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This template is the copy & paste starting point but small customizations are made based
upon the specifics of each agreement.

The Label Machine, and any of its instructors are not attornies and this should not be taken as
legal advice. We cannot be held liable for any ramifications of your use of this template.

If you have the ability to get a quick consultation with an attorney to get a stamp of approval
on your version of the remix agreement we recommend doing that.

Please delete this page before once you have read the disclaimer.

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Record Label Address

This Agreement is made the day of 20XX.


(1) [Record label name] of [Address] (“Label”) and

(2) Real Name professionally known as artist “Artist Name” of [Artist’s address in bold]

Remixing as: [Artist Name]

Type of Agreement: Remix Agreement

Track (S) Title: [Full Track Name]

Territory: World

Term: Life of Copyright

Formats: Vinyl, Cd, Digital and mobile (all formats known or

hereafter created)

Royalty Rate: 50% share of net receipts on revenue derived from

sales of remix only [If remix fee paid instead of
royalty rate change Royalty Rate to Remix Fee]

Publishing: No publishing share

Accounting: Ninety (90) days after 30 June and 31 December

Compilation requests: It is agreed that artist and artist management will be

informed of any compilations prior to approval. If
artist or management does not reply within 72 hours
of the notification the label has consent to secure the
deal in good faith.

Release Commitment: Within 6 months from receipt of Delivery Materials.

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Auditing: You will have the audit Label’s books and records
relating solely to the exploitation of Masters once per
calendar year. Statements shall not be capable of
challenge or objection by Artist within 2 years after
the relevant statement was rendered. If audit reveals
an underpayment exceeding 10% or $2000,
whichever is the greater, of the amount due to Artist
for the audited period, Label shall reimburse Artist’s
reasonable costs of such audit (excluding travel,
accommodation, and subsistence) up to a maximum
of $1,000 [If artist is paid upfront Remix fee,
remove Auditing section]

Grant of Rights: You grant and license to us all copyright and any
other rights in all singles or other recordings (‘The
Masters’) made hereunder to include the right to
manufacture sell and otherwise exploit and license to
others the same audio and audio-visual devices
(whether known or hereafter created) embodying the
Masters (‘Record(s)’) and to perform and broadcast
the Masters in any manner and in all media (whether
now known or hereafter created) and to recompile,
remix and re-edit the masters.


The Artist warrants and agrees that:

1) You have the right to enter into this Agreement and to grant the rights granted in
this agreement.

2) You have the ability to perform the obligations required in this agreement and that there
are no subsisting licenses for the masters in the territory nor will you grant the same.

3) You have obtained all waivers, clearances and consents necessary for us to exploit
and utilize the Masters in any way.

4) You understand that you are not entitled to mechanical or performance related royalties
under this agreement and you waive the right to collect any if applicable.


1) We shall initially release the single on the Label, however, we may at any later date
release the remixes under any name, trademark or label which we or our subsidiaries,
affiliates or licensees may select.

2) Neither Artist nor any other person shall release the remix.

3) We have exclusive and unlimited rights throughout the Territory to use and publish, and to
permit others to use and publish, Artist’s approved name (including any professional name
heretofore or hereafter adopted by Artist), and approved photographs, portrait, likeness, and
biographical material concerning Artist for advertising and trade purposes SOLELY in
connection with the Remixes, including, but not limited to, in the marketing, sale or
other exploitation of remixes.

You hereby understand the above terms and enter this agreement having been advised by
Label to seek legal advice.

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This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties relating to this subject and may only
be varied or modified by a written document signed by both parties.

[This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of
England whose courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.]


[This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of California and any dispute
shall be settled in the state or federal courts located in the city of Los Angeles, CA.]

Please confirm your acceptance of these terms by signing below where indicated.

[Artist’s full name]


For and on behalf of

[Record Label Name]

Signature ______________

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