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2023 in Review

Generative AI
hossam-eldin @codewello

One year after ChatGPT's

launch, hailed as a "Neutron
Bomb" in AI by Dan Jefferies,
the pace of AI progress has
been fast. This highlights key
moments from ChatGPT and
generative AI in the past year.
hossam-eldin @codewello

ChatGPT - The start of revolution

ChatGPT, launched by OpenAI

on November 30, 2022, quickly

garnered over a million users

within five days, showcasing

significant public interest.

hossam-eldin @codewello

ChatGPT - The start of revolution

Built on OpenAI's GPT-3 models,

ChatGPT generates human-like
responses to diverse prompts,
enabling users to engage in
conversations and request
tasks such as summarizing
articles, writing code, or
composing essays and poems.
hossam-eldin @codewello

Launch of GPT-4

In March 2023, OpenAI

introduced GPT-4, an enhanced
version of its language model,
surpassing GPT-3 with 1.76
trillion parameters (compared
to GPT-3's 175 billion).
hossam-eldin @codewello

GPT-4 exhibits a 40%

improvement in accuracy and

hallucination mitigation,

showcasing advancements. It

excels in various natural

language tasks, including

summarization, translation,

essay writing, and question

hossam-eldin @codewello

ChatGPT Plugins
hossam-eldin @codewello

Introduced in March 2023,

ChatGPT plugins enable

external data access and

specific actions such as flight

bookings. Initial developers

include Expedia, Slack, and


hossam-eldin @codewello

Custom Instructions in
hossam-eldin @codewello

Custom instructions for

ChatGPT were beta-launched

in July 2023 exclusively for

ChatGPT Plus subscribers. This

enabled Plus users to give

continuous guidance, shaping

ChatGPT's responses across

conversations without the

need to repeat instructions for

every prompt.

hossam-eldin @codewello

ChatGPT Advanced Data


In August 2023, ChatGPT

Enterprise launched Advanced

Data Analysis, enhancing the

existing Code Interpreter

plugin to provide quick

insights from data for both

technical and non-technical

hossam-eldin @codewello

In the following months,

Advanced Data Analysis

remained accessible with

ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise

subscriptions, offering

enhanced data analysis

capabilities compared to the

free ChatGPT model, though

access remained restricted.

hossam-eldin @codewello

Launch of DALLE-3
hossam-eldin @codewello

In October 2023, OpenAI

introduced DALL-E 3, the latest

breakthrough in AI text-to-

image generation, significantly

improving accuracy in

translating written prompts

into images.

hossam-eldin @codewello

OpenAI’s First-Ever Dev

On November 6, 2023, OpenAI's
Dev Day showcased significant
milestones. CEO Sam Altman
introduced GPT-4 Turbo,
Assistants API, custom GPTs,
and the GPT Store in the
hossam-eldin @codewello

The event showcased

significant advancements in

capabilities and flexibility,

including enhanced models,

new APIs, and the GPT Store.

OpenAI empowers developers

and users to customize AI to

their specific needs,

reaffirming its leading role in

driving the AI revolution.

hossam-eldin @codewello

GPT-4 Turbo

GPT-4 Turbo, OpenAI's latest

text-generating AI, is the next-
gen version of GPT-4, unveiled
at Dev Day. It comes with
multiple enhancements
compared to the March 2023
release of the original GPT-4.
hossam-eldin @codewello

GPT-4 Turbo, trained on data

up to April 2023, offers more

current knowledge compared

to GPT-4's September 2021

data. With support for larger

context sizes (up to 128,000

tokens), it enhances

understanding and generates

more thoughtful responses.

hossam-eldin @codewello

hossam-eldin @codewello

GPTs, or custom AI models,

enable users to create

personalized versions of

ChatGPT for specific use cases

without coding. Introduced at

Dev Day, GPTs let users

combine instructions,

knowledge sources, and skills

to build customized AI agents.

hossam-eldin @codewello

GPT Store
hossam-eldin @codewello

The GPT Store revolutionizes

AI access, enabling easy

creation and distribution of

specialized ChatGPT versions

(GPTs) without coding. It offers

a platform for verified

builders to share, monetize,

and promote GPTs through

search and leaderboards, with

future plans to earn money

based on usage.

hossam-eldin @codewello

OpenAI Sam Altman's

Firing and Rehiring
OpenAI's co-founder, Sam
Altman, was abruptly fired by
the board on November 17,
causing a stir due to his
pivotal role in ChatGPT's
hossam-eldin @codewello

OpenAI employees revolted,

demanding Altman's

reinstatement to preserve the

organization's mission. Seizing

the opportunity, Microsoft

attempted to hire Altman and

other employees for a new AI

initiative, putting OpenAI at

risk. In a surprising turn,

OpenAI's board reinstated

Altman as CEO just five days

after his dismissal.

hossam-eldin @codewello

Google Bard launches

In February 2023, Google

launched Bard, an AI chatbot
using LaMDA and PaLM 2
LLMs. Unlike ChatGPT, Bard,
with reasoning, coding, and
multilingual abilities, retrieves
information directly from the
hossam-eldin @codewello

LLaMA open-source

language models

Introduced in July 2022,

Llama 1, an open-source

conversational AI model with

7 billion parameters on

GitHub, showcased strong

conversational abilities for

hossam-eldin @codewello

A year later, Meta and

Microsoft unveiled Llama 2 in

July 2023—a next-gen model

with 70 billion parameters.

Optimized for Windows and

Azure cloud, Llama 2 features

enhanced content filtering for

safety and enables more

advanced reasoning


hossam-eldin @codewello

Pandas AI

In June 2023, the pandas

Python library enhanced its
capabilities by incorporating
AI features. With Pandas AI,
users can easily summarize
data frames using natural
hossam-eldin @codewello

And create complex

visualizations, manipulate

dataframes, and gain valuable

business insights. This

beginner-friendly tool enables

even those with limited

technical knowledge to

perform advanced data

analytics tasks, facilitating

faster analysis and

meaningful conclusions.

hossam-eldin @codewello

Mistral 7B open-source
language model
Mistral AI, a Paris-based
startup, released Mistral 7B
in September 2023. This
open-source language model,
with 7 billion parameters
hossam-eldin @codewello

Delivers high performance

surpassing larger proprietary

models like Meta's Llama 2 13B

across various benchmarks.

Its smaller size makes Mistral

7B more accessible and

flexible for developers and

organizations creating custom

AI applications.

hossam-eldin @codewello

Stable Video Diffusion

Stability AI launched the
Stable Video Diffusion
research preview on
November 22, 2022. It's their
debut video AI model that
creates short animated
videos from static images,
expanding on the popular
Stable Diffusion image
generation model.
hossam-eldin @codewello

The SVD and SVD-XT versions

produce 14-frame and 25-

frame videos, respectively,

with frame rates ranging from

3 to 30 fps. The models were

trained on a vast dataset of

millions of videos, followed by

fine-tuning on hundreds of

thousands to around 1 million


hossam-eldin @codewello

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