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Greenhouse effect [50 marks]

1. 17N.1.SL.TZ0.29

The three statements give possible reasons why an average value should be used for the solar constant.

I. The Sun’s output varies during its 11 year cycle.

II. The Earth is in elliptical orbit around the Sun.
III. The plane of the Earth’s spin on its axis is tilted to the plane of its orbit about the Sun.

Which are the correct reasons for using an average value for the solar constant?

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III


regardless of how a sphere is tilted, half the surface will always be illuminated.

2. 16N.1.HL.TZ0.24

The solar constant is the intensity of the Sun’s radiation at

A. the surface of the Earth.

B. the mean distance from the Sun of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
C. the surface of the Sun.
D. 10km above the surface of the Earth.



3. 18M.1.HL.TZ1.24

The dashed line on the graph shows the variation with wavelength of the intensity of solar radiation before
passing through the Earth’s atmosphere.

The solid line on the graph shows the variation with wavelength of the intensity of solar radiation after it
has passed through the Earth’s atmosphere.
Which feature of the graph helps explain the greenhouse effect?

A. Infrared radiation is absorbed at specific wavelengths.

B. There is little absorption at infrared wavelengths.

C. There is substantial absorption at visible wavelengths.

D. There is little absorption at UV wavelengths.


This specific wavelength corresponds to energy level of the greenhouse gas molecule (see
the slides)

4. 17M.1.HL.TZ1.25

The average albedo of glacier ice is 0.25.

power absorbed by glacier ice

What is ?
power reflected by glacier ice
A. 0.25

B. 0.33

C. 2.5
D. 3.0

absorbed 75%, reflection 25% >>>>75/25=3

5. 19M.2.SL.TZ1.6

The Moon has no atmosphere and orbits the Earth. The diagram shows the Moon with rays of light from
the Sun that are incident at 90° to the axis of rotation of the Moon.

(a.i) A black body is on the Moon’s surface at point A. Show that the maximum temperature that this body
can reach is 400 K. Assume that the Earth and the Moon are the same distance from the Sun.



( )
390 «K» Must see 1360 (from data booklet) used for MP1. Must see at least 2 s.f.

(a.ii) Another black body is on the Moon’s surface at point B.

Outline, without calculation, why the aximum temperature of the black body at point B is less than at point


energy/Power/Intensity lower at B
connection made between energy/power/intensity and temperature of blackbody

(a.iii) The albedo of the Earth’s atmosphere is 0.28. Outline why the maximum temperature of a black
body on the Earth when the Sun is overhead is less than that at point A on the Moon.


(28 %) of sun’s energy is scattered/reflected by earth’s atmosphere OR
only 72% of incident energy gets absorbed by blackbody
Must be clear that the energy is being scattered by the
atmosphere. Award [0] for simple definition of “albedo”.

6. 18N.2.SL.TZ0.6
The ratio distance of Mars ¿the Sun the Sun ¿ = 1.5.
distance of Earth ¿
(a) Show that the intensity of solar radiation at the orbit of Mars is about 600 W m –2.


1 1
use of I ∝ 3
2 «1.36 × 10 × 2 »
r 1.5
604 «W m–2 »

(b) Determine, in K, the mean surface temperature of Mars. Assume that Mars acts as a black body.


use of for mean intensity

temperature/K = « 4
√ 600
4 ×5.67 × 10−8
=¿ » 230

(c) The atmosphere of Mars is composed mainly of carbon dioxide and has a pressure less than 1 % of
that on the Earth. Outline why the greenhouse effect is not significant on Mars.


recognize the link between molecular density/concentration and pressure
low pressure means too few molecules to produce a significant heating effect
low pressure means too little radiation re-radiated back to Mars

7. 18M.1.SL.TZ1.30

The diagram shows a simple climate model for the Earth.

What does this model predict for the average albedo of the Earth?

