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Linear and Multilinear Algebra

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Completely square-zero preserving maps on

Mohammad B. Asadi, Hossein Khodaiemehr & Fereshteh Sady

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Completely square-zero preserving maps on Bs (H)

Mohammad B. Asadia , Hossein Khodaiemehrb and Fereshteh Sadyb
a School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, College of Science, University of Tehran, Tehran,
Iran; b Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Department of Pure Mathematics, Tarbiat Modares University,
Tehran, Iran


Let H be a complex Hilbert space with dim(H) ≥ 3 and  be a Received 7 December 2016
surjective map on the real linear space Bs (H) of all bounded self- Accepted 6 May 2017
adjoint operators on H. For each n ∈ N, let n : Mn (Bs (H)) → COMMUNICATED BY
Mn (Bs (H)) be defined by L. Molnar
n ((Sij )n×n ) = ((Sij ))n×n (Sij )n×n ∈ Mn (Bs (H)) . Square-zero preserving;
completely preserver
In this paper, we show that if 4 preserves square-zero operators problems; self-adjoint
in both directions, then there exist λ ∈ R and a unitary or an operators
antiunitary operator U on H such that (S) = λUSU ∗ , for all
S ∈ Bs (H). We also give a description of all continuous surjective CLASSIFICATIONS
maps  : Bs (H) −→ Bs (H), such that 2 preserves square-zero 47B15; 47B49
operators in both directions.

1. Introduction and preliminaries

Preserver problems on algebras of operators are concerned with the characterization of
(linear or nonlinear) operators satisfying some preservation properties such as preserving
invertibility, spectrum, commutativity, idempotents, zero products and similar properties
related to the algebraic structure, see for instance [1–7]. Without linearity assumption,
some authors assume that the preservation property holds completely and obtain the
description of such preserving maps. For instance, completely invertibility preserving (and
completely spectrum preserving) surjections between operator algebras were studied by
Hou and Huang in [8]. In [9], the same authors studied surjective maps completely preserv-
ing idempotents or square-zero operators between operator algebras. By their results, every
surjective 2-square-zero preserving map (in both directions) between standard operator
algebras on real or complex Banach spaces is a scalar multiple of either an isomorphism or a
conjugate isomorphism. Also, completely commutativity preserving maps and completely
Jordan zero-product preserving maps were characterized in [10].
In this paper, we consider surjective maps  on the real linear space Bs (H) of all
bounded self-adjoint operators on a complex Hilbert space H with dim(H) ≥ 3, such that
for n = 2 or 4, n preserves square-zero operators in Bs (H) in both directions. Here, for
each n ∈ N, n : Mn (Bs (H)) → Mn (Bs (H)) is defined by

CONTACT Mohammad B. Asadi

© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

n ((Sij )n×n ) = ((Sij ))n×n (Sij )n×n ∈ Mn (Bs (H)) .

For the case n = 4, we show that (T) = λUTU ∗ for all T ∈ Bs (H), where λ ∈ R and U is
a unitary or an antiunitary operator on H and for the case n = 2,we show that, under  the
continuity assumption, there exists α > 0 such that (T) = λU (T + )α − (T − )α U ∗ for
all T ∈ Bs (H), where λ ∈ R, U is a unitary or an antiunitary operator on H and T + , T −
are positive operators with T = T + − T − and T + T − = 0.
Let us first recall some notations. Throughout the paper, H is a complex Hilbert space
with dim(H) ≥ 3 and I is the identity operator on H. An operator P ∈ Bs (H) is a
projection if P 2 = P. We denote the set of all projections on H by P. There is a natural
order on P, that is, for projections P, Q ∈ P, P  Q whenever PQ = QP = P. Two
projections P and Q are orthogonal if PQ = QP = 0. In this case, we write P ⊥ Q. We
denote the set of all finite real linear combinations of mutually orthogonal projections
n on
H by LOP(H). Hence, each operator T ∈ LOP(H) can be written as T = i=1 λi Pi for
a finite collection {Pi }ni=1 of mutually orthogonal projections and real scalars {λi }ni=1 . By
spectral theorem, LOP(H) is dense in Bs (H).
Given a map  : Bs (H) → Bs (H) and n ∈ N, we say that  is n-square-zero preserving
in both directions if for each (Sij )n×n ∈ Mn (Bs (H)),

n ((Sij )n×n )2 = 0 ⇔ (Sij )2n×n = 0.

When  is n-square-zero preserving (in both directions) for every positive integer n, we
say that  is completely square-zero preserving (in both directions).

