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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education Mumbai

Government Polytechnic, Yavatmal

Program Name
Computer Engineering
Course Name
Operating System(OSY-22516)
Overview of Operating system
Subtopic - 1.2
Different types of Operating System

B P Bhagat
Lecturer in Computer Engineering
Course Outcomes
After Completion of Operating System (OSY) course, students will able to:

a. Install Operating System and configure it.

b. Use Operating System tools to perform various functions
c. Execute process commands for performing process,
management operations
d. Apply scheduling algorithms to calculate turnaround time and
average waiting time
e. Calculate efficiency of different memory management
f. Apply File management techniques
Contents and Learning Outcome
1.2 Different Types of Operating systems-
̶ Batch Operating System
̶ Multi Programmed OS
̶ Time Sharing/Multitasking OS
̶ Multiprocessor System
̶ Real Time System
̶ Distributed System
̶ Mobile OS (Android, iOS)

Learning Outcome(LO 1b)

Explain characteristic of the given types of Operating System.
Batch Operating System

• In this system, there is no direct interaction between user and the computer.

• The user submit a job to an operator.

• Job consist of Program, input data, Control instruction.

• Operator places a batch of several jobs on an input device.

• Jobs are batched together by type of languages and requirement.

• A special program, monitor manages the execution of each job.

• The monitor is always in the main memory for execution.

B P Bhagat
Batch Operating System
• In batch operating system,
– Firstly, user prepares his job using punch cards.
– Then, he submits the job to the computer operator.
– Operator collects jobs from users and sort jobs into batches with similar needs.
– Operator submits the batches to the processor one by one.
– All the jobs of one batch are executed together.
• I/P devices- card readers and tape drives.
• O/P devices -line printers, tape drives, and punch cards.

Batch1 Batch2
User 1 Job 1
Job7 CPU
Job 1
User 2 Job 2 Job4
Operator OS
Job5 User
Compiler Programs
User n Job n Compiler

B P Bhagat
Batch Operating System
̶ Jobs executes one after another saving time.
̶ During a batch execution no manual intervention is needed.
̶ It is easy to manage large repeated work easily.
̶ Multiple users can share the batch systems

– Limited memory.
– Difficult to debug program.
– If any job fails, other jobs have to wait for an unknown time.
– No priority concept.

B P Bhagat
Multiprogrammed Operating System

• A single user cannot keep either the CPU or the I/O busy at all times.
• Multiprogramming means more than one process in main memory to execute.
• Process generally required CPU time and I/O time ,so if running process perform I/O or
other event then instead of sitting idle, CPU makes context switch and picks other
process and continues.
• No CPU time is wasted by the system waiting for the I/O task to be completed.
• Thus, the ultimate goal of multi programming is to keep the CPU busy as long as there
are processes ready to execute.
• e.g Lawyer B P Bhagat
Multiprogrammed Operating System
• Advantages
̵ High CPU utilization.
̵ Efficient memory utilization.
̵ Less waiting time, response time hence throughput increased.
̵ May be extended to multiple users as load is high.
• Disadvantages
̵ Difficult to scheduling.
̵ Main memory management required.
̵ Memory fragmentation.
̵ Paging

B P Bhagat
Time shared or Multitasking Operating System
• In this, the CPU time is shared by different
• Time slice is defined by the OS, for sharing CPU
time between processes.
• The CPU executes multiple jobs by switching
among them, but switches occurs so fast that user
can interact with all of the programs.
• It allows many users to share the computer
• When a process executes, it executes for short
time or fixed time before it either finishes or needs
to perform I/O.
• It uses CPU scheduling algorithm.
• Examples: Windows, Multics, Unix, Linux etc.
B P Bhagat
Time-Sharing OS

• Advantages
– Each task gets an equal opportunity.
– Less chances of duplication of software.
– CPU idle time can be reduced.
• Disadvantages
– Reliability problem.
– One must have to take care of security and integrity of user programs
and data.
– Data communication problem.

B P Bhagat
Multiprogramming Vs Multitasking OS
Multiprogramming OS Multitasking OS
In multiprogramming, multiple processes runs Multitasking is when more than one task is
concurrently at the same time on a single executed at a single time utilizing multiple
processor. CPUs.
It is based on the concept of context switching It is based on the concept of time sharing.
Multiple programs resides in the main memory It enables execution of multiple tasks and
simultaneously to improve CPU utilization so processes at the same time to increase CPU
that CPU doesn’t sit idle for a long time. performance.
It utilizes single CPU for execution of processes. It utilizes multiple CPU for task allocation.
It takes more time to execute the processes. It takes less time to execute the task or
The idea is to reduce CPU idle time for as long The idea is to allocate multiple processes to run
as possible. simultaneously via time sharing.

