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This qualitative research focused on the existing psychoanalytic on the main

character especially Wanda Maximoff or also known as Scarlet witch. The data was

obtained from a movie script entitled Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness. In

collecting research data, this study also used the observation method through several

steps: downloading the Doctor Strange script to get the data, read the movie script,

highlighting and taking notes on the script and psychoanalytic events. This research also

applied Sigmund Freud's (1856-1939) theory of id, ego and superego personality. The

research results showed the personality of Wanda in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of

Madness can be analyzed from a psychoanalytic perspective with reference to the

psychological conflict between the id, ego, and superego.

Keywords: Psychoanalytic, Movie Script, Wanda’s Personality.


Penelitian kualitatif ini berfokus pada psikoanalitik yang ada pada tokoh utama

khususnya Wanda Maximoff atau dikenal juga dengan sebutan penyihir Scarlet. Data

diperoleh dari naskah film berjudul Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness. Dalam

pengumpulan data penelitian, penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode observasi

melalui beberapa langkah yaitu: mendownload naskah Doctor Strange untuk

mendapatkan data, membaca naskah film, menyorot dan mencatat film tersebut.

Penelitian ini juga menerapkan teori kepribadian id, ego, dan superego karya Sigmund

Freud (1856-1939). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepribadian Wanda dalam Doctor

Strange in the Multiverse of Madness dapat dianalisis dari sudut pandang psikoanalitik

dengan mengacu pada konflik psikologis antara id, ego, dan superego.
Kata Kunci: Psychoanalisis, Movie Script, Wanda’s Personality.



1.1 Background of the study

Literature can be described as creative expression that portrays the complexities

of human existence in society, while also being accessible and enjoyable to a wide range

of readers. Through various literary forms such as plays, poems, short stories, and

novels, authors bring their imaginative visions to life. It is worth noting that the

definition of literature varies among literary experts. Literature introduces us to new

worlds of experience means that the literary work is an immediate part of the literary

environment, the aggregate of all the socially active literary works of a given epoch and

social group. From a strictly historical point of view the individual, literary work is a

dependent and therefore actually inseparable element of the literary environment

(Morris, 2005: 81). Furthermore, Pickering & Hoeper (1981) also claimed that

literature is a distinctively human pursuit that emerges from the universal human desire

to comprehend, articulate, and ultimately exchange experiences with others.

Based on “Eagleton, (1996),” literary work is the result of the activity of the

author in producing a literary work that is closely related to psychological phenomena

because the author displays the psychological aspects through characters. Literary

works are able to depict human psychology, although the authors present them in

fiction. Fiction is the result of imagination, the imagination of the author through the

function of literary works in which we can find out the psychological aspects of human

In analyzing literary works, one theory that is quite popular is to use

psychoanalysis or a psychological approach. Baltes (1999) states that an important

aspect of psychology refers to mental tools. The psychoanalytic approach by Sigmund

Freud explains three things in the psychological structure of humans, namely the Id,

Ego and Superego. According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, the id is the primitive

and instinctive part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive urges and hidden

memories, the superego operates as the moral consciousness, and the ego is the realistic

part that mediates between the id's desires and the superego's desires. The id is involved

in primary process thinking, which is primitive, illogical, irrational, and fantasy

oriented. The ego seeks to bring the influence of the outside world on the id and its

tendencies, and seeks to replace the reality principle. (Freud, 1962:15). The ego is the

only part of the conscious personality. That is what the person is aware of when they

think of themselves, and that is what they usually try to project onto others, whereas the

superego is part of the unconscious which is the voice of conscience (doing what is

right) and a source of self-criticism, and acts as a controller of id impulses.

Wanda Maximoff is a fictional character primarily portrayed by Elizabeth Olsen

in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) media franchise based on the Marvel Comics

character of the same name. Wanda initially comes into conflict with the Avengers but

later joins them, becoming one of their most powerful members. Wanda has become a

central character within the MCU, having appeared in six films as of 2023. She also has

a lead role in the miniseries Wanda Vision (2021). Alternate versions of Wanda appear

in the animated series in the film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022),

written by The Abridged Script Alex W., Craig, and Jill G.

Wanda Maximoff, or who is known by her nickname "Wanda", is one of the

important characters in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Wanda has the

ability to control other people's minds, and in this film, she is seen struggling with her

powers which are getting stronger and harder to control.

Wanda Maximoff, also known as Scarlet Witch, is a complex character with a

rich personality. Throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she has demonstrated a

wide range of emotions and behaviors. In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,

Wanda's personality is likely to be influenced by the events of previous films,

particularly WandaVision. In that series, she demonstrated a willingness to take extreme

actions to protect the people she loves, but also struggled with her own psychological

issues. Throughout her time in the MCU, Wanda has faced numerous challenges and

tragedies, including the death of her brother and her lover, Vision. These experiences

have shaped her personality and influenced her decisions.

In this study, the researcher explores various aspects of Wanda's personality,

including her past, her relationships with other characters, and the internal conflicts she

experiences. The researcher uses psychoanalytic theories to help understand the

personality of Wanda and explore the meaning behind her actions in the film. In Doctor

Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the character "Wanda" goes through many

emotional and psychological changes. In this study, the researcher analyzes how these

changes affect character and how Wanda's behavior and actions are influenced by her

past experiences. In this analysis, a psychoanalytic perspective be used to examine

Wanda's emotional and psychological changes in greater depth.

This study aims to analyze the character of Wanda Maximoff alias Scarlet Witch

in the film “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” from a psychoanalytic point
of view. The film depicts Wanda as a powerful witch who struggles with grief and

trauma, leading her to make morally ambiguous decisions. By examining Wanda's

psyche, this research seeks to deepen our understanding of her character personality and

shed light on the complexities of trauma and its impact on the human mind. This thesis

employs the psychoanalytic perspective of Freud to examine the three psychological

structures of the human mind (Id, Ego, and Superego). The thesis delves into how these

psychological structures can impact an individual's behavior and provides insights on

how to address such issues in a social context. This research to provide insight into the

inner workings of the human mind and can be beneficial for those who wish to conduct

similar studies in the future .

The distinguish of this research from previous studies is the topic and discussion

of theory, previous research discussed about identifying aspects psychology of the main

character in the film. This research discusses a psychoanalytic study of "wanda" in the

movue script of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, in this study to analyze

the psychological aspects that cause disturbances and how the characters reduce these

psychological disorders. This study analyzes the personality of the main character using

the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud. This theory is considered appropriate for

analyzing the character's personality, in the film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of


Based on the explanation above, the researcher analyse Wanda’s personality

based on Freud’s Theory Psychoanalysis study of Wanda of Doctor Strange in the

Multiverse of Madness Film‘s.

1.2 Statement of The Problem

Based on the background of the problem the researcher formulates the problem

as follows:

1. What are Wanda’s personalities?

2. How are Wanda’s personalities seen from Freud’s theory of personality


1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem above the purposes of this research are:

1. To know Wanda’s personalities.

2. To know Wanda’s personalities seen from Freud’s theory of personality


1.4 Significant of Study

By studying this research, it provides some significances for the reader.

Those are, firstly, any readers can learn about the personality on a psychological

study and the structure of personality. The second, expected to make a

theoretical and practical contribution to the advancement of literary studies. This

research also aims to contribute to the advancement of literary criticism,

particularly in the field of psychology literary criticism. Furthermore, this study

is expected to be a valuable resource for researchers interested in psychology

literary criticism, particularly radical psychology. In practice, this study is

intended to provide readers with a better understanding of psychology literary

criticism. After understanding the study, readers should be able to apply it to

their own research. Finally, it is hoped that this study helps the next researcher,

particularly in conducting the related study.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

This researcher discusses the personality of Wanda in Doctor Strange in

the Multiverse of Madness from a psychoanalytic perspective. The main focus of

this research is on the psychological aspects of the character. However, this

research has some limitations. First, the researcher only considers the character

"Wanda" in the film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and does not

discuss the other character. Second, this study focuses on classical

psychoanalytic theory and does not include other psychological approaches.

