in hydrogel beads, were successful- Plasmid construction
ly used to detect actual landmines from a distance of ca. 20 m
(Kabessa et al. 2016; Belkin et al. 2017). The construction of plasmids pBR-C55-luxPl (pBR-C55-Pl),
While highly promising, the results of the latter experiment pBR-C55-luxAf (pBR-C55-Af), and pBR-C55-luxPleio (pBR-
also highlighted the need for an additional enhancement of C55-Pleio) harboring a fusion between an improved pyqjF
sensor performance, in terms of both signal intensity and de- gene promoter (pC55) and the luxCDABE gene cassette of
tection sensitivity. Several successful attempts towards the terrestrial bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens, or
achieving these goals were previously reported; these includ- luxCDABEG of the marine bacteria Aliivibrio fischeri and
ed sequential series of random mutagenesis of the yqjF pro- Photobacterium leiognathi, was previously reported
moter region (Yagur-Kroll et al. 2015), manipulations of (Shemer et al. 2021). Plasmid pACYC-yhaJ-G2 harbors a mu-
YhaJ, the LysR-type transcriptional regulator of yqjF tated version of the yhaJ gene, the yqjF regulator (Palevsky
(Palevsky et al. 2016, Elad et al, in preparation), the use of et al. 2016), following two rounds of random mutagenesis
different lux gene cassettes (Shemer et al. 2021), and a high (Elad et al., unpublished). The plasmids are schematically il-
throughput screening for beneficial host mutations (Shemer lustrated in supplementary Figures S1 and S2.
et al. 2020). Plasmid pBR-2P-Pl, constructed in the course of the pres-
In this report, we describe a different approach successfully ent study, contains two gene promoters joined together, as the
implemented for improving DNT detection by an E. coli- starting template for the DNA shuffling procedure. Both pro-
based sensor: employing a combination of error-prone PCR moters, yqjF (version C55) and azoR (version P2G2), are in-
and DNA shuffling for the generation of a large number of dividually inducible by DNT. Each promoter segment extend-
sequence variants. This powerful approach has been shown to ed into the initial region of its own gene downstream to the
yield fundamental improvements of diverse target regions, ATG start codon (see supplementary Fig. S3). The fused pro-
including both genes and gene promoters (Stemmer 1994a; moters were cloned upstream to the luxCDABE gene cassette
Stemmer 1994b; Bacher et al. 2002). The technique is based of P. Luminescens (luxPl). Construction of the C55 version of
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2021) 105:4329–4337 4331

Table 1 Primers, bacterial strains, and plasmids used in this study

Primers Sequence 5′➔3′

Bacterial strains Description Reference
E.coli BW25113 ΔpykF pykF deleted strain (KanR) Baba et al. (2006)
E.coli BL21(DE3) ΔpykF pykF deleted strain (KanR) This work
Plasmids (Fig. S1) Description Reference
pBR-yqjF-Pl Photorhabdus luminescens lux genes, driven by the original yqjF promoter Yagur-Kroll et al. (2014)
pBR-azoR-Pl Photorhabdus luminescens lux genes, driven by the azoR promoter Henshke et al. (2021)
pBR-C55-Pl Photorhabdus luminescens lux genes, driven by the C55 version of the yqjF promoter Shemer et al. (2020)
pBR-2P-Pl Photorhabdus luminescens lux genes, driven by the joined azoR-yqjF promoters This work
pBR-C55-Af Aliivibrio fischeri lux genes, driven by the C55 version of the yqjF promoter Shemer et al. (2020)
pBR-65-Af Aliivibrio fischeri lux genes, driven by the 2PG3-65 (65) promoter This work
pBR-C55-Pleio Photobacterium leiognathi lux genes, driven by the C55 version of the yqjF promoter Shemer et al. (2020)
pBR-65-Pleio Photobacterium leiognathi lux genes, driven by the 65 promoter This work
pBR-65-RBSopt-Pleio Photobacterium leiognathi lux genes, driven by the 65 promoter with an optimized RBS This work
pACYC-yhaJ(G2) Transcription factor of the yqjF gene, yhaJ, after 2 rounds of random mutagenesis. Elad et al., in preparation

