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1/23/24, 4:08 PM The Art of Exceptional Living - Life Changing Ideas | Reaching Aspiration

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Purpose, Wealth, Success



The Art of Exceptional Living –
Life Changing Ideas
 18th March 2018  Dave Colley  Aspiration,
Purpose, Success, Wealth  Leave a Comment

A Better You:
12 Challenges
in 12 Months

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1/23/24, 4:08 PM The Art of Exceptional Living - Life Changing Ideas | Reaching Aspiration

As part of my reading for my Personal MBA, I am 2.9k views

documenting the key lessons I learnt from The Art of

Exceptional Living . It is not intended to be a summary or Hack that
review, rather a reflection of how the book has influenced Mortgage – 7
my thinking. I recommended the audible version, if you Levers to
haven’t yet signed up, they give you a free trial. Otherwise reduce a 25
it’s probably available for free on Youtube, I prefer year mortgage
Audible as it is easier to digest and more convenient. to just 8 years
This is now my number one resource on My Personal
Philosophy and Principles which I am drafting. It is How I found
brilliant, balanced and practical. So much crammed into sleep again (Or
less than 5hrs. did it find me?)
– My routine to
I came across this when I was reviewing Josh
overcome a
Kaufman’s – The Personal MBA recommended reading
decade of
list. Jim Rohn mentored two of my favourite digital
mentors, Tony Robbins and Darren Hardy, they
personally accredit much of their success to him. No
further endorsement needed. Do you
understand the
This is a (the) classic in personal development. It is not
power of the
some silver bullet that worked for someone, it contains
timeless fundamentals. I have been reading extensively
for a few years now. Factoring in recency bias, this is
now my new number one recommendation. Very few of
the ideas were new to me as I’ve seen diluted versions
The Oxygen
before. They were clearer and more coherent though.
Advantage –

Typically I listen to audiobooks while walking and Learning to

commuting, I listen at 1.3x, which I find to be a Breath Better

comfortable speed. I then stop to take note of key
points in Evernote, which then become the draft for my
A simple three
blog posts.
part Financial
I couldn’t do that with this book. There was too much Plan Checklist
value. I had to switch down the speed 1.3x to 1x. I could for South
Africans 2/13
1/23/24, 4:08 PM The Art of Exceptional Living - Life Changing Ideas | Reaching Aspiration

only listen to it while stationary and I could actively take starting their
detailed notes. road to
I’ve included some of my notes, but I suggest you
just listen to it. The original cassettes were recorded by
Jim himself and his humour, sincerity and conviction
are obvious. Are you
Average, Good
Why this audiobook
or Excellent? –
I am building and synthesizing an ambitious vision for The effort is
my impact on the world, it will be large in scale, high the same
impact. I expect that during my journey it will be easy 2.2k views

for my confidence to waiver. To slip back into a job that

covers my needs, even one that I enjoy and I get to Kick starting

make a positive impact. That would be comfortable. my year with

focus – The
I know I need to make sure that my philosophy and Daily Stoic
conviction are strong enough to fight the uncertainty, Journal
those that might drag me down, the inevitable failures 2.2k views
and doubters.
When breath
Most of all, I want to live an exceptional life.
becomes air –

My notes: Seize the Day

– 7 Lessons on
This is not my typical blog post, as the thoughts are life being short
clearer in his own words. 1.8k views

“Work harder on yourself than your job.” Then you

bring more value to everything, your job, your family,
your relationships.

Self sacrifice is not noble. Self investment is,

become more value. Bring that to the party.

Ideas are transferable. Regardless of dreams. Ideas

help you solve the combination lock to success. It is
closer than you think. 3/13
1/23/24, 4:08 PM The Art of Exceptional Living - Life Changing Ideas | Reaching Aspiration

Inspiration is a mystery – excuses -> some use,

some overcome. With the same communication. Some
mock, some don’t understand, some believe.

Take the simple approach – sometimes things

happen, accept you don’t know why. People who mock
and laugh are the mockers and laughers. Don’t try to
understand it all.

