Hospital Management System Synopsis

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Hospital Management

The objective of the “online hospital management system” is to simply track the knowledge of
all the staff, patients, treatment provided, and prescription and also to produce periodic reports
for analysis. The main goal of the software is to make a decent management tool. The main
purpose of this software is to cut back the time taken through the manual system so as to take
care of all the records. This project is helpful to cut back the time and quality of maintaining
the records. It also helps the incorrect maintenance of patient and patient details. This project
has GUI primarily based software system that can facilitate storing, updating, and retrieving
the information through varied user- friendly menu-driven modules.

Hospital management system is an Web Application will help the company to be more efficient
in registration of their patients and manage appointments, records of patients. It enables doctors
and admin to view and modify appointments schedules if required. The purpose of this project
is to computerize all details regarding patient details and hospital details.

The Hospital Management System can be entered using a username and is
accessable by an Admin, Doctor & Patient .only they can add data into the database. The data
can be retrieve easily. The data are well protected for personal use and makes the data
processing very fast. Hospital management System is powerful, flexible and easy to use and is
designed and developed to deliver real conceivable benefits to hospitals.

The project Hospital Management System includes registration of patients, storing their details
into the system by using database. The software has the facility to give a unique id for every
patient and stores the details of ever patient manually. Admin can view availability of the detail
of doctor using the username & detail of patient using contact no.

In this Project Hospital Management System Only Admin is able to operate all functions(View
Doctor, View Patient, Appointment Details, Prescription Detail, Add Doctor, Delete Doctor,)

Patient’s Account After making an appointment for the very first time, the user can log in to
the system and check their appointment status. By default, each appointment is set to pending
status. Which later, the doctor should approve or reject it in order to start their treatment
process. Also, the patient can remove their appointments anytime. From a patient’s panel,
he/she can update their profile, view treatment records, and prescription records. Under the
treatment section, a patient can view all the records such as treatment type, doctor’s name, date,
and total charge. Similarly, the prescription section displays the date, name, and quantity of the
medicines with the total bill charge.

Doctor’s Pannel each doctor will have their own personal account which lets them access the
system. Here, the doctor can view all the pending appointments. Each appointment has options
that allow the doctor to approve or reject them. After approving the appointment, the doctor
can view the patient’s profile and appointment record. For the rest, the doctor has to maintain
each by filling up their treatments. In order to set a treatment record, the user has to select
a treatment type, description, date, and upload treatment files.
After the completion of treatment records, the doctor can now proceed towards the prescription
section. For the prescription, the doctor has to select available medicine and date.

To manage visiting Hours, Patients, Income Report, and Services are Additionally, a doctor
can set up their visiting hours by selecting starting and ending times. In terms of patients record,
the doctor can view all the available patients with their respective information. When comes to
income report, each doctor will have their own consultancy charge. And these consultancy
charges are shown with respect to their number of patients. As a result, these sections will
display the doctor’s total earnings. Besides, the doctor can list their services which include their
respective department’s attachment to the patient’s name, and treatment details.

Admin panel on the other hand, the admin has full control over the system. He/she can view
all the existing records of the hospital. An admin can manage patients, doctors, their
departments, treatment types, and medical records. An admin has the right to register a doctor’s
account. For this, the admin has to set the doctor’s account under various hospital departments
too. The admin can view all the appointment records too. Also, the admin has to maintain
billing records for each patient’s treatment. In order to maintain the payment of each patient,
the user has to enter the discount amount and the reason for it. After the payment, the patient
can view all the reports from their own personal accounts.
This software will help the company to be more efficient in registration of their patients and
manage appointments, records of patients. It enables doctors and admin to view and modify
appointments schedules if required. The purpose of this project is to computerize all details
regarding patient details and hospital details.


1. Cardiologist - treats heart disease.
2. Pediatrician - treats infants, toddlers, children and teenagers.
3. Plastic Surgeon - restores, reconstructs, corrects or improves in the shape and appearance of
damaged body structures, especially the face.
4. Psychiatrist - treats patients with mental and emotional disorders.
5. Ophthalmologist - treats eye defects, injuries, and diseases
6. ENT- Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist.
• SRS: Software Requirement Specification.
• DFD: Data Flow Diagram.
• ENT- Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist.
• BG - Blood group
✓ Appt – Appointment.
✓ Sign up - Creating New User.

