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Training and development

Increased Development
BMW can Increase their development by adding their deals volume, as this would
sale services and secure client loyalty. Deals training would help sale deals, as it
makes sure they do their job effectively.

Market Leader
BMW could increase request share by adding invention, as this would help
produce new products and services as well as developing products. Innovation
could also help develop how the business operates, to encourage this BMW could
train their staff through a development programed.

Business operations relate to conditioning that businesses engage in diurnal to
increase the value of the enterprise and earn a profit. This includes productivity,
Health & Safety, Workforce Flexibility, Modern technology, Internal elevations,
Employee Motivation & Performance.

Productivity measures how efficiently product inputs are being used to produce
given position of affair. adding productivity would lead to workers producing
better quality service and goods, which would help increase BMW’s profit and
growth. Giving staff productivity training would increase the platoon's
effectiveness and sale their chops so that they can produce better quality work.
Health and Safety
Under health and safety law, employers have a duty to consult with their workers,
or their representatives, on health and safety matters. Health and safety training
will contribute towards making your workers competent in health & safety, which
would reduce the threat of having accidents. In addition, the Health and Safety at
Work Act 1974 requires that BMW provides information, instruction and training
is demanded to insure, so far as is nicely practicable, the health & safety of your

Work force flexibility

A flexible pool describes a staff that's optimized for when it's demanded. This
inflexibility can mean multiple effects depending on the business. A flexible pool
could be a blend of full- time, part- time, and temporary workers for BMW. BMW
could train their directors to help them develop their performance operation
through director training and train their workers to help their communication
with communication training and development.

New product/ Service

As BMW is continually instituting and producing new products, which would mean
their workers would need training to enhance their knowledge on the new
products or services, for the products and services to be successful. Giving
training to staff on this would give the product more occasion to be successful
and give staff further confidence when dealing.

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