The Effect of Mobile Legends Towards The Academic Performance of Students in Santa Monica Institute

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Mobile Legends is a Mobile Legends game created by Moonton (2016). Mobile Legends is
a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game designed for Mobile Phones. The game is free
to play and only monetized through in-game purchases like characters and skins. Each player
can control a selectable character, called a Hero, with unique abilities and traits. Mobile
Legends is a game that relies on skins, strategy, and teamwork to achieve victory.

The results of an international study have uncovered a worrying pattern: those who play
Mobile Legends have lower academic performance than their peers who do not. This has
sparked worry among parents, teachers, and educational authorities, who are now trying to
develop solutions. Possible measures include limiting access to the game, providing educational
materials and advice to help students understand the risks associated with playing the game
and introducing strict punishments for those who play during classes or study hours. The study
aims to find ways to reduce the potential damage the game can have on students' academic
performance while still allowing them to enjoy the game. Mobile legends can affect academics if
used sparingly, leading to loss of focus, bad time management, productivity issues, and
possible sleep deprivation. Parents/educators should limit screen time and encourage other
activities. Schools can offer counseling to help manage screen time and balance
academic/social lives. Not all students are affected in the same way.

Mobile Legend is a very famous online game. Mobile Legends is made in China and was
produced by the company of Moonton. There are a lot of countries that play too much in mobile
legends, and the Philippines is one of them. It is clear from the data that students'
procrastination in academic work is influenced by how intensely they play mobile phone games.
The intensity of playing legendary mobile games increases with frequency, which might lead to
procrastination on academic projects. This could affect students' studies because they cared
about the game, not themselves. Many students got depressed and stressed, and some died
because of academic performance or school work. They forget to be a student and don’t learn
anything inside the school because all they care about is online games; they play around the
school, and even inside the classroom, they always play online games. This issue is a common
problem in the Philippines, so some leaders, like politicians, wanted to phase out these online
games, especially mobile legends.

The intensity of playing mobile legend games in students affects their academic
procrastination. This game has become popular in the Philippines and many students are
addicted to it. When they started playing this addicting game, they neglected their studies,
mostly boys. That results in delaying their assignments and poor performance in academic
activities. (Mubarak,2022).

Mobile Legends has beneficial and detrimental effects on student studies and development.
The games have been known to be highly addictive and time-consuming because the more time
students spend playing Mobile Legends, the lower their performance is in school. So we
conducted a study about the effect of Mobile Legends on students' academic performance to
help them focus on their studies and spend more time with their families rather than getting lost
in the virtual world.
According to Jana (2020) , spending a lot of time playing online games can have a
negative impact on a student's school performance. Evidence suggests that those who play
for extended periods of time tend to get lower grades than those who play less. A survey
indicated that 47% of heavy gamers received poor grades, compared to only 23% of light
users. However, other research indicates that gaming may help to increase creativity and
critical thinking. The fast-paced action of online games can lead to the development of
skills which enable gamers to make quick decisions, pay attention to detail and adjust to
sudden changes.

In recent years, the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang has become increasingly popular
amongst the younger generation. Research suggests that this game can actually have a
positive effect on students' learning and education in general. According to Bautista (2019),
playing Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is capable of developing skills such as strategic
thinking, critical thinking, and multitasking, which are invaluable in many real-life scenarios.
The goal is to win the game and this can be accomplished through careful planning and
problem-solving. Additionally, the game encourages teamwork and social connectivity
between players connected by a server.

Jana (2020) argues that Mobile Legends: Bang Bang can be beneficial for students, as it
helps to refine their problem-solving abilities. Players must be savvy to the strategy of the
game in order to be successful, and this encourages the mind to be more agile. Additionally,
under time constraints, decision-making skills and speed are cultivated. Research has also
demonstrated an increase in student creativity due to playing online games like Mobile
Legends: Bang Bang.

The investigation uncovered that gamers of these games have quicker data handling,
assign more scholarly energy to singular visual boosts, and assign restricted cognizant
assets among successive boosts all the more proficiently through time. This suggests that
playing these games, particularly Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games, can help
an individual in improving their eye and hand coordination aptitudes by requiring them to
execute strategic planning, selective attention, sensorimotor skills, and teamwork.
(Kershner, 2020).
Playing video games such as Mobile Legends: Bang Bang can be a great way to relieve
stress. Many students enjoy playing the game purely for entertainment and to have fun.
Additionally, the game can be used as a means of managing stress after being exposed to
stressful events, such as having a lot of academic work (Scott, 2020).

