HRTP Recommendations 1

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To succeed continuously, BMW adapts to the changing global economy as well as to

changing consumer needs. BMW is headed in the right direction. With rising Gas prices
worldwide, there is a positive attitude from BMW towards vehicles that are more
economical and environmentally friendly. BMW addresses this issue across its lineup, by
downsizing the engines in almost all of its models by taking advantage of turbochargers, to
achieve more power from smaller engines, and thus increasing fuel economy. Start stop
technology is also a feature throughout the model lineup. BMW is also addressing the issue
of congestion, and the need for smaller, more compact vehicles by introducing smaller
models, such as the 1-series and the 2-series. These entry level vehicles aim to be cheaper,
which may help with the brand perception, and allow them to gain some market share
from buyers looking for a quality car, but at a lower price point, one that matches American
and Japanese competitors. This trend can be seen when looking at both Audi and Mercedes
Benz too.

In doing this, BMW will be able to stay competitive in its market segment, throughout
Europe as well as globally. BMW has done very well lately in gaining market share in China,
which represents a lot of potential sales for the brand.

The future strategic position of BMW Group is based on maximizing the profits of the company and to
remain the premium luxury car manufacturer by looking into new areas of automobile industry. To
maximize profits, BMW will have to find clever ways to save costs. The mission statement of the
BMW Group says that the company is trying to reduce costs by reducing the number of
employees and introduce automation. BMW should investigate to reduce the manufacturing costs of
its cars. Audi has a future strategy that focuses on more investment in Research & Development to
investigate new areas of the automobile industry. B M W s h o u l d i n v e s t m e n t m o r e o n Research
& Development, and with innovation and technology, find ways of decreasing the
manufacturing costs of the car. This reduction in costs can be done by doing more effective Supply Chain
Management. A positive aspect of BMW Group's future strategy is investment in emission reduction
technologies. BMW Group is aware of the environmental hazards that are taking p l a c e i n
t h e w o r l d a n d i n v e s t m e n t i n t h i s a r e a w i l l l e a d t o a g r e a t e r n u m b e r o f customers for the
company. In future strategy, BMW Group should also look to make collaboration with other
major car manufacturers to remain the leader in the automobile industry and further enhance its
brand image.
BMW Group can further widen their strategy and look to add smaller cars like MINI Cooper and
increase volumes of smaller cars that are cheaper in price to the bigger cars

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