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Document for Procurement of Software

“Laboratory Information Management System” (LIMS)
for MPEDA Laboratories

Tender No.: LAB-KOC/ADMN(LIMS)/1/2021

The Marine Products Export Development Authority

(Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India)
Head Office, MPEDA House,
Building No: 27/1162, PB No:4272,
Panampilly Avenue, Panampilly Nagar PO,KOCHI-682 036, KERALA

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समुद्री उत्पाद ननयाात निकास प्रानधकरण
(िानणज्य एिं उद्योग मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार)
मुख्यालय, एमपीईडीए हाउस, नबल्डडग नंबर: 27/1162,
पीबी नंबर:4272, पननपपडली एिेन्यू, पननपपडली नगर पीओ,
कोनि-682 036, के रल
, टेलीफोन (ईपीएबीएक्स): +91 484
ई-मेल: /

नननिदा सूचना

फ़ाइल संख्य़ा:LAB-KOC/ADMN(LIMS)/1/2021 दिऩांक: 18/10/2023

समुद्री उत्पाद ननयाात निकास प्रानधकरण (एमपीईडीए), कोनि भारत सरकार के नित्त पोषण के
तहत एमपीईडीए गुणित्ता ननयंत्रण और एनलसा प्रयोगशालाओं के नलए प्रयोगशाला सूचना प्रबंधन
प्रणाली (एलआईएमएस) के निकास, स्थापना और समथान और रखरखाि के नलए पात्र
बोलीदाताओं से एकल चरण के तहत ई-टेंडररग प्रणाली के माध्यम से बोनलयां आमंनत्रत करता
है: अलग-अलग दो बोली प्रणाली (यानी तकनीकी बोली और नित्तीय बोली)। आिश्यकताओं
और ननयम एिं शतों का नििरण एमपीईडीए िेबसाइट: और ई-
प्रोक्योरमेंट पोटाल पर उपलब्ध है। बोली जमा करने की
अंनतम नतनथ: 11/11/2023 को 1700 बजे तक है । जैसा कक बताया गया है, सभी
बोनलयों के साथ बोली प्रनतभूनत की स्कै न की गई प्रनत (या तो पीडीएफ या ऩिप प्रारूप में)
संलग्न होनी चानहए। बोनलयों को दो अलग-अलग भागों में अपलोड करना आिश्यक है अथाात
तकनीकी बोली और नित्तीय बोली। तकनीकी बोली 13/11/2023 को 1000 बजे उपरोक्त
कदए गए पते पर एमपीईडीए मुख्यालय में खोली जाएगी। नजन बोलीदाताओं की तकनीकी
बोनलयां योग्य पाई जाएंगी उनकी नित्तीय बोनलयां बाद की तारीख में खोली जाएंगी।

एमपीईडीए, कोनि

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The Marine Products Export Development Authority
(Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India)
Head Office, MPEDA House, Building No: 27/1162, PB
No:4272Panampilly Avenue, Panampilly Nagar PO,
Telephone (EPABX) : +91 484 2311901 / 2311033 / 2315199
E-mail: /

File No: LAB-KOC/ADMN(LIMS)/1/2021 Date: 18/10/2023

The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA), Kochi invites bids through e-
Tendering System under the single stage: two bid system in separate (i.e. Technical bid and
Financial BID) from eligible bidders for the Development, Installation and support & maintenance
of Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for MPEDA Quality Control & ELISA
laboratories under Government of India funding. The details of requirements and terms &
conditions are available in the MPEDA Website: and E–procurement portal Dead line for submission of bid: 1700 hrs on 11/11/ 2023. All bids must
be accompanied with a scanned copy of bid security (either in PDF or zip format), as mentioned.
The bids are required to be uploaded in two separate parts i.e. Technical bid & financial bid. The
Technical bid will be opened at 1000 hrs on 13/11/2023 at the MPEDA Head Office at the
address given in the above. The financial bids of bidders whose Technical bids get qualified would
be opened at a later date.


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Though adequate care has been taken in the preparation of this Tender Document, the Bidder
should satisfy himself that the Document is complete in all respects. Intimation of
discrepancy, if any, should be given to the below-mentioned office latest by the date mentioned in
Sec.3. If this office receives no intimation by the date mentioned in Section 3, it shall be deemed
that the Bidder is satisfied that the Tender Document is complete in all respects.

The Marine Products Export Development Authority
(Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India)
MPEDA House, Building No: 27/1162, PB No: 4272,
Panampilly Avenue, Panampilly Nagar PO,
Kochi-682 036, Kerala,Telephone (EPABX): +91 484 2311979
E-mail: /

Neither MPEDA, nor their employees or consultants make any representation or warranty as to
the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information in this tender document nor is it possible
for MPEDA to consider the financial situation and particular needs of each party who reads or uses
this tender document. MPEDA recognizes the fact that certain prospective Bidders may have a
better knowledge of the Project than others and thus encourages all prospective Bidders to
conduct their own investigations and analysis and check the accuracy, reliability and completeness
of the information in this tender document and obtain independent advice from appropriate
Neither MPEDA nor their employees or consultants will have any liability to any prospective
Bidder or any other person under the law of contract, tort, the principles of restitution or unjust
enrichment or otherwise for any loss, expense or damage which may arise from or be incurred or
suffered in connection with anything contained in this tender document, any matter deemed to
form part of this Tender document, the award of the Project, the information and any other
information supplied by or on behalf of MPEDA or their employees, any consultants or otherwise
arising in any way from the selection process for the Project.
MPEDA reserves the right to reject any or all of the Bids submitted in response to this
Tender Document at any stage without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
MPEDA reserves the right to change any or all of the provisions of this Tender Document. Such
changes would be intimated to all parties procuring this Tender Document.

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2.1 About MPEDA
The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) was set up by an act of Parliament
during 1972. MPEDA is given the mandate to promote the marine products industry with special
reference to exports from the country. It is envisaged that this organization would take all
actions to develop and augment the resources required for promoting the exports of “all varieties
of fishery products known commercially as shrimp, prawn, lobster, crab, fish, shell-fish, other
aquatic animals or plants or part thereof and any other products which the authority may, by
notification in the Gazette of India, declare to be marine products for the purposes of (the) Act”.
The Act empowers MPEDA to regulate exports of marine products and take all measures required
for ensuring sustained, quality seafood exports from the country. MPEDA is given the authority to
prescribe for itself any matters which the future might require for protecting and augmenting the
seafood exports from the country. It is also empowered to carry out inspectionof marine products,
its raw material, fixing standards, specifications, and training as well as take all necessary steps for
marketing the seafood overseas.
MPEDA is the nodal agency for the holistic development of seafood industry in India to realise its
full export potential as a nodal agency. Based on the recommendations of MPEDA, Government of
India notified new standards for fishing vessels, storage premises, processing plants and
conveyances. MPEDA‟s focus is mainly on Market Promotion, Capture Fisheries, Culture
Fisheries, Processing Infrastructure & Value addition, Quality Control, Research and Development.
2.2 MPEDA Quality Control Laboratories
MPEDA has set up 5 Quality Control Laboratories in Kochi (Kerala), Bhimavaram, Nellore (Andhra
Pradesh), Bhubaneswar (Odisha) and in Porbandar (Gujarat). All QC Laboratories are accredited
as per the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard, by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and
Calibration Laboratories (NABL). The scope of accreditation covers testing of fish and fishery
products for Chemical residues. The laboratories are also approved by the Export Inspection
Council (EIC) of India and Food safety Standard Authority of India (FSSAI). These labs undertakes
implementation of National Residue Control Plan (NRCP) for aquaculture products as per EU
requirement under COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2022/1646 as well as
testing of fish and fishery products intended for export (commercial samples) and water quality
The MPEDA QC Laboratories are equipped with high precision sophisticated equipments such as
Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometers (UPLC-MS/MS /HPLC-MS/MS), Inductively
Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS), High Performance Liquid Chromatographs
(HPLC),, Gas Chromatograph Tandem Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS/MS), Automated ELISA
Reader etc, and all necessary supporting equipments/instruments.
MPEDA has also set-up a state-of-the-art Microbiology laboratory at its Head Quarters in Kochi for

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testing food and water samples. The Laboratory is facilitated for testing various microbiological
parameters in water, fish and fishery products, etc. The laboratory has also got a Molecular biology
section that handles testing of pathogenic viruses in aquaculture material. Laboratory is equipped
with Real Time PCR, Thermal cycler etc.
In order to ensure antibiotic free raw material for export production, MPEDA undertakes Pre
Harvest Testing (PHT) of aqua cultured shrimps for banned antibiotics like Chloramphenicol and
Nitrofuran metabolites and certifies the crop from each shrimp aquaculture pond. 14 ELISA
screening laboratories (of which four are within the QC Laboratory) are operated along the coastal
states of India to undertake PHT and certification. These are equipped with Automated ELISA
analyser and other ancillary equipments.
MPEDA is also operating MPRNL project (Monitoring of Pesticide Residues at National Level) for
analysis of fish and fishery products for pesticides.
2.3 Current E - governance structure in MPEDA Labs:
MPEDA has an e-platform “” and there are two modules for the Quality Control
wing viz., e-NRCP and e-PHT for implementation of NRCP and PHT.