2. Completely square-zero preserving maps on Bs (H)

In this section, we characterize continuous surjective 2-square-zero preserving maps and
surjective 4-square-zero preserving maps on Bs (H) (Theorems 2.1 and 2.9).
Theorem 2.1: Let H be a complex Hilbert space with dim(H) ≥ 3 and  : Bs (H) →
Bs (H) be surjective and 2-square-zero preserving in both directions. If  is norm (or strongly)
 λ0 ∈ R, α > 0 and a unitary or an antiunitary operator U on
continuous, then there exist
H such that (S) = λ0 U (S+ )α − (S− )α U ∗ , for each S ∈ Bs (H).
In what follows, we assume that  : Bs (H) → Bs (H) is a surjective map which is 2-
square-zero preserving in both directions. The proof of the theorem will be given through
the following lemmas, which are adapted from similar results in [9]. Considering the
square-zero operator matrices
M= , and N = ,
−T 2 −T −TS2 −TS

where T, S ∈ Bs (H) and TS = ST, the same argument as in [9, Theorem 3.2] can be used
to prove the following lemma.
Lemma 2.2:  is injective, (0) = 0 and (I) = λ0 I for some λ0 ∈ R.
Replacing  by λ10 , one may assume that (I) = I. Now, using the above square-
zero operator matrix M, we get ( − T) = −(T) and (T 2 ) = (T)2 for all

T ∈ Bs(H). Similarly,
 for T, S ∈ Bs (H) with TS = ST, using the square-zero operator
ST −S2
matrix , we get (S2 T 2 ) = (S)2 (T)2 . This yields the next lemma.
T 2 −ST
Lemma 2.3: For each T ∈ Bs (H), ( − T) = −(T) and (T 2 ) = (T)2 and if
S ∈ Bs (H) such that ST = TS, then (S2 T 2 ) = (S)2 (T)2 .
By the above lemma,  preserves projections in both directions. Now, since for projec-
tions P, Q, L ∈ Bs (H) with P  Q and P ⊥ L, the operator matrices
P Q 0 P
−P −P L 0

are square-zero, it follows from hypothesis that (P)  (Q) and (P) ⊥ (L). Thus
we have the next lemma.
Lemma 2.4:  preserves non-zero projections, orthogonality of projections as well as the
order of projections in both directions. Consequently,  preserves rank one projections in
both directions.
Since  is bijective on rank one projections and preserves orthogonality in both
directions, Uhlhorn’s theorem [11] implies that there exists a unitary or an antiunitary
operator U on H such that (E) = UEU ∗ for any rank one projection E ∈ Bs (H).
Now, using the map φ : Bs (H) → Bs (H) defined by φ(S) = U ∗ (S)U, without loss
of generality, we may assume that (E) = E for every rank one projection E ∈ Bs (H).
Let F be a finite rank projection in Bs (H). Then there are mutually orthogonal rank
one projections {Pi }ni=1 in Bs (H), such that F = ⊕ni=1 Pi . Since  preserves the order
of projections in both directions, we have Pi = (Pi )  (F) for i = 1, . . . , n, and
consequently F  (F). A similar argument for  −1 gives (F)  F, that is, (F) = F
for every finite rank projection F. Now let P be an arbitrary projection in Bs (H). Since
P = sup F : F  P is a finite rank projection ,

and  preserves the order of projections, it follows that (P) = P.

Lemma 2.5: There is a bijective multiplicative function ζ : R → R such that (λP) =
ζ (λ)P for each projection P ∈ Bs (H) and λ ∈ R.
Proof: Let P be a projection on H and λ be a positive scalar. By Lemma 2.3, for each
S, T ∈ Bs (H) with ST = TS we have (S2 T 2 ) = (S)2 (T)2 , thus P(λI) = (λP) =
(λI)P. Since ( − λI) = −(λI), the same equality holds for an arbitrary λ ∈ R.
Therefore, there is a function ζ : R → R satisfying (λI) = ζ (λ)I for all λ ∈ R, and
consequently (λP) = (λI)P = ζ (λ)P holds for each projection P and λ ∈ R.
Since  −1 is also 2-square-zero preserving, ζ is bijective. Finally, Lemma 2.3 implies
that ζ is multiplicative on R.
Lemma 2.6: For any collection of mutually orthogonal projections {Pi }ni=1 and real scalars
λ1 , · · ·, λn ,
n n
 λ i Pi = ζ (λi )Pi . (2.1)
i=1 i=1

Proof: We may assume that λi = 0, for each i = 1, . . . , n. Since the operator matrix
P − λ1i Pi
n i is square-zero, we have
j=1 λj Pj −Pi

