100 IELTS BAND-9 VOCABULRARY - @rafiq - Alghozali

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By Muhammad Ardia Rafiq Al Ghozali


Sourced from “Cambridge IELTS Consultants”

No Vocabulary Meaning Example

The ability to work hard but also People are working long hours these days,
1 Work-life Balance enjoy a good quality family and and so their work-life balance is affected,
social life leading to stress.
In several developing countries, pay
2 Pay Increments Pay rises/increases increments have been very low because of
the financial crisis.
Any form of money payment Being a primary teacher may be satisfying,
3 Financial Rewards
(salary, commission, pension etc) but the financial rewards are not high.
I get a lot of job satisfaction from my work
Enjoyment of a job for non-
4 Job Satisfaction at the wildlife centre, although the financial
financial reasons
rewards are quite low.
The problem with being a freelance
The ability to advance your photographer is that there’s no real career
5 Career Progression
career progression, unless you become very
I remember an interview when the
The possibility of promotion or employer told me there were excellent job
6 Job Prospects
higher-level work in future prospects in their firm for young people. In
reality, this was not really true.
I remember being worried about my job at
Meeting at which an employer
Performance first, but at my six-month appraisal my
7 gives feedback to a worker on
Reviews/Appraisals manager told me she was pleased with my
their work over a fixed period
The total number of people The workforce in Northern Europe is
8 The Workforce working in an organisation, skilled, but it’s also inflexible and much
company or country older than in other parts of the world.
The department in a company When I graduate, I plan to work in the
9 Human Resources which manages recruitment, Human Resources area of the oil industry,
employment and training possibly in the Middle East.
Some employers offer vacations or parties
Any reward that makes people
10 Incentives as incentives if the team hits its sales
work harder
No Vocabulary Meaning Example

The curriculum in private schools is

The full range of subjects offered
11 Curriculum sometimes wider than in state schools,
by a school or group of schools
because they have more resources.
At my school, our grades were based 50/50
Exams where students answer set
Formal on formal examinations and continuous
12 written or spoken questions
Examinations assessment, which we thought was very fair
without assistance
to all the children.
At my school, our grades were based 50/50
Giving students marks for course
Continuous on formal examinations and continuous
13 work or projects, rather than
Assessment assessment, which we thought was very fair
formal exams
to all the children.
Academic The measurable performance of a In my country, children enjoy school, but
Achievement student in marks, exam results etc academic achievement is frankly quite low.
Some governments encourage further
Further Education after leaving school at
15 education by allowing teenagers to claim
Education the minimum age
benefits while they study.
When I pass IELTS, I plan to go on to higher
Higher Education after age 18 at college
16 education in Canada and do a degree in
Education or University, usually for a degree
Traditional lessons where the
Teacher-led In my country, lessons are still very teacher-
17 teacher delivers a long talk and
Lessons led and interaction is rather limited.
the students take notes
Autonomous At University, you are expected to be an
When a student learns through
18 Learning / autonomous learner far more than at High
independent study and research
Learners School, which is quite exciting for me.
Distance Learning by the Internet or email, My mother took an entire degree by distance
Learning rather than face-to-face learning over a period of five years.
To Marshal To organise facts in support of an In IELTS essays, you should marshal a few
Facts idea facts to support each idea in the argument.
No Vocabulary Meaning Example

People who have children living

in their existing family for a fixed Being a foster parent is a difficult and tiring
21 Foster Parents
period, with the original parents’ role, I can imagine.
In some countries, the royal family are good
People that children look to and
22 Role Models role models for youngsters, although in other
respect as good examples
cases this is not the case.
Bullying could be reduced through better
When children attack and
23 Bullying awareness and positive peer pressure in
intimidate other children
A family where both the father In many countries, the dual-income family is
24 Dual-income
and mother work the norm nowadays.
The person who earns all or most In some families, the father is still the only
25 Breadwinner
of the money in a family breadwinner.
After-school Caring for children in a school Many families rely on after-school childcare
Childcare setting, as above because both parents work and commute.
The development of close
Festivals and parties are an ideal time for
27 Bonding / Bond emotional connections between
families to bond.
Unfortunately, some children absorb
Patterns Of Ways of acting and doing things
28 dangerous patterns of behaviour when
Behaviour (either positive or negative)
watching movies or playing computer games.
To raise and educate them in your I was well brought-up in a very religious
29 Well Brought-up own moral, behavioural or family, and I seem to have absorbed their
religious conventions values.
During the school holidays, my parents had
Basic rules governing the way
30 Ground Rules strict ground rules for what we could do
people can behave in a situation
No Vocabulary Meaning Example