B P Bhagat
Multiprocessor Operating System
• System has two or more processors in a close communication, sharing the
computer bus, memory ,clock and other peripheral devices.
• A Multiprocessor system also known as Parallel System or Tightly
Coupled System.
• Systems are used when very high speed is required to process large
volume of data.
• It provides higher computing power and speed.
• In multiprocessor system all processors operate
under single operating system.
• Two types of Multiprocessor Systems are:
– Asymmetric
– Symmetric

B P Bhagat
Asymmetric Multiprocessor OS
• In asymmetric multiprocessing, each processor is assigned a specific task.
• A master processor controls the system;
• Other processor follow master for instruction or predefined tasks.
• This defines master-slave relationship.
• All multiple interconnected CPUs are not treated equally.
• Master processor schedules and allocates work to
slave processors.
• Task assigns to CPU based on priority and
importance of task completion.

B P Bhagat
Symmetric Multiprocessor OS

• SMP means that all processors are peers.

• No master-slave relationship.
• Each processor perform all tasks within Operating System.
• Two or more identical processors are connected to a single, shared main memory.
• It has full access to all input and output devices.
• E.g Solaris, a commercial version of UNIX designed by Sun Microsystems.
• All modern OS Windows, Mac OS X and LINUX provide support for SMP.
B P Bhagat
Multiprocessor Systems
• Advantages
– Increased throughput: By increasing number of processors more work done in less
– Economy of scale: Multiprocessor systems can cost less than multiple single
processor systems, because they can share peripherals, mass storage and power
– Increased reliability: If functions distributed properly among several processes
,then if one processor fails, the system will not halt.
• Disadvantages
– Increased Expense.
– Large Main Memory Required.
– It is more complicated to schedule processes and impart resources to processes
than in single processor systems.

B P Bhagat
Symmetric Vs Asymmetric Multiprocessor OS
Symmetric Multiprocessor OS Asymmetric Multiprocessor OS
In symmetric multiprocessing, all the In asymmetric multiprocessing, the
processors are treated equally. processors are not treated equally.
Tasks of the operating system are done Tasks of the operating system are done by
individual processor. master processor.
All processors communicate with another No Communication between Processors as
processor by a shared memory. they are controlled by the master processor.

In symmetric multiprocessing, the process is In asymmetric multiprocessing, process are

taken from the ready queue. master-slave.
Symmetric multiprocessing systems are Asymmetric multiprocessing systems are
costlier. cheaper.
Symmetric multiprocessing systems are Asymmetric multiprocessing systems are
complex to design. easier to design.

B P Bhagat
Distributed Operating System
• It is a collection of physically, heterogeneous computer system connected
via network to provide the users with access to various resources.
• Access to shared resources increases computation speed, functionality, data CPU
availability and reliability.
• A network is a communication path between two or more systems. I MEMORY CPU
– Networks vary by the protocols used, the distance between nodes and MEMORY K D
transport media MEMORY
– TCP/IP, ATM and other protocols.
– Networks are characterized based on distances i.e LAN, MAN and
WAN. Communication
– Processors communicate with each other through various Network

communication lines (like high-speed buses or telephone lines). CPU

– Media includes copper wires, fiber strands, wireless transmission
between satellites, microwave dishes and radios.
• These are known as loosely coupled systems or distributed systems. CPU

• Multiple central processors are used to serve multiple real-time D

applications and users. MEMORY S
• Data processing jobs are distributed among the processors.
• NOS used are Windows server 2003,2008,2012,Ubuntu,
Linux (Apache Server) B P Bhagat
Distributed operating systems
• Advantages
– Higher performance than a centralized systems.
– Tolerate node failure.(More reliable)
– Enable Sharing of resources.
– Reduction of load on host computer.
– Reduction of delay in data processing.

• Disadvantages
– Security problem due to easy access to all data.
– More complex than a centralized systems.
– Network saturation may cause a hurdle in data transfer.

B P Bhagat
Real time system
• It is defined as a data processing system in which the time interval required to processed and response
to input is so small that it controls the environment.
• It is used when rigid time requirement placed on the operation of a processor or the flow of data.
• The system is subjected to real time, i.e. response should be guaranteed within a specified timing
constraint or system should meet the specified deadline or system fails.
• The ability of OS to provide a required level of service in a bounded response time.
• RTOS responds to system immediately(Response time)
• RTOS is categories into two types:
– Hard Real Time System
– Soft Real Time System
• e.g: Traffic Control signal, Flight control system, Real time monitors etc.
• It occupy very less memory and consume fewer resources.
• Response times are highly predictable.
• Performance is important factor required to be considered
while selecting for a RTOS.
• Drawback of RTOS it concentrates on a few tasks.