Garcia's (2020) research found that students who become addicted to Mobile Legends:
Bang Bang may experience a decrease in their academic performance. When they spend
excessive amounts of time playing the game, they are likely to neglect their school duties,
resulting in lower grades or even failing grades. Additionally, they may suffer from reduced
cognitive function and difficulties with focus.

The research conducted by Tumbokon (2020) showed that excessive time spent playing
video games can be detrimental to academic achievement. The study discovered that
students who were addicted to online gaming frequently argued with their teachers, fought
with their peers, and had lower grades than those who played less. Additionally, some
claimed to have skipped their homework in order to play the game.

The research conducted by Dumrique & Castillo (2019) found that while students can
learn in unexpected ways, the excessive use of online games can lead to issues such as
distraction in school. Their findings have shown that the human brain is easily distracted,
meaning that playing these games can greatly affect a student's academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following questions:
1.) How much time do the students spend playing mobile legends?
2.)What reasons do the students play mobile legends?
3.)What are the ways to control the students in playing mobile legends?
4.)What are the effects of Mobile Legends on academic performance?
5.)What is the demographic profile of the students in terms of gaming?

Significance of the Study

This study will give the students an insight on the impact of online games towards their
academic performance. This research will be beneficial to the following:

Students. This research or study will help students know their limitations when it comes to
playing Mobile Legends. They will learn how to prevent their bad habit of playing and how
they can improve their discipline as students to make their academic performance good.

Teachers. This research will aid their questions and curiosity on why some of their students
are not able to focus in the class. It will provide them additional knowledge on what strategy
they will use to educate students in Santa Monica Institute about the well-known effects of
Mobile Legends.

School and Administrators. This research will contribute to the institutions for resolving
situations of the students. It makes them aware and informed about the reasons why
students play Mobile Legends. It also helps them to minimize the students who are playing
Mobile Legends for having good performances in school.

Future Researchers. This study will benefit the future researchers because it provides
information that will help them for their study about the effects of Mobile Legends. This will
serve as their basis and background about their research.


This research will employ a qualitative research approach using in-depth semi-
structured interviews. Participants will be recruited through purposive sampling and
snowballing methods. The target population for this research are university students that
are actively playing Mobile Legends. Participants will be selected based on criteria such as
being actively playing Mobile Legends for at least one month and being a full-time student.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study focuses on the effect of mobile legend towards the academic performance of
the students in Santa Monica Institute,Inc.The research study is conducted in the 2nd
semester of school year 2022-2023 at Santa Monica Institute,Inc.The most available school
for the researcher to conduct their study and having no reference from any other school in
the town of Mabini, province of Bohol.

Research Instruments
The instrument of the researchers is the questionnaire. The questionnaire contains five
questions. The first three questions consisted of multiple choice while the last two
questions consisted of essays.


Academic- Academic pertains to activities connected to educational institutions, such as

universities, colleges, and schools, particularly activities that are focused on studying and
thinking rather than practical or technical abilities.

Accessibility- Relates to being dependable and ready to help when needed.

Arena- A flat space surrounded by seating for onlookers, where sports, performances, and
other public gatherings take place.

Battle- Strive determinedly to attain or oppose something.

Competition- A competition in which people vie against each other.

Cooperation- Collaborating towards the same goal.

Development- The development of someone or something over time, resulting in increased

Enhance- Enhance the intensity to elevate the quality, value, or extent.

E- Sports- A video game that is played by multiple players in a competitive manner, usually
watched by an audience of spectators, typically by professional gamers.

Factors- A factor that leads to a conclusion or outcome.

Game- A game or activity, particularly a competitive one that requires skill, strength, or luck,
and is played according to specific rules.

Interaction- Interacting with or engaging directly with someone or something.

MOBA- Multiplayer Online Battle Arena

Mobile- Pertaining to cellular devices, portable computers, and related technology.

MVP- Most Valuable Player

Online- Governed by or linked to another computer or to a network.