Finally, this study only discuss the psychological aspects of the personality of


By understanding these limitations, it is hoped that this research can

provide valuable insights into the character "Wanda" and the psychological

experiences she goes through in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

1.6 Definition of Key Term

There beneficial to consider there is explanation toward some terminology in

this research follow as:

1. Psychoanalytic

According to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, is

made up of three components. These three aspects of personality, known as the

id, ego, and superego, interact to produce complex human behaviors

2. Wanda’s Personality

Adolf Heuken S.J. Et al (1989: 10), In his book entitled the challenge of

developing personality states as follows: "Personality is the overall pattern of all

abilities, Actions and habits of a person, whether physical, Mental, spiritual,

emotional and social. All this has been arranged in its peculiar way under the

multitude Influence from outside. Wanda’s personality is defined in many

version of personalities. In this study, the researcher only focuses on protagonist

version, such as caring, strong, emotionally instable and manipulative


3. Movie script

A movie script is a written work that is made especially for a film or

televisionprogram. Movie script can be original works or adaptations from

existing pieces of writing. Here, the movement, actions, expression, and

dialogues of the characters are also narrated Trottier. Movie scripts usually

include not only the dialogue spoken by the characters but also a shot by shot

outline of the film's action. It can make the students easier to read and describing

the movie script (Collin, 2005).

1.7 Organization of The Research Report

A. Chapter I – Introduction

This chapter presents the background of the research, the problems of the

research, the objectives of the research, the significance of the research and the

limitations of the research. This chapter also provides a brief explanation about the

definition of the research. In the end of this chapter, the researcher informs the

organization of the research report.

B. Chapter II – Review of Literature

This chapter presents the theoretical framework, concept of marriage, sociology

of the literature, character's description and relevant research. It provides the result of

the researcher's search on theories or related research studies in similar fields.

C. Chapter III – Research Methodology

In this session, the researcher provides the design of the research, data and

source of the data, method of collecting data, technique of collecting data and method of

analyzing data. Many data that is needed by the researcher are collected and analyzed in

this part.

D. Chapter IV – Data Analysis

The findings display all results of data analysis. The research questions meet the

answers in this chapter. To make it clearer for the readers, the researcher conveys the

discussion of the findings.

E. Chapter V – Conclusion and Suggestions

This chapter provides conclusions and suggestions. The researcher provides the

short description of concluding paragraph and provides some suggestions for other

researchers and the readers.



2.1 Personality in Literature

Literature is written texts that are made through the use of language including

some features including creative metaphor, elegant syntax, aesthetic rhyme, and

alliteration (Meyer, 1997:4). According to Warren and Wellek (1973:3), literature can be

illustrated as human expression and creation that are constructed into written art by

exploring their thoughts, feelings, and perceptions based on the reflection of human’s
life. It has some significant purposes as the public consumption such as entertainment,

education, and also motivation. Moreover, literature can be produced into several types

such as poetry, novel, short story, and drama. There are some genres that are usually

adapted in literary works including romance, adventure, mystery, horror, etc. On the

other hand, there are some genres such as action, comedy, and war that can be better if

they are performed visually.

According to Klarer (2004:1), “In most cases literature is referred to as the

entirety of written expression, with the restriction that not every written can be

categorized as literature in the more exact sense of the word”. Based on the statement

above, the researcher take a point that literature is write to describe the expression of

human or the environment that have meaning of value. Literature also contains many

meanings, which can enjoyed by many people depending on their respective joys.

Furthermore, Krystal (2009) said, “literary does not mean only what is written but what

is voiced, what is expressed, what is invented, in whatever form”-in which case maps,

sermons, comic strips, cartoons, speechless, photographs, movie, war memorials, and

music all huddle beneath the literary umbrella.

There are some types of literary works such as poetry, drama, and novel.

Literature has a beauty value and usually gives a good impression to the reader. It might

be most of the people use a literary work as a relaxing, to express their feelings, and to

get a new inspiration. Beside it, literature has function for a reader such as adding

experience in vocabularies, learning about a moral message in a literary work or just for

a hobby. From the three types of literary works that mentioned, it will be focused just on

prose. The prose is a form of language which applies ordinary grammatical structure

and natural flow of speech rather than rhythmic structure.

The word personality is derived from the Latin term persona, originally

representing the theatrical mask used by ancient dramatic players. As amask assumed by

an actor, persona suggests a pretense of appearance, that is, the possession of traits other

than those that actually characterize the individual behind the mask. In time, the term

persona lost its connotation of pretense and illusion and began tore present not the

mask, but the real person’s observable or explicit features. That is, personality is viewed

as the patterning of characteristics across the entire matrix of the person (Millon, 2004).

Personality is the overall attitude, expression, behavior and the way an

individual interacts with other individuals. Many experts have formulated the definition

of personality according to the theory they believe in. in this way you will find many

variations of the definition of personality. Here are some experts whose definitions can

be used as references in personality studies.

According to, Allport said if “Personality is a dynamic entirety of those

individuals who can determine one’s adjusment to others or their levels” (Dirgagunarso,

1998: 11). Krech and Crutchfield in their book entitled Elements of Psychology (1969)

Krech and Crutchfield said Personality is the integration of all the characteristics that

exist in a person which forms one trait and can also change when adapting to the


Adolf Heuken S.J. Et al (1989: 10), In his book entitled the challenge of

developing personality states as follows: "Personality is the overall pattern of all

abilities, Actions and habits of a person, whether physical, Mental, spiritual, emotional

and social. All this has been arranged in its peculiar way under the multitude Influence

from outside. This pattern manifests itself in his behavior, In his attempt to be human as

Want it ".
Personality is the realm of psychological studies, understanding human behavior

- thoughts - feelings - human activities, using systematic, methodical, and psychological

rationales. Understanding using systematic, methodical and rational scientific

disciplines, such as economics, biology or history, is not the psychological theory of

personality. The psychological theory of personality studies the specific individual, who

he is, what he has, and what he does (Alwisol, 2018:2).

2.2 Psychoanalysis

The relationship between literature and psychoanalysis is traditional, best

explained by a more or less productive exchange, particularly at the level of content. It

is emphasized that the early history of the exchange can be divided into two distinct

stages, which are determined by whether psychoanalysis or literature is considered to be

more important. According to van Zyl (1990):

“The history of the relationship between literature and psychoanalysis is

as long as psychoanalysis itself and perhaps longer than literary theory, at

least in its present form. Freud himself devoted some of her most

interesting works to literature and post-Freudian psychoanalysis is

central to the European intellectual tradition which continues to enrich

literary theory with some of its most important materials and concepts

(van Zyl, 1990: 1).

Psychology as a clinical theory is now a field of study, just as industry, law,

education, and literature are. That is, a literary study that takes a psychological theory

approach is one that seeks out concepts or perceptions of psychological aspects of

characters in a literary work from the perspective of specific psychological theories.

Based on Wellek and Austin Warren (1993: 81), psychology as one of the five extrinsic

factors of the literary approach, which states that:

“Literature provides the psychological study of an individual writer; explore the

nature of the creative process; generalize about ‘types and laws that exist in literary

works’; or theorizing about the ‘psychological effects of literature’ on its readers

(Wellek and Austin Warren, 1993: 81).“

2.2 Personality

Personality is defined as the pattern of distinctive thoughts, feelings, and

behaviors that distinguishes one person from another and persists across time and

situations. A traumatized and depressed person frequently focuses on the negative as if it

negates all of the positive (Keyes, 2003: 6). Every person is extremely complex in

general, and every self-concept is potentially based on a complex mixture of good, bad,

and different characteristics. Characterization is a method of determining character by

analyzing dialogue, action, and an essential comment. They show how the moral,

dispositional, and emotional qualities of the characters in a dramatic or narrative work

can be interpreted so that the audience feels the value of what they do and say (Abrams

and Harpham, 2012).