Pi − ζ (λ1 i ) Pi
n = 0.
( j=1 λj Pj ) −Pi
Therefore, ( nj=1 λj Pj )Pi = ζ (λi )Pi , for each i. For Pn+1 = I − ni=1 Pi , we have
n n
( j=1 λj Pj )Pn+1 = 0, since ( j=1 λj Pj )Pn+1 = 0. Hence for each h ∈ H,
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
n n n+1 n
⎝ λj Pj ⎠ (h) =  ⎝ λ j Pj ⎠ Pi (h) = ζ (λi )Pi (h),
j=1 j=1 i=1 i=1

as desired.
Proof of Theorem 2.1: The continuity assumption on  implies that the bijective multi-
plicative function ζ on R is continuous and so increasing. Therefore, there exists α > 0
such that ζ (λ) = λα , for all positive scalars λ. Since ζ ( − λ) = −ζ (λ), it follows that
ζ (λ) = sgn(λ) |λ|α , for all λ ∈ R. Hence, by the above lemma, (T) = (T + )α − (T − )α ,
for each T ∈ LOP(H). This completes the proof, since LOP(H) is dense in Bs (H).
Remark 2.7: The above map  also has the following properties:
(i) For T, S ∈ Bs (H), TS = 0 if and only if (T)(S) = 0.
(ii) (T −1 ) = (T)−1 , whenever T ∈ Bs (H) is invertible.
(iii) For each projection P ∈ Bs (H), P ∈ {T 2 }c if and only if P ∈ {(T 2 )}c , where {S}c
denotes the commutant of {S}, for each operator S.
(iv) ker((T)) = ker(T) and ran((T)) = ran(T), for each T ∈ Bs (H).
(v) (T 2 ) ∈ {T 2 }cc for all T ∈ Bs (H).
Moreover, if the map  satisfies the property that I ≤ T implies I ≤ (T), for each
T ∈ Bs (H), then the continuity assumption in Theorem 2.1 is redundant.
Lemma 2.8: Let H be a complex Hilbert space with dim(H) ≥ 3 and  : Bs (H) −→
Bs (H) be a surjective map (not necessarily continuous) which is 4-square-zero preserving in
both directions. Then for each T, S ∈ Bs (H), each projection P and scalar λ ∈ R,
(i) (TS) = (T)(S), whenever ST = TS.
(ii) (I + T) = (I) + (T),
(iii) (λT) = λ(T),
(iv) λP ≤ TP implies that λ(P) ≤ (T)P.
Proof: As before, (0) = 0 and so  is 2-square-zero preserving, as well. We may assume
that (I) = I and (P) = P for each projection P ∈ Bs (H). By assumption, 2 is also
a surjective 2-square-zero preserving map on M2 (Bs (H)). Hence, as in Lemma 2.3, we
conclude that 2 (A2 ) = 2 (A)2 for all A ∈ M2 (Bs (H)) with A2 ∈ M2 (Bs (H)). Now
 (H) with
take T, S ∈ Bs  TS = ST. Then, using the above equality for operator matrices
0 T I T
and , we get (i) and (ii).
S 0 I 0

Let ζ : R −→ R be as in Lemma 2.5. Then, by (ii), (I + λI) = (I) + ζ (λ)(I) and
so ζ (1 + λ) = 1 + ζ (λ) for each λ ∈ R. Thus ζ is also additive. Therefore, ζ (λ) = λ for all
λ ∈ R, that is ζ (λP) = λP for each projection P. Now (iii) immediately follows from (i).
Finally, assume that λP ≤ TP, where λ ∈ R and P is a projection. We note that
 preserves positive operators, since (S2 ) = (S)2 for all S ∈ Bs (H). Hence, using
(i)–(iii), we have 0 ≤ ((T − λI)P) = ((T) − λI)P, which gives (iv).
Theorem 2.9: Let H be a complex Hilbert space with dim(H) ≥ 3 and  : Bs (H) →
Bs (H) be a surjective map which is 4-square-zero preserving in both directions. Then, there
exist λ ∈ R and a unitary or an antiunitary operator U on H such that (S) = λUSU ∗ for
all S ∈ Bs (H).
Proof: Again, we can assume that (P) = P for each projection P. By Lemmas 2.6 and 2.8,
for any collection of mutually orthogonal projections {Pi }ni=1 and real scalars λ1 , · · ·, λn ,
n n
 λ i Pi = λ i Pi . (2.2)
i=1 i=1

nFor each T ∈ Bs (H), let FT be the family of all S ∈ Bs (H) such that S ≤ T and S =
i=1 λi Pi for some finite collection of mutually orthogonal projections P1 , . . . , Pn ∈ {T}

and λ1 , . . . , λn ∈ R. Then, by spectral theorem, we have T = sup{S : S ∈ FT }. Using

the above lemma, we have FT ⊆ F(T) which concludes that T ≤ (T). Therefore,
T = (T), since  −1 is also a 4-square-zero preserving map.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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