Lesson-3 - Migration and Urbanization - PAGE NO: 45 - 47 - Exercises - 1. Very Short Answer Type Questions

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• PAGE NO : 45 – 47


• 1. Very short answer type questions :

(a) Define the term migration.

( Ans) The movement of people from one
area to another.
b) Who are the migrants?
( Ans) The person who is migrating from one
place to another.
C) What do you mean by Permanent
( Ans) People migrate Permanently from
one place to another is called permanent migration.
d) Name the four types of migration.
( Ans) On the basis of the direction of
movement of people migration can be categorized
into four types: Rural to Urban, Urban to Urban,
Rural to Rural, and Urban to Rural.
e) What is a Smart city?
( Ans) Smart city provide care infrastructure
and decent quality of life to its citizens.
2 .Short answer type questions:
a) Write a note on the push and pull factors.
( Ans) Pull and Push factors are factors which
either push someone out of their home country
or pull some one close to a new country.
Push factors Pull factors

Not enough jobs More work

Lack of food Access to shops
Poor education Better education

Difficult conditions etc. Clean water etc.

b) Discuss the negative effects of Urbanisation.

(Ans) The negative effects of Urbanisation are:
• It leads to unemployment.
• It causes serious health hazards
• Water pollution increases.
C) What are the different modes of
(Ans) Migration can be national or
international . The migration with in country is called
as the national migration. While, the migration that
takes place between two countries is known as the
international migration.

(d) Describe any three consequences of


( Ans) The major consequence of migration are as

1. People migrate from one area to another for
economic gains and benefits.
2. Migration is responsible for the unbalanced
demographic distribution of population.
3. It also affects the age and sex composition of
4. It also enhances unity in diversity.

3. Long answer type questions:

a) Explain the major causes of migration.

( Ans) There are a variety of reasons that
causes migration such as-
• Employment- People migrate in
large numbers from rural areas to
urban areas in search of
employment opportunities.
• Marriage- It is a social factor of
migration. Especially, the girls have
to migrate to their in - laws house
after marriage.
• Education- To get higher education,
people move towards the cities.
• Lack of Security- Inter ethnic
conflicts and political disturbances
push rural people to Urban areas.

b) Brain- Drain is a serious concern of

developing countries. Do you agree with
the statement? Substantiate your
answer with suitable examples.
(Ans) Brain- Drain is a serious concern of
developing countries, Yes I agree with
the statement , as developing countries
lose their most educated and talented
workers , it is actually a barrier for the
development of the country for
example- maximum youth of Punjab
migrate to US, Canada and Australia for
better education, jobs and other
resources, which disturbs the age
composition of the state.
C) Give a brief note on smart
cities along with their examples.
( Ans) Smart city is an urban area
that uses different types of electronic internet of
things sensors to collect data. The main aim behind
the concept of smart city is to provide core
infrastructure and decent quality of life to its citizens.
Paris, New York, Toronto Tokyo etc.

(d) What steps should be taken to stop

Brain- Drain?
( Ans) The steps should be taken to stop
Brain Drain are as follows:
• Improve the quality of our
• Provide adequate research facilities.
• Promote people on merit alone.
• Provide better job opportunities.
• Do away with the quota system at
once if not done till now.
• PAGE No- 44:

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