the yqjF promoter was reported by Shemer et al. (2020). An Random mutagenesis by a combination of error-
enhanced version of the azoR promoter, denoted P2G2, was prone PCR and DNA shuffling
obtained by performing a single round of error-prone PCR
with primers azoR-kpnI-F and azoR-sacI-R, followed by Three rounds of mutagenesis were carried out as follows: error
screening with DNT. The enhanced promoter, incorporating prone PCR (primers 13_kpn_F and 14_SacI_R) was conducted,
6 point-mutations in the azoR promoter region, including two with plasmid pBR-2P-Pl as the targeted template, using Hy-Taq
mutations directly in the promoter itself, demonstrated a 10- PCR Ready Mix (Hylabs, Rehovot, Israel) with the addition of
fold enhancement in signal intensity (Supplementary Figs S3 1 mM MnCl2. The ca. 600 bp-PCR product was purified by
and S4). The two joined promoters are referred to below as 2P, agarose gel electrophoresis, partially digested by DNaseI, and sep-
the sequence of which is provided in Figure S5. Cloning was arated again by agarose gel electrophoresis. Digested products
conducted by PCR amplification of each promoter separately, (50–100 bp) were extracted from the gel and subjected to another
using primers 13_kpn_F and 29_C55_P2G2_R for yqjF, and PCR step, without primers, followed by a final PCR step with the
primers 28_C55_P2G2_F and 14_SacI_R for azoR (Table 1). above-mentioned primers. A PCR product of the expected full size
The two PCR products were gel-purified, mixed together, and of the joined promoters (ca. 600 bp) was purified and cloned into
subjected to another PCR amplification procedure using the plasmid pBR-C55-PI, predigested with KpnI and SacI, using the
flanking primers 13_kpn_F and 14_SacI_R. The full-length Gibson assembly technique (New England Biolabs Inc.). The
PCR product, consisting of the two promoters in tandem, was resulting plasmid library was chemically transformed into compe-
digested with KpnI and SacI restriction enzymes, and cloned into tent DH5α cells and plated on LB-agar plates supplemented with
plasmid pBR-C55-Pl predigested with the same restriction en- 100 μg/ml ampicillin. The best performing clones from this round
zymes, to generate plasmid pBR-2P-Pl (Supplementary Fig. S1). (see below) were used as the templates for the next round of
This plasmid was transformed into chemically competent DH5α mutagenesis. The four best promoter variants obtained from the
cells, and successful transformants were confirmed by first and second rounds were combined in equivalent amounts to
sequencing. serve as the template for the third round of mutagenesis.
4332 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2021) 105:4329–4337