Be thankful of what you already have, to get the

most out of today. Being cynical locks away your

Listen well. Be a good student. Take good notes.

This is one of the reasons I keep a blog. It creates an
accountable method of reflection which interrupts the
process of forgetting.

Don’t be a follower, be a student. Take and listen to

advice, not orders.

Fundamentals are key. The basics. There are no new

fundamentals. Be sceptical of anyone who says they
have new fundamentals.

Success doesn’t come from doing extraordinary

things, it comes from doing simple things

There are a half dozen things that make 80% of the

difference. Often less. Identify these six things and go
to work on them.

Pursue Wealth and happiness – however you define

them. Action is needed.

Discipline – A positive word. It bridges between

thought and accomplishment. (My philosophy –
prioritisation, focus, habits and compound effect)

If you are ill, you start a health plan, if you are broke,
start a finance plan. Start a plan. Get a book for your 4/13
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new library. Today. Put some money into your wealth

plan. Today. Today. Today. Get some momentum. Break
away. Like a rocket taking off.

Success is a journey and a destination.

Your personal philosophy will determine your

outcome. Not circumstances. Same circumstances,
different results. Philosophy or luck?

What are bad decisions now going to cost finances

and health in the future.

Success – a few simple disciplines practiced every

day. Everything affects everything else. Nothing stands
alone. Every let down affects the rest. Every new one
affects the rest.

Learn from your own experiences and those of

others. Read, listen.

Leaders are readers. At least 30 minutes of learning.

Every day. This needs to be balanced. Good and evil.
Not just inspirational.

10% inspiration, 90% perspiration.

Not what happens, it’s what you do about it.

Don’t wish it was easier. Wish you were better.

Need to be more valuable to the marketplace (also

called reality).

Don’t major in minor things.

Success is not something you do, it’s something you

become. Same thing happens to two people. One gets
rich, the other doesn’t. It is not what happens, it is what
you do.

Take good care of your body. You only have one.

More careful with what your animals eat. Than yourself. 5/13
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God looks on the inside. People look on the outside.

Shouldn’t, but do. Live with it. Appearances matter.

It is frustrating that people who need the help most,

don’t want it. I’ve come to realise there is a reason they
need it. I now focus of giving opportunity. Strangely it is
usually people who are 80% there, looking for a final

Philosophy needs to be strong enough for you to

defend it. It will be challenged and fail, if you don’t
reinforce it.

4 Major lessons: Circumstances are Seasons

“You shouldn’t give circumstances the power to rouse

anger, for they don’t care at all.” – Marcus Aurelius

Life and business are like the seasons. You can’t

change the seasons. You can change yourself. Learn to
work with them.

Learn how to handle the winters. Some are long,

some are short. They always come. You can’t change
them. You can get stronger, wiser, better. Don’t wish it
was summer. – wish you were better.

Learn how to take advantage of the spring

(opportunity). They will come. That is guaranteed.
Opportunity follows difficulty. Take advantage. Plant in
the spring or beg in the autumn. Get busy quickly. Don’t
let it pass.

Learn how to nourish and protect in the summer.

Prevent the intruder taking it from you. All good will be
attacked. All valued must be defended.

Learn to reap in the autumn without complaint. Take

full responsibility for what happens to you. If you have
done well, no apology. Not done well, no complaint. 6/13
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Let go of self imposed limitations:

Procrastination – enough of those days will

compound. Drifting in the wrong direction.

Blame – the ego trying to defend itself. Prices are

too high, has been a go to for decades.

Excuses – what are you going to do. Don’t do

anything, it will be the same. What can you do? What
will you do?

Setting? (To update the next time I listen)

5 abilities for personal development (a verb)

Ability to absorb– be like a sponge. Don’t get

through the day, get from it. Wherever you are, be there.
Take pictures with your heart, mind.