2.3 Freud’s Psychoanalysis

According to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, is made up

of three components. These three aspects of personality, known as the id, ego, and

superego, interact to produce complex human behaviors. The id is the only aspect of

personality that exists from birth. This aspect of one's personality is completely

unconscious and consists of instinctive and primitive behaviors. Because the id is the
source of all psychic energy, it is the most important component of personality. It

attempts to resolve the tension caused by the pleasure principle by using the primary

process, which involves forming a mental image of the desired object as a means of

satisfying the need. The ego is the personality component in charge of dealing with

reality. It arises from the id and ensures that the impulses can be expressed in an

acceptable way in the real world. The superego is the aspect of personality that contains

all of our internalized moral standards and ideals—our sense of right and wrong—that

we acquire from both our parents and society. The superego provides criteria for making


Freud's statement about the literary work in essence has something in common

with what Laplanche and Pontalis wanted (1992:351) as follows:

“Psychanalyse : une méthode d’investigation consistant essentiellement

dans la mise en évidence de la signification inconsciente des paroles, des

actions, des productions imaginaires (rêves, fantasme, délires) d’un sujet.

Cette méthode se fonde principalement sur les libres assiciations du sujet

qui sont le garant de la validité de l’interpretation.”

“Psychoanalysis is a research method consisting of decoding the

meaning of unconscious signs from speech, behavior, the acquisition of

imagination (dreams, delusions, delusions) of a person. This method is

based on the free association of someone who guarantee the accuracy of

an interpretation.”

The term psychology is derived from the Greek word "psyche" and "logos,"

which translate to "soul" and "science," respectively. The study of the soul or mental

states is referred to as literary psychology. The psychoanalytic approach, developed by

Sigmund Freud, emphasizes the importance of the unconscious mind in understanding

behaviour and mental states. This approach is commonly used in analyzing literary

works, such as films, dramas, poetry, and novels. It is a systematic field of knowledge

that delves into the inner workings of the mind and examines experiences such as

anxiety, fear of persecution, and self-fragmentation.

According to Booker (1996):

―model, the human psyche is not a single integrated entity but in fact

consist of three very different parts (id, ego, and superego), essentially

three different minds, which have different goals and desires and operate

according to different principles. The id is for Freud the site of natural

drives; it is a dark area of seething passion that known only desire

residing and has no sense of moderation or limitation. The superego is an

internalized representation of the authority of the father of the society,

authority that establishes strict limitations on the fulmovieent of the

unrestrained desire residing the id. The ego moderates between the

authoritarian demands of the superego and the unmitigated desired of the

id. Essentially equivalent to the conscious, thinking mind, the ego is also

the principal interface between the psyche and the outside world.

The psychoanalytic approach, as outlined by Sigmund Freud, holds that

statements about the mind can be understood through fictional forms. According to

Freud, the mind is made up of three parts: the id, the ego, and the superego. The id

represents natural impulses and desires, the superego embodies societal norms and

rules, and the ego acts as a mediator between the two. Freud believed that the majority
of personality is unconscious and not immediately accessible to conscious thought. She

proposed that these three components of the mind each have their own goals.

Psychological theories of the most widely referred to in the psychological

approach or the most dominant in the analysis of literary works is the theory of

psychoanalysis by Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). This theory is a

method of medical treatment for people suffering from neurological disorders.

Psychoanalysis is a type of therapy aims to treat someone who had mental disorders and


In the beginning of its development psychoanalysis was a branch of medicine

and its aim was to cure sickness. The patients coming to the psychoanalysis suffered

from symptoms which interfered with their functioning in everyday life: such symptoms

were expressed in ritualistic cumpulsions, obsessional thoughts, phobias, paranoid

thought systems, and so on.

Freud stated that the human mind is more influenced by nature subconscious

rather than subconscious. It depicts that of the human mind like an iceberg that is mostly

in the subconscious. Freud also said that a person's life is filled with various pressures

and conflicts, for to mitigate this conflict, humans keep it tightly in the underworld

aware. Therefore, according to Freud, the subconscious is the key in understand a

person's behaviour (via Minderop, 2011:13).

a. Id

The id is the psychic region that is at the core of personality and yang really

unaware. The id has no contact with reality, but it does reducing tension through

pleasurable basic desires. Besides no realistic and seeking only pleasure, the id is also
illogical and serviceable incompatible ideas together. To be able to make contact with

the external world a person is fully dependent on the ego (Feist, 2008:26-27).

The id is the most fundamental and basic aspect of the personality. It acts like a

spoiled child, for it wants immediate gratification of its desires. It represents the

pleasure principle. The id does not want frustation, but it must endure it. Consequently,

there come into function a second aspect of the id called the primary process which

presented an image in the id of the object desired. The id deals with satisfying human‟s

basic needs like food, sex or denying painful or reducing uncompfortable physical

tensions. In attempting to satisfy these needs, the id acts directly and without

considering external circumstances – whether these needs can or should be satisfied at

the moment. Consequently, the ego develops out the id as a means of dealing with


The id is in the unconscious and contains instinct and psychic energy. Freud

believed two types of instinct exist: Eros (the life instinct) and Thanatos (the death

instinct). The life instincts (sometimes referred to as „sexual instincts’) are those that

deal with basic survival, pleasure, and reproduction; also drives include such things as

thirst, hunger and pain avoidance. The energy created by the life instincts is known as

“libido‟ and behaviors commonly associated with the life instinct include love,

cooperation, and other prosocial actions. Later in her life, Freud began to believe that

"under" and "beside" the life instincts there was a death instinct. This destructive

instinct has as an aim 'to lead what is living into an inorganic state'. Initially described in

her book Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920), Freud proposed that “the goal of all life

is death.” He noted that after people experience a traumatic event (such as war), they
often reenact the experience. He concluded that people hold an unconscious desire to

die, but its wish is largely tempered by the life instincts.

b. Ego

It is the only area of the soul that is in touch with reality. It grows together with

the id and becomes a source of communication someone with external world. He tries to

be a substitute and a decision maker (Feist, 2008:27). The ego is between the conscious

and the subconscious. Task The main ego is as the main leader in the personality that

must be able make rational decisions. Basically, the id and ego do not belong morality

because both do not know good and bad (Minderop, 2011:22).

The ego becomes the executive of the personality, controlling both the demands

of the id and the superego. Just as the id represented the pleasure principle, the ego is

the reality principle. It is partly conscious mind and partly unconscious mind. One of

the main function of the ego was to find ways of satisfying the demands of the id. The

ego had to use some of its energy to check the demanding forces of the id. Another

important function of the ego was the secondary process. It took over where the primary

process of the id left off. The secondary process involved taking a plan of action, or

solving a problem. If the id were hungry, the ego had to find the food. In finding ways

of satisfying the id, the ego had to be realistic so as not to get the personality in trouble.

Identification of the good and bad of something is done by the super ego.

c. Superego

The superego grows out of the ego. It has two subsystems, namely conscience

conscience (conscience) and ideal ego (ego-ideal). The voice of conscience is produced

from experiences of punishment for inappropriate behavior and telling someone what
not to do. While the ideal ego develops from experience regarding the appreciation of

appropriate behavior and tell one's self what it is should be done (Feist, 2008:28).