Library screening for responses to DNT agar in a 24-well microtiter plate (Greiner, Bio-One), and
supplementing it with 10 μL of 100% ethanol containing dif-
Colonies from each of the DNA shuffling mutagenesis rounds ferent amounts of DNT. To allow ethanol evaporation, the 24-
were picked (Microlab Star, HAMILTON, Switzerland) and well plates were left open in a chemical hood for 1h. Prior to
inoculated into sterile 96-well plates (Greiner Bio-One) con- the experiment, the encapsulated bacteria were removed from
taining 200 μl of LB supplemented with ampicillin. The in- refrigeration and incubated in LB for 2 h at 30°C with shaking
oculated plates were incubated overnight at 37°C with shaking (200 rpm). The beads were then drained of medium and
(200 rpm), following which every four 96-well plates were placed in a single layer over the LB-agar surface of the micro-
replicated using a 96-pin replicator into a clear sterile 384- titer plate wells (20–30 beads per well). Bioluminescence was
well plate (Greiner Bio-One), each well containing 50 μL measured in a microplate reader (Infinite® 200 PRO, Tecan)
LB supplemented with ampicillin. Following overnight incu- every 15 min at room temperature. Imaging of the biolumi-
bation (37°C, 200 rpm), the plates were replicated twice into nescent response was performed every 20 min in a dark cham-
two additional 384-well plates (opaque white, clear bottom) ber, using a Sony α7SII camera equipped with a 28-mm lens
containing LB (20 μl), and regrown for 3h under the same (10-s exposure, f=2 and ISO=5000).
conditions. Thirty microliter of LB supplemented with DNT
(5 mg/L for the first and 2 mg/L for the second and third Optimization of the yqjF ribosomal binding site
mutagenesis rounds) was then added to one of each pair of
plates, and an equal volume of DNT-free LB to the second An additional attempt to improve sensor performance was
plate. The plates were incubated at room temperature, and conducted by manipulating the ribosomal binding site (RBS)
measurements of the bioluminescent signal and OD600 were of plasmid pBR-C55-Pleio (Shemer et al. 2021). The RBS
performed every 45 min. The responses were compared to was replaced with a modified sequence designed for maximal
those of plasmid pBR-C55-Pl in DH5α under the same con- transcription rate of the luxC gene, obtained from de Novo
ditions, and colonies exhibiting a superior response were se- DNA RBS calculator (Salis Lab,
lected for further evaluation. Reporter plasmids from the best software/), and cloned by overlapping PCR. Since the new
performing clones were extracted, purified, and se- RBS was too long to amplify using one primer, two PCR
quenced. Further evaluation of the best-performing amplicons with overlapping end regions were employed.
clones was conducted by co-transformation of their plas- Primers 75_RBS_A2 and 181_BlpI_R were used to amplify
mids with plasmid pACYC-yhaJ-yhaJ(G2) into a pykF- amplicon A (3′ of the RBS), while primers 76_RBS_B1 and
deleted strain (Shemer et al. 2020). 178_smaI_F were used to amplify amplicon B (5′ of the
RBS). The two amplicons were then mixed with plasmid
Bioreporter responses to DNT in liquid media and on pBR-C55-Pleio, predigested with restriction enzymes BlpI
solid matrix and SmaI, and assembled by the Gibson assembly protocol.
The resulting plasmid, pBR-C55-RBSopt-Pleio (Table 1),
Bioreporter colonies harboring the two plasmids and carrying was transformed into competent DH5α cells. The C55 pro-
a pykF mutation were grown overnight at 37°C with vigorous moter, with and without the optimized RBS, was then re-
agitation in LB supplemented with ampicillin, chlorampheni- placed with one of the selected DNA-shuffled 2P promoters,
col, or kanamycin (100, 30, and 50 mg/L, respectively). The 2PG3-65 (65). This was achieved by PCR amplification of the
culture was diluted ×1/100 in LB without antibiotics, and 65 promoter using primers 183_2P_NotI_R and 178_SmaI_F
regrown under the same conditions to an OD600 = 0.3. (for cloning promoter 65 with the original RBS), or primers
Bacterial aliquots (50 μl) were transferred to an opaque white 234_65_NotI_R and 178_SmaI_F (for cloning promoter 65
96-well plate (Greiner Bio-One), already containing 50 μl of with the optimized RBS); plasmid pBR-65-Af was used as
DNT at various concentrations in 4% ethanol. target. The amplified PCR products were cloned into plasmids
Bioluminescence was measured every 15 min at ambient tem- pBR-C55-Pleio and pBR-C55-RBSopt-Pleio, predigested
perature, using a microplate reader (either a TECAN Infinite® with SmaI and NotI restriction enzymes. The resulting plas-
200 PRO, Männedorf, Switzerland, or a Wallac VICTOR2, mids were designated pBR-65-Pleio and pBR-65-RBSopt-
Turku, Finland). Each experiment was conducted in duplicate, Pleio, respectively (Table 1).
and all experiments were repeated at least three times.
The response of bacterial bioreporters to DNT on solid Calculations
matrix was measured by immobilizing the bacteria in 1.5-
mm 2% alginate/1% polyacrylic acid beads, as previously Luminescence data are presented in the instruments’ arbitrary
described by Shemer et al. (2021). Bacterial concentration in relative light units (RLU), either as the difference in the intensity
the beads, which were kept at 4oC, was ca. 1.5 × 105 cells per of the signal in the presence and absence of the inducer (ΔRLU)
bead. Solid matrix was prepared using 800 μl per well of LB- or as the response ratio, the luminescence in the presence of the
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2021) 105:4329–4337 4333

