Sample Workout Template

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Sample Workout Template

💡 Bear in mind, “Sprint Cheat Codes” is not intended to be a full workout


Instead, the objective is to help you find you weak points using the
“Technique Checklist”, and then find which exercises you should do to
address them using the “Exercise Cheat-Sheet” and “Flow Chart”.

I was created this way because majority of you reading this are already on
teams where you have program provided, so we put our focus on helping you
enhance your existing programs in the easiest and fastest way possible.

That being said, this template will help you put together a full workout if you

Sample Workout Template 1

📊 Sample Workout Template

{ warm up }
Jogging 5 mins
5 Dynamic Stretches
4 Basic Drills (a step, a skips, etc)
4 Strideouts : 30m sprint @ 60% effort, 20m sprint @70 effort, 10m sprint
@80 effort, 10m sprint @90 effort

{ Technical Work }

2-3 drills to address weak points (use exercise cheat-sheet)

{ Sprint Work }
10m flyes with a 10m-run: 3 sets, 3 sprints ea set, 1.5 min rest btw rep, 3min
rest btw set
10m accerelations from start of your choice: 3 sets, 3 sprints ea set, 1.5 min
rest btw rep, 3min rest btw set

20m accerelations from start of your choice: 2 sets, 2 sprints ea set, 1.5 min
rest btw rep, 3min rest btw set

{ Plyometric Work }
Counter movement jumps: 5 reps, 3 sets, no rest btw reps, 2min rest betw

Tuck Jumps: 5 reps, 3 sets, no rest btw reps, 2min rest betw sets

{ Cool Down }

Sample Workout Template 2

Walk around the track or field 2x to promote removal of lactic acid
Pick 5 areas of your body to stretch

Pick 2 areas for deep tissue work w/ lacross ball

✏ Final Note

Please note, this is a sample workout template and requires you to modify it
according to your needs. Our program will help you do that, so please make
sure to watch the videos and follow instructions.

Sample Workout Template 3

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