Superego which develops in order to make the ego and the id conform to the

morality of society. In other words, the super-ego represents the morality principle. This

morality is meant to a child principally carrying out the demands of her or her parents. It

might punish the ego for bad thoughts or deeds. The superego has two subsystems: the

conscience and the ego-ideal. The conscience consisted of one conception of what was

wrong and what one should not do. The conscience is the rules about what constitutes

bad behaviour. It is basically all those things that the child feels mum or dad disapprove

of or punish. The ego-ideal constituted what was right and proper. The Ego Ideal

provides rules for good behaviour, and standards of excellence towards which the Ego

must strive. The Ego ideal is basically what the child’s parents approve of or value.

Freud considered id as a king or a queen, ego as a prime minister and superego

as religious leader. Id acts like an absolute controller that is spoiled, cruel and egoist;

what id want must be done or had immediately. Ego as a prime minister surely has

many duties. He must finish them that connect with reality and get attentive to citizen's

desires. Superego, because it is considered as religious leader, it always thinks

acccording to good and bad values, right or wrong. It reminds the avaricious id that wise

attitude is very important in this life.

2.5 Review of Related Research

There are some researches which correlated to the present research study:

The first previous study is a thesis entitled Wanda Maximoff’s Grieving Process

and Her Imaginary World in WandaVision Series: A Lacanian Perspective from Fauziah

& Mustofa (2022). Based on that research, the researcher investigated further stages
experienced by someone who is going through the process of grieving from the loss of a

loved one forever, namely Wanda Maximoff and its relation with her world of her

imagination in Matt Shakman's "WandaVision" series and applied Lacanian theory,

namely the mirror stage and the five stages of grief theory, from Elizabeth Kubler Ross.

The results show that Wanda Maximoff experiences stages of grief after the death of her

lover, namely Vision. However, her grief was so deep that she created her imaginary

world, West View. The similarity is that the object of this study is to analyze the same

character, Wanda Maximoff in the different film. The difference in this study, the author

uses other perspective to analyzed that character.

The second study is a thesis entitled An Analysis Of Main Character Conflicts In

Doctor Strange Movie from Ansari (2022). Based on the researcher, The results of the

study show that there are three types of conflict in the film script "Doctor Strange",

namely; psychosocial conflict, social conflict, and physical conflict. Researchers found

6 psychological conflicts, 13 social conflicts, and 13 physical conflicts. All conflicts

affect the storyline starting from the beginning of the story, conflict, climax, anti-

climax, and completion or completion. All the conflicts that occur lead to the structure

of the film's plot and lead to Doctor Strange, who starts as a neurosurgeon and becomes

a powerful wizard. and 13 physical conflicts.

The third study is a Journal entitled Portrayal Of The Main Female Villain In

Doctor Strange Movie Through Psychological Analysis from I Made Jagat Jiwa and Ida

Bagus Gde Nova Winarta (2022). Based on the results and discussion above, it can be

concluded that psychological aspect of human motivation influences the individual to

take an action as the way of expressing their motives. Wanda Maximoff or also known

as Scarlet Witch is the main female villain in the movie entitled Doctor Strange:
Multiverse of Madness, as an individual who survives in her complicated situation. She

shows some human motivation as a way of Wanda Maximoff to express her action

through the movie. There are 8 data which cover five aspects of human motivation they

are; 1 (12,5%) data of Appetites, 1 (12,5%) data of Wants, 3 (37,5%) data of Emotions,

1 (12,5%) data of Feelings and Attitudes, and 2 (25%) data of Social Motives. The

Aspect of Emotions dominates Wanda Maximoff’s actions as the main character in

Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness movie. Because, she is suffering in the

complicated situation where she is lonely, hopeless, and depressed with her anger,

disappointment, and hatred at the same time.

Therefore, this thesis is different from other studies previously. The similarities

between the two studies will be used as reference researchers in conducting the analysis.

However, based on that search authors do, from these studies there has never been using

psychoanalytic studies and personality theory Freud.



3.1 Research Design

The researcher employs descriptive methods that are suitable for this type of

analysis. Despite the brevity of the work, the researcher is able to maintain a high level

of quality. Rather than relying on numerical data, the researcher gathers information

through a concise summary in words. Descriptive research aims to accurately describe a

phenomenon by examining its inherent characteristics.

According to Creswell (2009), qualitative research is a means of understanding

the meaning that individuals or groups attach to a social or human problem. It involves

staying current with emerging issues and techniques, and often involves gathering data

through participant observation. The researcher typically uses an inductive approach,

moving from specific observations to broader concepts, and interpreting the significance

of the data. The structure of the final report is flexible. Those who engage in this type of

investigation recognize the importance of capturing the complexity of a situation.

Qualitative research also enables the researcher to examine the methods and process

used to gather the data, allowing for a more comprehensive evaluation of the results.

One way to understand qualitative research is as an unfolding model that takes place in

a natural setting, allowing the researcher to gain a detailed understanding through deep

immersion in the events being studied.

3.2 Research Object

The data is data obtained from the movie script in the Doctor Strange in the

multiverse of madness from downloaded on 21 December 2022.

3.3 Data Collection Techniques

A psychoanalytic study of the character "Wanda" in the film Doctor Strange in

the Multiverse of Madness can use data collection techniques in the form of interviews

and analysis of the visual content of the film. This study can reveal in more depth about

the character of Wanda and how it influences the overall plot of the film.

In collecting data, the researcher used following steps:

1. Downloading the movie script of “Doctor Strange multiverse of madness”.

2. Reading the movie script

3. Finding out the data related to research problems. Conducting a psychoanalytic

analysis of the character "Wanda".

4. Gather data from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness related to the

character "Wanda".

5. Reducing the dialogue and utterance based on the script which related on

psychoanalytic. Analyze data and interpret research results.

6. Write research report.

Data collection is done by recording and documentation. The working procedure

consists of several steps. The first step is to watch movies as often as possible and as

intensively as necessary to understand the film's script. Then, step two is identifying and

classifying data from film scripts to find out what is relevant statements and features

that can be categorized into Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory.

3.4 Data Analysis Techniques

In this paper, the writer uses the psychoanalysis theory to analyze the data. The

data which are collected be assessed by using the psychoanalysis theory to know the
scenes and the script. A psychoanalytic study of the character "Wanda" in Doctor

Strange in the Multiverse of Madness can provide interesting insight into the internal

conflicts she faces. data and also interpreting the data with the theory of psychoanalysis

of Sigmund Freud.

In this analysis, these techniques be used to provide insight in

1. Read the movie script carefully and analyze the behavior of the characters

2. Study of the character's background

3. Identification of the factors causing the conflict and Categorizing the script and

scenes description that is the “Wanda” through a form of dialogue and utterance.

4. Mapping the relationships between characters and other people in the film

5. The use of psychoanalytic theories to understand the character and its internal


6. Analyzing the data and also interpreting the data with the theory of

psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud.

In analyzing the data, the writer read the movie script repeatedly to understand

the plot, characterizations, the problems the character faced and how the character

solved them. The author also notes several important parts or dialogues from the film

script, as well as some additional information that can be found in film reviews or any

other relevant sources such as articles, journals and the internet. To find out the answers

to the research questions of this research, the writer analyzes the film and applies the

theory of psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud, which is a model of personality

development. Freud's psychoanalytic theory found that the human psyche or mind is

divided into three stages – conscious, preconscious and unconscious, which are later

revised into id, ego and superego.



This chapter presents data analysis using related theory. Analysis of the research

data is to answer research questions, to describe and identify personality in Wanda in the

film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness based on Freud's Psychoanalysis Id,

Ego, Superego.

A. Wanda Personalities

In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness film, Wanda Maximoff

is shown to have increasingly powerful and complex powers. In addition to her

basic abilities in energy manipulation, Wanda is also capable of controlling

reality and manipulating time. This ability is seen when he tries to return Vision

to the real world and succeeds in creating an alternate reality for him. Apart from

that, Wanda also shows darker and more complex personality in this film. She

seems more emotional and gets angry more easily, even to the point where she

loses control of her abilities and endangers the people around him. It shows that

Wanda still has a dark side within her that needs to be maintained and controlled

so as not to endanger herself and others.