The atmosphere in large cities is often

Pollution by poisons or dangerous
31 Contamination contaminated by smog, as we can see in
Children should be educated on the
The relationship between all
32 The Biosphere biosphere through field trips and practical
living things on the planet
Pollutant I remember going to a factory and seeing the
33 Microscopic elements of pollution
Particles snow covered with pollutant particles.
The process of filtering and Water filtration might be a solution to water
34 Filtration
removing impurities shortages in very hot countries.
Any material not wanted or In my country, we use waste from cotton
35 Waste
needed after a process manufacture for lighting fires.
Waste Recycling or reducing waste into My brother has a waste processing company,
Processing manageable forms which is subsidised by the local authority.
Destruction or disappearance of Logging has caused substantial habitat loss
37 Habitat Loss
an animal’s natural home for wildlife in many countries.
The food chain has been disrupted by the
The natural system of animals
38 Food Chain loss of certain species, with widespread
eating other animals and plants
impacts on all animals.
Dinosaur extinction may have been caused
The final death of all animals in a
39 Extinction by a meteor or volcano, but scientists seem
unsure about this.
A great disaster affecting many The continuing destruction of the rain forests
40 Catastrophe
people is a catastrophe for the global biosphere.
No Vocabulary Meaning Example

To protect and keep something,

The state preserves ancient buildings
41 To Preserve usually because it is valuable for
because they are part of our heritage.
some reason
Organised processions in public
In my home town, we have a military parade
42 Parades by groups of people, usually to
each year to mark our Independence Day
commemorate an event
The willingness to serve the
43 Public Duty Civil servants need a sense of public duty.
public or the state
Cultural Traditions carrying cultural Hospitality is a great cultural tradition in
Traditions importance Mediterranean countries.
To bring back memories or Our national flag evokes strong emotions
45 To Evoke
feelings whenever we see it.
A ceremony is similar to a ritual,
The government enters office with a long
46 Ceremonies usually involving people in
ceremony at the presidential palace.
The Fabric of The way that society is connected Drugs and crime are damaging the fabric of
Society and maintained society.
Art by famous or acclaimed Florence in Italy is a key destination for
48 Fine Art
painters lovers of fine art.
Folklore is a very effective media for
49 Media A way of communicating
transmitting our cultural heritage.
To Hand
Something Cultural values have been handed down for
To pass it from parents to children
50 Down (from one hundreds of years, but now they are starting
and to their children etc
generation to the to disappear.
No Vocabulary Meaning Example

A lifestyle where people sit for I used to keep fit, but since I started working
51 long periods and are generally as an architect my lifestyle had become
inactive mostly sedentary.
Inadequate Insufficient or obstructed growth If children smoke, this can cause inadequate
Development of the body development of their lungs and brains.
A lifestyle diet without sufficient Malnutrition happens due to a poor diet and
53 Poor Diet
nutrients lack of medical care.
Convenience Food which is cooked in its British and American people eat a large
Food packaging, usually in a microwave amount of convenience food.
The state of being unable to live Many young people are addicted to social
55 Addiction
without something media or Internet use.
Notices on cigarette or alcohol
Almost all countries have health warnings
56 Health Warnings packaging warning about the
on tobacco these days.
medical effects
We organised a marathon to raise awareness
To make people more aware of or
57 Raise Awareness of heart disease and ways to prevent it
caring about an issue
through exercise.
To Detoxify I went to a clinic to detoxify because I was
58 To remove impurities and poisons
Your Body eating too much fatty food.
A lifestyle with proper exercise The government tries to promote an active
59 Active Lifestyle
and fitness lifestyle, but this is not successful.
To To perform below your peers or My football team are underperforming badly
Underperform expectations this year.
No Vocabulary Meaning Example

Economic Or A rapid, unmanaged change in a

Economic instability causes many people to
61 Political country’s economy or political
move abroad to seek reliable work.
Instability situation
Riots, protests or fighting by the Social unrest is spreading from the
62 Social Unrest public against each other or the countryside to the cities, and the police are
government not responding.
I could not go to the college reunion because
63 Pressing Matters Urgent, important issues of more pressing matters at home with my
Joblessness among older people is actually
64 Joblessness A synonym for ‘unemployment’
higher than among recent graduates.
Economic The future possibilities for a The economic prospects for very small
Prospects national economy countries are quite positive these days.
The ability of people to progress
The greatest aid to social mobility is good
66 Social Mobility in terms of salary, lifestyle and
education and training.
social status
Private businesses, as opposed to I definitely want to work in the private sector
The Private
67 ‘the public sector’ meaning state- after I graduate. It is a more stimulating
owned or controlled services environment than the public sector.
The start of a widespread problem The outbreak of COVID was a great concern
68 An Outbreak
such as disease or conflict for doctors globally.
The tendency to have a long-life Japanese people have perhaps the highest
69 Longevity
expectancy longevity in the world.
The economy of my country faces an
70 A threat to existence or life existential threat from collapsing oil
No Vocabulary Meaning Example