2.3.1. NRCP: In the present NRCP system, samples are collected by the MPEDA officials and
samplers from different sources like aqua farms, processing plants, hatcheries and feed mills for
analysis of various parameters. The details of samples are entered online in the e-NRCP module
by selecting the hatchery/farm ID (sourced from the enrolment module), feed mill (no data base
available) processing units (sourced from registration module) as available already in the e-mpeda
data base. The samples are received online and from there onward samples are assigned for
analysis and analyzed by using various instruments which is operated by specific software. The
results are entered online in the e-NRCP module. Test reports are generated electronically, and
email alerts are sent to organizations such as EIC, MPEDA field office, SEAI etc in case of non-
compliant results. Test reports carry 19 digit Unique Laboratory Reference (ULR) number to
identify the lab and sample analyzed (requirement of NABL accredited Laboratories).
2.3.2. PHT: In the present system, farmers are given mobile OTP based log in access through the
enrolment number (sourced from the table of enrollment module) of their farms are given to place a
request for sampling of their farms under pre harvest testing along with requisite fees through
payment gateway. Upon receipt of the sample request, ELISA lab assigns the sampling
responsibility (online) to a sampler who is attached to the lab. Sampler visits the farm and pond –
wise samples are collected as per the request and after verifying the way points of the location
of the farm with handheld GPS device. The sample is then brought to the lab, where the lab official
examines the particulars of the samples and accepts it for analysis. The sample is assigned to an
analyst for analysis and the results are entered (online) in the e-PHT module. Test reports are
generated electronically, and email alerts are sent to the farmer. In case of Non-Compliant results, the
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sample is further referred to Quality Control Lab of MPEDA for confirmation by LC-MS/MS.
2.3.3. Pre Export Test (PET) samples:
In the present system, no electronic documentation or tracking is followed it is a complete manual
system, as this has been introduced recently. Based on the requests from registered seafood
processing units supported by payment of testing fees in offline mode and also online banking/
RTGS, samples are collected by the authorized samplers of the lab. The samples are brought to
the lab and after verification, acceptance and decoding, it is assigned to the concerned lab
analysts. Analyst have to analyze the sample and test reports were issued to the customer on
MPEDA lab letter head (accredited parameters will possess NABL logo others will not).
Sometimes, the customers themselves drawn and send the samples which is referred as „reference‟
or „submitted‟ samples. The procedure followed for PET samples are followed in such cases also.
2.3.4. Shaphari Samples
Currently, similar to e-NRCP, a dedicated portal is designed. Samples from Shrimp Hatcheries
have been testing for various parameters. The details of samples are entered online in the page by
selecting the hatchery (sourced from the table of e-enrolment page). The samples are received
online and from there onward samples are assigned for analysis and analysed by using various
instruments. Test reports are generated electronically, and email alerts are sent to MPEDA field
offices. Test reports to carry Unique Laboratory Report (ULR) number to identify the lab and
sample analyzed.
2.3.5. Other commercial samples
At present, no software is used, as this has been introduced recently for testing water samples,
aquaculture farm samples and other domestic food samples and food packages for SARS Cov-19
after collecting fee in offline mode. Samples are collected by the authorized samplers of the lab or
the customer himself. The samples are brought to the lab and after verification acceptance and
decoding, it is assigned to the concerned lab analysts. The analyst analyze the sample and test
report is provided to the customer on MPEDA lab letterhead.


MPEDA intends to have a “Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)” that allows
to effectively manage samples and associated data. The system should be able to automate work
flows, integrate instruments, manage samples and associated information, and produce reliable
results for all MPEDA Laboratories as per the requirements of ISO 17025:2017. Also to track the
inventory of laboratory items including testing equipments.
The objective of this tender document is to select software provider, through bidding process, who
has got the required experience and expertise to provide and ensure implementation of „Laboratory
Information Management System‟ for MPEDA laboratories within the stipulated time frame and
support and maintenance of the LIMS.

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The main objectives of the project are as follows:
 To provide common web-based or browser based application software that can be
accessed by any MPEDA officials using secure user credentials.
 Configurable for LIMS at multiple laboratories functioning under MPEDA.
 Interlinking and data transfer from the various existing MPEDA e-platforms to LIMS ( NIC
and non-NIC).
 Connect people, process and data in real time across all the laboratories.
 Simplification and automation of laboratory process.
 Fast and reliable information management.
 Online inventory management for all laboratory items including equipments, chemicals,
glassware and other consumables, equipment- Calibration, AMC, Maintenance in each
 Online information on samples and testing status.
 Generation of Charts, Graphs & Trends.
 User-friendly pop-up messages.
 Integration with external applications hardware, analytical instruments etc.
 Track the location of each sample and each sample movement to effectively create a
chain of custody.
 Real time reporting, efficient analytics and decision support.
 Secured and availability of information for decision making.
 100% fool-proofing and confidential.
 Generation of digitally signed test reports with QR code and Unique LaboratoryReport
Number (ULRN)
 Email / SMS alerts wherever necessary.
 To provide necessary APIs for external agencies like EIC/EIAs
 Training to the end users
 LGD (Local Government Directory) compliance
 Provision to raise the sampling request by customers as per the regulatory requirements.
 Review of requests received from customers by lab and notify customer deficiencies if any.
 Generation of various reports like AMC/CMC, Calibration status of equipments,
CRMs/SRMs stock and validity status.
 Evaluation of vendor based on items supplied as per the PO terms and conditions
 Pop up messages, SMS and e-alerts when stock nearing to exhaust and expiry of
 Dashboard on analytical trends & reports in tabular / graphical formats.

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 Integration with APIs of software currently used & those as per futuristic needs
 Integration of analytical instruments (minor and major) to the LIMS for generation of
analytical data.
 Provision may be given to upload validation data of various parameters after completion of
method validation.
 Provision to upload various latest guidelines of importing countries, ISO documents,
technical papers on analytical methods etc.
 Master list of documents of lab like latest Quality Manual, Quality System Procedures,
Standard Operating Procedures, WIMs (Work Instruction Manuals), controlled forms &
formats shall made available to concerned lab personnel.
 Option to keep the obsolete documents and recording document amendments.
 Option to create controlled set of documents accessible to a set of authorized personnel.
 Module for conducting Internal Audit for MPEDA QC & ELISA Laboratories as per ISO/IEC
 Inventory for chemicals, Reference Standards, consumables etc., Provision to create /
issue intends for each items to be available.


4.1 General Definitions
All definitions and interpretation of terms used in this tender notice are as defined in the GFR
2017 and the Manual for Procurement of Consultancy & Other Services (Updated June, 2022) of
Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
4.2 Scope of Work:
The tenders are invited and published in the e-procurement website and
MPEDA website for the Development, Installation and support & maintenance
of Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for MPEDA Quality Control & ELISA
4.3 Software should consist of various modules as detailed below:
LIMS Software shall be exclusively designed developed and customized for MPEDA Quality
Control & ELISA laboratories as per requirement of MPEDA. The software provider will be the
implementation hand of MPEDA for the LIMS system. Software shall be customizable and
configurable, consisting of following features:
4.3.1 Compatible with the existing softwares of MPEDA
4.3.2 Able to communicate with MPEDA database required for sampling.
4.3.3 Support Field Officers for fetching and pushing data from GPS for real-time geo
tagging of sampling location.

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4.3.4 Software shall have provision for uploading photographs of sample location & sampling
4.3.5 Software capable of communication through web portal/web site.
4.3.6 The Software should have Role Based Access Control to facilitate the functional
features for each user category like Customers, MPEDA officials, Lab officials etc.
4.3.7 Software should have provision for generation of customizable reports and
communication through e-mail/mobile application.
4.3.8 Software should be compliant to ISO: 9001 & ISO/IEC: 17025 (NABL requirement)
4.3.9 Should comply with security & performance audits.
4.3.10 The software should be scalable and easily configurable so as to add new equipment, test
methods, test parametAMCers, Laboratories etc.
4.3.11 SMS and e-mail notifications as required at various stages.
4.3.12 Provision for bringing new laboratories of MPEDA under the LIMS without any additional
4.3.13 Payment gateway integration.

1. The bidder participating in this tender should be a company/ firm registered under Companies
Act, 1956 / and who have GST registration and must have completed 5 years of existence and
experience as on Bid calling date. Proof of the same shall be submitted with the technical bid.
2. Bidder should have minimum financial turnover of ₹ 1 Cr and above in a financial year, during
the last three years commencing from 2019-20 and may submit the respective IT return as
evidence thereof. The bidder shall have audited balance sheet for last 3 years. The bidders who
are currently registered with MSME/NSIC for providing services or Startup as recognized by
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) shall be eligible for exemption
from this point
3. Bidder should have experience in developing LIMS for NABL accredited Government or
private testing laboratories. Bidders shall enclose proof of successful completion and service
feedback from such users.
4. Bidder should have experience of executing at least 2 orders for software development of
minimum value of ₹ 50 Lakhs or above order of any work in any Central / State Government
organization/PSU/Reputed Organizations/any NABL accredited food testing Laboratories.
5. The bidder should have IT manpower of at least 25 members on their roles as on bid
publishing date. Self-declaration on manpower details shall be submitted (Name, designation,
qualification and experience) along with a technical bid.
6. The Bidder should not have been Blacklisted by any Government firms in India. A
declaration in this regard should be submitted along with the technical bid.
7. The bidder should submit valid statutory documents in the bid: copy of PAN card and copy
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of GST registration along with VAT clearance certificate till Dec‟2018 and Latest GST Clearance
8. Bidder should have ISO 9001 certifications. Copy of the Certificates signed and stamped by
the authorized signatory of the Bidder to be attached.
9. Bidder shall be the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) of the LIMS Solution.
10. The LIMS solution should have features complying with the requirements of International
Standards - ISO 17025:2017, FSSAI and regulatory requirements of importing countries for testing
11. The LIMS Solution (offered or its earlier version) should be implemented by the OEM or its
direct operators in India only. Consortiums are not allowed. Relevant documents of the
implementation team and their experience should be provided along with the technical offer/ bid.
12. The bidder shall have an established customer support center in India to carry out
implementation and after sales support activities for the offered LIMS solution. The bidder has to
submit the list of support centers available in India.

Tender enquiry No LAB-KOC/ADMN(LIMS)/1/2021

Tender Participation fee ₹1500.00
EMD Amount ₹1.00 lakh
Validity of offer 180 Days
Important Dates
Published date 19/10/2023 at 09:00 Hrs
Date of release of tender 19/10/2023 at 09:15 Hrs
Pre-bid meeting 30/10/2023 at 10:00 Hrs
Clarification start date 30/10/2023 at 10:00 Hrs
Clarification end date 01/11/2023 at 17:00 Hrs
Bid submission start date 06/11/2023 at 10:00 Hrs
Bid submission end date 11/11/2023 at 17:00 Hrs
Technical bid opening date 13/11/2023 at 10:00 Hrs


Sl. No Software Development Place of installation Quantity

1 Development, installation and service MPEDA Quality Control & ELISA Labs 1
of LIMS for MPEDA Laboratories as per the list A

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Laboratory Information Management System Implementation (LIMS) should cover the following
Module Name Objectives of LIMS
The customer has to submit sample request with payment of
required fee. The schedule of sampling has to be intimated
Sample Analysis
through SMS/e-mail. Generating sampling check list based on
1 Request and scheduling
the scope of the analysis. Able to track location and time
of sampling
automatically. Generate sampling note in duplicate -one to
customer, one to lab through e-mail and SMS.
2 Sample registration and Registration of Sample details and submission by MPEDA
allotment module for customer/ sampler and MPEDA official.
testing of water,
packaged foods, shrimp,
fish, dairy, spices and
others various food.
a) Registration and 1) At the time of registration provision for sample related
Authentication (by whom, where etc.) information should be fed to MPEDA
LIMS Software system. These features shall be available on
mobile/PDA device (Android and iOS) and Desktop. With this
functionality, the Customer/ Sampler/ MPEDA official shall be
able to register sample details from the sampling location.
This will also record time, GPS coordinates and photograph
of sample/sampling location. This should help streamlining the
sample test process and enable decentralization of work. This
connection will be established using a secured VPN gateway
with remote device. A provision for uploading sample
calculation data sheet of sampler in case of PET samples.
2) User registration, sample request submission, online
payment of fee for commercial /farmer/private customer
Provision for linking to sample intimation to laboratory after
payment is made.
3) SMS alert shall be sent to the customer on sample
registered for testing.
4) Provision for payment alerts by SMS and email.