1. Caring

The personality of Wanda Caring Person in Doctor Strange in the

Multiverse of Madness is that she cares deeply about the safety of her family
and the people she cares about. She also has immense magical power and

can manipulate reality. However, these powers can be dangerous if not

properly controlled, which makes her constantly struggle to maintain control

over himself and her powers. Appendix 1.

I was gonna say real.

It's all very real. Thanks. I put the magic behind me.
Doctor Strange: So I can see.
Wanda: Well, I knew sooner or later you'd... show up, wanting to
discuss what happened at WestView. I made mistakes, and people
were hurt.
Doctor Strange: But you put things right in the end and that was
never in doubt. I'm not here to talk about WestView.
Wanda: Then what are you here for?
Doctor Strange: We need your help.
Wanda: With what?
Doctor Strange: What do you know about the Multiverse?
Wanda: The Multiverse. Vis had his theories. He believed it was
real. And, dangerous.

Wanda's Caring Person personality in Doctor Strange in the

Multiverse of Madness is that she cares deeply about the safety of her

family and those she cares about. there is a script below: Appendix 1.

Doctor Strange: What do you want with America? What do you

want with the Multiverse?
Wanda: I'm going to leave this reality, and go to one where I can be
with my children.
Doctor Strange: Wanda, your children aren't real. You created them
using magic.
Wanda: That's what every mother does. If you knew... there was a
universe, where you were happy, wouldn't you wanna go there?
Doctor Strange: I am happy.
Wanda: I know better than most what self-deception looks like.

2. Strong

In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Wanda's personality

has very strong magical powers. She is capable of performing more complex

and powerful magic than most sorcerers. Apart from that, he also has the
ability to manipulate reality and change reality to her liking. However, this

extraordinary power also often causes him to lose control and endanger those

around her. Appendix 2.


Wanda is standing in the middle of a busy street. She raises her hands
and the cars around her start to float in the air. She closes her eyes and
the cars suddenly start to collide with each other, creating a massive
explosion. The people around her start to scream and run away.
Doctor Strange is watching a video of Wanda's outburst on his computer.
Wong enters the room.
WONG: What's going on?
DOCTOR STRANGE: It's Wanda. Her power is off the charts.
WONG: What are you going to do?
DOCTOR STRANGE: I'm going to find her.
Doctor Strange leaves the room.
Wanda is standing on top of a mountain. She raises her hands and the
snow around her starts to float in the air. She closes her eyes and the
snow suddenly starts to move towards her, forming a massive snow
Doctor Strange arrives just in time to see the snow tornado heading
towards him. He raises his hands and creates a shield to protect himself.
The snow tornado hits the shield and explodes into a million pieces.
DOCTOR STRANGE: Wanda, stop this!
WANDA: You can't stop me. I'm too powerful.
DOCTOR STRANGE: You need to control your power. If you don't,
you could destroy the entire multiverse.
WANDA: I don't care about the multiverse. All I care about is bringing
my family back.
DOCTOR STRANGE: There are other ways to bring them back. Let
me help you.
WANDA: I don't need your help.
WANDA: Stay out of my way.

Wanda's magic power is extremely strong and unstable. She is able to

manipulate reality and bend the laws of physics to her will. However, her

power is also dangerous and can cause massive destruction if not controlled

properly. In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Doctor Strange

will try to help Wanda control her power before it's too late.
3. Emotionally Instable

In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Wanda Maximoff or

Scarlet Witch is portrayed as a possessive mother. She loves his children,

Billy and Tommy, so much that he is willing to do anything to protect them.

However, his possessive behavior in protecting his children also causes

conflict with other heroes, including Doctor Strange. Wanda's emotional

instability in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness can affect her

magical abilities. This is seen when he triggers a dangerous Chaos Magic

that threatens the existence of the multiverse.

Appendix 2.
Wanda: UGH OKAY FINE I'M EVIL, this orchard is an elaborate
illusion I made in case visitors dropped by.
(reveals scarlet deathscape)
This might seem to throw WandaVision under the bus, but it's okay! My
Scarlet Witch powers actually have a sinister will of their own and have
taken me over, and the Darkhold ALSO has a sinister will of its own and
has taken me over, so anything I do in this movie I technically do under
two separate layers of the MCU’s beloved MMMMIND CONTROL.
Wanda: I blew a hole through the head of the man I loved... and it meant
nothing. Do not speak to me of sacrifice, Stephen Strange. If you give
me what I want... I'll send you to a world where you can be with
Wanda: You gave all those lives just to keep me from my children.
Strange: You took those lives. You cannot be allowed to cross into the
Wanda: I'm not a monster, Stephen. I'm a mother.
Strange: Wanda, you have no children. They don't exist.
Wanda: But they do. In every other universe. I know they do. Because I
dream of them... Every... night. Of my boys... Of our life together. Every
night, the same dream. And every morning... the same... nightmare.

The script says that Wanda's personality is very emotional, in the

sense that Wanda still thinks that her children still exist. Because her dream

of them Every night. Of my boys, Of our life together. Every night, the same

dream. And every morning the same nightmare.

4. Manipulative

The characteristic of Wanda, Ability to manipulate reality and create

illusions in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is her ability to

control reality and create illusions that can affect other people's perceptions.

In this film, Wanda is also shown to have the ability to open and explore the

multiverse, which can pave the way for various alternative reality

possibilities. However, overuse of Wanda's abilities can put herself and those

around her at risk, and this becomes one of the main conflicts in the film.

Appendix 1.
Wanda: You're wondering what happens now.
Wong: No. That I had already accepted. But I do wonder... When you
can force America to send you to any universe you want, Why take her
power for your own? You know it will k*ll her.
Wanda: For Billy and Tommy. To protect them. What if they get sick? In
the infinite Multiverse, there's a cure for every illness. A solution to
every problem. I won't lose them again.
Wong: Try as you might, Wanda, you cannot control everything.
Wanda: I can. Look at that view. It's carved in stone. I was meant to rule
everything. But that's not what I want. I just want my boys.
Wong: At the cost of a child's life! Is there no peace in knowing that,
even though you can't be with the ones you love, there are worlds where
you are together. Is that not enough?
Wanda: No.

However, it should be remembered that it is only a subjective

interpretation and it is impossible to make a personality diagnosis with accuracy

based on a work of fiction and Freud's theory of personality has been

controversial and much criticism has been directed at the lack of strong

empirical evidence to support the theory. Therefore, the interpretation of

Wanda's personality in this film may vary depending on the point of view used.
B. Personality "Wanda" from Freud Theory in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of

Madness is analyzed from a psychoanalytic perspective.

In this finding, the researcher analyses the characteristics of Wanda in the Movie

Script in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

1. Analysis of Wanda's Personality Based on Id

The id is driven by the pleasure principle, which is transformed from all

needs and desires. If this desire is not immediately satisfied or carried out, it will

cause anxiety in that person. It means that id is a person's instinctive thoughts or

desires which if it is not carried out it can cause anxiety. The id consists of the

human soul which contains primitive drives. Primitive impulses are impulses that

exist in humans that want to be done and achieved immediately. The researcher

explained the personality of the Id character of Wanda. Regarding the id nature of

Wanda's personality in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Wanda's

personality is known as a complex figure and has many layers. She is a superhero

who has the ability to control energy and reality.

a. Id in caring

In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Wanda Maximoff is

told as a figure who cares for her family and the people she cares about.