RPG- In a role-playing game, players take on the identity of a character in a fantasy or

science fiction setting, and can interact within that world.

RTS- Real Time Strategy

Strategy- A strategy that is intended to accomplish a major goal or overall objective.

Teamwork- The collective effort of a group of people working together in an effective and
efficient manner.

Reference Lists
Moonton Elez Technology(2016)

LEGENDS-ADDICTIONpptx/ (February 19, 2020)

Sulawesi Selatan(2022) (July 5,


According to IGN SEA, (2018)
%20student's%20academic%20procrastination. (2009)

Adrian A. Bautista(2018)
(September 7, 2018)

1. Do you find it difficult to stay focused on your studies when you know you can play
Mobile Legends?

a. Yes, it is very difficult for me to stay focused.

b. No, I am able to stay focused on my studies despite the temptation of Mobile Legends.

c. Sometimes I find it difficult to stay focused, but I still try my best.

d. It depends on the day, sometimes I can stay focused and other times I get distracted.

2. Do you think that playing Mobile Legends has caused you to miss out on sleep or other

a. Yes, I have missed out on sleep and other activities because of playing Mobile Legends.

b. No, I make sure to balance my time between Mobile Legends and other activities.

c. Sometimes, I miss out on sleep or other activities because I'm playing Mobile Legends.

d. I don't play Mobile Legends, so it hasn't affected my sleep or other activities.

3. Do you think playing Mobile Legends has given you any skills or knowledge that you can
apply in your studies?

a. Yes, I believe it has helped me develop my critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-
making skills.

b. No, I don't think that playing Mobile Legends has given me any skills or knowledge that I
can apply to my studies.

4. What do you think are the positive effects of playing Mobile Legends on your academic

5. What do you think are the negative effects of playing Mobile Legends on your academic

Cawayanan, Mabini, Bohol, Philippines

(0966) 887 5197

Education Background:
Junior high school
Santa Monica institute, inc. (2022-2023)
Poblacion 1, Mabini, Bohol
Grade 10

Mabini Central Elementary School (2013-2019)
Poblacion I, Mabini, Bohol

Personal Details

Name of Mother: Agnes Wahing Ragay

Name of Father: Wilfredo Edquilang Bernales
Date of Birth: September 05, 2007
Civil status:Single
Languages known: Tagalog, English, Cebuano-Visayan
Hobbies: Playing Ukulele, watching movies, tiktok, singing, dancing, and playing
Religious Affiliations: Roman Catholic


Poblacion l, Mabini, Bohol, Philippines


Educational Background:

Junior High School Santa Monica Institute, Inc. (2022-2023)
Poblacion l, Mabini, Bohol
Grade 10

Tala Elementary School(2013-2016)
Pag-Asa Elementary School (2016-2017)
Mabini Central Elementary School (2017-2019)
Phase 7, Bagong Silang, Caloocan City
Poblacion l, Mabini, Bohol

Personal details:
Name of Mother: Carmelita Asa Virtudazo
Name of father: Antonio Malagtakon Espinosa
Date of Birth: November 17, 2006
Civil Status: Single
Languages known: English, Tagalog and Cebuano-Visayan
Hobbies: Watching horror movies, reading stories, tiktok, dancing, writing
Religious Affiliations: Iglesia Ni Cristo


Purok5 Abaca Mabini, Bohol, Philippines


Educational Background:
Junior High School Santa Monica Institute, Inc. (2022-2023)
Poblacion l, Mabini, Bohol Grade 10
San Antonio Elementary school (2017-2018)
Abaca Integrated school(2018-2019)

Personal details:
Name of Mother: Felipa Fostanes Bucio
Name of father: Edmon Acido Bucio
Date of Birth: October 23, 2007
Civil Status: Single
Languages known: English, Tagalog and Cebuano-Visayan
Hobbies: Watching movies, reading stories,dancing
Religious Affiliations: Roman Catholic


Poblacion I, Mabini, Bohol Philippines


Education Background:

Junior High School
Santa Monica Institute, inc. (2022-2023)
Poblacion I, Mabini, Bohol
Grade 10