Learn to respond– let the emotion strike you. Our

emotions need to be as developed as the intellect. Is
linked to absorbed. < I blog

Ability to reflect – go over text read, the day. Capture

that day. I’m not doing this, a mate does this with his
son as a way of bonding. Reflect regularly, end of the
day, end of the week. end of the month, end of the year.
When we don’t do this and we wonder why we don’t feel
like we are progressing, could be because we are and
missing it or not learning. Make the past, more valuable.
Invest it in the future.

Ability to act – not hastey if not required, but don’t

lose to much time, take a first step when the emotion is
high. Set up a discipline when the emotion is high and
the idea is strong. Law of diminishing intent.

Ability to share – share what you learn. The more

you do. The more your capacity grows. 7/13
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Financial Independence- ability to live from the income

of your own personal resources.


The person you become is determined by the

ingredients you put it. Influence. People around you. We
know positive influence is good, not enough focus on
negative influence.

Three key questions:

Who am I around?

What are they doing to me? What have they got me

doing, thinking, feeling, saying?

Is that okay?


Disassociation may be essential to save the quality

of your life

Limited association – casual time, minor. Limit.

Expanded association- more time with the right


Find association on purpose. Digital mentors. Different

people for different things. Small daily changes add up.


Need someone to ask the right questions. Strive to be

the person that people of substance want to be around.
Attract valuable people, by being attractive



Investment 8/13
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Gifts and sharing




Skills to develop



Learn how to set goals – dreams of the future

Reasons first, then the answer comes

What gets you inspired? What turns you off.

Goal setting

Decide what you want

Write it down

Don’t set them too low.

Don’t compromise, don’t sell out

That’s it. Set the kind of goals that will make you better
in achievement. Goals affect everything you do. Goals
should be fun and rewarding. Don’t buy someone else’s
view. Plan or settle for existence. Make a living or
design a life. Greatest value is not what you get, it’s
what you become.

Goal Exercise:

Set goals with specificitivity. The more specific, the

clearer and stronger the pull.

Long range goals:- 9/13
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What do I want within the next 1-10 years – 50

things, not in detail, thoughts pour. As long as you can.
Managed 30. Then need write the number of years to
accomplish. Then pick out 4 most important 1, 3, 5, 10.
– 16 goals. Describe each of these in detail, why it is
important (if you talk yourself out of it, great), reflection.
Schedule to review, it is a live continual process.
Want to do

Want to see

Want to be

Want to have

Where to go

Like to share

I found this hard, partly because I’ve done so much

already. I have been on this journey for 3 years. Some
things seem too hard, “but that would take 5 years”,
don’t I wish I had started 5 years ago, well, otherwise I
will sound like I am stuck on repeat.

Checks for goals list:

Do I need to rebalance – More 1s, 3s, 7s etc.? –

Need to have some in the planning phase.

Does it include, 3 important categories:

Economic – Income/profits/productivity

Material items – tangibles, don’t attached the

wrong value to materials, but recognise they are

Personal development – Fit, decisive, language


I bucket these as WISH (Wealth, Individual, Social,

Health) 10/13
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Need to love the process. Willing to do what I need to, to

get what I want.

Short term goals (confidence builders) – next year.

Personal MBA

Athlete experiment – Diet -> Running fat burning ->

Parkour -> Wing Chun

Frugal minimalist

What kind of person will I have to become to get all that I


Cultivation of lifestyle – need to live moment by


Learning how to live. Be happy with what you have,

while in the pursuit of what you want. Style of giving,
seeing, enjoying. Live with style. The arts. Give, it
doesn’t need to be expensive, give creatively with

More money will only make you more of what you are.
Get you there quicker.

Can’t just focus on happy, negative is normal, it’s to be


The day that turns your life around:

Disgust – For me, it was when I couldn’t tie my

shoelaces. Helps if you can add an act.


Desire – sometimes waits for a trigger

Resolve – I will…until…

Last word 11/13
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Learn to help people with their lives, not just their


If you work on your gifts, they will make room for


Questions to ponder:

Why try?

Why not? What else are you going to do?

Why not me?

Why not now?

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