Despite possessing immense strength and can be dangerous, Wanda always

tries to protect those around her and ensure their safety. This can be seen

from how Wanda cared for and protected Vision, and how she struggled to

keep her family alive in an alternate world. Although sometimes his actions

are a bit extreme, his intentions are always good and come from a heart full

of compassion. There is a script below:

Appendix 1.
Wanda: I'm going to leave this reality, and go to one where I can be with
my children.
Wanda: That's what every mother does. If you knew... there was a
universe, where you were happy, wouldn't you wanna go there?

b. Id in strong

In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Wanda displays

immense magical powers and incredible courage. He has also shown the

ability to control time and space, as well as the ability to manipulate the

thoughts and emotions of others. However, with great power comes great

responsibility, and Wanda must learn to control her powers so they are not a

danger to herself and others.

Wanda is known as one of the strongest characters in the Marvel

Cinematic Universe (MCU). In the film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of

Madness, Wanda's power is increasingly seen when she begins to master

magic and understand her true strength. However, her great strength could

also become a threat to the world. Wanda Maximoff's personality can be seen

from the characters she plays in the film. In the film, Wanda is shown to be

strong, soulful, and sometimes impulsive. She also has a dark side that

shows up when she feels lonely or hurt. There is a script below:

Appendix 1.
WANDA: I don't care about the multiverse. All I care about is bringing
my family back.

c. Id in Emotionally Instable

Through Wanda’s id, Wanda has a complex and varied personality.

On the one hand, she is a strong and brave person, but on the other hand she

can also be very vulnerable and emotional. Her ambiguous personality

makes her a very interesting character to follow in the story. There is a script


Appendix 1.

Wanda Maximoff: Oh no is Xochitl Gomez in trouble?!? I'd be totes

happy to help Xochitl Gomez, why not bring Xochitl Gomez right here
and put her in that bubbling cauldron I've prepared next to the cookbook

Doctor Strange: Waaaiiiiit a second.... you're not in my "Names I Wish I

Could Play in Scrabble" group chat, so how did you know...

Wanda Maximoff: UGH OKAY FINE I'M EVIL, this orchard is an

elaborate illusion I made in case visitors dropped by.

d. Id in Manipulative

Wanda's personality in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

is described as manipulative. He often uses his powers to control other

people and situations around him. This is seen when he tries to change the

reality in Westview and control other people's minds. However, she also has

a soft and vulnerable side, especially when dealing with the loss of a loved

one. Appendix 1.

Wanda: I opened the Darkhold. I have to close it. No one will ever
be tempted by the Darkhold again.
Wanda: Hey gang it's me, I've possessed my Earth-838 counterpart
Wanda Wholesome! I'd have gotten here sooner but some rando
Wong stan destroyed my Darkhold, and I had to go find the mystical
mountaintop with the original session tapes.

From the conversation above, in the movie script Doctor Strange in the

Multiverse of Madness, Wanda Maximoff's character has interesting psychoanalytic

personality. Wanda appears to have trouble coping with pain and loss, which may be

related to her past trauma. She also appears to experience an ambivalence between the
desire to control her powers and the fear of her immense strength. It can be interpreted

as a symbol of Wanda's inner conflict which is complex and difficult to understand.

In the psychoanalytic aspect, Wanda's behavior in this film can be interpreted as

an attempt to overcome feelings of trauma and loss. As a powerful superhero, Wanda

often ignores her own feelings and represses her emotions, which then emerge in the

form of extraordinary magical powers. In this film, Wanda shows signs of

depersonalization and dissociation, in which she loses her cognitive reach to reality and

feels detached from herself.

2. Analysis of Wanda's Personality Based on Ego

The ego is the second component that can control the id. The ego is the

component responsible for dealing with reality. According to Sigmund Freud, the

ego develops from the id and ensures that the id's drives can be expressed in ways

that are acceptable in the real world. The ego works based on the reality principle,

which seeks to meet the id's needs in a socially appropriate and realistic way. The

conversation below describes Ego in the character Wanda. Appendix 2.

BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH: Waaaiiiiit a second.... you're not in my

"Names I Wish I Could Play in Scrabble" group chat, so how did you know...
WandaMaximoff: UGH OKAY FINE I'M EVIL, this orchard is an elaborate
illusion I made in case visitors dropped by.
BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH: Oh. So instead of a betrayal of the character
that contradicts your arc from WandaVision, it’s just a hacky copout that renders
your arc from WandaVision basically moot. That’s... worse?
Wanda Maximoff: Whatevs, just bring me Xochitl so I can drain her powers,
killing her, and go to a multiverse where I can be finally reunited with my entire
BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH: What if we help Xochitl control her powers
and then ask nicely? We might even find a multiverse where you died and
Bettany lived, so that
BENNY returns with the less than awesome news.
XOCHITL GOMEZ: Crap, the evil witch who wants to kill me knows exactly
where I am! Oh, if only I were surrounded by dozens of people who could
instantly teleport me anywhere else in the galaxy!

In this section, Wanda's psychoanalytic ego personality are evident,

especially when she is dealing with her past trauma. Wanda has difficulty accepting

the death of Vision, her lover, which occurred in Avengers: Infinity War. She tends

to deny reality and create alternate realities that allow her to live with the Vision.

However, when this alternate reality is threatened with destruction, she begins to

realize that she must accept Vision's death and learn to live with her pain. Apart

from that, Wanda also has difficulty controlling her powerful magic abilities. In

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, she learns to overcome her fears and

learn how to use her powers wisely. Wanda's psychoanalytic ego characteristic

shown how past trauma can influence the way a person understands reality and

overcomes life's difficulties in this movie script. Appendix 2.

However Wanda uses her MAGIC and MMMMIND CONTROL to

MASSACRE almost everyone and CORNER our heroes!
BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH: Shit, she made my Sling Ring vanish! We
REALLY should learn how to do this one spell without needing accessories.
Wait a sec, accessories!
(slaps head)
Why didn't I think of this sooner, I can use my magical whip to teleport Liz to
the Sanctum's escape-proof dungeon...
(handed note)
"Unavailable"?!? The fuck? That was ONE MOVIE AGO. From last
DECEMBER. Holy crap people.
WandaMaximoff: Ha ha, now the Benedicts shall die--no, instant
disintegration's TOO GOOD for you two, I shall KNOCK YOU OUT instead!
Nyah ha ha!

According to psychoanalytic theory, trauma and loss can cause deep internal

conflicts and affect one's personality. In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of

Madness, "Wanda" lost the person she loved the most, and it caused her great pain
and trauma. The character "Wanda" also exhibits symptoms of depression and

anxiety, such as fear, feelings of hopelessness, and excessive worry. In

psychoanalysis, these symptoms are often seen as mental defenses used by a person

to protect himself from uncomfortable feelings. For example, the movie quote "I

know what it's like to lose," suggests that "Wanda" is trying to cover up her feelings

by diverting attention to someone else.

In order to recover from trauma and loss, "Wanda" needs to overcome her

internal conflicts and deal with her feelings in a healthy way. In psychoanalysis, it

often involves re-establishing healthy emotional connections and understanding the

sources of unhealthy feelings. Through analyzing the personality "Wanda" from a

psychoanalytic perspective and excerpts from the film, we can understand more

deeply about the character and how she was able to recover from the trauma and

loss she experienced. In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the character

Wanda has some interesting psychological problems to analyze from a

psychoanalytic perspective.

From a psychoanalytic perspective, Wanda's behavior can be explained by

the theory of psychological conflict between the id, ego, and superego. The id

represents a person's biological instincts, such as desires and desires. The superego

represents the values and social norms that a person learns from her surroundings.

The ego is a mediator between the id and the superego, trying to balance biological

needs and social values.

In Wanda's case, her ego is seen as weak because she feels unable to

overcome the fears of other people. It could be due to the traumatic experience

Wanda had and her strong desire to protect the people she loves. However, id Wanda
is still trying to fulfill her own emotional needs, such as the desire to return someone

who has died.

