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Recommended word limit is 1500 to 2500 words, in Calibri font, 12 size.

The report must have a properly

filled front sheet, a Proper Table of content using Microsoft office tools, references in the end, and the
plagiarism report summary sheet picture. However, there is no penalization on exceeding or going under
the word limits if the concept is clearly communicated without any ambiguity. Your research should be
referenced using the Harvard referencing style in citation and bibliography.

Task 01

You are working as a business analyst in an organization of your interest, and you have been asked to
prepare a report which includes the following points: Note: Select an organization that has gone
through drastic organizational change like Netflix, IBM, Google, Tesla, Amazon etc and make sure to
link every theoretical point to your selected organizational context

Prepare a report

 Explain organization change and drivers which cause changes in the organization
 You are required to support your arguments using range of contemporary real-life examples
of organization change within the organization or the industry and how it impacts the
organization aims and objectives. Compare, contrast, and analyze the organizational divers
which bring changes in the organization using PESTLE and impact of technologies in the
change process. Based on the research provide recommendations that would minimize the
impact of organization change on organization behavior.
 Analyze the effects of alterations on people, groups, and organizations along with the
repercussions of change as well as its psychological effects on people
 You are required to add in the report the impact on group dynamics and leadership and
management styles with the impact of position and perception on various, either negative
or positive, views of change. Support your critical claims with the process of anticipating
change and proactively planning for it using systems theory, systems leadership, and
continuous improvement models. The report should consist of the many approaches to
coping with change that include impact analysis methods, such as those proposed by
Bohner and Arnold. Conclude the report with stakeholder analysis and communication's
significance in transformation and how the Burke-Litwin paradigm is used to streamline and
improve the change process.

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