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(b) Sample verification at Online / offline acknowledgement receipt for each sample to be
laboratory generated once accepted for testing. It shall provide testing
specifications and test plan for the sample. Sample rejection
by the sample receiving authority shall
be communicated online to sample collection authority.
c) Acknowledgement of Online / offline acknowledgement receipt for each sample to be
sample receipt generated once accepted for testing. Acknowledgement receipt
should dispatch electronically to respective sample indenting
officer. It shall provide testing specifications and test plan for
the sample.
(d) Bar code or QR code Bar codes/ QR Code shall be generated at the time of
generation and code no. registration and the same could be printed as a label and
label printing Labels shall be pasted on the samples at the end process of

(e) Sample allotment Test parameter profile definition and management. Once the
samples received, accepted samples will go for testing in
respective laboratory section. Lab analyst for specific
parameter willbe selected for the test
Alert message will be generated for the analyst for new job.
Graphical representation of work assigned, work in hand, work
completed and work pending is to be generated by the system
while allocating the sample for
(f) Provision for data of (1) Provision should be there to subcontract samples to
personnel, subcontract, other labs at any level before completion of testing and
audits and participation generation of report accordingly.
in external (2) Lab personnel details (bio-data), details of personnel
competencies. (qualifications, trainings, training evaluation, competency check
etc) from time to time.
(3) PT, ILC & IQC (Internal Quality Control) data like plan &
performance are to be made in one window which is very much
essential in the day to day analysis and mandatory as per ISO
(4) Provision for preparation of checklists & uploading of
documents pertaining to Internal Audit (plan & performance) &
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(g) Work sheet generation Laboratory worksheet/ raw data sheet has to be generatedto
facilitate electronic data entry for relevant parameters.
(h) Test data entry It should provide necessary data entry formats for scope of
testing performed at MPEDA lab which will include the
parameters as per laboratory scope. Wherever instrument
interface is available, the software of the instrument to be
integrated with the LIMS software. Facility shall be available
for QA/QC including replicate,
Retesting and method validation/verification.
(i) Confirmatory test The samples screened positive in ELISA labs has to be
confirmed by LC- MS/MS, in QC labs and test report has to be
generated with the results of ELISA & LC-MS/MS. Similarly in
some analysis, confirmation of conventional testing of biological
parameters will be confirmed by Real Time PCR method or
Whole Genome Sequence method however the same shall be
tracked by a single code. Also provision for repeating samples
got positive in LC-MS/MS by another analyst to be provided.
(j) Data verification Provision for the verification of data sheet at different levels of
officers and approval for report generation signature by the
authorized signatory of the laboratory. In case required
provision for t h e retesting process can also be initiated for
a sample.
(k) Report approval Verified test data will go to the reporting section. Generated
reports will be reviewed by Authorized Signatory (AS) and
approved for dispatch. Approved test Certificate / report with
ULRN shall be transmitted electronically with digital signature
to the concerned authorities. Report shall have the QR code/
Bar code which is identical to the one generated during the
registration process.
(l) Report generation and Facility shall be available for printing of reviewed reports. Shall
dispatch have provision for generating amendments due to
typographical errors of test reports after the approval of CEO
or Quality Manager. Final Test Report shall be in pdf format.
(m) Sample disposal Software shall recommend disposal of retained samples as
per sample retention policies/period. System shall generate
sample disposal alerts at defined frequency to all concerned.

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(n) MIS Report related to Software shall enable the laboratory to generate customizable
Testing Process reports against the parameters captured during the test
process in various formats i.e., Excel, Word, trend graphs and
other basic statistical analysis. Reports will mainly be based on
following scope:
1. Customer/Sample specific reports.
2. Non-compliance test reports
3. Audit related reports
4. Performance related reports
5. Customized individual reports from the standard
formats including revenue.
6. Calibration Reports
7. Instrument –AMC, Maintenance, IPV Reports.
8. Quality Check Reports
9. Chain of Custody report
10. ILC/ proficiency test results
11. Control Chart Reports/graphs.
12. Inventory for chemicals, Reference Standards,
consumables etc.,
(o) Testing charges and The module should have facility to generate invoice
invoice preparation automatically as per intended scope of analysis of test samples
at respective field offices / labs upon receipt of payment
through Payment Gateway system.
(p) Sample Tracking Shall have option to allow users to locate a sample in the
laboratory from login through analysis to final reporting and
sample disposal including tracking all and entire activities in
each stage. Also to be maintained complete chain of custody.
Items that must be included are sample preservation, sample
container, and compliance holding times; sample identification,
receipt, acceptance or rejection by unique laboratory ID code;
sample storage and tracking; sample preparation including
procedures, ID codes, volumes, weights, and calculations; date
of analysis, analysis type, and initials or signature of analyst;
instrument identification; data and statistical calculations;
quality control data, and electronic data security

Page 15 of 54
3 Inventory/Asset The laboratory needs to maintain records related to the
Management Module inventory and assets of the laboratory. This module shall help
labs maintain the data related to the inventory items i.e.,
a) Chemicals, Technical Miscellaneous items,
CRM‟s/Reference Materials, Microbiological reference cultures,
bacteriological media, RT PCR kits, ELISA kits and glassware,
assets (instruments and equipment, accessories/spares), issue
and return process, procurement, stock update, AMC, IPV,
maintenance, calibration, calibration certificates of equipment‟s
and inventory of library books.
b) The module shall also have provision for competency
mapping of human resources which will include qualification,
experience and training details of each resource persons.
c) Training schedule, evaluation and feedback record
(a) Master data This module will be the master data configuration step for
inventory module where labs can set-up the inventory and
asset types/categories and subtypes/sub-categories, their units,
suppliers, maintenance and calibration consultants‟
(b) Indent and Purchase Software shall have provision for generating indent by the lab
personnel and purchase order by the MPEDA lab section as
per the AMC or tender procedure, with integration to PFMS
module of MPEDA.
(c) Inward Approved indent will be procured and on receipt, will be take
into stock through the inward process, where all specifications,
needed for inventory tracking, of item will be recorded along
with inward quantity.
(d) Issue /Return All assets will be tracked against issue and return process.
Consumption Asset usage for the individual testing process can also be
recorded. Similarly, stock of consumable items will be
maintained from inward to issuance.
(e) Maintenance & Software for concerned department. On performance of
Calibration maintenance or calibration procedures, all issues and actions
will be recorded along with responsible individual details.
(f) Disposal Assets acquired by lab after completing their life cycle, will be
disposed or scrapped, records pertaining to this procedure

Page 16 of 54
shall be maintained.
(g) Reports It shall provide multiple inventory reports, includes:
Procurement & Stock report consumption / usage statistics.
Maintenance or calibration reports. Disposal reports, AMC/
CMC, Calibration, Instrument genesis reports
(h) Complaints and The software should have templates for complaints and
Customer feedback Customer feedback and their evaluation.
(i) Alerts Alerts for replenishment of certain items at its reorder level
4 Equipment Management Details of each equipment (like Sl. No., Manufacturer or brand,
Module: Range of testing, LoD, LoQ etc.)
(a) Provision to add new equipment to the list
(b) Provision to view added equipment in the list
(c) Provision to edit equipment list
(d) Provision to marks deleted in case item transferred out
or auctioned or condemned
(e) Provision for Condemnation of equipment‟s
(f) Need identification for Procurement of Equipment
(g) Provision to update list of each service instance
(h) Provision to view list of equipment due for calibration
(i) Provision to update list when calibration is done
(j) Provision to update equipment lit in case of any change
in status of equipment serviceable or unserviceable or
under repair
(k) Date of purchase and price of each equipment with its
unique identification number and location
(l) Maintenance details
(m)AMC details, scheduled PM visits, IPV etc.,
(n) Utilization details (Log book on LIMS)
(o) Owner of process
(p) Provision may be provided by which a reminder through
email or SMS is sent to the concerned OIC regarding
calibration validity one month before its due date
(q) Intermediate checks on equipment
5 Manpower module (a) Name of Laboratory personnel
(b) Qualifications
(c) Length of service in the Lab