inducer divided by that in its absence. Detection sensitivity of the Random mutagenesis and DNA shuffling
bioreporters to DNT is presented as the EC200 value, representing
the DNT concentration at which the response ratio is equal to 2 As described under “Materials and methods,” the 2P promoter
(Belkin et al. 1997; Belkin 1998). was subjected to three rounds of error-prone PCR, each
followed by a DNA shuffling step. The first round of muta-
genesis yielded ca. 1100 colonies harboring mutated plas-
mids, while the second and third rounds yielded ca. 1500
Results colonies each. Following each round, a preliminary screening
assay identified several strains harboring mutated plasmids,
Basal activity of the fused promoters the responses of which towards DNT were superior to the
parental plasmids. The plasmids from these transformants
The DNA shuffling procedure described above has been applied were extracted, sequenced, and transformed into an E. coli
to modified versions of the two E. coli gene promoters previously host with a deletion of the pykF gene (Baba et al. 2006;
shown to be induced by DNT, fused together to form a ca 600 bp Shemer et al. 2020), along with the pACYC-yhaJ-G2 plasmid
long sequence: C55 (an enhanced version of the yqjF gene (Supplementary Figs. S1, S2).
promoter, Shemer et al. 2021) and P2G2 (an enhanced version The main improvements in the first two mutagenesis
of the azoR gene promoter). The response to DNT of the com- rounds were reflected by enhanced detection sensitivity (not
bined construct, prior to subjecting it to the DNA shuffling proce- shown), an effect which may partially be attributed to the
dure, is compared in Fig. 1 to that of the two individual promoters, lower background luminescence that characterized these
fused to the same reporter cassette. Signal intensity of the com- clones, and a resulting increase in response ratios. The third
bined promoter (2P) in response to DNT was higher than that of round of mutagenesis resulted in the isolation of several
azoR but lower than yqjF (Fig. 1a); in terms of the response ratio clones that, in addition, exhibited increased signal intensities,
(Fig. 1b), activation of the fused promoters by DNT was practi- while maintaining low background activity. The best of these
cally identical to azoR, both being lower than yqjF. mutated promoter clones, denoted 65, exhibited a 3-fold lower
detection threshold than the original clone (an EC200 value of
0.06 ± 0.002 mg/L, compared to 0.18 ± 0.006 mg/L). Figure 2
compares the performance of this plasmid with that of its
parent 2P plasmid, displaying the DNT-dependent response
of both bioreporters in terms of signal intensity (Fig. 2a) and
response ratio (Fig. 2b). The significant increase in the re-
sponse ratio was a direct result of the decrease of background
luminescence in variant 65: after 5 h of exposure, for example,
luminescence of the uninduced control was 230,000 RLU for
the 2P-based reporter but <9000 RLU for the 65-based one.
The promoter regions of selected clones from all three mu-
tagenesis rounds were sequenced and aligned against the 2P
parental plasmid (Fig. 3). The average mutation rate in the first
two mutagenesis rounds was 4.25 mutations per clone, and 8
mutations per clone in the 3rd round.
In an attempt to further improve DNT detection, we
have fused the best performing promoter among the
third round clones, variant 65, to two additional lux
gene cassettes, derived from Aliivibrio fischeri (luxAf)
and Photobacterium leiognathi (luxPleio). This resulted
in further background reduction, while maintaining a
high signal intensity, leading to further improvement in
Fig. 1 Responses to DNT of the combined yqjF/azoR gene promoters
the detection limit. This is demonstrated in Fig. 4,
(2P) and of the two individual promoters. P. luminescens luxCDABE which displays the EC200 value of each of the three
gene cassette (luxPl) served as the reporting element for all constructs. bioreporters and the signal intensity at that DNT con-
Maximal signal intensity (a) and response ratio (b) in the course of a 5-h centration. This result is in accordance with earlier data
exposure are displayed as a function of DNT concentration.
Luminescence intensity is displayed in the plate reader’s arbitrary relative
highlighting the advantages of luxAf and luxPleio over
light units (RLU) or as the ratio to the uninduced control (response ratio) luxPl (Photorhabdus luminescens), especially at temper-
atures below 30°C (Shemer et al. 2021).
4334 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2021) 105:4329–4337

