Agenda and Working Documents - CITES

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Home > Seventy-seventh meeting of the Standing Committee > Agenda and working documents

Seventy-seventh meeting of the Standing Committee

Geneva, Switzerland, 06 - 10 November 2023

Agenda and working documents

(All documents are provided here in PDF format)


Opening remarks of the Chair

Opening remarks of the Secretary-General

Administrative and financial matters

X. Agenda

X. Working programme

X. Rules of Procedure

X. Credentials

X. Admission of observers

X. Report of the Chairs of the Animals and Plants Committee

X. Standard disclosure form for Members of the Animals and Plants Committee

X. Financial matters

X.1. Annexes

X. Terms of reference of the Finance and Budget Subcommittee

X. Administrative matters

X.1. Report of the Secretariat

X.2. Report of the United Nations Environment Programme on administrative matters

X. Rules of Procedure of the Conference of the Parties

X. Emerging operational matters of the committees

X. Access to funding

X. Sponsored Delegates Project

X. Arrangements for the 20th meeting of the Conference of the Parties

Strategic matters

X. CITES Strategic Vision

X. Role of CITES in reducing risk of future zoonotic disease emergence associated with international wildlife trade

X.1. Report of the working group

X.2. Report of the Secretariat 1/5
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X. Cooperation with Multilateral Environmental Agreements and other international organizations

X. Cooperation with the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services,
including policy aspects of IPBES Assessment report on the sustainable use of wild species

X. World Wildlife Trade Report

X. CITES and forests

X. Language strategy for the Convention


X. Capacity-building

X.1. Implementation of Resolution Conf. 19.2

X.2. Capacity-building framework

X. Compliance Assistance Programme

X. CITES Tree Species Programme

CITES and people

X. CITES gender action plan

X. Engagement of indigenous peoples and local communities

X.1. Report of the working group

X.2. Report of the Secretariat

X. Livelihoods

X. Demand reduction to combat illegal trade


X. National laws for implementation of the Convention

X. National reports

X.1. Submission of annual reports

X.2. Revised Guidelines for the preparation and submission of CITES annual reports and Guidelines for the
preparation and submission of CITES annual illegal trade report

X.3. Revised Report format for implementation reports

X. Compliance matters

X.1. Implementation of Article XIII and Resolution Conf. 14.3 (Rev. CoP19) on CITES compliance procedures

X.2. Application of Article XIII

X.2.1. Expedited application of Article XIII for West African rosewood (Pterocarpus erinaceus ) for all range States

X.2.2. Application of Article XIII in Bangladesh

X.2.3. Application of Article XIII in Cameroon

X.2.4. Application of Article XIII in China

X.2.5. Application of Article XIII in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

X.2.6. Application of Article XIII in Ecuador

X.2.7. Application of Article XIII in European Union and United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland

X.2.8. Application of Article XIII in Guinea

X.2.9. Application of Article XIII in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic 2/5
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X.2.10. Application of Article XIII in Nigeria

X.2.11. Application of Article XIII in Viet Nam

X.3. Malagasy palisanders and rosewoods (Dalbergia spp.) and ebonies (Diospyros spp.)

X.4. Totoabas (Totoaba macdonaldi)

X.5. National ivory action plan process

X. Review of Significant Trade in specimens of Appendix-II species

X. Review of trade in specimens reported as produced in captivity

X. Possession of specimens of species included in Appendix I

Illegal trade and enforcement

X. Review of Resolution Conf. 11.3 (Rev. CoP19) on Compliance and enforcement

X. Enforcement

X.1. Enforcement matters

X.2. International Consortium on Combatting Wildlife Crime

X.3. CITES Big Cats Task Force

X.4. Wildlife crime enforcement support in West and Central Africa

X. Marine turtles (Cheloniidae spp. and Dermochelyidae spp.)

X. Asian big cats (Felidae spp.)

X. Jaguars (Panthera onca)

X. Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.)

Regulation of trade

X. Legal acquisition findings

X. Introduction from the sea

X. Purpose-of-transaction codes

X. Electronic systems and information technology

X. Stocks and stockpiles

X. Stocks and stockpiles (elephant ivory)

X. Transport of live specimens

X. Rapid movement of wildlife diagnostic samples and musical instruments

X. Specimens produced through biotechnology

X. Dialogue meeting for African elephant range States (Loxodonta africana)

X. Disposal of confiscated specimens

X. Labelling system for trade in caviar

Exemption and special trade provisions

X. Review of CITES provisions related to trade in specimens of animals and plants not of wild source

X. Review of Resolution Conf. 12.10 (Rev. CoP15) on Registration of operations that breed Appendix-I animal species
in captivity for commercial purposes 3/5
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X. Identifying information on species at risk of extinction affected by international trade

Species conservation and trade


X. West African vultures (Accipitridae spp.)

X. Elephants (Elephantidae spp.)

X.1. Report of the Secretariat on the implementation of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP19)

X.2. Financial and operational sustainability of the MIKE and ETIS programmes

X. Great apes (Hominidae spp.): Report on the implementation of Resolution Conf. 13.4 (Rev. CoP18)

X. Saiga antelopes (Saiga spp.)

Aquatic species

X. Eels (Anguilla spp.)

X. Sharks and rays (Elasmobranchii spp.)

X. Queen conch (Strombus gigas)


X. Products containing specimens of Appendix II orchids (Orchidaceae spp.)

Appendices of the Convention


X. Annotations

X. Implications of the transfer of a species from one Appendix to another

X. Information system for trade in specimens of CITES-listed tree species

X. Informal review mechanism for existing and proposed annotations

Nomenclature matters

X. Taxonomy and nomenclature of African elephants (Loxodonta spp.)

Conclusion of the meeting

X. Any other business

X. Determination of the time and venue of the 78th meeting

X. Closing remarks

X.1. Secretary-General

X.2. Chair

For general enquiries
For media enquiries 4/5
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Convention on International Trade in

Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

Disclaimer Frequently Asked Questions Contact Us 5/5

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