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(d) Training received
(e) Future training needs identification
(f) Present workload
(g) Authorization for work activity detail
(h) Number of samples analyzed per person
6 Audit Module Allocation of internal auditors by system based on pre-defined
set of parameters
(a) List of selected team shall be viewable to the internal
auditors and Head of the Lab.
(b) Provision to add or remove the selected team should be
given to the Quality Manager
(c) Provision to set the timelines to complete the audit
(d) Intimation to the selected officers regarding the audit
(e) Auditee lab shall be notified regarding the audit team
with dates.
(f) Audit team will have provision to view all the documents
submitted by the auditing lab.
(g) They will enter the details of the audit in a mobile app
based interface enabled with features of geo-tagging and
submit the report online
(h) Head Lab and other stakeholders shall be notified
regarding the submission of the report for further
processing at their end.
(i) Applicant should have provision to view the NC report
(j) System should have provision to communicate the audit
feed back to the applicant.
(k) Similar provision may be extended to external auditors
7 Admin module for LIMS Admin module will enable the LIMS admin to configure the
LIMS for laboratory. The admin role shall be changeable upon
any changes in designation/transfer of admin etc.,
(a) Tool Customization Customization shall enable LIMS admin to add master lists for
various modules: Manage Locations, Manage Sample Types
and parameters, users, organization hierarchy, access rights,
access control based on designation/authorization The
software should be installed in the server provided by MPEDA
and it should be installed
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and training to be given to Central and Regional Labs.
(b) Training The software should be installed and laboratory personnel
well trained on use of it.
8 Support and Total 9 years AMC has to be quoted in given format by LIMS
Maintenance provider for support and maintenance i.e., after 1 year free
warranty period. In addition to the general upkeep and
maintenance of the software, the scope of AMC includes
addition / deletion of parameters, labs, chemicals, equipments,
location changes, exchange of data / webservices as and when
required by MPEDA / Govt. departments / Govt. organizations
9 Proprietary rights of the The software supplier has to hand over the source code to the
software client after installation, performance evaluation and
commissioning. IPR of the customized software shall remain
with MPEDA.
10 Licence The LIMS shall be licensed for 100 concurrent users not
counting the interfaced instruments. Up to 21 labs shall have
access to the LIMS.
11 User Management Transfer of MPEDA officials, management of contract staff,
additional charge for another lab, attendance of contract staff.
12 Audit Trail The LIMS shall provide a complete audit trail of data entry and
modification to maintain and verify data integrity. Such fields as
date, time, old data values, reason for modification, and
responsible party shall record when data updates are made.
13 Compliance to The Software / module has to comply with the International
International Standards standard ISO/IEC/IEEE 90003:2018 (Software engineering
– Guidelines for application of ISO 9001:2015 to computer
software) and shall be FDA CFR 21 compliant.
14 Hosting of LIMS a. Hosting in Government empanelled cloud server, NIC
cloud server or in both.
b. Compliance for Government guidelines: The successful
bidder has to complete the formalities for compliance of
Government guidelines,
c. Coordination with the NIC team for the server related
problems/issues, if required.
d. Technical support for timely Security Audit of application
and installation of SSL certificate whenever required during the
contract period. (MPEDA would facilitate SSL Certificate).

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9.1 Place of MPEDA Quality Control & ELISA Labs as per the List A
9.2 Delivery and 1. The confirmation of acceptance of work order by the supplier
Installation of shall be given within 7 (Seven) working days from the date of issue
software: of work order.
2. Development of LIMS software shall be completed by 60 days
from the receipt of work order.
The major milestone during implementation work are:
1. Software Requirement Specification
2. System Design Documentation
3. Test Plan finalization and approval by MPEDA
4. Information Security Document
5. Requirement Traceability audit
6. Test Results acceptance.
7. Test specifications, Plan & Test Results.
Schedule of
8. User acceptance of user interface design of application.
9.3 Project (Max 60
9. Training and End user manuals (a simple step-by-step user's
manual shall be provided for the end users)
10. An anticipated schedule of each activity to be provided by the
bidder. Schedule. The bidder shall include a project schedule with
the Proposal specifying the duration, in calendar days, for the
procurement of the software as defined in the Scope of Work, and
the proposed duration of the installation, configuration, and training
for the software systems. If any customization is required, include
this explicitly in the schedule.

Page 20 of 54
I. The supplier shall appoint a SPOC (Single point of contact) for
all activities related to this project for communication with
II. The SPOC (Single point of contacts) assigned with the activity
should have the requisite domain expertise and should have
worked in testing or manufacturing for deeper understanding

Single point of of the processes

contact III. The Single point of contact (SPOC) assigned with above
competency shall be available for day to day coordination
during working hours and also during the emergent exigencies
outside the working hours.
IV. The LIMS supplier is expected to respond quickly, resolve
issues on priority and work with Agility to changing needs of
the MPEDA since this project is highly time bound.

9.5 Financial 1. The financial bid (BOQ) shall be quoted in Indian Rupee only,
indicating break-up for the LIMS, details of tax as applicable and
charges for support and maintenance.
2. SGST/CGST/IGST shall be quoted in numeric values and in
Rupees (if the field is left blank, value will be taken as zero)
separately. The total amount inclusive of all duties & taxes
maybe quoted.
3. The total amount will be calculated and will be taken for
evaluation and bid ranking.

Page 21 of 54
9.6 Mode of payment 1. 25% after approval of System Requirement Study Report.
2. 65% after payment against installation and commissioning of
LIMS to the satisfaction of MPEDA.
3. The balance 10%, as per GFR 2017 Rule 171 (1), on
submission of a Performance Security Deposit (PSD) for the
performance of LIMS till the end of the warranty period for an
amount of ten percent (10%) of the total value of the contract as
specified in the bid documents. Performance Security may be
furnished only in the form of a Fixed Deposit Receipt from a
Commercial bank in favour of “Secretary MPEDA, Kochi”
Balance 10 % will be retained at MPEDA as PSD till the expiry of
validity of the contract. Actual amount (10 %) in INR will be
transferred to supplier‟s account through RTGS upon a request of
release of PSD after 60 days of warranty period as per the tender
terms and conditions.
4. Performance Security Deposit should remain valid for a
period of sixty days beyond the date of completion of all contractual
obligations of the Bidder including warranty obligations.
5. The bidder shall be responsible for payment of any charges
due to any statutory authorities such as Income Tax, CGST, SGST,
IGST, Customs Duties etc.
6. If the BOQ columns with regard to customs duty, CGST,
SGST and IGST are left blank, then it will be considered as zero
(inclusive in the basic financial) or not applicable and BOQ will
be considered for evaluation.

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9.7 Training of After installation, training on software operation, troubleshootingetc.,
personnel to be given to all laboratory personnel as follows,
a) End-User Training: Provide training sessions on-site that
instruct 10 end users in the overall use and operation of the LIMS
application software in each site.
b) System Administration Training–Provide training on- site
for each designated personnel who will act as system administrators
for the LIMS computer configuration and applications. The training
shall include LIMS administration tasks, software management
functions, and computer security. The training shall also include
complete system backup and reload procedures, file management
utilities, and system generator procedures.
9.8 Experience The supplier shall have experience of at least 3 (three)
installations and operation of the LIMS in India. User list and
copy of purchase order has to be furnished as per the Annex-II
9.9 Details of EMD By way of Demand Draft on any of the Commercial Bank in
favour of The Secretary, MPEDA, Kochi.
9.10 Period of validity of 180 days. Incomplete tender documents, especially with regards to
the offer/tender not detailing the specifications of the LIMS are liable to be rejected.
MPEDA reserves the Right to accept or reject any or all tenders
in whole or In part without assigning any reason thereof.
9.11 Bid Evaluation QCBS (Quality and Cost based System).

9.12 Instruction Manual Instruction/operation Manual (print & demo videos) as necessary
(print as well as may be provided to enable the user to put the LIMS for proper use.
demo videos)
9.13 Cost of tender The tender document may be downloaded from MPEDA website
documents and the amount of ₹ 1500/- (Rupees One thousand five hundred
only) may be paid towards the tender document fee by Demand
draft in favour of The Secretary, MPEDA, Kochi, Kerala at the time of
the submission of tender.

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9.14 Pre-bid conference/ The Pre-bid conference will be held as per the schedule
meeting mentioned in to address queries of prospective bidders. A
prospective bidder requiring any clarification of the „Tender‟ may
contact MPEDA in writing or through email any time prior to the
deadline of receiving such queries as mentioned. The queries and
request for clarifications received after the notified time will not be
responded to at all. Prospective bidders shall submit the Queries
only in the format given as per Annex X

9.15 Last date and time Bidder has to submit tender as per the date stipulated in the e-
of receipt of tender Procurement website.
9.16 Signing of Tender The tender is liable to be ignored if complete information is not
given therein regarding the particulars, data, specifications asked
for and requirements. Specific attention must be paid to the
delivery dates, technical specifications, and also the general
conditions. The bidder should sign each page of the tender form
and Annexes, if any.
9.17 Blacklisted firm Blacklisted/ debarred firms should not participate in the tender
9.18 Performance 1. Performance Security Deposit (PSD): As per GFR 2017
Guarantee Rule 171 (1) the successful bidder shall furnish a Performance
Security Deposit for an amount of ten percent (10%) of the total
value of the contract as specified in the successful bid document,
towards the performance of software till the end of the warranty
period. Performance Security Deposit may be furnished in the
form of a Fixed Deposit Receipt from a Commercial bank in favour
of Secretary MPEDA, Kochi.
2. Performance Security Deposit is to be furnished by
14(fourteen) days after notification of the award and it should
remain valid for a period of 60 (sixty) days beyond the date of
completion of all contractual obligations of the supplier, including
warranty obligations.
3. Performance Security will be returned to the service
provider based on a request, without any interest after deducting
any due
during the warranty period if any.

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9.19 Delayed supplies & If at any time during the performance of the contract, the supplier
Liquidated damages encounters conditions hindering timely delivery of the services, the
service provider shall promptly inform MPEDA in writing the fact of
the delay and the likely duration of the same. After receipt of
supplier‟s communications, the purchaser shall decide as to
whether to cancel the contract for the un-delivered service after
the existing delivery period, or to extend the delivery period
suitably by issuing an amendment to the contract. If the supplier
fails to deliver the services within the contractual delivery period
for reasons other than circumstances beyond supplier‟s control
(which will be determined by the purchaser) and the purchaser
extends the delivery period, the purchaser will also deduct from
the contract price, as liquidated damage, a sum equivalent to 0.5%
(half per cent) of the quoted value of the delayed / unperformed
services for each week of delay or part thereof until actual delivery
or performance. The maximum limit of such deduction will,
however, be 10% (ten per cent) of the contract price of the
delayed services. Further, during such delayed period of
performance, the supplier shall not be entitled to any increase in
price whatsoever on any ground. However, the purchaser shall be
entitled to the benefit of any decrease in price and cost, on any
ground, whatsoever, of the services, during the period of delay.
The purchaser‟s letter (to the seller with copies endorsed to other
concerned) extending the delivery period will be subject to the
9.20 Jurisdiction a. In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising
under the agreement or in connection there with (except as to
matter the decision to which is specifically provided under this
agreement), the same shall be referred to sole arbitrator to be
fixed by mutual consent, under Arbitration and Conciliation Act
1996 by Chairman, MPEDA stationed at its Head office in
Panampilly Nagar, Kochi, Kerala.
b. The venue of the arbitration proceeding shall be at Head
office, MPEDA House, Panampilly Nagar, Kochi, Kerala.
c. Any legal dispute arising out of this contract shall be dealt by
Courts having jurisdiction at Ernakulam.
Page 25 of 54
9.21 Annual Maintenance Payment terms as per GFR 2017 Rule No.172.(1) (ii).c applicable.
Contract (AMC) An amount of 50% will be paid as advance and remaining 50%
will be paid after the successful completion of PM visits and all
necessary rectifications of problems in software.
9.22 Non-disclosure Successful bidder has to submit a Non-disclosure agreement
9.23 Contract Termination In the event of contract termination due to any reason whatsoever,
the service provider shall cease all further work and shall deliver to
MPEDA all data, details, plans, specifications and other
documents prepared or information collected upto the date of
notice of treatment received thereof. And payment will be effected
only in proportional to the extent of work completed and approved
by the user as per the contract.