A. 0.30

B. 0.51

C. 0.70

D. 0.81



8. 18N.1.SL.TZ0.30

Light of intensity I0 is incident on a snow-covered area of Earth. In a model of this situation, the albedo of
the cloud is 0.30 and the albedo for the snow surface is 0.80. What is the intensity of the light at P due to
the incident ray I0?
A. 0.14 I0

B. 0.24 I0

C. 0.50 I0

D. 0.55 I0



9. 21M.1.SL.TZ1.30

In a simple climate model for a planet, the incoming intensity is 400 W m 2 and the radiated intensity is
300 W m 2 .
The temperature of the planet is constant. What are the reflected intensity from the planet and the albedo
of the planet?



10. 19M.1.SL.TZ2.30

The orbital radius of the Earth around the Sun is 1.5 times that of Venus. What is the intensity of solar
radiation at the orbital radius of Venus?

A. 0.6 kW m-2

B. 0.9 kW m-2

C. 2 kW m-2

D. 3 kW m-2


11. 19N.1.SL.TZ0.30

What is meant by the statement that the average albedo of the Moon is 0.1?

A. 10% of the radiation incident on the Moon is absorbed by its surface

B. 10% of the radiation emitted by the Moon is absorbed by its atmosphere

C. 10% of the radiation incident on the Moon is reflected by its surface

D. 10% of the radiation emitted by the Moon is at infrared wavelengths



12. 20N.1.SL.TZ0.26

The average temperature of the surface of a planet is five times greater than the average temperature of
the surface of its moon. The emissivities of the planet and the moon are the same. The average intensity
radiated by the planet is I . What is the average intensity radiated by its moon?



13. 21M.1.SL.TZ2.30

What is the main role of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse effect?

A. It absorbs incoming radiation from the Sun.

B. It absorbs outgoing radiation from the Earth.

C. It reflects incoming radiation from the Sun.

D. It reflects outgoing radiation from the Earth.



14. 21N.2.SL.TZ0.6

Titan is the moon of Saturn. The Titan-Sun distance is 9.3 times greater than the Earth-Sun distance.

(a.i) Show that the intensity of the solar radiation at the location of Titan is 16 W m 2


incident intensity 2 OR 15.7 ≈ 16 «W m »

Allow the use of 1400 for the solar constant.

(a.ii) Titan has an atmosphere of nitrogen. The albedo of the atmosphere is 0.22. The surface of Titan may
be assumed to be a black body. Explain why the average intensity of solar radiation absorbed by
the whole surface of Titan is 3.1 W m 2


exposed surface is ¼ of the total surface
absorbed intensity = (10.22) × incident intensity
0.78 × 0.25 × 15.7 OR 3.07 «W m 2 »

Allow 3.06 from rounding and 3.12 if they use 16 W m 2 .

(a.iii) Show that the equilibrium surface temperature of Titan is about 90 K.


σT 4 = 3.07
T = 86«K»

15. 21N.1.SL.TZ0.30

Which is correct for a black-body radiator?

A. The power it emits from a unit surface area depends on the temperature only.
B. It has an albedo of 1.

C. It emits monochromatic radiation whose wavelength depends on the temperature only.

D. It emits radiation of equal intensity at all wavelengths.



16. 22M.1.SL.TZ1.29

Three mechanisms that affect the composition of the atmosphere of the Earth are:

I. Loss of forests that would otherwise store carbon dioxide – CO2

II. Release of methane – CH4 by the digestive system of grazing animals
III. Increase of nitrous oxide – N2O due to extensive use of fertilizer

Which of these statements describe a process that contributes to global warming?

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III



17. 22M.2.SL.TZ1.2

Cold milk enters a small sterilizing unit and flows over an electrical heating element.

The temperature of the milk is raised from 11 °C to 84 °C. A mass of 55 g of milk enters the sterilizing unit
every second.
Specific heat capacity of milk = 3.9 kJ kg 1 K 1

(a) Estimate the power input to the heating element. State an appropriate unit for your answer.


energy required for milk entering in 1s = mass x specific heat x 73
16 kW OR 16000W

MP1 is for substitution into mcΔT regardless of power of ten.

Allow any correct unit of power (such as J s-1 OR kJ s-1) if paired with an answer to the
correct power of 10 for MP2.

(b) Outline whether your answer to (a) is likely to overestimate or underestimate the power input.


