OBS GYN Wateen 6th Year 2023

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OBS GYN wateen 6th year

Q incubation period of rubella

Q neisseria gonorrhoeae regimen

1 gm IM single dose ceftrixone

Q. Pt choose active management of labor

What to choose
Oxytocin 5 iv
Oxytocin 10 Im
Oxytocin iv infusion
Answer : Oxytocin 10 Im

Gestational cholestasis all true except

1. Lft every 2w
3. Us and NST to predict/prevent fetal mortality
5. Recurrence up to 90 %
Ans 3

Q. Gestational thrombocytopenia one is false

Maternal bleeding *
Plt >70,000
3rd trimester
Resolve postpartum 1 m
Mcc of skin infection post cs
Staph *

One of the following statement is right regarding fetal wellbeing:

- detailed anomaly scan usually done at 18-22 week

Most common pop

Ant wall *

Q pt 48 multigravida came with incontinence

What is the most likely cause
Stress incontinence
Urge incontinence

Pt with incontinence, choose the first investigation to do

UA , culture *

Pop score third raw

3 , 0 , -7 dx??
Third degree rectoccele
Amniocentesis at ?
After 15 w

All features regarding turner syndrome is true except?

- endocrine hyperthyroidism *
- the rest of options same as slides

Endometrial hyperplasia with atypia ?


Cord prolapse RF except

Post date / term
Ans most likely post date

Endometrial thickness of 15mm , next appropriate step?


All false about soft marker except:

Ventriculomegaly (10mm or greater)

Gestation DM : 40+6
Name of criteria of pcos: Rotterdam

GDM F/u :
- FBG 6-13 week *
- oGtt 6- 13 week
- oGtt at 13 week
- FBG at week

DM monitoring after delivery :

Fasting glucose 6_13 week

Molar pregnancy: p57

2 GDM cases
Pt w fhx of gdm who underwent fasting and OGTT which show
hypercalcemia, choose the right mx
Exercise insulin +- metformin

Other q about postpartum sugar measurement , when to back for sugar

level measurement?
Fasting sugar 6-13 w postpartum

High risk of crvaical ca except :HPV 40

A pt was dx w GDM, many many things the summary is that on lab test
it reveled
FBG 7mmol
And 2hour 8.9 mmol
Appropriate ttt?
Diet , exercise insulin-/+ metformin

Question about EDD

A pt was dx w GDM, many many things the summary is that on lab test
it reveled
FBG 7mmol
And 2hour 8.9 mmol
Appropriate ttt?
Diet , exercise insulin-/+ metformin

Regarding primary amenorrhea which of the following is wrong ;

Absent breast with high FSH : CAIS

Q about calculating the Ovulation day of a 33 long cycle ?


Wrong about eclampsia

- complicate 15% of preeclampsia*
All below required criteria for vaginal delivery of a breech baby except:
- The fetal head is extended *

All true except: decrese TBG in pregnancy

Criteria for vte in pregnancy

1- well criteria
2-modeifed well criteria ***
3- Sydney

All are true about transfusion through placenta except

Insulin can cross placenta ***

There was a question regarding the guidelines of something I can’t

remember it’s name :
- I think the answer was increase the number of readmission

Risk factor for endometrial cancer ?

induce ovulation by tomaxifin
All increase risk for vulvar cancer
Early menapuse

All with non immune hydrops except:

Cardiovascular disease
Twin to twin transfusion syndrome
Red cell alloimmunization

Rubella IgG+ and igM + :

Acute infection
Chronic infection

According to androgen antagonist all true except:

-5a reductase more potent than others
-2ry monotherpy or combination with OCP in sever cases
- can be combined to prevent feminization to male fetus
-all can be combined prevent feminization to male fetus

Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome and ophthalmia neonatorum:

Risk factor for cord prolapse except:
Low birth weight

Vulvar White discharge and epidermis atrophy

Lichen sclerosis

Most common ca of cervix


False about hyperemisis gravidarm :

not associated with ketosis

Most common histological type of cervical ca : SCC

HPV 16 +18 cause 50% of all cervical ca

Sth about anal sphincter injury asking about the wrong statement
Mediolateral episiotomy increase the risk
False about thyroid :
T4 20 time more than T3
Bound to (TBG) =70%
Stimulation of TSH receptor by HCG
anti epiliptic not enzyme induced :

Not caused by IUGR:


false about IUGR :

cause hyperglycemia

Very old female who had prolapse not improved with pessaries:
Do nothing?
Surgery idk what it was?