Page 26 of 54
10.1 Tender Document:
Detailed technical specifications and terms and conditions governing the development, installation,
commissioning and the after sales service of the software tendered are contained in this “Tender
The tender document is to be downloaded from website and Bidder shall submit Tender Document fee by Demand Draft drawn in favour of
the Secretary, MPEDA, Kochi, Non- submission of sufficient Tender document fee as mentioned
shall be one of the primary reasons for rejection of offer in the first round.
The tender process comprises the stages viz. bid submission (technical cover and financial
cover duly sealed separately), opening of technical bid opening and bidder short listing and
opening financial bids.
The BOQ should be downloaded and saved by bidder to use it without changing the format. The
bidder should fill in the details in the same format and upload the same back to e- procurement
Financial quoted by the bidder shall be fixed during the bidder‟s “performance contract” of the
contract and not subject to variation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable/ variable
price quotation will be treated as unresponsive and rejected.
The bidder shall examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the Tender
Document and verify that all the contents mentioned under clause 6.1, are contained in the „Tender
Failure to furnish any information required by the tender documents and submission of an offer
not substantially responsive to it in every respect shall be at the bidder‟s risk and may result in the
rejection of the bids, without any further notice.
In order to ensure maximum number of competitive tenders and to avoid indication of the price
quoted, a fixed rate of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) is adopted.
No of Unit
Sl No Software Development EMD in Rs
Development, installation and service of LIMS for
1 MPEDA Quality Control & ELISA Laboratories as per 1 1,00,000.00
the list A
The successful bidders EMD will be adjusted upon the bidders signing the contract and against
the performance security.
EMD of unsuccessful bidders will be returned after the selection and issuance of purchase
order to the successful bidder. No interest will be paid for the EMD submitted.
The EMD will be forfeited, if a bidder; misrepresents facts or submits fabricated / forged /
Page 27 of 54
tempered / altered / manipulated documents during verification of tender process withdraws its bid
after the opening of technical bid; refuses to sign the agreement on fixing the tender or furnish the
performance security.
Bidders shall submit all the necessary documents as per the instruction given in the tender
document before the last date & time for submission and the MPEDA shall not be held liable for its
The MPEDA may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for submission of tender by amending
the tender document, in which case, all rights and obligations of the MPEDA and the bidders
previously subjected to the deadline shall thereafter be subjected to the deadline so extended.
The tender must remain valid for minimum 180 days (six months) from the date of opening of
price bid. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the MPEDA as unresponsive.
Withdrawal or non-compliance of agreed terms and conditions after the execution of agreement
or issuance of Supply Order will lead to invoking of penal provisions and may also lead to
blacklisting / debarring of the Bidder.
It is also not necessary that the offer of the firm quoting the lowest rates should be considered.
One-sided conditions unacceptable to the MPEDA provided in such price bid, may result in
altogether rejection of the offer.
At any point of time, MPEDA reserves the right to cancel or modify the supply order even after it
is awarded without assessing any reason whatsoever.
Technical Specifications and Standards:- The Goods & Services to be provided by the
successful Bidder under this contract shall conform to the technical specifications and quality
control parameters mentioned in the tender document.
The bidder shall be responsible for payment of any charges due to any statutory authorities
such as CGST, SGST, IGST, Customs Duties, Customs clearance and Insurance etc.
If the CGST, SGST and IGST are left blank, then it will be considered as zero (inclusive in the
basic price) or not applicable and BOQ will be considered for evaluation.
In the event, if it is found that there is some statutory deduction, like ITDS under any law, to be
made at the source, the MPEDA will have the authority to do so.
The bidder shall indemnify MPEDA against any loss to MPEDA on account of the activities of
personnel employed by him.
Confidentiality: The service provider, shall (whether or not he submits the bid) treat the details
of the documents as secret and confidential. The service provider shall execute separate NDA on
the lines of the draft provided in Annex hereto.

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Intellectual Property Rights: All rights, title and interest of MPEDA in and to the trade
names, trademark, service marks, logos, products, copy rights and other intellectual property rights
shall remain the exclusive property of MPEDA and the service provider shall not be entitled to use
the same without the express prior written consent of MPEDA. Nothing in contract including any
discoveries, improvements or inventions made upon with/by the use of the service provider or its
respectively employed resources pursuant to contract shall neither vest nor shall be construed so
that to vest any proprietary rights to the service provider. Notwithstanding, anything contained in
Contract, this clause shall survive indefinitely, even after termination of the Work Order.
Indemnity: The service provider shall indemnify, protect and save MPEDA and hold MPEDA
harmless from and against all claims, losses, costs, damages, expenses, action suits and other
proceedings, (including reasonable attorney fees), relating to or resulting directly or indirectly from;
(a) An act of omission or commission of the service provider, its employees, its agents, or
employees of its sub-contractors in the performance of the services provided by this Agreement,
(b) Breach of any of the terms of this Agreement or breach of any representation or warranty
or false statement or false representation or inaccurate statement or assurance or covenant by the
service provider,
(c) Bonafide use of the deliverables and or services provided by the service provider,
(d) Misappropriation of any third party trade secrets or infringement of any patent, trademarks,
copyrights etc. or such other statutory infringements in respect of all components provided to fulfill
the scope of this project,
(e) Claims made by the employees, who are deployed by the service provider, under this
(f) Breach of confidentiality obligations of the service provider,
(g) Gross negligence or gross misconduct solely attributable to the service provider or by any
agency, contractor or any of their employees by the service provider for the purpose of any or all
of the obligations under this Agreement.
The service provider shall further indemnify MPEDA against any loss or damage arising out of loss
of data, claims of infringement of third-party copyright, patents, or other intellectual property, and
third-party claims on MPEDA for malfunctioning of the LIMS or software or deliverables at all points
of time, provided however, MPEDA notifies the service provider in writing immediately on being
aware of such claim, and the service provider has sole control of defence and all related settlement
Service provider shall be responsible for any loss of data, loss of life, etc, due to acts of service
provider‟s representatives, and not just arising out of gross negligence or misconduct, etc, as such
liabilities pose significant risk.
The service provider shall indemnify MPEDA (including its employees, directors or representatives)
from and against claims, losses, and liabilities arising from:

Page 29 of 54
a. Non-compliance of the service provider with Laws / Governmental Requirements.
b. Intellectual Property infringement or misappropriation.
c. Negligence and misconduct of the service provider, its employees,
d. Breach of any terms of Agreement, Representation or Warranty.
e. Act of omission or commission in performance of service.
f. Loss of data.

Indemnity would be limited to court awarded damages and shall exclude indirect, consequential
and incidental damages. However, indemnity would cover damages, loss or liabilities,
compensation suffered by MPEDA arising out of claims made by its customers and/or regulatory
The service provider shall indemnify, protect and save MPEDA against all claims, losses,
costs, damages, expenses, action, suits and other proceedings, resulting from misappropriation of
any third party trade secrets or infringement of any patent, trademarks, copyrights etc., or such
other statutory infringements under any laws including the Copyright Act, 1957 or Information
Technology Act 2000 in respect of all the hardware, software and network LIMS or other systems
supplied by them to MPEDA from whatsoever source, provided MPEDA notifies the Agency in
writing as soon as practicable when MPEDA becomes aware of the claim however,
(a) The service provider has sole control of the defense and all related settlement
(b) MPEDA provides the service provider with the assistance, information and authority
reasonably necessary to perform the above and
(c) MPEDA does not make any statements or comments or representations about the claim
without the prior written consent of the service provider, except where MPEDA is required by
any authority/ regulator to make a comment / statement/ representation. Indemnity would be limited
to court or arbitration awarded damages and shall exclude indirect, consequential and incidental
damages and compensations. However indemnity would cover damages, loss or liabilities suffered
by MPEDA arising out of claims made by its customers and/or regulatory authorities.
Service Provider’s Liability
The selected service provider will be liable for all the deliverables. The service provider‟s aggregate
liability in connection with obligations undertaken as part of the project regardless of the form or
nature of the action giving rise to such liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise), shall be at
actual and limited to the value of the contract. Indemnity would be limited to court awarded
damages and shall exclude indirect, consequential and incidental damages. However, indemnity
would cover damages, loss or liabilities, compensation suffered by MPEDA arising out of claims
made by its customers and/or regulatory authorities.

