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ChatGPT is a is chatbot base on AI developed by OpenAI.

It is a model that can interact with

a writer, hold clear conversations like human and work on various topics. Then, this article
written by the research organization of the University at Buffalo and published on 7th
December 2023 on ScienceDaily web site is telling about the way chatGPT can help
responders during a disaster. So, can chatGPT be useful in every field today?
Before answer this question, let’s summarize this article.


ChatGPT is well-known as a machine learning model that can write complete essays and hold
conversation like human on various subjects. So, the new University at Buffalo made
researches that can allow to use chatGPT’s abilities to help responders during natural
disasters and save more lives.
In fact, during a disaster, victims use to turn to social media to ask for help when the 911
system is overloaded but responders often don’t have resources to follow social media
during the disaster as they are focused on helping other people.
So, the Buffalo University researchers study and train chatGPT to recognize and collect
localization information in social media posts to help first responders reach victims more
quickly and even save more lives.
To train chatGPT to collect that information they used a large dataset of examples of tweets
containing location descriptions and their knowledge about the way locations are described
in their local area.
The researchers tested the geoknowledge-guided GPT on Hurricane Harvey tweets and the
result was that the geoknowledge-guided GPT were 76% better at recognizing location
descriptions than GPT models not provided with geoknowledge.
However, the localization extraction is not perfect. Other research must be made before
using GPT to save victims in a real disaster.

Problem question: can chatGPT be useful in every field today? Yes, but we have to train it.

Every day, technology is evaluating and artificial intelligence is adhering to every area. So
chatGPT can be used in many fields to various things. In education, students and teacher can
use it for redactions, to explain resolve many kinds of problem and get answers to simple
questions. In medicine, it can patients can use it to get well-being advices. In informatics, it
can be use to write a program, create applications and wed sites. In professional live, it can
be used to planificate and organize a project, write rapports, letters and articles.
However, the information that chatGPT delivers are those that are given to it during its
updates so it can’t be useful on subject on which it doesn’t have any information. In that
case, it used to give false information. So, it can’t be useful only in fields or on tasks that it
has been trained for.

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