"Wanda's" ego character can be analyzed from a psychoanalytic perspective.

Wanda, who lost a loved one, expresses her grief by creating a parallel world where

she can live with her loved ones. A quote in the film that describes this situation is

"This is chaos magic, Wanda. And that makes you the Scarlet Witch." Wanda

Maximoff is a superhero who has the ability to control other people's minds.

However, in the film, Wanda shows a tendency to lose control of her powers, and

constantly struggles to control her conflicting "ego" and "id".

In one excerpt from the film's script, Doctor Strange tells Wanda, "Your

power exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme. It's dangerous, Wanda. It's dangerous

to be trapped in your own mind." This quote reflects how Wanda felt trapped in her

own thoughts and unable to control her powers. It shows that Wanda has a major

inner conflict and needs help resolving it.

In the context of psychoanalysis, Wanda's ego character can be seen as a

representation of the human inner conflict between consciousness (ego) and

unconscious (id). Wanda's uncontrollable power represents the uncontrollable id,

while Wanda's attempts to control her power and act wisely represent the ego's

function in maintaining awareness and wisdom.

However, Wanda's inner conflict shows that her ego function is not going

well. In this case, Wanda needs help from someone else, such as Doctor Strange, to

help her deal with her inner conflicts and find balance between her ego and id.

Wanda Maximoff's personality, also known as Scarlet Witch, she undergoes a

significant transformation when she faces grief and trauma. From a psychoanalytic
perspective, Wanda's character can be analyzed through the lens of the ego, which is

responsible for mediating between the id (our primitive impulses) and the superego

(our moral compass). Throughout the film, Wanda's ego is tested as she navigates

the multiverse and confronts her inner demons. The id, represented by its immense

power and desire to control reality, threatens to overpower its sense of self and

morality. Meanwhile, her superego, represented by memories of her past mistakes

and losses, serves as a constant reminder of the consequences of her actions.

Ultimately, Wanda's character's journey in this film revolves around her ability to

internalize her id and superego, and find balance within her ego. Wanda's

personality journey is a powerful study of human psychology and how we deal with

trauma and loss.

3. Analysis of Wanda's Personality Based on Superego

Superego is the aspect of personality that holds all moral internalization

standards and ideals. Superego provides a way to make judgments. Superego acts to

improve our behavior from bad to better. Superego covered the desire in Ego that

causes the bad impact for a person and helped the character to decide and choose the

right choice without causing harm to the people around. Here the superego in Wanda

character. Appendix 2

XOCHITL GOMEZ: That won't hold her long. It's okay, you can take my
power, even though you two won't shut up about how you can't possibly stand
up to Liz without some all-powerful ultraweapon.
BENEDEAD CORPSERBATCH: Don’t you see, Xochitl, you’ve been
subconsciously controlling your powers the whole time! You intentionally
brought us to all the correct universes to connect the story together!
XOCHITL GOMEZ: Um, no, that doesn’t make any sense. I didn’t possess any
of the information necessary to enact that plan, consciously or not.
BENEDEAD CORPSERBATCH: Hm, true. Well then I guess the only
explanation is that your powers include the ability to pick an optimal course of
action by pure dumb luck! So go out there, open a portal at random, and trust
that it’ll happen to resolve the plot for us!
XOCHITL GOMEZ: Yes! Deus ex machina powers for the win!
XOCHITL opens a portal to ELIZABETH WHOLESOME'S HOUSE where the
Wanda Maximoff: Huh, seems my kids DON'T want their Mom to be a crazed
murdering supervillain. Well this kind of fucks my whole plan to shit doesn't it.
(closes portal)
Yay I control my powers now! C'mon Wongers, let's go rescue Cumberbatch and
Rachel from their half-baked romantic subplot before they have to kiss or
(they portal away)
WandaMaximoff: Ah, I'm myself again. Now I seem to remember people being
all pissed off I never faced consequences for WandaVision, so why don't I pull
this whole mountain down on myself, see if that makes them happy.

In this section, Wanda demonstrates the ability to control her thoughts and

emotions well, even though she has experienced a lot of trauma and loss in her life.

He also pays great attention to morality and ethics in his actions, and takes

responsibility for his actions. However, Wanda also exhibits authoritarian streaks at

times, indicating that she may be too hard on herself and those around her.

In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the superego personality

"Wanda" can be analyzed from a psychoanalytic perspective. She experienced

strong feelings of loss and trauma, which prompted him to create a more favorable

alternative reality for himself. However, she eventually realized her mistake and

chose to face reality.

According to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, the superego is the

part of consciousness that is responsible for upholding moral and ethical standards.

Wanda has a very strong superego, which influences her actions in films.

Wanda Maximoff script: Appendix 2

“Ah, I'm myself again. Now I seem to remember people being all pissed off I
never faced consequences for WandaVision, so why don't I pull this whole
mountain down on myself, see if that makes they are happy.”
This script movie shows that Wanda has strong internal strength and is not

dependent on other people to determine her identity. And shows that Wanda still has

not fully accepted the prevailing social norms and is still struggling to find her

identity. However, her strong superego also means that Wanda is very hard on

herself and strives to live up to standards that are difficult to live up to. It is seen

when Wanda struggles to overcome her guilt for her past actions.

On the whole, Wanda's personality in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of

Madness is heavily influenced by a strong superego. While it gives him great

internal strength, it also makes him very hard on himself and struggles to reach

difficult standards.

The superego character "Wanda" is experiencing a major internal conflict.

From a psychoanalytic perspective, this conflict can be explained by the theory of

personality structure which consists of the id, ego, and superego. The superego is the

part of personality that controls individual behavior based on the moral and social

norms accepted by society.

Wanda has a strong dependence on her magical powers, which leads to

impulsive and uncontrollable behavior. It shows that the superego is not fully

developed and is not yet able to control the desires of the id.

In its development, Wanda finds the strength to control herself and accept the

limitations that exist. It shows that her superego begins to develop and is able to

control her impulsive behavior.

From this analysis, it can be concluded that the superego character "Wanda"

in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness experiences internal conflicts

related to self-control and acceptance of social norms. Through her development in

the film, Wanda begins to be able to control her impulsive behavior and accept the

limitations that exist.

Wanda shows signs of intense internal conflict, especially in relation to her

magical powers. As the character Doctor Strange explains in the film, "power

requires sacrifice, and Wanda wasn't ready for that". It indicates that Wanda may

have difficulty accepting the responsibility attached to her powers and may feel

unprepared to deal with the consequences of using them.

This quote shows that the character Wanda has a clear view of what is right

and wrong, and is responsible for taking the right actions to improve a world that is

not ideal. This quote shows Wanda's determination to master her new power, while

also expressing her confusion about it. In psychoanalysis, it can be interpreted as an

ongoing struggle between the id and ego. Although Wanda has strong wants and

needs (id), she is also trying to find balance and control over herself (ego).

The psychoanalytic superego character from "Wanda" in Doctor Strange in

the Multiverse of Madness can be analyzed through various points of view. As a

very powerful and influential witch, Wanda has great power but also has underlying

emotional instability due to the loss she has experienced.

Within the context of the film, Wanda is also portrayed as a character

struggling with guilt and past trauma, which affect her decisions and actions in the

story. Further analysis of Wanda's character could provide interesting insight into the

psychology and dynamics of the character in the film.