Page 30 of 54
Liquidated Damages
Due to negligent act of the service provider, if MPEDA suffers losses, and incurs damages, the
quantification of which may be difficult, the amount specified hereunder shall be construed as
reasonable estimate of the damages and the service provider shall agree to pay such liquidated
damages as defined hereunder: The total amount of liquidated damages under this engagement
shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the contract/WO.
Fraudulent and Corrupt Practice
(a) “Fraudulent Practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a
procurement process or the execution of the project and includes collusive practice among bidders
(prior to or after Bid submission) designed to establish Bid prices at artificial non- competitive levels
and to deprive the MPEDA of the benefits of free and open competition.
(b) “Corrupt Practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value,
pressuring to influence the action of a public official in the process of project execution.
(c) MPEDA will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended for
award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the project.
Force Majeure
Notwithstanding the provisions of the Tender Document, the service provider or MPEDA shall not
be liable for penalty or termination for default if and to the extent that it‟s delay in performance or
other failure to perform its obligations under the contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure.
For purposes of this clause, “Force Majeure” means an event beyond the control of the service
provider and not involving MPEDA or Service Provider‟s fault or negligence and not foreseeable.
Such events may include, but not restricted to wars, revolutions, epidemics, natural disasters etc.
If force majeure situation arises, the service provider shall promptly notify MPEDA in writing of such
condition and cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by MPEDA in writing, the service provider
shall continue to perform its obligations under contract as far as possible.
10.6.13 No work in complete or partial is allowed to subcontract at any point of time during the
project schedule.
The tender shall be submitted online in two cover system duly scanned and digitally signed by
the authorized representative of the bidder as follows;
 Online bids should be submitted containing scanned copy of following document in
Cover-A for documentary proof, for fulfilling qualifying criteria / requirements failing which the offer
shall liable to be rejected.
 Earnest Money Deposit (refundable).
 Tender Fee is non-refundable.
 The bidder or his authorized representative shall sign and upload all the documents,
Page 31 of 54
owning responsibility for their correctness/ authenticity and submit Declaration in respect of
acceptance of terms and conditions of tender document.
 Self-attested copy of PAN and Goods & Service Tax (GST) registration certificate.
 Self-attested copy of trading and profit & Loss Accounts/ balance sheet/ Certificate
audited by CA in fulfillment of Eligibility Criteria.
 Self-attested copies of Purchase Order and Completion certificate in fulfillment ofEligibility
 Self-attested copy of authorization certificate i.e.
 Acceptance of technical specification to be submitted as per format given in the tender notice.
 Number of Certificates towards international or national approval / recognition of the LIMS shall
be submitted as per the format from the tender for the technical evaluation.
 The bidders who do not submit the technical bid (Cover 1) within the stipulated date and time
will be treated non-responsive.
 Duly filled stamped and signed all Annexure. Note: if the Cover-1 i.e. technical bid does not
contain any of the above mentioned documents or contains incomplete or unsuitable technical
specifications of the item to be supplied, then the offer shall be deemed liable for rejection/
disqualification. The respective Cover-2 i.e. financial bid of the technically disqualified offers
shall not be opened. The bidders are cautioned that divulging of any financial information in
Cover-1 (Technical bid) will result in rejection of their tender.
 The cover-2 shall contain the financial bid in the enclosed “Schedule of Quantities &Financials”
as per the BOQ. Any clause governing the bid subject to market fluctuation is not acceptable.
The quoted rates shall be typed in figures.
 The rates shall be quoted strictly in Schedule of Quantities and financials inclusive of all taxes,
duties, entry tax, statutory charges, insurance, permit charges, P&F charges, freight etc.
(including purchaser liability, if any) F.O.R. MPEDA to avoid any letter confusion/
discrepancies. However, all applicable Taxes & Duties should be clearly mentioned by the
supplier at the time of supply in their invoice.
 The bidder is advised to avoid offering of rebate/ discount. However, in case of exceptional
circumstances, the rebate/ discount offered by the bidder should be only in the BOQ.
 The bidders who do not submit the technical bid (Cover 2) within the stipulated date and time
will be treated non-responsive.
• If the bids are not submitted as per the requirement of the above clause, the MPEDA shall
assume no responsibility for the offer‟s misplacement and consequential rejection.
At any time prior to the deadl i n e for submission of Tender, the MPEDA may, for any reason,
modify the tender document by corrigendum/ addendum.
Page 32 of 54
The corrigendum/ addendum shall be published in e-procurement website (
and MPEDA website , the bidder shall submit copy of corrigendum/ addendum
published if any signed by the bidder or the authorized representative as part of the technical bid
as a proof of having read and accepted the terms and conditions of the tender document.
10.9.1 Manufacturers or their authorized dealers/Indian subsidiaries having a place of business in
any of the States of India are eligible to participate in this tender. [Original LIMS Manufacturers
shall submit the „Manufacturers Offer Form‟ as per Annex IV. Letter of Authorization from the
Original LIMS Manufacturer (OEM) shall be submitted in the case of a Bidder who is not the
manufacturer of the LIMS offered].
10.9.2 The bidder or manufacturer of the LIMS offered should be in the business of the supply and
installation of same / similar LIMS for the last three calendar years within the country.
10.9.3 The bidders should have an average annual turnover of Rupees FIFTY LAKH for the last
three completed financial years as per the audited balance sheets. The bidder shall submit the IT
return of (notary attested audited copy of audited accounts, balance sheet, annual report etc.).
10.9.4 Bidders shall have service facility all over India and the capability to attend maintenance of
the LIMS within the time specified (documentary proof shall be submitted on the after sales
facilities and expertise of the bidder.).
10.9.5 Bidders who have been blacklisted/ debarred by Tender Inviting Authority or blacklisted /
debarred by any State Government or Central Government department/Organization should not
participate in the tender during the period of blacklisting.
10.9.6 Firm/company who is not willing to accept the maintenance policy of Tender Inviting
Authority is not eligible to participate in this tender.
Public Procurement (Preference for Make In India), Order:
The MPEDA has adopted and will comply with the Public Procurement (Preference to Make in
India), Order 2017, DIPP, MoCI Order No. P-45021/2/2017-B.E.II dated 15th June 2017 and
subsequent revised orders issued from time to time. Accordingly, preference will be given suppliers
as defined in the aforesaid order. The various categories of suppliers defined in the aforesaid order
are reproduced below. “Local Content” means the amount of value added in India which shall be
value of the item procured (excluding net domestic indirect taxes) minus the value of the imported
content in the item (including all the custom duties) as a proportion of the total value, in percent.
Accordingly the suppliers will be classified in the following categories.
i) Class I local supplier – has local content equal to more than 50%
ii) Class II local supplier – has local content more than 20% but less than 50%
iii) Non –local supplier – has local content less than or equal to 20%
Verification of Local Content: The Class I Local Supplier /Class II Local Supplier/Non Local
Supplier at the time of tender, bidding or solicitation shall be required to indicate the percentage of

Page 33 of 54
local content and provide self-certification that the items offered meets the local content
requirement. The detail of the location(s) at which the local value addition is made also needs to be
mentioned. In case of procurement in excess of ₹10 crores, the suppliers shall be required to
submit a certificate towards percentage of local content from the authorities as stated in the
aforesaid order in the technical bid itself.
False declarations will be in breach of the Code of Integrity under Rule 175(1)(i)(h) of the
General Financial Rules for which a bidder or its successors can be debarred for up to 2 years as
per Rule 151(iii) of the General Financial Rules along with such other actions as may be
permissible under law.


The Bid should be submitted online at Website only, by the
due date 11/11/2023 and time upto 17:00hrs. The server date & Time asappearing on the website shall only be considered for the cut-off date and time for
submission of bids. Offers sent through post, telegram, fax, Tele-Fax, e-mail and courier or by any
other mode will not be considered. In case, the date of opening is declared, as holiday tender will
be opened on next working day at same time.
Only those bidders shall be considered qualified by the MPEDA, who submit requisite EMD and
documents accept all the terms & conditions of the Tender document unconditionally and meet the
qualifying requirement stipulated in the Tender document. The decision of the MPEDA shall be
final and binding in this regard.
The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid and the
MPEDA will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the tendering process.
The prospective bidder requiring any clarification of the tender document may obtain the
same online/ offline from Tender inviting Authority, ie. Secretary, MPEDA Head Office,Kochi –
682 036, Kerala during working days in person or otherwise in writing by email: / Such queries shall reach MPEDA at least 07
(seven) days before the deadline for submission of the tender The MPEDA shall not be bound to
respond to the request from the prospective bidders and this shall not become the reason for
claiming extension of the deadline for the submission of the tender.
Bid Evaluation Committee: The bid evaluation methodology is QCBS (Quality and Cost based
Selection). The compliance of commercial terms and documents submitted as part of the technical
bids shall be scrutinized by a Bid Evaluation Committee constituted by the MPEDA. Technical
evaluation of the bids shall be conducted by a committee called „Technical Committee‟ in which
external experts from other research/ scientific Institutions may also be present. The decisions of

Page 34 of 54
the technical committee will be final on technical aspects and no further queries will be entertained.
Technical Bid Evaluation & Scoring Pattern:
Max Documentary Evidence
SI. No Criteria
Number of LIMS installations in labs accredited a) Copies of work orders / client
as per ISO17025:2017 in India (Food Testing) completion certificate.
other than MPEDA b) Declaration certified by Bidder‟s
1 >5 projects = 20 marks 20 MD/CEO/Chairman & Chartered
4-5 projects =15 marks Accountant.
2-3 projects = 10 marks
1 project / Start-ups= 5 marks
Detailed list of customer with their
number of users/license provided
Number of Users/license provided per
per installation.
2 installation done ( n =10marks, next highest 10
(n= highest number of
number of users/license =9, etc.,)
users/licenses provided per
Data on service support, help
24x7 Online/ Tele/ Direct Service Support.
escalation matrix, contact point
3 (Remote diagnosis) 10
with mobile number. Demo to be
(Yes-10 Point, No-0 point)
provided during presentation.
Annual turnover of Bidder Turnover to be certified by Charted
More than ₹ 3Crore = 10marks accountant for the past three year
4 10
More than ₹ 2Crore up to ₹ 3Crore = 9marks
More than ₹ 1Crore up to ₹ 2Crore = 8marks
Time of completion of similar projects involving
network of Labs (shortest time =10marks; Work orders and completion
5 2mark less for each exceeding month upto 10 certificates issued by clients.
Minimum 4marks for Start-ups
30 (total
6 Experience of team for the project:
Project head qualification: BE/ B.Tech / MCA / Certificates, work experience and
Graduate appointment letter to the present
(a) 10
in Information Technology or firm to be uploaded
Computer Science related field with

Page 35 of 54
experience in development
/ management of LIMS software as below:
Greater than 3 years -10marks,
Greater than 2 years up to 3 years - 9marks,
Up to 2 years - 8 marks
Developers Qualification: Certificates, work experience and
BE/B.Tech/MCA/Graduate in appointment letter to the present
Information Technology or firm to be uploaded
Computer Science related field
Experience in development of LIMS software
(b) 10
and also web sites in DOTNET, PHP-
MySQL/MariaDB/ PostgreSQL.
Greater than 2 years - 10marks,
Greater than 1 years upto 2 years - 9marks,
Up to 1 years - 8marks
Number of qualified Technical Support staff in Training Certificates, work
(c) the developing team (Maximum number of staff 10 experience and appointment letter
=10marks; 1mark less for next highest). to the present firm to be uploaded
Power-point presentation with
Overall understanding of tender document and
7 10 sample demo of work flow for LIMS
Concept Presentation/blue prints.
software for Testing Laboratory.
Total 100