Money to pay for an activity, My home town secured investment from a

Investment or
71 either from government or charity for a new stadium, and funding from
business a local company for sponsorship.
Able to handle high volumes of Sea container ships are high-capacity
72 High-capacity
goods or people international freight providers.
Centres where many routes Heathrow airport is the largest transport
73 Transport Hubs
converge hub in Europe.
My home city has many amenities such as
Places providing any service to
Facilities and swimming pools and parks, and several
74 the public, either private or public
Amenities facilities for elderly people such as care
A situation where too many Hong Kong has managed its overcrowding
75 Overcrowding
people try to live in one place problem very skilfully.
I live in the hinterland of our capital city,
The area around a city affected by
76 Hinterland where we regularly go for shopping and for
its development
work projects.
To move and live there
To Settle in a I was born in Asia, but my parents settled in
77 permanently, usually with work
Place the USA when I was very young.
and a family
The situation where a city expands Urban sprawl has resulted in the rapid
78 Urban Sprawl and buildings are constructed expansion of many Asian cities, with
without control or laws resulting damage to the environment.
Inner city housing is often overcrowded and
79 The Inner City The older, central part of a city
We should use tax incentives to encourage
Reductions in tax to encourage
80 Tax Incentives more people to try using their own solar
people to do or buy something
panels at home.
No Vocabulary Meaning Example

I used to live in an agricultural town, but

An area of a country where little
81 A Backwater frankly it was such a backwater that I moved
of interest happens
to one of the larger cities.
The long-term trend for people to Rural depopulation can cause huge
Rural migrate from the countryside to problems with local infrastructure, as there
Depopulation cities, leaving the rural areas with aren’t enough people to run the services and
few people transport.
People who live in the countryside My parents were country dwellers when they
83 (‘city dwellers’ = people who live first married, but now we all live in a coastal
in cities) town.
Rural Unemployment affecting rural Rural unemployment has been ameliorated
Unemployment workers specifically by innovative Internet start-ups.
The industry of growing and When I graduate, I want to work for a
85 Forestry
cutting trees responsible forestry company.
Inland areas of water (rivers, My country is very arid and has almost no
86 Water Bodies
lakes, reservoirs etc) water bodies.
I worked on a project training smallholders
Farmers managing very small
87 Smallholders in South America in how to lobby politicians
farms, usually with their families
for reform.
I took a remote viewing tour of the
Viewing places by Internet, not in
88 Remote Viewing Metropolitan Museum in New York, and
found it very impressive.
The process of using different
Some smallholders do not practise crop
89 Crop Rotation fields each year to keep the soil
rotation, and so their land becomes infertile.
To affect (used for problems or Many forests in my area are afflicted by
90 To Afflict
diseases) wood disease which attacks the trees.
No Vocabulary Meaning Example

Trustworthy / In most countries, politicians are regarded as

91 Capable of being trusted
Untrustworthy untrustworthy and possibly corrupt.
The legal procedure of A murder trial can last for many weeks and
92 A Trial
prosecuting someone for a crime cost millions of Euros to conduct.
The percentage of accused people
Conviction Conviction rates for burglary are low; only
93 who are convicted of (= found to
Rates about 30% of trials result in a conviction.
be guilty of) a crime
He was sentenced to five years
94 Imprisonment Punishment by being in prison imprisonment for the armed robbery of a
The fine for speeding in my country is about
95 A Fine Money paid as a punishment
200 Euros.
Her community service consisted of cleaning
Community Punishment by doing manual
96 the town parks and sweeping litter in the
Service work for the public
The crime of giving money to
I had to bribe a customs inspector to get my
97 Bribery officials to get something done
luggage through the airport.
(verb = to bribe someone)
The police are not enforcing the laws about
To Enforce
98 To apply them to people dropping litter in public. They should arrest
more people for this.
We should discourage over-familiarity
When an official is too friendly
99 Over-familiarity between judges and lawyers, because it
with the public
could lead to corruption.
Following all the laws in a proper I am a law-abiding citizen. I never break the
100 Law-abiding
way speed limit or any other laws.

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