Edn - Chapter 1 Quiz

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CHAPTER 1 QUIZ: of events like hurricanes, floods, and

droughts, causing widespread devastation,

1. An occurrence that causes damage, ecological
loss of life, and damage to infrastructure.
disruption, loss of human life, deterioration of health
and health services on a scale, sufficient to warrant
BIODIVERSITY LOSS: Shifts in temperature
an extraordinary response from outside the affected
and precipitation patterns disrupt habitats,
leading to biodiversity loss and extinction
2. It is having the conditions which increase the threats, such as coral bleaching events
susceptibility of a community to the impacts of affecting sensitive ecosystems.
SECURITY: Climate change reduces
3. It is any phenomenon that has the potential to agricultural productivity due to changes in
cause the potential to cause disruptions or damage temperature, precipitation, and extreme
to people and their environment. HAZARD weather events, leading to crop failures,
4. It is the product of the possible damage caused by decreased yields, and increased food
a hazard due to vulnerability within the community. insecurity, particularly in vulnerable regions.
DISASTER RISK 18-20. Give at least 4 ways/practices by which
5. It is the systematic process of using administrative you can stop global warming as a citizen.
directives, organizations, and operational skills 17. REDUCE ENERGY CONSUMPTION:
capacities to and implement strategies, policies, and Conserving energy reduces the demand for
improved coping capacities in order to lessen the fossil fuels, which are major contributors to
adverse impacts of hazards and their potential to greenhouse gas emissions. You can do this
cause disasters. DISASTER RISK REDUCTION by using energy-efficient appliances, turning
Part II. Enumeration off lights and electronics when not in use,
1-3. List the 3 phases of a disaster. and properly insulating your home to reduce
1. PRE-IMPACT PHASE heating and cooling needs.
3. POST-IMPACT PHASE Support and invest in renewable energy
4-6. State at least 3 meteorological natural sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower.
hazards and disasters. Consider installing solar panels on your
4. STRORM home if feasible or choose renewable energy
5. CYCLONE options offered by your utility company.
7-11. Name the 5 most common disasters in the your carbon footprint by minimizing waste
Philippines. and recycling materials whenever possible.
7. EARTHQUAKES Reduce consumption of single-use plastics
8. FLOOD and opt for reusable alternatives. When
9. VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS disposing of waste, separate recyclables
10. STORM SURGES from trash to ensure proper recycling.
11. TYPHOON 20. ADVOCATE FOR CHANGE: Use your voice
to advocate for policies and practices that
12-16. Identify at least 5 effects of climate change promote sustainability and address climate
and global warming change. Support environmentally friendly
initiatives in your community, contact elected
12. RISING TEMPERATURES: Global warming officials to express your concerns about
increases average temperatures, leading to climate issues, and participate in climate
more frequent and intense heatwaves, activism and awareness campaigns. By
posing health risks, especially for vulnerable raising awareness and influencing decision-
populations. makers, you can contribute to larger-scale
13. MELTING ICE AND RISING SEA LEVELS: efforts to combat global warming.
Higher temperatures cause glaciers and
polar ice caps to melt faster, raising sea 21-23. State at least 3 impacts and effects of
levels and threatening coastal communities, disasters.
ecosystems, and infrastructure with flooding 21. LOSS OF LIFE AND INJURIES: Disasters
and erosion. lead to fatalities and injuries, varying in
14. EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS: Climate severity depending on the disaster's scale
change increases the frequency and intensity and preparedness measures.
PROPERTY: Disasters cause extensive harm
to buildings, roads, utilities, and other critical
infrastructure, disrupting essential services
and necessitating costly repairs.
Disasters disrupt communities socially and
economically, displacing populations,
destroying livelihoods, and exacerbating
inequalities, leading to instability and unrest.
24-25. Explain when does a hazard/event become
a disaster?
24. A hazard or event transforms into a disaster
when it overwhelms a community or region's
ability to cope, leading to significant adverse
impacts. Initially, hazards present threats, but
the severity of their impacts depends on the
existing capacity for response and recovery.
Once a hazard surpasses this capacity—due
to factors like magnitude or duration—it
escalates into a disaster. This transition is
marked by widespread consequences such
as loss of life, property damage, and
disruption of essential services.
25. In the aftermath of a disaster, challenges
arise in response and recovery efforts due to
limited resources and logistical hurdles.
Moreover, socio-economic vulnerabilities can
exacerbate the situation, hindering effective
management of the disaster's impacts. Thus,
a disaster emerges when the balance
between the hazard's severity and the
community's capacity to withstand it tilts
irreversibly, resulting in widespread
devastation and the need for extensive
recovery efforts.

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