Those bidders scoring marks 70% and above in the technical bid evaluation shall only be
considered for financial bid comparison. MSME/Startups are exempted from Turnover and
experience and would be given the highest mark for those criteria.
Technical Weightage and Financial Weightage
Technical Weightage (St): Once the Technical Bid has fulfilled the minimum eligibility criteria in
terms of Technical Capacity and Financial Capacity, the same shall be marked as per the scoring
criteria specified in Clause 9.11. The marks scored by the Bidder in technical evaluation shall be
calculated to 70 points as below:
St =T*0.70 (where T is the technical score awarded to the Bidder as per the technical evaluation
10.12 Evaluation of Financial Bids (BOQ)
The Price bids of the short-listed technically qualified tender(s) will be opened only after evaluation
of Technical bids by the Technical Committee. The short listing of the tender(s) will be carried out
on the basis of the Technical evaluation of the technical bid. The opening of the financial bid shall

Page 36 of 54
be done by the authorized officers of MPEDA. Bidder shall download the available financial bid
format from and quote the financials in the respective fields and submitted
online. The financial bids (BOQ) submitted in any other formats will be treated as non-responsive
and not considered for tabulation and comparison.
Financial Weightage (Sf): The marks scored by the Bidder in financial evaluation shall be
calculated to 30 points as below:
The commercial scores of all the other proposals will be determined by
Sf=30 x (Fm/F) ( Fm= lowest bid offer; F = bid value quoted by individual Bidder)
10.13 Final Selection:
The bid evaluation methodology is QCBS (Quality and Cost based Selection)
The combined technical and commercial score shall be calculated as S = St + Sf.
The Bidder who achieves the highest score shall be declared as the successful bidder and shall
be awarded the project. In case two or more Bidders score the same marks, then the Bidder with
the higher technical score shall be declared as the successful bidder.
10.14 Award of Contract
Upon the determination of the successful bidder, the Authority shall issue to such successful bidder
a letter of award (“LOA”) in duplicate by the Authority and the successful bidder shall within seven
(7) days of the receipt of the LOA, sign and return the duplicate copy of the LOA in
acknowledgement thereof. In the event the duplicate copy of the LOA duly signed by the
successful bidder is not received by the stipulated date, the Authority may disqualify such
Bidder from the Project and the Bidder scoring the second highest marks shall be considered.

Page 37 of 54


Name of software …………………………… and Version ...........................................

Year Location AMC Unit amount

Second Year All Labs
Third Year All Labs
Fourth Year All Labs
Fifth Year All Labs
Fifth Year All Labs
Sixth Year All Labs
Seventh Year All Labs
Eighth Year All Labs
Ninth Year All Labs
Tenth Year All Labs
(Tax will be applicable according to the considerable time)

Signature of Bidder Name & Designation



Page 38 of 54


Name of LIMS :……………………………

Sl.No Modules No of licenses Complete Name, Scope/field Year of

Address of Designation, installation
installed site Contact no and
email ID
Quoted Modules/Project
Similar projects executed in India
Terms & Conditions:
1. Testimonial/ feedback from end users (preferably for quoted item from similar scope) -
minimum three shall be attached.

Signature of Bidder Name & Designation


Page 39 of 54

No. Particulars National International

1 No. of Certification received on LIMS
2 Data security compliance

Note: Original certificates shall be scanned and enclosed in the technical bid.

Signature of Bidder Name & Designation



Page 40 of 54
(to be submitted by manufacturers )
No.: Date:
The Secretary
Head Office, MPEDA House, Building No: 27/1162, PB No:4272,
Panampilly Avenue, Panampilly Nagar PO,Kochi-682 036, Kerala

Dear Sir,
Tender No :
LIMS Name :

1. We ......................................................... (name of the developer) declare that we are the

original manufacturers of the above LIMS having registered office at .........................………….. (full address
with telephone number/fax number & email ID and website),and having office at
2. No company or firm or individual have been authorized to bid, negotiate and conclude the
contract in regard to this business against this specific tender.
3. We also hereby declare that we have the capacity to develop and supply, install and
commission the required numbers of licences of the LIMS tendered within the stipulated time.

(Name) for and on behalf of M/s. .................................................

Date: (Name of manufacturers)

Note: This letter of authority should be on the letter head of the manufacturing concern andshould
be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to bind the manufacturer.

Page 41 of 54
(On a Stamp Paper of relevant value)

I/ We………………………………………………….(name and address of the registered office) do

hereby constitute, appoint and authorize Sri/Smt………………………………………………..…
(name and address) who is presently employed with us and holding the position of
……………………………………………. As our attorney, to act and sign in my name and be half to
participate in the tender no……………………………………for……………………………………
(LIMS Name).

I/ We hereby also undertake that I/we will be responsible for and confirm and ratify all actions ofmy
said attorney Sri/Smt ......................................................................... lawfully undertaken by him/her
during the tender process and thereafter for execution of the contract. We/ his/her signature is
attested below

Dated this the of 2023 for........................................

(Name, Designation and Address)


(Signature) (Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)Date:

Page 42 of 54

(To be given on Company Letter Head)

To, Date:
The Joint Director (QC) Head Office, MPEDA House,
Building No: 27/1162, PB No:4272, Panampilly Avenue, Panampilly Nagar PO,
Sub: Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of Tender.Tender Reference No ………………….
Name of Tender / Work:
Dear Sir,

1. I/ We have downloaded / obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned
„Tender‟ from the web site(s)
as per your advertisement, given in the above mentioned website(s).
2. I / We hereby certify that I / we have read the entire terms and conditions of the tender
documents from Page No. 01 to (including all documents like Annex(s), table(s), etc .,),
which form part of the contract agreement and I / we shall abide hereby by the terms / conditions /
clauses contained therein.
3. The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department/ organisation too have also
been taken into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter.
4. I / We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of above mentioned tender
document(s) / corrigendum(s) in its totality / entirety.
5. I / We do hereby declare that our Firm has not been blacklisted/ debarred by any Govt.
Department/Public sector undertaking.
6. I / We certify that all information furnished by the our Firm is true & correct and in the event
that the information is found to be incorrect/untrue or found violated, then your department/
organisation shall without giving any notice or reason therefore or summarily reject the bid or
terminate the contract , without prejudice to any other rights or remedy including the forfeiture of the
full said earnest money deposit absolutely.
Yours Faithfully,
(Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal)

Page 43 of 54

Having examined and accepting the conditions of the tender document no

……………………………………. we here by submit this offer for the supply & installation of
…………………………………………………………………………………..conforming the detailed
technical specification mentioned in section IV of the tender document. The details of the LIMS
offered are as follows.

Sl. Name of theSoftware Version, if any Original LIMS Manufacturer



Office seal Signature of the bidder/Authorizedsignatory

Page 44 of 54
Annex VIII
1 Name of the Bidder
Registered address of thefirm
with GSTIN

State District
Telephone No. Fax
Email Website
Contact Person Details
2 Name Designation
Telephone No. Mobile No.
Communication Address
3 Address

State District
Telephone No. Fax
Email Website
Type of the Firm ( Please √ relevant box)
4 Private Ltd. Public Ltd. Proprietorship
Partnership Society Others, specify
Registration No. & Date of Registration.
Nature of Business ( Please √ relevant box)
5 Original LIMS Manufacturer Authorized Dealer /Representative
Direct Importer Others, specify.
Key personnel Details (Chairman, CEO, Directors, Managing Partners etc. )
6 in case of Directors, DIN Nos. are required
Name Designation
Name Designation
Bank Details
7 Bank Account No. IFSC Code
Bank Name & Address Branch Name
Tel No Email ID
PAN Card No
8 Whether any criminal case was registered against the company or any of its promoters Yes /
in the past? No
Page 45 of 54
9 Other relevant Information provided *
(.here enclose the details such as presentation on the details of the bidder in a CD
preferably, please avoid submission of detailed leaflets/brochures etc, if possible)

Date: Office Seal Signature of the bidder /

Authorised signatory

Page 46 of 54

This Agreement is made and entered on this -------- day of --------------, 2023 (“Effective Date”)
between The Marine Products Export Development Authority , Ministry of Commerce & Industry ,
Government of India, Panampilly Nagar, Kochi- 682 036, Kerala (Hereinafter referred to as
“MPEDA”, which expression shall mean and include unless repugnant to the context, its
successors and permitted assigns);
, a company registered in and
having its registered office at
(Hereinafter referred to as “-------”, which expression shall mean and include unless repugnant to
the context, its successors and permitted assigns).
The term “Disclosing Party” refers to the party disclosing the confidential information to the other
party of this Agreement and the term “Receiving Party” means the party to this Agreement
which is receiving the confidential information from the Disclosing Party.
MPEDA and ----- shall hereinafter be jointly referred to as the “Parties” and individually as a “Party”.
In consideration of the mutual protection of information herein by the parties hereto and such
additional promises and understandings as are hereinafter set forth, the parties agree asfollows:
Article 1: PURPOSE
The purpose of this Agreement is to maintain in confidence the various Confidential Information,
which is provided between MPEDA and ------ to perform the considerations (hereinafter called
“Purpose”) set forth in below:
For purposes of this Agreement, "Confidential Information" means the terms and conditions, and
with respect to either party, any and all information in written, representational, electronic, verbal or
other form relating directly or indirectly to the Purpose (including, but not limited to, information
identified as being proprietary and/or confidential or pertaining to, pricing, marketing plans or
strategy, volumes, services rendered, customers and suppliers lists, financial or technical or
service matters or data, employee/agent/ consultant/officer/director related personal or sensitive
data and any information which might reasonably be presumed to be proprietary or confidential in
nature) excluding any such information which (i) is known to the public (through no act or
omission of the Receiving Party in violation of this Agreement); (ii) is lawfully acquired by the
Receiving Party from an independent source having no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of
such information; (iii) was known to the Receiving Party prior to its disclosure under this

Page 47 of 54
Agreement; (iv) was or is independently developed by the Receiving Party without breach of this
Agreement; or (v) is required to be disclosed by governmental or judicial order, in which case
Receiving Party shall give the Disclosing Party prompt written notice, where possible, and use
reasonable efforts to ensure that such disclosure is accorded confidential treatment and also to
enable the Disclosing Party to seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy at Disclosing
Party‟s sole costs. Confidential Information disclosed orally shall only be considered Confidential
Information if: (i) identified as confidential, proprietary or the like at the time of disclosure, and (ii)
confirmed in writing within Seven (7) days of disclosure.
Article 3: NO LICENCES
This Agreement does not obligate either party to disclose any particular proprietary information; to
purchase, sell, license, transfer, or otherwise dispose of any technology, services, or products; or
to enter into any other form of business, contract or arrangement. Furthermore, nothing contained
hereunder shall be construed as creating, conveying, transferring, granting or conferring by one
party on the other party any rights, license or authority in or to the Confidential Information
disclosed under this Agreement.
1. Receiving Party agrees and undertakes that it shall not, without first obtaining the written
consent of the Disclosing Party, disclose or make available to any person, reproduce or transmit in
any manner, or use (directly or indirectly) for its own benefit or the benefit of others, any
Confidential Information save and except both parties may disclose any Confidential Information to
their Affiliates, directors, officers, employees or advisors of their own or of Affiliates on a "need
to know" basis to enable them to evaluate such Confidential Information in connection with the
negotiation of the possible business relationship; provided that such persons have been informed
of, and agree to be bound by obligations which are at least as strict as the recipient‟s obligations
hereunder. For the purpose of this Agreement, Affiliates shall mean, with respect to any party, any
other person directly or indirectly Controlling, Controlled by, or under direct or indirect common
Control with, such party. "Control", "Controlled" or "Controlling" shall mean, with respect to any
person, any circumstance in which such person is controlled by another person by virtue of the
latter person controlling the composition of the Board of Directors or owning the largest or
controlling percentage of the voting securities of such person or by way of contractual relationship
or otherwise.
2. The Receiving Party shall use the same degree of care and protection to protect the
Confidential Information received by it from the Disclosing Party as it uses to protect its own
Confidential Information of a like nature and in no event such degree of care and protection shall be of less
than a reasonable degree of care.
3. The Disclosing Party shall not be in any way responsible for any decisions or commitments
made by Receiving Party in relying on the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information.

