Strategies in Teaching Social Studies 2

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Strategies in Teaching

Social Studies
Try me! Domain:
NAT: Ako ay Natatangi
KOM: Ang Aking Komunidad
PKK: Pagiging Kabahagi ng Komunidad

AP1NAT-Ia-1 PAB: Ang Pamamahala sa Aking Banssa


Explain the relevance of Appreciate the art of Scrutinize a lesson plan

inquiry in social studies questioning inside a social using inquiry-based teaching
education studies classroom strategy

Inquiry is defined as the process of looking and creating information or

knowledge by means of questions.

“question and answer”

Critical Thinking
John Frederiksen
Ph. D. 1966 (Psychology), Princeton University
B. A. 1963 (Psychology, magna cum laude), Harvard University
• “If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day; If you teach a
man to fish, he eats for a lifetime”
• “If you teach a person what to learn, you are preparing that
person for the past. If you teach a person how to learn, you
are preparing that person for the future” —Cyril Houle
• coined by John Flavell.
• It refers to higher order thinking which involves active
awareness and control over the cognitive processes
engaged in learning.
Cognition vs Metacognition
• Cognition
✓is a way of thinking
• Metacognition
✓awareness of our own thinking
✓thinking about our thinking
✓cognition about cognition
✓learning how to learn
✓learner’s understanding and control of their own cognitive
Metacognitive Knowledge
3 Categories of Metacognitive

Person Variable Task Variable Strategy Variable

This includes Knowledge of strategy

knowledge about the variables involves
This includes how one nature of the task as
views himself as a awareness of the strategy
well as the type of you are using to learn a
learner and thinker. processing demands that topic and evaluating
it will place upon the whether this strategy is
individual. effective.
• A student may use knowledge in planning how to do homework: I
know that I (person variable) have more difficulty with my Science
assignments than English and find Araling Panlipunan easier (task
variable), so I will do my homework in Science first, then Language
Arts, then Araling Panlipunan (strategy variable).

• If one is only aware about one's cognitive strengths and weaknesses

and the nature of the task but does not use this to guide or oversee
his or her own learning, then no metacognition has been applied.
Practices of Metacognition (Omrod)
1. Knowing the limits of one's own learning and memory capacities
2. Knowing what learning tasks one can realistically accomplish within a
certain amount of time
3. Knowing which learning strategies are effective and which are not
4. Planning an approach to a learning task that is likely to be successful
5. Using effective learning strategies to process and learn new material
6. Monitoring one's own knowledge and comprehension. In other words,
knowing when information has been successfully learned and when it's
7. Using effective strategies for retrieval of previously stored information
Huitt believes that metacognition includes the ability to ask and answer the
following types of questions:
1. What do I know about this subject, topic, issue?
2. Do I know what I need to know?
3. Do I know where I can go to get some information, knowledge?
4. How much time will I need to learn this?
5. What are some strategies and tactics that I can use to learn this?
6. Did I understand what I just heard, read or saw?
7. How will I know if I am learning at an appropriate rate?
8. How can I spot an error if I make one?
9. How should I revise my plan if it is not working to my
• Inquiry-based learning is grounded on rational strategies used to
motivate learners to generate responses through the queries
regarding issues/events.
• The learners are seen as active participants in the teaching process.
• It helps learners to enhance their intellectual capacity through the
significance of scientific queries.
Some of the benefits of inquiry-based teaching are as follows:
• Inquiry is dedicated to nurturing the schema of learners essential to
create, communicate, and assess answers coming from their interests.
• It helps the learners acquire and process ideas in a logical way.
• It encourages intelligent responses which can be practiced to discover
why issues are occurring.
Questioning Techniques
Gershon (2014) identified the different questioning techniques that AP teachers can use:

Different roles
Might question What if question Socratic questioning.
• What might • What if there is an • You are the judge; • This questioning
history be? earthquake, what will you give your style combines all
• What might be the shall we do? verdict in favor of the
answer to that • What if you the suspect? aforementioned
social issue? became the mayor; • You are a teacher form of
what programs and you are questioning.
shall you expected to guide
implement? your learners. If
there is a naughty
pupil, will you
spank him/her?
Gadfly Questions Stingray Questions
1. What are the elections all about? • You said that love is the answer; will love change the
2. How important is it for people to participate in the situation of the poor ?
elections? • Imagine that poverty is not applicable to your case;
3. What if people were not allowed to vote? What will
would you still pursue your career as an artist?
4. When you reach the legal age, will you
practice your right to vote?
Socratic Method
Midwife Questions Ignoramus Questions
• That is a very good point. Can you
elaborate it further? • I don't understand. Can you further explain it to
• How might that idea change the lives of me?
Filipinos? • So, do you mean that ...?
• What made you say that idea? • What does your answer mean?

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