Mabini Central Elementary School (2018-2019)
Poblacion I, Mabini, Bohol

Personal Details:
Name of Mother: Maiden: Jacquelyne M. Piquero
Name of Father: Richard Alon-alon Ubalde
Date of Birth: March 26, 2007
Civil Status: Single
Languages Known: Cebuano-Visayan, English, Tagalog, Cotabato Manobo
Hobbies: Listening to Music, Playing Guitar, Sleep all day, Watching/Reading
Religious Affiliations: Roman Catholic


Poblacion 1, Mabini, Bohol, Philippines


Education Background:

Junior high school
Santa Monica Institute, Inc. (2022-2023)
Poblacion 1, Mabini, Bohol
Grade 10
Cawayanan Elementary School (2013-2019)
Cawayanan, Mabini, Bohol

Personal Details:
Name of mother: Erlinda Castillon Macayanan
Name of father: Jim Macayanan
Date of birth: August 23, 2007
Civil Status: Single
Languages known: Tagalog, bisaya, english, ilokano
Hobbies: Dancing, Listening Music, Playing Sports, Cooking, Adventure
Religious Afflictions: Roman Catholic

April Ann T. Elle

Abaca, Mabini, Bohol, Philippines


Education Background:

Junior High School Santa Monica Institute, Inc. 2022-2023
Poblacion 1, Mabini, Bohol Grade 10

Abaca Integrated School (2013-2019)
Abaca, Mabini, Bohol

Personal Details:
Name of Mother: Analy Anuřa Timaan
Name of Father: Angeles Libres Elle
Date of birth: April 19, 2007
Civil Statutes: Single
Languages Known: English, Tagalog, Cebuano and Visayan
Hobbies: Listening to Music, Reading Manga/Anime
Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic


Tambo, Mabini, Bohol, Philippines

0981 468 2642

Education Background:

Junior high school
Santa Monica institute, inc. (2022-2023)
Poblacion 1, Mabini, Bohol
Grade 10

I C. Littardi (2013-2018)
Viale della rimembranza, imperia, Italy

Personal Details:

Name of Mother: Angela Rajas

Name of Father: Reynel Rajas
Date of Birth: October 03, 2007
Civil status: Single
Languages Known: Italian, English, Cebuano-Visayan
Hobbies: Watching Anime, Watching Movies, Watching Tiktok, Drawing, and
Religious Affiliations: Roman Catholic


Poblacion 1, Mabini,Bohol,Philippines

Education Background:

Junior high school
Santa Monica institute, inc. (2022-2023)
Poblacion 1, Mabini, Bohol
Grade 10

Mabini Central Elementary School (2013-2018)
Poblacion 1, Mabini, Bohol

Personal Details:
Name of Mother: Maria Lorna Villamor Dalogdog
Name of Father: Cesario Lombres Dalogdog
Date of Birth: November 23, 2006
Civil status: Single
Languages known: Tagalog, English, Cebuano-Visayan
Hobbies: Playing lyre,singing,dancing,watching movies,playing sports
Religious Affiliations: Roman Catholic


Minol, Mabini, Bohol, Philippines


Education Background:

Junior high school
Santa Monica institute, inc. (2022-2023)
Minol, Mabini, Bohol
Grade 10

Minol Elementary school (2013-2018)
Minol, Mabini, Bohol
Personal Details:
Name of Mother:Jennifer Piquero Reyes
Name of Father: Jimmy Galas Bernales
Date of Birth: October 4, 2007
Civil status: Single
Languages known: Tagalog, English, Cebuano and visayan
Hobbies: Playing guitar, Watching Movies, Playing Online Games, Dancing
and Playing Basketball
Religious Affiliations: Jehovah's Witnesses


Poblacion 2, Mabini,Bohol,Philippines

Education Background:

Junior high school
Santa Monica institute, inc. (2022-2023)
Poblacion 2, Mabini, Bohol
Grade 10

Mabini Central Elementary School (2013-2018)
Poblacion 2, Mabini, Bohol

Personal Details:
Name of Mother: Ma Donna N. Dumandan
Name of Father: John Oliver N. Dumandan
Date of Birth: December 6, 2006
Civil status: Single
Languages known: Tagalog and visayan
Hobbies: Playing Guitar, Watching Movies, Playing Sports
Religious Affiliations: Roman Catholic

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