Fig. 4 Responses to DNT of the promoter variant 65, fused to three lux
reporter cassettes: Photorhabdus luminescens (Pl), Aliivibrio fischeri
(Af), and Photobacterium leiognathi (Pleio), at 27 °C. Results are
presented as signal intensity (ΔRLU, maximal value over 5h) at a DNT
concentration equal to EC200, plotted against the EC200 value

Responses to DNT on a solid matrix

For testing the responses of the bioreporters to traces of DNT on

a solid matrix, they were immobilized in 1.5-mm hydrogel beads
(2% alginate, 1% polyacrylic acid), and placed in a single layer
Fig. 2 Responses to DNT of promoter 65, obtained in the third round of over LB-agar in the wells of a 24-well microtiter plate. Figure 6 a
random mutagenesis/DNA shuffling, in comparison to the parental pro-
is a photographic image acquired 7 h after placing the encapsu-
moter (2P). Maximal signal intensity (a) and response ratio (b) in the
course of a 5-h exposure are displayed as a function of DNT concentra- lated sensor cells on top of the agar; the progressive increase in
tion. Luminescence intensity is displayed in the plate reader’s arbitrary signal intensity from the C55 promoter to the 65 promoter and
relative light units (RLU) or as the ratio to the uninduced control (re- then to the 65 promoter with the improved RPS sequence is
sponse ratio)
clearly observed. The response ratio (Fig. 6b) and detection sen-
sitivity, as reflected by the EC200 value (Fig. 6c) remained basi-
Modifications in the ribosomal binding site cally unmodified in this genetic background. The development
of the bioluminescent signal over the 11:40 h experiment is
A modified RBS, optimized as described under “Materials and shown in supplementary movie S1.
methods,” has been introduced into variant 65; its responses to
DNT have been compared to that of this construct with its native
RBS, as well to those of the yqjF C55 promoter. From the results
presented in Fig. 5, it may be observed that the RBS modification Discussion
has caused a marked increase in signal intensity, apparent even in
response to a low DNT concentration (0.12 mg/L), which was Two E. coli gene promoters have previously been shown to be
about 70-fold higher than that of the 65-based strain with the induced by DNT, the volatile “signature chemical” of buried
unmodified RBS sequence and 30-fold higher than the C55- TNT-based landmines: yqjF (Yagur-Kroll et al. 2014) and
based strain (Fig. 5a). At the same time, a minor increase in the azoR (Henshke et al. 2021). In the study described herein,
EC200 value was observed (Fig. 5b). we have fused these two gene promoters together; while this

Fig. 3 Sequence alignment of

selected representatives from the
three random mutagenesis rounds
with the parent 2P sequence.
White bars represent mutations
located in the full-length 2P
promoter. Full sequence
alignment is presented in
supplementary Fig. S6
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2021) 105:4329–4337 4335