Underestimate / more energy or power required

because energy transferred as heat / thermal energy is lost «to surroundings or electrical components»

Do not allow general term “energy” or “power” for MP2.

(c) Discuss, with reference to the molecules in the liquid, the difference between milk at 11 °C and milk at
84 °C.


the temperature has increased so the internal energy / « average » KE «of the molecules»
has increased OR temperature is proportional to average KE «of the molecules».
«therefore» the «average» speed of the molecules or particles is higher OR more frequent
collisions « between molecules » OR spacing between molecules has increased OR
average force of collisions is higher OR intermolecular forces are less OR intermolecular
bonds break and reform at a higher rate OR molecules are vibrating faster.

The milk flows out through an insulated metal pipe. The pipe is at a temperature of 84 °C. A small section
of the insulation has been removed from around the pipe.
(d.i) State how energy is transferred from the inside of the metal pipe to the outside of the metal pipe.


conduction/conducting/conductor «through metal»

(d.ii) The missing section of insulation is 0.56 m long and the external radius of the pipe is 0.067 m. The
emissivity of the pipe surface is 0.40. Determine the energy lost every second from the pipe surface.
Ignore any absorption of radiation by the pipe surface.


use of P=e σ A T 4 where T = 357K
use of A=2 π r l « = 0.236 m2 »
P = 87«W»

Allow 85 – 89 W for MP3.

Allow ECF for MP3.

(d.iii) Describe one other method by which significant amounts of energy can be transferred from the pipe
to the surroundings.


convection «is likely to be a significant loss»

«due to reduction in density of air near pipe surface» hot air rises «and is replaced by
cooler air from elsewhere»
«due to» conduction «of heat or thermal energy» from pipe to air

18. 22M.1.SL.TZ1.30

The diagram shows, for a region on the Earth’s surface, the incident, radiated and reflected intensities of
the solar radiation.
What is the albedo of the region?

D. 1



19. 22N.2.SL.TZ0.2

A solar heating panel is placed on the roof of a house in order to heat water in a storage tank. The rest of
the roof is covered with tiles.

On a certain day, the intensity of the solar radiation that is incident perpendicular to the surface of the
panel is 680 W m 2 .

The following data are available.

Mass of the water in the tank = 250 kg

Initial temperature of the water in the tank = 15 °C

Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg 1 K 1

Overall efficiency of the heating system = 0.30

Albedo of the roof tiles = 0.20

Emissivity of the roof tiles = 0.97

(a.i) Determine the minimum area of the solar heating panel required to increase the temperature of all the
water in the tank to 30°C during a time of 1.0 hour.

energy required = 250× 4200× (30 15)
energy available = 0.30 × 680 × t × A
250 ×4200 × 15
A=« =¿» 21 «m2» OR 22 «m2 »
0.30 ×680 ×60 × 60

Allow ECF from MP1 and MP2.

Accept the correct use of 0.30 in either MP1 or MP2.

(a.ii) Estimate, in °C, the temperature of the roof tiles.


absorbed intensity =(1 0.2) × 680«= 544»«Wm 2 » OR emitted intensity = 0.97 × 5.67 × 10 8
× T4


0.97 × 5.67 ×10− 8
=315 «K»

a perfect blackbody emits what it absorbs, so the two intensities are equated.

Allow ECF from MP1 and MP2.

Allow MP1 if absorbed or emitted intensity is multiplied by area.

There is an air space above the water in the storage tank with an opening to the atmosphere. Assume that
air behaves like an ideal gas.

(a.iii) State one way in which a real gas differs from an ideal gas.


can be liquefied
has intermolecular forces / potential energy
has atoms/molecules that are not point objects / take up volume
does not follow the ideal gas law «for all T and p »
collisions between particles are non-elastic

Accept the converse argument.

(a.iiii) Another method of harnessing solar energy involves the use of photovoltaic cells.

Distinguish between photovoltaic cells and solar heating panels.


solar «energy» to electrical in a photovoltaic cell AND solar to thermal in a heating panel

© International Baccalaureate Organization, 2023

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