Page 48 of 54
The parties agree that upon termination/expiry of this Agreement or at any time during its currency,
at the request of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall promptly deliver to the Disclosing
Party the Confidential Information and copies thereof in its possession or under its direct or indirect
control, and shall destroy all memoranda, notes and other writings prepared by the Receiving Party
or its Affiliates or directors, officers, employees or advisors based on the Confidential Information
and promptly certify such destruction.
Both parties acknowledge that the Confidential Information coming to the knowledge of the
other may relate to and/or have implications regarding the future strategies, plans, business
activities, methods, processes and or information of the parties, which afford them certain
competitive and strategic advantage. Accordingly, nothing in this Agreement will prohibit the
Receiving Party from developing or having developed for it products, concepts, systems or
techniques that are similar to or compete with the products, concepts, systems or techniques
contemplated by or embodied in the Confidential Information provided that the Receiving Party
does not violate any of its obligations under this Agreement in connection with such development.
The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that in the event of a breach or threatened breach by
the other of the provisions of this Agreement, the party not in breach will have no adequate remedy
in money or damages and accordingly the party not in breach shall be entitled to injunctive relief
against such breach or threatened breach by the party in breach.
Article 8: NON-WAIVER
No failure or delay by either party in exercising or enforcing any right, remedy or power
hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise or enforcement
of any right, remedy or power preclude any further exercise or enforcement thereof or the exercise
of enforcement of any other right, remedy or power.
If any dispute arises between the parties hereto during the subsistence or thereafter, in connection
with or arising out of this Agreement, the dispute shall be referred to arbitration under the Indian
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 by a sole arbitrator mutually agreed upon. In the
absence of consensus about the single arbitrator, the dispute may be referred to joint arbitrators,
one to be nominated by each party and the said arbitrators shall nominate a presiding arbitrator,
before commencing the arbitration proceedings. Arbitration shall be held in Kochi, Kerala, India.
The proceedings of arbitration shall be in the English language. The arbitrator‟s award shall be final
and binding on the parties.
This Agreement shall be governed exclusively by the laws of India and jurisdiction shall be vested
Page 49 of 54
exclusively in the courts at Ernakulam in India.
This Agreement shall not be amended, modified, assigned or transferred by either party without the
prior written consent of the other party.
Article 12: TERM
This Agreement shall remain valid from the date last written below until the termination or expiry of
this Agreement. The obligations of each Party hereunder will continue and be binding irrespective
of whether the termination / expiry of the Agreement for a period of three years after the termination
/ expiry of this Agreement.
Neither Party will use or permit the use of the other Party‟s names, logos, trademarks or other
identifying data, or otherwise discuss or make reference to such other Party or infringe Patent,
Copyrights, in any notices to third Parties, any promotional or marketing material or in any press
release or other public announcement or advertisement, however characterized, without such other
Party‟s prior written consent.
Article 14: GENERAL
1. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to confer any rights/remedies under or by reason of
this Agreement on any third party.
2. This Agreement and the confidentiality obligations of the Parties under this Agreement
supersedes all prior discussions and writings with respect to the Confidential Information and
constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. If
any term or provision of this Agreement is determined to be illegal, unenforceable, or invalid in
3. whole or in part for any reason, such illegal, unenforceable, or invalid provisions or part(s)
thereof shall be stricken from this Agreement.
4. Any breach of any provision of this Agreement by a party hereto shall not affect the other
party‟s non-disclosure and non-use obligations under this Agreement.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this agreement by their duly
authorized representatives as of the effective date written above.

Page 50 of 54
The Marine Products Export Development Service provider name:
Authority , Kochi
By Name: By: Name

Designation Designation

Page 51 of 54
Annex X


Tender ID:……………………………………………………………

Name of the Bidder: …………………………………………

Contact Number and Address of the Bidder: ………………………………………………

Sl.No. Section Clause Number Page Number Query Remarks

Page 52 of 54
List A

1 MPEDA Quality Control Laboratory- KOCHI, (Chemical & Microbiology)

5th Floor, MPEDA House, Panampilly Nagar,
Kochi- 682 036, Kerala, Ph: 0484-2311033
E-mail: lab.koc[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in
2 MPEDA Quality Control Laboratory, Nellore
4th Floor, Door No. 26-1-1766/A-1, Srinagar Colony, Mini Bye pass road,SPSR
NELLORE-524003, Andhra Pradesh, Tel: 91-861-2319144,
E-mail: lab.nel[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in
3 MPEDA Quality Control Laboratory, Bhimavaram
#27-1-6, Pattabhi Plaza, 2nd FloorJP Road, West Godavari District,
BHIMAVARAM-534202, Andhra Pradesh
Tel: 91-8816-227076, E-mail: lab.bhi[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in

4 MPEDA Quality Control Laboratory, Bhubaneswar

2nd floor, Raptani Bhavan, Near ID Market,
IRC village, Nayapalli, BHUBANESWAR-751015, ORISSA
Tel: +91 674 2362365 , E-mail: lab.bhu[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in
5 MPEDA Quality Control Laboratory, Porbandar
2nd Floor, SHANTI Complex; 3, Wadi Plot, Opp: TACON Complex,PORBANDAR – 360
575, GUJARAT , Tel. No. +91 286 2210074,
Email ID: lab.por[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in
4th Floor, Door No. 26-1-1766/A-1, Srinagar Colony, Mini Bye pass road, SPSR Nellore-
524003, Andhra Pradesh, Tel: 91-861-2319144/2339144
Email ID: elisa.nel[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in
Door no. 3-290 (Southern Portion), 4th Road, Gangaraju Nagar, Kakinada - 533003 ,
Andhra Pradesh,Ph: 0884-236707 Email ID: elisa.kak[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in
Door.No-37-1-413 (24/2),
Ramnagar 8th Lane, Ongole- 523001, Prakasaham District, Andhra Pradesh Email ID:[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in

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#27-1-6, Pattabhi Plaza, 2nd Floor, JP Road, West Godavari District, Bhimavaram-
534202, Andhra Pradesh, Tel: 91-8816-226410,297410 Email ID:
Door No.10-397, Teja Towers, SKBR, College Road, Amalapuram – 533 201, East
Godavari Dist., Ph: 0885-6232332 Email ID: elisa.ama[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in
Door No. 23/182-6, Patchupeta, Machilipatnam – 521001, Krishna District, Andhra
Pradesh, Ph: 08672-229410. Email ID: elisa.mac[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in
D.NO,5-2-6/4, Opposite Mahalakshmi Tree Achanta Ranganayakulu Nagar, Karlapalem
Road, Bapatla,Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, PIN:522101, Ph:08643-220023 Email ID:
Door No.1, R T Towers, Public Office Road. Kadambadi, Nagapatinam, Tamil Nadu-
611001, Ph: 04365-247733; E mail:
2nd Floor, Raptani Bhawan, IRC Village, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar- 751015, Odisha. Email
ID: elisa.bhu[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in
Plot No. 959/1326, Bhaskarganji, OT Road, Opp. Hotel Kalinga, Balasore, Odisha-756001
Email ID: elisa.bal[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in
Plot No.( Near SAFIQUE AHMED GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL) 141, Haroa Village, Haroa
P.O.& PS North 24 Parganas District, West Bengal-743425 Email ID:
Plot No. 96, Ground Floor, Karkuli P.O. & P.S. -Contai, Purba medinipur,West Bengal-
721401 Email ID: elisa.con[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in
Ekta Building No. 1, Third Floor, Tithal Road, Valsad, Gujarat- 396001, Ph: 02632-253750
Email ID: elisa.val[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in
14 MPEDA QC Laboratory- KOCHI,
5th Floor, MPEDA House, Panampilly Nagar, Kochi- 682 036, Kerala, Ph: 0484-2311033.
Email ID: lab.koc[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in

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Sl. No. Particulars Document PageNo.
A Signed copy of all the pages of tender notice published MPEDA Yes/No
B Tender Fee ₹ 1500/- : DD No.Date: Yes/No

C EMD-₹ 1,00,000/_: DD No. Yes/No

D Technical bid with following Annexes Yes/No

1) ANNEXE-I: Format for maintenance contract Yes/No

2) ANNEXE-II : Format for user's list Yes/No

3) ANNEXE-III: List of Certificates for The ProposedSoftware Yes/No

(LIMS) / Developer
4) ANNEXE-IV: Manufacturer’s offer form Yes/No

5) ANNEXE-V : Power of Attorney Yes/No

6)ANNEXE-VI : Declaration Form Yes/No

7)ANNEXE-VII : Tender Offer Form Yes/No

8)ANNEXE-VIII : General Information about the Bidder Yes/No

9) ANNEXE-IX : Non-Disclosure Agreement Yes/No

10)ANNEXE-X PRE – Bid Query Format

11)ANNEXE-XI : Check list for Bidder Yes/No

E Financial bid (BoQ) Yes/No


Signature of Bidder Name & Designation


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