One is incorrect about prolapse:

Procedentia is only anterior vagina

90y female with urine leakage

difficult to used pessaries :

Right order is
Descent/flexion/internal rotation/extention
Suspected ectopic pregnency with 2*2*2 fluid in peritoniuem, what to

oxytocin : antidiurtic effect

Decreases in normal pregnency:

Tidal volume
Vital capacity
Functional inspiratory volume
Answer: vital capacity?

Most common part to prolapse:

Answer: vagina?

Female with confirmed miscarriage, she was stable

What is best thing to do?
Expectant (wait 7-14 days)

Q about hirsutism and its management, what is false?

All drugs you should give with them OCP to prevent fetus Feminization
Q about white, ithcy vulvar lesion, with atrophy of epidermal and
hyalinization of dermal. Most likely Diagnosis:
Lichen sclerosus

Regarding physiology changes in pregnancy, which is incorrect: increase

inspiratory reserve volume

Q about thrombocytopenia in pregnancy, which is false:

-mild it platelets more the 70,000
-resolve within 1-2 months after delivery
-can't differentiate btw ITP & Gestational Thrombocytopenia
-CTG and US is reliable method for monitoring the baby
-Female typically present with Vaginal bleeding

84 female with vaginal vault prolapse after hysterectomy what to do?

-Vaginal sacrospinous fixation
-abdomial surgery
-Colpocleisis (answer)

Regarding fetal Membrane Transfer (sth like that) which is incorrect:

- glucose and cortisol freely pass through placenta
-Insulin can pass through placenta (answer)
Ovarian torsion manegment:
-untwesting with fixation the ovary
What is right:
Endometrial cancer increase with age

Associated with ovarian cancer:

primary Breast cancer

Simple endometrial hyperplasia in PCOS patient,what the

-Anovulatory cycle

most common association with endometrial hyperplasia.

Vomiting,blood pressure 146/95 Protine +1,manegment,31 gestational

-admission and see if she need antihypertensive drug.
-labetalol,corticosteroids,plan for delivery
-reassess her 2-3 times per week.

What is right:
-placenta abruption diagnose by US
-placental abruption can have NORMAL vaginal delivery
-major PPH more than 500ml
PPH manegment,except:
IV fluid
Keep the patient warm and flat
-prepare her for hysterectomy

Preaqustation instrument,except:
- full bladder

Most common cause of multipara prolonged labor fetal malposition

In follicular phase the estradiol and inhibn B

What is wrong:
HRT decrease vertebral fracture but not hip fracture

What is right:
HRT increases breast and ovarian cancer in 35 women.

All cause primary ovarian fauiler except:


What is right about precious puberty?

-macune Albright central cause
-central cause due to hypotrphin 75% of the causes

cervical dilation 1cm and thickness 1 cm station 0 cervix soft what is

best next mx ?
Oxytocin and and amniotomy
Membrane sweeping

About hirsutism one is true

Terminal hair growth due to increase androgen production only
Vellum hair growth due to hereditary only

Fibroids prevelance:
70% in white women and 80% in black women

AUB manegment: Mirena

Question about what wrong about Methotrexate:

- Methotrexate use because trophoblast cell regenerate in high rate.
-Methotrexate cause increase miscarriage after use it in ectopic

CTG detect all except?

-mother heart rate*
-fetal heart rate
-mother contraction

What is right about contraceptive?

-she can use breast feeding exclusively without presence of vaginal
bleeding as a tool for contraception.

In young female patient with AUB,what should I order?

-coagulation studies

Regarding COVID-19 in pregnancy, which is incorrect:

COVID-19 infection is an indication for CS

The name of criteria for diagnosing PCOS: Rotterdam

Name of VTE diagnosis Criteria:

modified Wells

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