✓ Log in - Logging in Existing User.

✓ Ph No - Mobile number.
✓ Addr – Address. ✓Expr – Experience.
• The system automates the manual procedure of managing hospital activities.
• Doctors can view their patients’ treatment records and details easily.
• It even generates an instant bill.
• The system is convenient and flexible to be used.
• It saves their time, efforts, money and resources.
• Reduced readmissions and rehospitalization rates.
• Reduced medical errors
• Centralized administrative control
• Intelligent analytics with automatically generated reports
• Reduced turnaround time
• Improved access to patient data
• Secured hospital data
• Enhanced communication between the patient and the hospital
System Interfaces
❖ User Interfaces
▪ This section provides a detailed description of all inputs into and outputs from the system. It
also gives a description of the hardware, software and communication interfaces and provides
basic prototypes of the user interface. ▪ The protocol used shall be HTTP.
▪ The Port number used will be 80.
▪ There shall be logical address of the system in IPv4 format.
❖ Hardware Interfaces
▪ Laptop/Desktop PC-Purpose of this is to give information when Patients ask information
about doctors, medicine available lab tests etc. To perform such Action it need very efficient
computer otherwise due to that reason patients have to wait for a long time to get what they ask
▪ Laser Printer (B/W) - This device is for printing patients’ info etc.
▪ Wi-Fi router - Wi-Fi router is used to for internetwork operations inside of a hospital and
simply data transmission from pc’s to sever.
❖ Software Interfaces
▪ JDK 1.8 - Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to data centers, game consoles to
scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet,
▪ Mysql server - Database connectivity and management
▪ OS Windows 7/8/8.1- Very user friendly and common OS
▪ JRE 1.8 - JAVA Runtime Environment for run Java Application and System

System Specifications
• H/W Requirement
 Core i5 processor
 2GB Ram.
 20GB of hard disk space in terminal machines
 1TB hard disk space in Server Machine
• S/W Requirement
 Windows 7 or above operating system
 JRE 1.8  Mysql server


LEVEL – 2 Registration

LEVEL – 2 Login
LEVEL – 2 Make Appointment

LEVEL – 2 Doctor Module

LEVEL – 2 Payment

LEVEL – 2 Cancel Appointment

LEVEL – 2 Patient Module
The system will be used as the application that serves hospitals, clinic, dispensaries or other
health institutions. The intention of the system is to increase the number of patients that can be
treated and managed properly. If the hospital management system is file based, management
of the hospital has to put much effort on securing the files. They can be easily damaged by fire,
insects and natural disasters. Also could be misplaced by losing data and information.

In the fast-paced healthcare landscape of 2024, the benefits of a Hospital Management System
(HMS) cannot be overstated. Streamlining administrative tasks, enhancing patient care, and
optimizing resource utilization are among the key advantages of implementing an Hospital
Management System.

Working on the project was an excellent experience. It helped us to understand the importance
of planning, designing and implementation so far we have learnt in our theory books. It helped
us unleashing our creativity while working in a team. It also realized the importance of team
working, communication as a part of this project.

The project was successfully completed after a lot of efforts and work hours. This project
underwent number of compiling, debugging, removing errors, making it bug free, adding more
facilities in Hospital Management System and interactivity making it more reliable and useful.

This project focused that scheduling a project and adhering to that schedule creates a hard sense
of time- management. It has also let us known that co-operative teamwork always produce
effective results.

The entire project has been developed and deployed as per the requirements stated by the user.
It is found to be bug free as per the testing standards that are implemented.

The estimated cost of the project is (efforts) 12 and the estimated size of the project is (FP)

There are also few features which can be integrated with this system to make it more flexible.
Below list shows the future points to be consider :
• Getting the current status of patient.
• Including a different module for pharmacy, LAB, Bed Allotment and many more.
• Including a Frequently Asked Questions Section.

Finally, we like to conclude that we put all our efforts throughout the development of our
project and tried to fulfill most of the requirements of the user.

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