Personal Information Consent - Rev01

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Legal & Commercial Department
Personal Information
Consent Form for Partners

To provide a professional and effective service we need to keep a record of personal information.

This is information such as your name and contact details, the person to contact in case of emergency and details of your
partnership with us. All personal information is treated as private and confidential by all staff and volunteers. It is recorded on
a database and/or in a paper file.

The undersigned hereby, voluntarily, and freely agree and consent to the transfer of personal data and CV by +NR and its
subsidiaries (including partnership with our partners companies) to a client or potential client located in both in the European
Union and in a third country (outside the European Union).

The information required from our Partners are:

❖ Picture (voluntary submitted with this consent)

❖ Identification information (name, age, gender)

❖ Organizational information (role, title, department, company, company seniority, place in organization chart)

❖ Education, skills, and competencies

❖ Job experience and project participation and role


This consent is to make our partners aware that your information and consent will be stored by the data exporter for as long as
necessary related to the purpose of bidding and project execution. This may include storage also after termination of your
partnership with +NR.

This consent aims to use your personal data that will be required by a client for tender or project execution, but not limited to:

❖ Tenders and project execution.

❖ Organization chart

❖ Commercial Presentation and portfolio

❖ Company Website and LinkedIn (optional on this consent)

The consent is voluntary for a period of 24 months from the date of signature. You have the right to see any information that
we hold about you and withdraw your consent at any time through a written request to the +NR Commercial Department.
Exercise of any of your rights as a data subject, related to this consent or otherwise, may be commenced by a notification to
the company as stated in our data protection procedures found in the +NR Management System.

This document contains Plus Natural Resources legal entity proprietary and confidential information that is legally privileged and is intended only for the person or 1
entity to which it is addressed, and any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. It is provided for limited purpose and shall not be reproduced, stored electronically,
transferred to other documents, disseminated, or disclosed to any third parties without the prior written consent of the relevant Plus Natural Resources legal entity.
Personal Information
Consent Form for Partners


By signing this document, you consent to the transfer of personal data included in your CV, being transferred to an +NR’ client,
or potential client, located in both in the European Union and in a third country (outside the European Union). Such transfers
may take place as part of the tendering process or in project execution when no other legal basis for transfer is available.

I have read and understood the information above, and I give my written consent for +NR to hold personal information about
me, and for staff/volunteers to share information with other agencies where it is necessary.

Name: Mauro Alexandre André
Date: 22/11/2023

I have read and understood the information above, and I give my written consent in additional for +NR to utilize my personal
data shared with this consent, on the Company Website and LinkedIn.


This document contains Plus Natural Resources legal entity proprietary and confidential information that is legally privileged and is intended only for the person or 2
entity to which it is addressed, and any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. It is provided for limited purpose and shall not be reproduced, stored electronically,
transferred to other documents, disseminated, or disclosed to any third parties without the prior written consent of the relevant Plus Natural Resources legal entity.

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