Fig. 5 Effect of the RBS modification on the response to DNT of Luminescent signal in response to a single DNT concentration (0.12
promoter variant 65, compared to the yqjF C55 promoter, with mg/L). b Signal intensity (maximal value over 5h) at the DNT
P. leiognathi’s luxCDABEG gene cassette as the reporter. a concentration equal to EC200, plotted against the EC200 value

fusion did not offer a significant advantage as a DNT sensing effect of both of these changes has been to increase the response
element over its individual components (Fig. 1), further mo- ratio (luminescence in the presence of DNT divided by that in its
lecular manipulations have turned it into a considerably im- absence) by over an order of magnitude in the presence of 1 mg/
proved sensor. These manipulations included three rounds of L DNT and over 2-fold for 0.1 mg/L. This, in turn, has allowed a
error-prone PCR combined with DNA digestion and 3-fold lower DNT detection threshold. Both operational
reshuffling (Fig. 2), changing the lux reporter gene cassette parameters—luminescence intensity and detection threshold—
(Fig. 4) and modifying the ribosomal binding site sequence were further improved by switching the reporter genes from the
(Fig. 5). The final construct, when encapsulated in alginate P. luminescens luxCDABE cassette to the P. leiognathi
beads, displayed superior DNT detection over a solid agar luxCDABEG genes. Modification of the RBS sequence has led
medium (Fig. 6). to a yet stronger DNT-induced signal, without compromising
DNA shuffling has been demonstrated to be a powerful detection sensitivity.
tool for enhancing the performance of proteins (Stemmer Regarding the mutations obtained by the three rounds of
1994a; Stemmer 1994b), but employing this approach for DNA shuffling, it may be noted that some third round clones,
the enhancement of promoter activity was addressed to a such as 20, 65, or 71 (Fig. 3), could be generated only by
much lesser extent, probably due to the relatively short DNA mixing the DNA of the first two mutagenesis rounds followed
sequence that characterizes gene promoters (Wright et al. by DNA shuffling; a simple error-prone PCR would not be
2005; Ranjan et al. 2012). Once this problem was solved by capable of generating these combinations. This emphasizes
the fusion of two promoters in tandem, the method proved its the strength of DNA shuffling as a tool for increasing variabil-
efficiency also for sensor design, generating a DNT-sensor var- ity. Interestingly, the mutations found were neither in the −10
iant characterized by a higher luminescence intensity as well as nor in the −35 regions of either of the two joined promoters. In
by a reduced background (uninduced) signal. The combined addition, two of the clones of the third generation (65 and 71)

Fig. 6 Effect of an RBS modification on the responses to DNT of panel a was obtained with a Sony α7SII camera equipped with a 28-mm
promoter variant 65, with P. leiognathi’s luxCDABEG gene cassette as lens (10-s exposure, f=2, ISO=5,000). Data in panels b and c were derived
the reporter, using alginate-encapsulated sensor cells. a Plates imaged in a from an identical plate incubated in a microtiter plate reader (Infinite®
dark cell after 7h). b Luminescence response ratio as a function of DNT 200 PRO, Tecan). Both sets of measurement were carried out in parallel at
concentration. c Signal intensity at the DNT concentration equal to EC200 room temperature
(maximal value over 5h), plotted against the EC200 value. The image in
4336 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2021) 105:4329–4337

were mutated in the ATG start codon of the azoR gene (Fig. Conflict of Interest The authors declare no competing interests.
S6). The specific effects of each of the individual mutations
have yet to be determined.
Actual DNT concentrations above buried landmines are high- References
ly variable (MacDonald et al. 2003), depending upon landmine
Altamirano M, Garcia-Villada L, Agrelo M, Sánchez-Martin L, Martin-
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Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation herein.
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Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human 6, Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory, US Army
participants or animals performed by any of the authors. Corps of Engineers.
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