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Diocese of Imus Catholic Educational System, Inc.

Saint Augustine School
Sta. Cruz St., Poblacion I, Tanza, Cavite, Philippines 4108
Tel. No.: (046) 437-0554 | (046) 454-8483
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Name: ___________________________________ Teacher: Miss Rexelle C. Alaman

Grade/Year & Section: ______________________ Subject: VECLE 4 Quarter: Fourth
Module: 2 Date: ______________________
Please check the box for the type of activity:
Concept Notes Illustrations/Examples Seat work Written Work
Quiz Performance Task Meaning-making Activity Others:_________________
Activity Title: The Bible: Old Testament
Learning Target/Competency: 1. Recall the two major parts of the Bible. 2. Familiarize themselves with the
different abbreviations of the different books in the Old Testament and New Testament.
Page(s) No.:

Concept Notes:

The Bible is the sacred scriptures of Christianity. The Christian bible consists of the Old Testament
and New Testament.


 The Old Testament explains the history of the creation of the World, the exodus of Israelites, and the
Ten Commandments given to Moses by God.
 Old Testament is the first division of the Christian Bible.
 It was written in Hebrew.

The use of abbreviations for the different books of the Bible can help us to find a passage or a verse
more easily and communicate more efficiently about the Word of God.


Biblical Book Name Abbreviations
Genesis Gen, Ge, Gn
Exodus Exod, Ex
Leviticus Lev, Lv, Le
Numbers Num, Nm, Nu
Deuteronomy Deut, Dt, De, Du
Joshua Josh, Jos, Jo
Judges Judg, Jdg, Jgs
Ruth Ruth, Ru
1,2 Samuel 1, 2 Sam, Sm, Sa
1,2 Kings 1, 2Kgs, Kg, Ki
1,2 Chronicles 1, 2 Chr, Chron, Ch
Job Job, Jb
Psalms Ps
Proverbs Prov, Prv, Pr
Ezra Ezr
Nehemiah Neh
Tobit Tb
Judith Jdt
Esther Est
1,2 Maccabees 1,2 Mc
Ecclesiastes Eccl
Song of Songs Sg
Wisdom Wis
Sirach Sir
Isaiah Is
Jeremiah Jer
Lamentations Lam
Baruch Bar
Ezekiel Ez
Daniel Dn
Hosea Hos
Joel Jl
Amos Am
Obadiah Ob
Jonah Jon
Micah Mi
Nahum Na
Habakkuk Hb
Zephaniah Zep
Haggai Hg
Zechariah Zec
Malachi Mal


 The New Testament focuses more on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the Christian church.
 The New Testament is the second major division of the Chrstian Bible.
 It was written in Greek.
 The word “gospel” (euangelion in Greek) means “good news”.
 The New Testament gospels tell the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection and proclaim the
good news of God’s victory over the powers of sin and death.
 The four gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Although the four gospels all tell the story
of Jesus, each does so in a distinctive way, emphasizing particular aspects of Jesus’ identity and


Biblical Book Name Abbreviations
Matthew Matt, Mat, Mt
Mark Mark, Mar, Mk
Luke Luke, Lk, Lu
John John, Jn, Jo
Romans Rom, Rm, Ro
1, 2 Corinthians 1,2 Cor, Co, C
Galatians Gal, Ga
Ephesians Eph, Ep
Philippians Phil, Php
Colossians Col, Co
1,2 Timothy Tim, Tm, Ti, T
Hebrews Heb, He
1,2 Peter 1, 2 Pet, Pt, P
Jude Jude, Ju
Acts of the Apostles Acts
1,2,3 John 1,2,3 Jn
1,2 Thessalonians 1, 2 Thes
Titus Ti
Philemon Phlm
James Jas
Revelation Rv

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