B P Bhagat
Hard Real time system
• It has stringent requirement guaranteeing that critical real time tasks be
completed within deadline.
• This type of system can never miss its deadline.
• Missing the deadline may have disastrous consequences.
• A Hard RTOS has time-critical deadline that must be met;
otherwise catastrophic situation or failure may occur.
• Require formal verification/guarantees to meet its hard deadline.
• In this secondary storage is limited or missing and data is stored in ROM. VM not
• Examples:
– Air traffic control
– Missile launching system
– Satellite control system
– Nuclear power plant control
– Air Bag controls in car
– Flight controller system.
B P Bhagat
Soft Real time system
• It is less restrictive, providing that a critical real-time task will receive priority over
other task and retain priority until it completes.
• This type of system can miss its deadline occasionally.
• Missing the deadline have no disastrous consequences.
• Modern OS can serve as a base for Soft RTOS.
• Examples:
Personal computers
Multimedia transmission and reception
Networking, Telecom(Cellular) network
Websites and services
Computer Games
Telephone switches.

B P Bhagat
Mobile Operating System
• The Operating system made for mobile devices is mobile operating system .
• It is software that allows Smartphones, tablet PCs (personal computers) and
other devices to run applications and programs.
• Modern Mobile OS mix the features of PC operating system with many other
features such as touch screen, video cameras ,voice recorders, Bluetooth,
Infrared, Wi-Fi , GPS mobile navigation, speech recognition etc.

B P Bhagat
Android Mobile Operating System
• It is developed for Android Smart Phones and Tablets by the
Open Handset Alliance, primarily Google.
• Founded in Palo Alto, California in October 2003 by Andy
Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears and Chris White.
• Android is Linux based OS and a Java virtual machine both
optimized for small platforms.
• Android apps are developed using a special Java-for-Android
development environment and support java applications.
• Open-source OS, as opposed to iOS, which has lead to its
• It support optimized graphics VGA, 2D graphics and 3D
graphics .
• It supports wireless communication using :3G,4G
networks,802.11 Wi-Fi Networks, Bluetooth connectivity.
Fig. Architecture of Android
B P Bhagat
Android Mobile Operating System
• Advantages
- Android can run multiple apps at the same time.
- Android has better app market.
- It has more options to fit to our budget and you can change your setting faster.
- Android keeps information visible on your home screen. Also users can
customized home screen style.
- Google Integration.

• Disadvantages
- Android operating system uses more amount of battery as compared
to normal java and Symbian mobile phones.
- It has some security related issues.
- As we call Android is world of application we continuously need to
connected with the internet which is not possible for all the users.
B P Bhagat
Versions of Android

 Andriod 5.0 and 5.1 (Lollipop) 2014

 Andriod 6.0 (Marshmallow) 2015
 Andriod 7.0 and 7.1 (Nougat) 2016
 Andriod 8.0 and 8.1 (Oreo) 2017
 Andriod 9.0 (Pie) 2018
 Andriod 10.0 2019
 Andriod 11 (Beta) June 2020
B P Bhagat
iOS Mobile Operating System

• It is a mobile OS created and developed by Apple Inc. for iPhones, iPads and iPods.
• It runs with less memory and computing power needs than Mac OS X.
• Supports touch screen interface and graphics for small screens.
• iOS is not open source.
• Apple app store for ios app.
• Mobile Safari

B P Bhagat
iOS Mobile Operating System
• Advantages
– Better App Revenue.
– Security of Enterprise Data.
– High-Quality Standards.
– Apps for all business needs.
– Established Customer Base.

• Disadvantages
– Apple Ecosystem. The Apple Ecosystem is both a boon and a curse. ...
– Overpriced. While the products are very beautiful and sleek, prices for apple
products are too high.
– Less Storage. iPhones do not come with SD card slots so upgrading your storage
after buying is not an option.

B P Bhagat
Symbian Windows

• Symbian is an OS for mobile devices such as

smartphones. • It is a mobile OS developed by Microsoft,
• First released in 2002 and powering most used in Smart Phones released on October
Nokia Symbian devices. 21, 2010 referred to as Metro.
• It was originally developed by Symbian Ltd, but is • Internet Explorer is the default browser that
currently maintained by Nokia(Today by Microsoft)
comes with Windows mobile.
• It has a graphics toolkit known as AVKON.
• Symbian was the first mobile platform to make use of • It contains Office Mobile –a suite of mobile
WebKit browser. version of Microsoft Office.

B P Bhagat

"Operating System Concepts, Ninth Edition“

Abraham Silberschatz, Greg Gagne, and Peter Baer Galvin
Thank You!!!

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