C. Discussion

The film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness features the character

Wanda Maximoff or better known as Scarlet Witch in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
In this film, Wanda experiences feelings of anxiety and sadness that make it difficult for

her to distinguish between reality and imagination. It is caused by the influence of the

magic power it has. This situation is interesting to examine from a psychoanalytic


According to Freud's theory of personality structure, personality is divided into

three parts, namely the Id, Ego, and Superego. In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of

Madness, Wanda Maximoff has a strong Id because she does things impulsively without

considering the possible consequences, for example when she manipulates reality to

create an alternate world with Vision. Her ego shows as she struggles to find a way out

of a tricky situation and maintains control over her powers. She also exhibits the

Superego by trying to take responsibility for her actions and correct her mistakes.

However, it should be remembered that it is only a subjective interpretation and

it is impossible to make a personality diagnosis with accuracy based on a work of

fiction and Freud's theory of personality has been controversial and much criticism has

been directed at the lack of strong empirical evidence to support the theory. Therefore,

the interpretation of Wanda's personality in this film may vary depending on the point of

view used.

According to psychoanalytic theory, humans have consciousness and are

unconscious. One way to understand the unconscious mind is to analyze dreams. In this

film, Wanda often has dreams that make her confused between reality and imagination.

It suggests that Wanda is in an unstable psychological state. In addition, the concepts of

"ego" and "id" in psychoanalytic theory can also be applied to the character Wanda. The

ego is that part of human consciousness which is responsible for regulating behavior
and adjusting to reality. Meanwhile, the id is part of the unconscious mind that controls

basic human impulses such as sex and aggression. Wanda has difficulty distinguishing

between the ego and the id, which influences her behavior and decisions.

In the film, Wanda is also presented as a character who is traumatized by the loss

of a loved one. It reflects the concept of "melancholic sadness" in psychoanalytic theory.

Melancholic sadness is a state in which a person feels that she has lost the object of her

love and feels guilty towards that object. In Wanda's case, losing Vision left her feeling

sad and guilty that she couldn't save Vision.

From various psychoanalytic perspectives, the character of Wanda in Doctor

Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is interesting to study. The influence of magic

power on Wanda became a factor affecting her psychological state. Further study of this

character can help us understand how trauma and witchcraft can affect a person's mental


In conclusion, the character of Wanda in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of

Madness can be analyzed from a psychoanalytic perspective with reference to the

psychological conflict between the id, ego, and superego. Movie quotes can also be used

to support this analysis and provide insight into Wanda's feelings and behavior.



A. Conclusion

After conducting a psychoanalytic study of the character Wanda in Doctor

Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, it can be concluded that Wanda has complex and

sometimes conflicting psychological traits. She shows signs of past trauma and loss

which causes him to feel alienated and lonely. However, she also has extraordinary

powers and abilities that can be used to perform extraordinary acts.

Within the context of the film, the character of Wanda presents many

opportunities to see how complex psychological traits can affect a person's behavior. By

taking a closer look at these traits, we can learn more about how past traumas and life

experiences can shape a person.

In conclusion, the character of Wanda in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of

Madness can be analyzed from a psychoanalytic perspective with reference to the

psychological conflict between the id, ego, and superego. Script movie is used to

support this analysis and provide insight into Wanda's feelings and behavior.

B. Suggestions

Research on Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is still limited to the

personality of Wanda and the character's psychological conflicts. Therefore, it is

suggested that further research can be conducted on Wanda using a literary psychology

approach regarding the personality of all the characters in the film. The complex issues

in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness allow a research using sociological

approach literature, structuralism approach, pragmatic approach and relevant

As a suggestion, it is important for the audience to develop a better

understanding of the character's, personality and life experiences. In addition, this film

can provide an opportunity for viewers to consider the importance of social support and

mental health in everyday life. This research can also be used as material for developing

literary theory and literary discourse analysis. This research can also provide readers

with knowledge about the personality of the main character and the psychological

conflicts of the main character Wanda in the film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of


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Appendix 1

Data Analysis of Personality “Wanda” in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of


No. Movie Script

1. Well, I knew sooner or later you'd... show up, wanting to discuss what

happened at WestView. I made mistakes, and people were hurt.

2. I'm going to leave this reality, and go to one where I can be with my children.

3. That's what every mother does. If you knew... there was a universe, where you

were happy, wouldn't you wanna go there?

4. Wanda: I blew a hole through the head of the man I loved... and it meant

nothing. Do not speak to me of sacrifice, Stephen Strange. If you give me

what I want... I'll send you to a world where you can be with Christine.

5. For Billy and Tommy. To protect them. What if they get sick? In the infinite

Multiverse, there's a cure for every illness. A solution to every problem. I

won't lose them again.

6. UGH OKAY FINE I'M EVIL, this orchard is an elaborate illusion I made in

case visitors dropped by.



8. Wanda: I opened the Darkhold. I have to close it. No one will ever be tempted

by the Darkhold again.

9. Right let's kick things off by magically erasing Anson's mouth, a

tactic which would really help defeat all of you but I like each of my murders

to be a little special, you know?

10. Hey gang it's me, I've possessed my Earth-838 counterpart Elizabeth
Wholesome! I'd have gotten here sooner but some rando
Wong stan destroyed my Darkhold, and I had to go find the mystical
mountaintop with the original session tapes

11. Huh, seems my kids DON'T want their Mom to be a crazed murdering
supervillain. Well this kind of fucks my whole plan to shit doesn't it. Oops.
Appendix 2

Psychoanalytic of "Wanda's" personality data based on Freud's theory in the

movie script Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

No. Script Findings Pag Id Ego Superego

1. UGH OKAY FINE I'M EVIL, this 5 √

orchard is an elaborate illusion I made

in case visitors dropped by.





3. "I need your help. I don't know what to 7 √


4. Oh no is Xochitl Gomez in trouble?!? 4 √

I'd be totes happy to help Xochitl

Gomez, why not bring Xochitl Gomez

right here and put her in that bubbling

cauldron I've prepared next to the

cookbook titled "TO SERVE XOCHITL


5. “We addressed this in the movie, what if 16 √

the kids get sick and the

cure exists in some other multiverse? Or

what if the wifi goes out

during the third period of the Stanley

Cup finals and we need to find a

multiverse where it didn't? What if I

forget to pick up fiber pills and... well

you get the idea. It's just WAY more

convenient if I have the power myself.”

(throws Xochitl on evil altar)



6. "She's more powerful than the Sorcerer √

Supreme. She's a being of pure,

untamed power."

7. "Whatevs, just bring me Xochitl so I 5 √

can drain her powers, kill her, and go to

a multiverse where I can be finally

reunited with my entire family!"

8. “Ah, I'm myself again. Now I seem to 20 √

remember people being all

pissed off I never faced consequences

for WandaVision, so why don't I pull

this whole mountain down on myself,

see if that makes

they are happy.”

9. I've been trying to be someone I'm not. √

But here, I'm Wanda. I'm home."

10. “Right let's kick things off by magically √

erasing Anson's mouth, a

tactic which would really help defeat all

of you but I like each of my murders to

be a little special, you know?”

11. Ha ha, now the Benedicts shall die--no, 7 √

instant disintegration's TOO

GOOD for you two, I shall KNOCK

YOU OUT instead! Nyah ha ha!

12. Hey gang it's me, I've possessed my 11 √

Earth-838 counterpart Elizabeth

Wholesome! I'd have gotten here sooner

but some rando

Wong stan destroyed my Darkhold, and

I had to go find the mystical

mountaintop with the original session


13. Right let's kick things off by magically 11 √

erasing Anson's mouth, a tactic which

would really help defeat all of you but I

like each of my murders to be a little

special, y'know?

14. All right fine, I’ll brawl with you 12 √

instead of instantly making your head

explode I guess.

15. Wow, let's hope that "totally drain 13 √

opponent's powers" spell isn't

something that would instantly get me

out of any future jam, or past

one! In fact, what spell?

16. Huh, seems my kids DON'T want their 20 √

Mom to be a crazed murdering

supervillain. Well this kind of fucks my

whole plan to shit doesn't it. Oops.

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